236 research outputs found

    Flexible and robust control of heavy duty diesel engine airpath using data driven disturbance observers and GPR models

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    Diesel engine airpath control is crucial for modern engine development due to increasingly stringent emission regulations. This thesis aims to develop and validate a exible and robust control approach to this problem for speci cally heavy-duty engines. It focuses on estimation and control algorithms that are implementable to the current and next generation commercial electronic control units (ECU). To this end, targeting the control units in service, a data driven disturbance observer (DOB) is developed and applied for mass air ow (MAF) and manifold absolute pressure (MAP) tracking control via exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve and variable geometry turbine (VGT) vane. Its performance bene ts are demonstrated on the physical engine model for concept evaluation. The proposed DOB integrated with a discrete-time sliding mode controller is applied to the serial level engine control unit. Real engine performance is validated with the legal emission test cycle (WHTC - World Harmonized Transient Cycle) for heavy-duty engines and comparison with a commercially available controller is performed, and far better tracking results are obtained. Further studies are conducted in order to utilize capabilities of the next generation control units. Gaussian process regression (GPR) models are popular in automotive industry especially for emissions modeling but have not found widespread applications in airpath control yet. This thesis presents a GPR modeling of diesel engine airpath components as well as controller designs and their applications based on the developed models. Proposed GPR based feedforward and feedback controllers are validated with available physical engine models and the results have been very promisin

    Optimal air and fuel-path control of a diesel engine

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    The work reported in this thesis explores innovative control structures and controller design for a heavy duty Caterpillar C6.6 diesel engine. The aim of the work is not only to demonstrate the optimisation of engine performance in terms of fuel consumption, NOx and soot emissions, but also to explore ways to reduce lengthy calibration time and its associated high costs. The test engine is equipped with high pressure exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and a variable geometry turbocharger (VGT). Consequently, there are two principal inputs in the air-path: EGR valve position and VGT vane position. The fuel injection system is common rail, with injectors electrically actuated and includes a multi-pulse injection mode. With two-pulse injection mode, there are as many as five control variables in the fuel-path needing to be adjusted for different engine operating conditions. [Continues.

    Integrated Data Acquisition for State-of-the-Art Large-Bore Engine Test Cell

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    Abstract: Internal combustion engines will have an important role on a road to decarbonization and a sustainable powertrain system in the maritime sector. Electrification of the maritime sector is currently difficult due to its excessive energy density demand. Therefore, internal combustion engines will remain a primary power source for ships in the near future. A novel combustion concept, reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI), can be seen as one of the promising combustion technologies that enables simultaneous ultra-low NOx and soot emissions, as well as high thermal efficiency. Although the concept has been developed for a long time, its feasibility for large-bore engine applications has not been publicly demonstrated. The goal of this thesis was to design and implement a new data acquisition system for the large-bore RCCI test bench in University of Vaasa’s VEBIC engine laboratory, as part of the Clean Propulsion Technologies (CPT) project’s work package 3, novel combustion and advanced aftertreatment. The test bench was instrumented with new sensors, analyzers and data acquisition hardware. Devices required to build the system were acquired and device installations, as well as electrical connections were established and supervised. Additionally, data storing workflow, suitable for the new system, was developed. In order to validate the system performance, a partial system test was carried out due to the inability to start up the engine during the thesis. The results from the partial system test proved that the new data acquisition system is able to measure high sampling frequency signals and record them in reference to crank angle. The system that was designed and implemented in the thesis provided several improvements when compared to the previous system. The number of available high sample frequency channels increased from 8 to 16 and the system provides more flexible real-time post-processing capabilities. The upgraded system also provides a significant improvement in integration, as the high-speed and low-speed measurements can be recorded into a single file. In addition to immediate system improvements, the new system is able to expand according to future requirements of the test bench.Tiivistelmä: Polttomoottoreilla tulee olemaan tärkeä rooli hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämisessä ja kestävän voimansiirtojärjestelmän toteuttamisessa merenkulkualalla. Merenkulkualan sähköistäminen on nykyisellään hankalaa valtavan energiantarpeen vuoksi. Sen vuoksi polttomoottorit tulevat pysymään lähitulevaisuudessakin laivojen tärkeimpänä voimanlähteenä. Uutta palamismenetelmää, reaktiivisuudella hallittua puristussytytystä (RCCI), voidaan pitää yhtenä lupaavista polttomoottoriteknologioista, jonka avulla voidaan samanaikaisesti saavuttaa erittäin alhaiset typen oksidi- ja hiukkaspäästöt, sekä korkea hyötysuhde. Vaikka konseptia on kehitetty pitkään, soveltuvuutta isosylinterisissä moottoreissa ei ole osoitettu julkisesti. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa uusi tiedonkeruujärjestelmä isosylinteriseen RCCI -testipenkkiin Vaasan yliopiston VEBIC moottorilaboratoriossa osana Clean Propulsion Technologies (CPT) -projektin työpakettia 3. Testipenkki instrumentoitiin uusilla antureilla, analysaattoreilla ja tiedonkeruulaitteilla. Järjestelmän rakentamiseen tarvittavat laitteet hankittiin ja laiteasennukset sekä sähköliitännät toteutettiin. Lisäksi mahdollistettiin uuteen järjestelmään soveltuva tiedon tallennusprosessi. Järjestelmän suorituskyvyn arvioimiseksi suoritettiin osittainen järjestelmätesti, koska moottoria ei ollut mahdollista käynnistää vielä opinnäytetyön aikana. Osittaisen järjestelmätestin tulokset osoittivat, että uusi tiedonkeruujärjestelmä kykenee mittaamaan korkealla näytteenottotaajuudella ja tallentamaan mittaukset kampiakselin asennon suhteen. Opinnäytetyössä suunniteltu ja toteutettu järjestelmä tarjosi useita parannuksia edelliseen järjestelmään verrattuna. Käytettävissä olevien korkean näytteenottotaajuuden kanavien lukumäärä kasvoi 8:sta 16:een ja järjestelmä tarjoaa joustavamman reaaliaikaisen tiedon jälkikäsittelyn. Päivitetty järjestelmä tarjoaa myös merkittävän parannuksen datan integroimiseen, koska nopeat ja hitaat mittaukset voidaan tallentaa samaan tiedostoon. Välittömien järjestelmän parannusten lisäksi uusi järjestelmä kykenee mukautumaan tulevaisuuden tarpeiden mukaan

    Automotive Powertrain Control — A Survey

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    This paper surveys recent and historical publications on automotive powertrain control. Control-oriented models of gasoline and diesel engines and their aftertreatment systems are reviewed, and challenging control problems for conventional engines, hybrid vehicles and fuel cell powertrains are discussed. Fundamentals are revisited and advancements are highlighted. A comprehensive list of references is provided.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72023/1/j.1934-6093.2006.tb00275.x.pd

    Reactivity controlled compression ignition engine: Pathways towards commercial viability

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    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This manuscript is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).Reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) is a promising energy conversion strategy to increase fuel efficiency and reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) and soot emissions through improved in-cylinder combustion process. Considering the significant amount of conducted research and development on RCCI concept, the majority of the work has been performed under steady-state conditions. However, most thermal propulsion systems in transportation applications require operation under transient conditions. In the RCCI concept, it is crucial to investigate transient behavior over entire load conditions in order to minimize the engine-out emissions and meet new real driving emissions (RDE) legislation. This would help further close the gap between steady-state and transient operation in order to implement the RCCI concept into mass production. This work provides a comprehensive review of the performance and emissions analyses of the RCCI engines with the consideration of transient effects and vehicular applications. For this purpose, various simulation and experimental studies have been reviewed implementing different control strategies like control-oriented models particularly in dual-mode operating conditions. In addition, the application of the RCCI strategy in hybrid electric vehicle platforms using renewable fuels is also discussed. The discussion of the present review paper provides important insights for future research on the RCCI concept as a commercially viable energy conversion strategy for automotive applications.Peer reviewe

    Microgrid optimization, modelling and control

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    2014 Fall.To view the abstract, please see the full text of the document

    Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Ethanol Fueled HCCI Engine

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    Presently, the research on the homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engines has gained importance in the field of automotive power applications due to its superior efficiency and low emissions compared to the conventional internal combustion (IC) engines. In principle, the HCCI uses premixed lean homogeneous charge that auto-ignites volumetrically throughout the cylinder. The homogeneous mixture preparation is the main key to achieve high fuel economy and low exhaust emissions from the HCCI engines. In the recent past, different techniques to prepare homogeneous mixture have been explored. The major problem associated with the HCCI is to control the auto-ignition over wide range of engine operating conditions. The control strategies for the HCCI engines were also explored. This dissertation investigates the utilization of ethanol, a potential major contributor to the fuel economy of the future. Port fuel injection (PFI) strategy was used to prepare the homogeneous mixture external to the engine cylinder in a constant speed, single cylinder, four stroke air cooled engine which was operated on HCCI mode. Seven modules of work have been proposed and carried out in this research work to establish the results of using ethanol as a potential fuel in the HCCI engine. Ethanol has a low Cetane number and thus it cannot be auto-ignited easily. Therefore, intake air preheating was used to achieve auto-ignition temperatures. In the first module of work, the ethanol fueled HCCI engine was thermodynamically analysed to determine the operating domain. The minimum intake air temperature requirement to achieve auto-ignition and stable HCCI combustion was found to be 130 °C. Whereas, the knock limit of the engine limited the maximum intake air temperature of 170 °C. Therefore, the intake air temperature range was fixed between 130-170 °C for the ethanol fueled HCCI operation. In the second module of work, experiments were conducted with the variation of intake air temperature from 130-170 °C at a regular interval of 10 °C. It was found that, the increase in the intake air temperature advanced the combustion phase and decreased the exhaust gas temperature. At 170 °C, the maximum combustion efficiency and thermal efficiency were found to be 98.2% and 43% respectively. The NO emission and smoke emissionswere found to be below 11 ppm and 0.1% respectively throughout this study. From these results of high efficiency and low emissions from the HCCI engine, the following were determined using TOPSIS method. They are (i) choosing the best operating condition, and (ii) which input parameter has the greater influence on the HCCI output. In the third module of work, TOPSIS - a multi-criteria decision making technique was used to evaluate the optimum operating conditions. The optimal HCCI operating condition was found at 70% load and 170 °C charge temperature. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) test results revealed that, the charge temperature would be the most significant parameter followed by the engine load. The percentage contribution of charge temperature and load were63.04% and 27.89% respectively. In the fourth module of work, the GRNN algorithm was used to predict the output parameters of the HCCI engine. The network was trained, validated, and tested with the experimental data sets. Initially, the network was trained with the 60% of the experimental data sets. Further, the validation and testing of the network was done with each 20% data sets. The validation results predicted that, the output parameters those lie within 2% error. The results also showed that, the GRNN models would be advantageous for network simplicity and require less sparse data. The developed new tool efficiently predicted the relation between the input and output parameters. In the fifth module of work, the EGR was used to control the HCCI combustion. An optimum of 5% EGR was found to be optimum, further increase in the EGR caused increase in the hydrocarbon (HC) emissions. The maximum brake thermal efficiency of 45% was found for 170 °C charge temperature at 80% engine load. The NO emission and smoke emission were found to be below 10 ppm and 0.61% respectively. In the sixth module of work, a hybrid GRNN-PSO model was developed to optimize the ethanol-fueled HCCI engine based on the output performance and emission parameters. The GRNN network interpretive of the probability estimate such that it can predict the performance and emission parameters of HCCI engine within the range of input parameters. Since GRNN cannot optimize the solution, and hence swarm based adaptive mechanism was hybridized. A new fitness function was developed by considering the six engine output parameters. For the developed fitness function, constrained optimization criteria were implemented in four cases. The optimum HCCI engine operating conditions for the general criteria were found to be 170 °C charge temperature, 72% engine load, and 4% EGR. This model consumed about 60-75 ms for the HCCI engine optimization. In the last module of work, an external fuel vaporizer was used to prepare the ethanol fuel vapour and admitted into the HCCI engine. The maximum brake thermal efficiency of 46% was found for 170 °C charge temperature at 80% engine load. The NO emission and smoke emission were found to be below 5 ppm and 0.45% respectively. Overall, it is concluded that, the HCCI combustion of sole ethanol fuel is possible with the charge heating only. The high load limit of HCCI can be extended with ethanol fuel. High thermal efficiency and low emissions were possible with ethanol fueled HCCI to meet the current demand

    Advanced Diagnostics, Control and Testing of Diesel Low Temperature Combustion

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    The conventional high temperature diesel combustion is constrained by the classical NOx-soot trade-off, so that any technique to reduce one emission generally increases the other. The simultaneous low NOx and soot can be achieved by lowering the combustion temperature and by preparing a cylinder charge of high homogeneity. However, the lowered combustion temperature may significantly reduce the fuel efficiency of such combustion cycles. Therefore, the overall objective of this work was to conduct a detailed analysis of the diesel LTC cycles that result in simultaneous low NOx and low soot, and to improve the LTC performance through advanced diagnostics and combustion control strategies. The empirical and analytical analyses in this dissertation provide an in-depth understanding of diesel LTC and present an effective strategy for navigating the narrow LTC corridors. The in-cylinder gas sampling tests culminated with the identification of an LTC NOx mechanism whereby the NOx reduction in the presence of combustibles was quantified on a crank angle-resolved basis. The intake gas treatment through catalytic oxidation and fuel reforming of EGR stabilized the LTC cycles. Novel flow management strategies were applied to improve the thermal response and the energy efficiency of the reforming operation. Adaptive combustion control techniques were developed to improve the fuel efficiency of the LTC cycles and to enable navigation within the narrow LTC corridors. A computationally efficient `Pressure Departure Ratio\u27 algorithm for estimating the combustion phasing in real-time was proposed along with a methodology for engine load management within-the-same-cycle, and were shown to improve the LTC operational stability. The detailed EGR analysis helped to develop a systematic LTC control strategy by quantifying the effects of intake charge dilution and boost pressure on the LTC performance metrics. Based on the empirical and analytical analyses, the load management and efficiency improvements of the LTC cycles were demonstrated with three different fuelling strategies as follows: (1) Single-injection LTC with heavy EGR at low loads, (2) Multi-shot LTC (early HCCI) with moderate EGR for mid-load operation, and (3) Split burning LTC for higher engine loads with DPF-tolerant soot

    Identification of acoustic emission sources in machinery; application to injection/combustion processes in diesel engines

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    The high temporal resolution of Acoustic Emission offers great promise in the on-line monitoring of complex machines such as diesel engines. The fuel injection process is one of the most important processes in the diesel engine and its timing and fuel delivery control are critical in combustion efficiency. In this work, the phenomena leading to the generation of acoustic emission during injection are investigated by simulation of the injection process in a specially designed rig and through test in running engines on a test-bed. Signal processing approaches are devised to produce diagnostic indicators for the quality of the injection process. The novelty of the research lies in; 1) obtaining a coherent set of data which allows the separation of the part of the signal associated with injection in a given cylinder from other sources adjacent in time and space, and 2) in developing a signal processing approach which allows this separation to be achieved on line using an array of sensors. As such, the research is generic to multi-source multi-sensor analysis in machines. A series of experiments were performed on an experimental injector rig, and two-stroke and four-stroke diesel engines under different operating conditions. The injector rig experiments provided useful information on the characteristic signatures of the injection events, finding which could be implemented to the more complex signal from the running engines. A number of sensor arrays (sets of two and three sensors) were used on two types of four-stroke engine at different running speeds to investigate the source identification of the injection events, the essential strategy being to add complexity to the information in the AE record by using engines of varying degrees of mechanical sophistication. It has been concluded that the AE signals are generated by the mechanical movements of the components in the pump and injector as well as aspects of the fuel flow through the injector and the piping. Also, it is found that the temporal structure of the AE is highly sensitive to sensor position, and that transmission path differences to a sensor array are generally large enough to allow source separation. Applying a purpose-designed thresholding technique, followed by canonical correlation allows the separate identification of parts of the AE signal in the short crank angle widow where sources involved in injection, inlet valve opening and combustion are operating