131 research outputs found


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    Problems of creating of the algorithm and software for the simulation of some metal forming processes are considered. The results obtained in the simulation of the flow pattern of metal for processes of forging and stamping flat workpieces are represented.Rozpatrzono problem opracowania algorytmu i oprogramowania dla modelowania pewnych procesów obróbki metali pod ciśnieniem. Przedstawiono wyniki otrzymane przy modelowaniu przepływu metali w procesach kucia i wybijania płaskich detali


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    This article provides information about the software package DEFORM 2D/3D, used for the simulation of metal forming processes. Describes the various models developed by this program.Artykuł zawiera informacje o pakiecie oprogramowania DEFORM 2D/3D wykorzystywanego do modelowania procesów obróbki ciśnieniowej metali. Opisano realizacje modeli opracowanych z pomocą tego pakietu

    New Combined Technology of Deformation “Rolling-Equal Channel Angular Pressing”, Allowing to Obtain Metals and Alloys with Sub-Ultra-fine-Grained Structure

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    In this chapter, results of theoretical and laboratory research of combined process “rolling-pressing” using equal-channel step matrix are described. In theoretical studies, the empirical dependences for determining forces of rolling, extrusion, and back pressure in the matrix have been obtained. A program was compiled for finding the optimal value of the angle of intersection of channels in the matrix. In the study of kinematic parameters of the process were obtained formulas for determining diameters of the rolls, the values of which would provide the best capture angle of the workpiece. During computer simulation, the parameters of stress-strain state, temperature distribution, and the influence of the tilting of the workpiece on the process parameters were studied. In the laboratory experiment, the effect of the new combined deformation process “rolling-pressing” on the evolution of microstructure of copper was studied

    Recycling of stainless steel bar scrap by radial-shear rolling to obtain a gradient ultrafine-grained structure

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    The paper presents the results of the conducted experiments confirmed not only the possibility of processing bar scrap from stainless metals to produce a marketable product, but also confirmed the possibility of obtaining highquality bars with a gradient fine-grained structure and an increased level of mechanical properties. In the course of the research conducted on deformed bar scrap in the form of pins from 12X18N9T austenitic stainless steel at the radial-shear rolling mill the microstructure of two different types was obtained: on the periphery - equiaxed ultrafine- grained structure with a grain size of 0,4 – 0,6 μm; in the axial zone - oriented striped texture. This discrepancy in the structure of the peripheral and axial zones, together with the results of microhardness measuring across the cross section of samples with a total degree of deformation of 44,4 %, indicates the gradient nature of the formed microstructure

    Strain state and microstructure evolution of AISI-316 austenitic stainless steel during high-pressure torsion (HPT) process in the new stamp design

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    The investigation of strain state and microstructure evolution of AISI-316 austenitic stainless steel during highpressure torsion process in the new stamp design was performed. The study using Deform-3D program was conducted. The deformation was carried out at ambient temperature. The results of strain state study showed that after 4 passes the processed workpiece is obtained the level of equivalent strain more than 5. But the distribution of strain has a gradient view in the cross section. The simulation results of the microstructure evolution showed that after 4 passes of deformation the initial grain size of 12 μm can be reduced up to 0,8 μm. But the distribution of grain size in the cross section also has a non - uniform gradient view

    Recycling of stainless steel bar scrap by radial-shear rolling to obtain a gradient ultrafine-grained structure

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    The paper presents the results of the conducted experiments confirmed not only the possibility of processing bar scrap from stainless metals to produce a marketable product, but also confirmed the possibility of obtaining highquality bars with a gradient fine-grained structure and an increased level of mechanical properties. In the course of the research conducted on deformed bar scrap in the form of pins from 12X18N9T austenitic stainless steel at the radial-shear rolling mill the microstructure of two different types was obtained: on the periphery - equiaxed ultrafine- grained structure with a grain size of 0,4 – 0,6 μm; in the axial zone - oriented striped texture. This discrepancy in the structure of the peripheral and axial zones, together with the results of microhardness measuring across the cross section of samples with a total degree of deformation of 44,4 %, indicates the gradient nature of the formed microstructure

    Strain state and microstructure evolution of AISI-316 austenitic stainless steel during high-pressure torsion (HPT) process in the new stamp design

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    The investigation of strain state and microstructure evolution of AISI-316 austenitic stainless steel during highpressure torsion process in the new stamp design was performed. The study using Deform-3D program was conducted. The deformation was carried out at ambient temperature. The results of strain state study showed that after 4 passes the processed workpiece is obtained the level of equivalent strain more than 5. But the distribution of strain has a gradient view in the cross section. The simulation results of the microstructure evolution showed that after 4 passes of deformation the initial grain size of 12 μm can be reduced up to 0,8 μm. But the distribution of grain size in the cross section also has a non - uniform gradient view

    Wear of 16MnCrS5 steel surface layers in the pulsing contact loads

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    Approaches to actualizing the use of modern alloy steels that are in demand in the Eurasian technological space are proposed. According to the criterion of resistance to contact fatigue, quantitative indicators of wear of the surfacehardened layers of steel 16MnCrS5 were revealed. With the contact stress amplitude up to 950 MPa, the composite material of carbonized and nitrocemented layers is characterized by a period of high resistance with minimal manifestations of structural hardening by the mechanism of softening of the material. The obtained composite material with carbonized and nitrocemented layers is characterized by a period of high resistance up to 15 000 cycles