46 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a function block-based holonic control architecture for a new generation flexible manufacturing system

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    In this research work a control architecture which gives response to the requirements of new generation of flexible manufacturing systems in terms of flexibility, reconfigurability, robustness and autonomy is designed and implemented. To do so the main principles of the Holonic Manufacturing paradigm are applied using the IEC61499 function block (FB) technology. Unlike other similar research proposals, in this work FBs are not relegated to low-level control but are used to model manufacturing execution and control high-level control tasks. This is done with the objective of evaluating the viability of using FBs to develop holonic architectures in comparison to more established technologies like multi-agent systems. Moreover, the proposed control architecture also focuses on better integrating and exploiting the products’ information to enhance its flexibility and adaptability. For this STEP-NC (ISO14649) is used to model richer process plans which include manufacturing alternatives and could be easily integrated in the control itself

    The holonic approach for flexible production: a theoretical framework

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    This paper discusses the body of knowledge about Holonic Approach to theoretically demonstrate how Holonic Production System (HPS) can be a convincing choice to overcome the problems of traditional production systems? architectures. Today, enterprises are trying to find ways to manage the growing environmental complexity that is well described by Complex Systems Theory (CST). After the focus on the main problem regarding environmental complexity, the Holonic system and the Holonic Production System will be analyzed. The paper will focus the potential of HPS to adapt and react to changes in the business environment whilst being able to maintain systemic synergies and coordination through the holonic structure where functional production units are simultaneously autonomous and cooperative

    Toward a conceptual framework for designing sustainable cyber-physical system architectures: A systematic mapping study

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) represent devices whose components enable interaction between machines and processes. One of the biggest challenges of these systems today is the ability to adjust to changes at the time of execution as they are implemented in environments with a multidimensional complexity, this challenge is currently addressed from the design of the systems themselves by integrating sustainability. With this problem in mind, the present document describes a systematic mapping study of the literature with the goal of demonstrating the current panorama of the frameworks, designs, and/or models used at the time of initiating the development of a cyber-physical system. As a result, it has been concluded that there is a lack of guidelines to construct sustainable, and evolvable cyber-physical systems. To address these issues, a framework for designing sustainable CPS architectures is outlined

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2004. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Engineering complex systems with multigroup agents

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    Doctor of PhilosophyComputing and Information SciencesScott A. DeLoachAs sensor prices drop and computing devices continue to become more compact and powerful, computing capabilities are being embedded throughout our physical environment. Connecting these devices in cyber-physical systems (CPS) enables applications with significant societal impact and economic benefit. However, engineering CPS poses modeling, architecture, and engineering challenges and, to fully realize the desired benefits, many outstanding challenges must be addressed. For the cyber parts of CPS, two decades of work in the design of autonomous agents and multiagent systems (MAS) offers design principles for distributed intelligent systems and formalizations for agent-oriented software engineering (AOSE). MAS foundations offer a natural fit for enabling distributed interacting devices. In some cases, complex control structures such as holarchies can be advantageous. These can motivate complex organizational strategies when implementing such systems with a MAS, and some designs may require agents to act in multiple groups simultaneously. Such agents must be able to manage their multiple associations and assignments in a consistent and unambiguous way. This thesis shows how designing agents as systems of intelligent subagents offers a reusable and practical approach to designing complex systems. It presents a set of flexible, reusable components developed for OBAA++, an organization-based architecture for single-group MAS, and shows how these components were used to develop the Adaptive Architecture for Systems of Intelligent Systems (AASIS) to enable multigroup agents suitable for complex, multigroup MAS. This work illustrates the reusability and flexibility of the approach by using AASIS to simulate a CPS for an intelligent power distribution system (IPDS) operating two multigroup MAS concurrently: one providing continuous voltage control and a second conducting discrete power auctions near sources of distributed generation

    Fractal architecture for 'leagile' networked enterprises.

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    The manufacturing environment and markets in recent times are becoming increasingly dynamic, diverse and unpredictable, due mainly to fast evolution of products and technology, erratic customer behaviour and high consumerism and an increasingly shorter lead-time. The burden of the impact falls on organisational structures built on centralized, rigid manufacturing architecture, because they cannot cope or adapt to the highly uncertain or unpredictable nature of the market. Enterprises who wish to survive these challenges need to rethink their business and manufacturing models, and most importantly reinvent their tactical, operational and organizational formulas to leverage their strategic long term visions.Newer manufacturing systems to curb the effects of this upheaval have to promote an entirely decentralised, flexible, distributed, configurable and adaptable architecture to ameliorate this condition. Many philosophies are proposed and studied towards planning, monitoring, and controlling the 21st century manufacturing system. These include - Bionic manufacturing system (BMS), Holonic manufacturing system (HMS), Fractal manufacturing system (FrMS), Responsive manufacturing etc.This research program focuses on the FrMS, which has vast conceptual advantageous features among these new philosophies, but its implementation has proved very difficult. FrMS is based on autonomous, cooperating, self-similar agent called fractal that has the capability of perceiving, adapting and evolving with respect to its partners and environment. The fractal manufacturing configuration uses self regulating, organisational work groups, each with identical goals and within its own area of competence to build up an integrated, holistic network system of companies. This network yields constant improvement as well as continuous checks and balances through self-organising control loops. The study investigates and identifies the nature, characteristic features and feasibility of this system in comparison to traditional approaches with a detailed view to maximising the logistical attribute of lean manufacturing system and building a framework for 'leagile' (an integration of lean and agile solutions) networked capabilities. It explores and establishes the structural characteristic potentials of Fractal Manufacturing Partnership (FMP), a hands-on collaboration between enterprises and their key suppliers, where the latter become assemblers of their components while co-owning the enterprise's facility, to create and achieve high level of responsiveness. It is hoped that this architecture will drive and harness the evolution from a vertically integrated company, to a network of integrated, leaner core competencies needed to tackle and weather the storm of the 21st century manufacturing system

    An extended process automation system : an approach based on a multi-agent system

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    This thesis describes studies on application of multi-agent systems (acronym: MAS) to enhance process automation systems. A specification of an extended process automation system is presented. According to this specification, MAS can be used to extend the functionality of ordinary process automation systems at higher levels of control. Anticipated benefits of the specification include enhanced reconfigurability, responsiveness and flexibility properties of process automation. Previous research concerning applications of MAS in process automation has been more limited than in other fields of automation. There has been more research about this topic for example in the area of discrete manufacturing. As goal-oriented distributed systems with coordination capabilities MAS have been found applicable to a part of automation functions, e.g. modification of control logic in abnormal situations. However, when applying MAS to process automation the particular characteristics of this application domain need to be taken into account. The important role of continuous control in process automation needs to be considered. In this thesis, a specification of an agent platform for process automation is presented as a basis for applying MAS in this application domain. The specification extends a FIPA-compliant agent platform with process automation specific functionality. It utilises a hierarchical agent organisation, a BDI-agent model and qualitative reasoning. It also presents a model for programming MAS applications for process automation with techniques of distributed planning and search. Two applications are specified using the platform. One of these shows how the techniques of distributed planning can be applied in sequential control. The other provides a design model for supervisory continuous control applications using the techniques of distributed search. Experiments performed with a laboratory test environment using prototype implementations of the applications are presented. The experiments are able to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach in limited test scenarios. They also provide information about in which ways MAS techniques are able enhance the properties of process automation. As a result of the work presented in this thesis more knowledge has been gained about application of MAS in process automation. The specification of the agent platform for process automation and its applications provide a basis for further studies of this topic.reviewe