44 research outputs found

    Energy-Aware Server Provisioning by Introducing Middleware-Level Dynamic Green Scheduling

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    International audienceSeveral approaches to reduce the power consumption of datacenters have been described in the literature, most of which aim to improve energy efficiency by trading off performance for reducing power consumption. However, these approaches do not always provide means for administrators and users to specify how they want to explore such trade-offs. This work provides techniques for assigning jobs to distributed resources, exploring energy efficient resource provisioning. We use middleware-level mechanisms to adapt resource allocation according to energy-related events and user-defined rules. A proposed framework enables developers, users and system administrators to specify and explore energy efficiency and performance trade-offs without detailed knowledge of the underlying hardware platform. Evaluation of the proposed solution under three scheduling policies shows gains of 25% in energy-efficiency with minimal impact on the overall application performance. We also evaluate reactivity in the adaptive resource provisioning

    Hybrid Intrusion Detection System for DDoS Attacks

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    Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks are one of the major threats and possibly the hardest security problem for today’s Internet. In this paper we propose a hybrid detection system, referred to as hybrid intrusion detection system (H-IDS), for detection of DDoS attacks. Our proposed detection system makes use of both anomaly-based and signature-based detection methods separately but in an integrated fashion and combines the outcomes of both detectors to enhance the overall detection accuracy. We apply two distinct datasets to our proposed system in order to test the detection performance of H-IDS and conclude that the proposed hybrid system gives better results than the systems based on nonhybrid detection

    Sentiment Analysis for Fake News Detection

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    [Abstract] In recent years, we have witnessed a rise in fake news, i.e., provably false pieces of information created with the intention of deception. The dissemination of this type of news poses a serious threat to cohesion and social well-being, since it fosters political polarization and the distrust of people with respect to their leaders. The huge amount of news that is disseminated through social media makes manual verification unfeasible, which has promoted the design and implementation of automatic systems for fake news detection. The creators of fake news use various stylistic tricks to promote the success of their creations, with one of them being to excite the sentiments of the recipients. This has led to sentiment analysis, the part of text analytics in charge of determining the polarity and strength of sentiments expressed in a text, to be used in fake news detection approaches, either as a basis of the system or as a complementary element. In this article, we study the different uses of sentiment analysis in the detection of fake news, with a discussion of the most relevant elements and shortcomings, and the requirements that should be met in the near future, such as multilingualism, explainability, mitigation of biases, or treatment of multimedia elements.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/01Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/11This work has been funded by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades — Agencia Estatal de Investigación through the ANSWERASAP project (TIN2017-85160-C2-1-R); and by Xunta de Galicia through a Competitive Reference Group grant (ED431C 2020/11). CITIC, as Research Center of the Galician University System, is funded by the Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional of the Xunta de Galicia through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) with 80%, the Galicia ERDF 2014-20 Operational Programme, and the remaining 20% from the Secretaría Xeral de Universidades (ref. ED431G 2019/01). David Vilares is also supported by a 2020 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators from the BBVA Foundation. Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez has also received funding from the European Research Council (ERC), under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (FASTPARSE, grant No. 714150

    Architecture and implementation of a scalable sensor data storage and analysis system using cloud computing and big data technologies

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    Sensors are becoming ubiquitous. From almost any type of industrial applications to intelligent vehicles, smart city applications, and healthcare applications, we see a steady growth of the usage of various types of sensors. The rate of increase in the amount of data produced by these sensors is much more dramatic since sensors usually continuously produce data. It becomes crucial for these data to be stored for future reference and to be analyzed for finding valuable information, such as fault diagnosis information. In this paper we describe a scalable and distributed architecture for sensor data collection, storage, and analysis. The system uses several open source technologies and runs on a cluster of virtual servers. We use GPS sensors as data source and run machine-learning algorithms for data analysis

    A Process Model for Component-Based Model-Driven Software Development

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    Developing high quality, reliable and on time software systems is challenging due to the increasing size and complexity of these systems. Traditional software development approaches are not suitable for dealing with such challenges, so several approaches have been introduced to increase the productivity and reusability during the software development process. Two of these approaches are Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) and Model-Driven Software Development (MDD) which focus on reusing pre-developed code and using models throughout the development process respectively. There are many research studies that show the benefits of using software components and model-driven approaches. However, in many cases the development process is either ad-hoc or not well-defined. This paper proposes a new software development process model that merges CBSE and MDD principles to facilitate software development. The model is successfully tested by applying it to the development of an e-learning system as an exemplar case stud

    A Design Approach to IoT Endpoint Security for Production Machinery Monitoring

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has significant potential in upgrading legacy production machinery with monitoring capabilities to unlock new capabilities and bring economic benefits. However, the introduction of IoT at the shop floor layer exposes it to additional security risks with potentially significant adverse operational impact. This article addresses such fundamental new risks at their root by introducing a novel endpoint security-by-design approach. The approach is implemented on a widely applicable production-machinery-monitoring application by introducing real-time adaptation features for IoT device security through subsystem isolation and a dedicated lightweight authentication protocol. This paper establishes a novel viewpoint for the understanding of IoT endpoint security risks and relevant mitigation strategies and opens a new space of risk-averse designs that enable IoT benefits, while shielding operational integrity in industrial environments

    Efficient and Secure IoT Based Smart Home Automation Using Multi-Model Learning and Blockchain Technology

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    The concept of smart houses has grown in prominence in recent years. Major challenges linked to smart homes are identification theft, data safety, automated decision-making for IoT-based devices, and the security of the device itself. Current home automation systems try to address these issues but there is still an urgent need for a dependable and secure smart home solution that includes automatic decision-making systems and methodical features. This paper proposes a smart home system based on ensemble learning of random forest (RF) and convolutional neural networks (CNN) for programmed decision-making tasks, such as categorizing gadgets as “OFF” or “ON” based on their normal routine in homes. We have integrated emerging blockchain technology to provide secure, decentralized, and trustworthy authentication and recognition of IoT devices. Our system consists of a 5V relay circuit, various sensors, and a Raspberry Pi server and database for managing devices. We have also developed an Android app that communicates with the server interface through an HTTP web interface and an Apache server. The feasibility and efficacy of the proposed smart home automation system have been evaluated in both laboratory and real-time settings. It is essential to use inexpensive, scalable, and readily available components and technologies in smart home automation systems. Additionally, we must incorporate a comprehensive security and privacy-centric design that emphasizes risk assessments, such as cyberattacks, hardware security, and other cyber threats. The trial results support the proposed system and demonstrate its potential for use in everyday life

    Toward Point-of-Interest Recommendation Systems: A Critical Review on Deep-Learning Approaches

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    In recent years, location-based social networks (LBSNs) that allow members to share their location and provide related services, and point-of-interest (POIs) recommendations which suggest attractive places to visit, have become noteworthy and useful for users, research areas, industries, and advertising companies. The POI recommendation system combines different information sources and creates numerous research challenges and questions. New research in this field utilizes deep-learning techniques as a solution to the issues because it has the ability to represent the nonlinear relationship between users and items more effectively than other methods. Despite all the obvious improvements that have been made recently, this field still does not have an updated and integrated view of the types of methods, their limitations, features, and future prospects. This paper provides a systematic review focusing on recent research on this topic. First, this approach prepares an overall view of the types of recommendation methods, their challenges, and the various influencing factors that can improve model performance in POI recommendations, then it reviews the traditional machine-learning methods and deep-learning techniques employed in the POI recommendation and analyzes their strengths and weaknesses. The recently proposed models are categorized according to the method used, the dataset, and the evaluation metrics. It found that these articles give priority to accuracy in comparison with other dimensions of quality. Finally, this approach introduces the research trends and future orientations, and it realizes that POI recommender systems based on deep learning are a promising future work

    A Broad View on Robot Self-Defense: Rapid Scoping Review and Cultural Comparison

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    With power comes responsibility: as robots become more advanced and prevalent, the role they will play in human society becomes increasingly important. Given that violence is an important problem, the question emerges if robots could defend people, even if doing so might cause harm to someone. The current study explores the broad context of how people perceive the acceptability of such robot self-defense (RSD) in terms of (1) theory, via a rapid scoping review, and (2) public opinion in two countries. As a result, we summarize and discuss: increasing usage of robots capable of wielding force by law enforcement and military, negativity toward robots, ethics and legal questions (including differences to the well-known trolley problem), control in the presence of potential failures, and practical capabilities that such robots might require. Furthermore, a survey was conducted, indicating that participants accepted the idea of RSD, with some cultural differences. We believe that, while substantial obstacles will need to be overcome to realize RSD, society stands to gain from exploring its possibilities over the longer term, toward supporting human well-being in difficult times