508 research outputs found

    Algumas aplicações da Inteligência Artificial em Biotecnologia

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    The present work is a revision about neural networks. Initially presents a little introduction to neural networks, fuzzy logic, a brief history, and the applications of Neural Networks on Biotechnology. The chosen sub-areas of the applications of Neural Networks on Biotechnology are, Solid-State Fermentation Optimization, DNA Sequencing, Molecular Sequencing Analysis, Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship, Soft Sensing, Spectra Interpretation, Data Mining, each one use a special kind of neural network like feedforward, recurrent, siamese, art, among others. Applications of the Neural-Networks in spectra interpretation and Quantitative Structure-activity relationships, is a direct application to Chemistry and consequently also to Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Soft Sensing is a special example for applications on Biotechnology. It is a method to measure variables that normally can’t be directly measure. Solid state fermentation was optimized and presenting, as result, a strong increasing of production efficiency.O presente trabalho é uma revisão sobre redes neurais. Inicialmente apresenta uma breve introdução a redes neurais, lógica difusa, um breve histórico, e aplicações de Redes Neurais em Biotecnologia. As subáreas escolhidas para aplicação das redes neurais são, Otimização da Fermentação no Estado-Sólido, Sequenciamento de DNA, Análise Molecular Sequencial, Relação Quantitativa Strutura-Atividade, Sensores inteligentes, Interpretação de espectros, Mineração de Dados, sendo que cada um usa um tipo especial de rede neural, tais como feed forward, recorrente, siamesa, art, entre outros. Aplicações de Redes Neurais em interpretação de espectros e Relação Quantitativa Estrutura-Atividade, como uma aplicação direta à química e consequentemente também para a Bioquímica e Biotecnologia. Os sensores Inteligentes são um exemplo especial de aplicação em Biotecnologia. É um método de medir variáveis que normalmente não podem ser medidas de forma direta. Fermentações no Estado-sólido foram otimizadas e, apresentaram como resultado um forte aumento do rendimento na produção final

    Basics of beer brewing process and related alcohol chemistry - An old beer in a new bottle

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    Beer is one of the favorite beverages produced by the fermentation of grains. The global production figures indicate an increasing trend during the  last decade. This article highlights the beer brewing process, chemistry concepts involved, and problems and prospects. The emphasis is on conceptual understanding of both theory and practice, and the chemical perspectives and possibilities to provide an appreciation of alcohol chemistry exposure in our daily lives that have particular significance and several positive effects to enrich the learning experience

    Process analytical technology in food biotechnology

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    Biotechnology is an area where precision and reproducibility are vital. This is due to the fact that products are often in form of food, pharmaceutical or cosmetic products and therefore very close to the human being. To avoid human error during the production or the evaluation of the quality of a product and to increase the optimal utilization of raw materials, a very high amount of automation is desired. Tools in the food and chemical industry that aim to reach this degree of higher automation are summarized in an initiative called Process Analytical Technology (PAT). Within the scope of the PAT, is to provide new measurement technologies for the purpose of closed loop control in biotechnological processes. These processes are the most demanding processes in regards of control issues due to their very often biological rate-determining component. Most important for an automation attempt is deep process knowledge, which can only be achieved via appropriate measurements. These measurements can either be carried out directly, measuring a crucial physical value, or if not accessible either due to the lack of technology or a complicated sample state, via a soft-sensor.Even after several years the ideal aim of the PAT initiative is not fully implemented in the industry and in many production processes. On the one hand a lot effort still needs to be put into the development of more general algorithms which are more easy to implement and especially more reliable. On the other hand, not all the available advances in this field are employed yet. The potential users seem to stick to approved methods and show certain reservations towards new technologies.Die Biotechnologie ist ein Wissenschaftsbereich, in dem hohe Genauigkeit und Wiederholbarkeit eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Dies ist der Tatsache geschuldet, dass die hergestellten Produkte sehr oft den Bereichen Nahrungsmitteln, Pharmazeutika oder Kosmetik angehöhren und daher besonders den Menschen beeinflussen. Um den menschlichen Fehler bei der Produktion zu vermeiden, die Qualität eines Produktes zu sichern und die optimale Verwertung der Rohmaterialen zu gewährleisten, wird ein besonders hohes Maß an Automation angestrebt. Die Werkzeuge, die in der Nahrungsmittel- und chemischen Industrie hierfür zum Einsatz kommen, werden in der Process Analytical Technology (PAT) Initiative zusammengefasst. Ziel der PAT ist die Entwicklung zuverlässiger neuer Methoden, um Prozesse zu beschreiben und eine automatische Regelungsstrategie zu realisieren. Biotechnologische Prozesse gehören hierbei zu den aufwändigsten Regelungsaufgaben, da in den meisten Fällen eine biologische Komponente der entscheidende Faktor ist. Entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Regelungsstrategie ist ein hohes Maß an Prozessverständnis. Dieses kann entweder durch eine direkte Messung der entscheidenden physikalischen, chemischen oder biologischen Größen gewonnen werden oder durch einen SoftSensor. Zusammengefasst zeigt sich, dass das finale Ziel der PAT Initiative auch nach einigen Jahren des Propagierens weder komplett in der Industrie noch bei vielen Produktionsprozessen angekommen ist. Auf der einen Seite liegt dies mit Sicherheit an der Tatsache, dass noch viel Arbeit in die Generalisierung von Algorithmen gesteckt werden muss. Diese müsse einfacher zu implementieren und vor allem noch zuverlässiger in der Funktionsweise sein. Auf der anderen Seite wurden jedoch auch Algorithmen, Regelungsstrategien und eigne Ansätze für einen neuartigen Sensor sowie einen Soft-Sensors vorgestellt, die großes Potential zeigen. Nicht zuletzt müssen die möglichen Anwender neue Strategien einsetzen und Vorbehalte gegenüber unbekannten Technologien ablegen

    Redes neurais artificiais aplicadas para o estudo da produção de ácido succínico via processo fermentativo

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    O ácido succínico, metabólito comum de microrganismos, utilizado no mercado alimentício é produzido exclusivamente por via fermentativa e grande atenção tem sido dada para o uso de matérias-primas renováveis para esse fim. Este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar as variáveis que influenciam na produção de ácido succínico por via fermentativa utilizando a cepa Actinobacillus succinogenes (CIP 106512) por meio de um planejamento fatorial fracionário e testar diferentes arquiteturas de redes neurais artificiais para modelar esse processo. As redes neurais artificiais (RNAs) utilizadas possuem três camadas e foram do tipo Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), com o algoritmo de aprendizagem Backpropagation. Utilizaram-se 13 e 6 dados experimentais para a aprendizagem e teste das redes, respectivamente. Variaram-se os números de neurônios da camada intermediária, a taxa de aprendizagem e as funções de ativação. Após a avaliação das arquiteturas, verificou-se que a função de ativação sigmoidal apresentou um melhor desempenho comparada à tangente hiperbólica e que o número de neurônios e taxa de aprendizagem influenciam diretamente no erro. O modelo neural que apresentou o menor erro quadrático foi a rede com a função sigmoidal, taxa de aprendizagem 0,1 e 5 neurônios na camada intermediária. Com o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foi possível determinar as variáveis que mais influenciam na produção do ácido succínico e a construção do modelo neural para o processo. Palavras-chave: Biotecnologia. Inteligência artificial. Modelagem. Otimização

    Development of an artificial neural network model based predictive control for a continuous fermentation process

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    Orientador: Rubens Maciel FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuímicaResumo: Nos últimos anos, tem-se verificado um crescente interesse em fontes alternativas limpas de combustíveis e na utilização das fontes de energia renováveis. Esse é o caso do processo de etanol celulósico que pode ser produzido a partir de resíduos da produção agrícola e madeiras entre outros tipos de biomassa. No Brasil, esse processo poderia aumentar a produção de etanol na indústria de cana-de-açúcar. No entanto, os processos de fermentação têm uma dificuldade inerente em medições em tempo real como etanol e concentrações de açúcares. A forma convencional de quantificá-los requer grandes quantidades de recursos, levando a diminuição na produtividade e rendimento no processo. Além disso, a falta de informação de variáveis do processo em tempo real limita a implementação de estratégias de controle avançado. Desta forma, este trabalho propõe uma abordagem alternativa, através de predições on-line por um sensor virtual baseado em rede neural artificial aplicado a um processo de fermentação contínua, com 4 fermentadores em série, de etanol de segunda geração. Neste estudo, foi determinada a concentração de etanol no quarto reator do processo usando as temperaturas no fermentadores 1 a 4 e o fluxo de massa de açúcares, provenientes da hidrósile enzimática, que entram no primeiro fermentador. Além disso, um controlador preditivo baseado em modelo neural foi implementado no processo em conjunto com o soft-sensor com a finalidade de comparar com formas convencionais de controle como PID. Os resultados mostraram que a técnica de sensores virtuais é uma solução factível com potencial de ser aplicada em processos industriais, apresentando um baixo erro acumulado entre a saída do processo fenomenológico e do estimado pelo soft-sensor, mesmo quando submetido a perturbações randômicas na vazão de alimentação de substrato durante 5000 horas de simulação. O controle MPC aplicado ao processo demostrou uma oscilação reduzida um tempo de acomodação significativamente menor se comparado com o controle PID quando submetidos a perturbações degrauAbstract: n the last years, it has been an increasing interest in clean alternative sources of fuels and the use of the renewable sources of energy. That is the case of the cellulosic ethanol process that could produce of waste of crops, woods or another kind of biomass. In Brazil, this process could increase the production of ethanol in the sugarcane industry. However, the fermentation processes have an inherent difficult in real time measurements as ethanol and sugar concentrations; the conventional way to measure these variables requires large amounts of resources and time making a significant delay in the process operational decisions decreasing the productivity and yield on the process. Additionally, this problem limits the implementation of advanced control strategies. In this way, this work proposes an alternative approach, basen on for on-line measurements, by a virtual sensor based on artificial neural network applied to a continuous fermentation process of the second generation. In this case study, it was determined the ethanol concentration in the fourth process fermentor, the last one, using the temperatures at the fermentor 1 to 4 and the mass flow of sugars that get into the first fermentor. In addition, a predictive controller based on neural model was implemented in the process together with the soft-sensor in order to compare with conventional control forms such as PID. The results showed that the technique of virtual sensors is a feasible solution with potential to be applied in industrial processes, presenting a low accumulated error between the phenomenological process and the estimated by the soft sensor, even when subjected to random perturbations in the flow of Substrate feed for 5000 hours of simulation. The MPC control applied to the process showed a reduced oscillation a significantly shorter accommodation time when compared to the PID control when subjected to step disturbancesMestradoEngenharia de ProcessosMestre em Engenharia Química131000/2015-2CNP

    Data-driven nonlinear MPC using dynamic response surface methodology

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    For many complex processes, it is desirable to use a nonlinear model in the MPC design, and the recently proposed Dynamic Response Surface Methodology (DRSM) is capable of accurately modeling nonlinear continuous processes over semi-infinite time horizons. We exploit the DRSM to identify nonlinear data-driven dynamic models that are used in an NMPC. We demonstrate the ability and effectiveness of the DRSM data-driven model to be used as the prediction model for a nonlinear MPC regulator. This DRSM model is efficiently used to solve a non-equally-spaced finite-horizon optimal control problem so that the number of decision variables is reduced. The proposed DRSM-based NMPC is tested on a representative nonlinear process, an isothermal CSTR in which a second-order irreversible reaction is taking place. It is shown that the obtained quadratic data-driven model accurately represents the open-loop process dynamics and that DRSM-based NMPC is an effective data-driven implementation of nonlinear MPC

    Book of abstracts of the 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference: CHEMPOR 2008

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    This book contains the extended abstracts presented at the 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference - CHEMPOR 2008, held in Braga, Portugal, over 3 days, from the 4th to the 6th of September, 2008. Previous editions took place in Lisboa (1975, 1889, 1998), Braga (1978), Póvoa de Varzim (1981), Coimbra (1985, 2005), Porto (1993), and Aveiro (2001). The conference was jointly organized by the University of Minho, “Ordem dos Engenheiros”, and the IBB - Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering with the usual support of the “Sociedade Portuguesa de Química” and, by the first time, of the “Sociedade Portuguesa de Biotecnologia”. Thirty years elapsed since CHEMPOR was held at the University of Minho, organized by T.R. Bott, D. Allen, A. Bridgwater, J.J.B. Romero, L.J.S. Soares and J.D.R.S. Pinheiro. We are fortunate to have Profs. Bott, Soares and Pinheiro in the Honor Committee of this 10th edition, under the high Patronage of his Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, Prof. Aníbal Cavaco Silva. The opening ceremony will confer Prof. Bott with a “Long Term Achievement” award acknowledging the important contribution Prof. Bott brought along more than 30 years to the development of the Chemical Engineering science, to the launch of CHEMPOR series and specially to the University of Minho. Prof. Bott’s inaugural lecture will address the importance of effective energy management in processing operations, particularly in the effectiveness of heat recovery and the associated reduction in greenhouse gas emission from combustion processes. The CHEMPOR series traditionally brings together both young and established researchers and end users to discuss recent developments in different areas of Chemical Engineering. The scope of this edition is broadening out by including the Biological Engineering research. One of the major core areas of the conference program is life quality, due to the importance that Chemical and Biological Engineering plays in this area. “Integration of Life Sciences & Engineering” and “Sustainable Process-Product Development through Green Chemistry” are two of the leading themes with papers addressing such important issues. This is complemented with additional leading themes including “Advancing the Chemical and Biological Engineering Fundamentals”, “Multi-Scale and/or Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Process-Product Innovation”, “Systematic Methods and Tools for Managing the Complexity”, and “Educating Chemical and Biological Engineers for Coming Challenges” which define the extended abstracts arrangements along this book. A total of 516 extended abstracts are included in the book, consisting of 7 invited lecturers, 15 keynote, 105 short oral presentations given in 5 parallel sessions, along with 6 slots for viewing 389 poster presentations. Full papers are jointly included in the companion Proceedings in CD-ROM. All papers have been reviewed and we are grateful to the members of scientific and organizing committees for their evaluations. It was an intensive task since 610 submitted abstracts from 45 countries were received. It has been an honor for us to contribute to setting up CHEMPOR 2008 during almost two years. We wish to thank the authors who have contributed to yield a high scientific standard to the program. We are thankful to the sponsors who have contributed decisively to this event. We also extend our gratefulness to all those who, through their dedicated efforts, have assisted us in this task. On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committees we wish you that together with an interesting reading, the scientific program and the social moments organized will be memorable for all.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Propuesta de automatización de un proceso de producción de inóculo de levadura a escala industrial para producción de etanol

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    The results of an applied research for automation the stage of reproduction of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeas to produce ethanol, are presented in this paper. The identification of the variables to be instrumented, the instrumentation requirements and the proposed control scheme are based on the analysis of the functioning and operation of the process.Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación aplicada, orientada a automatizar la etapa de reproducción de inóculo de levadura Saccaharomyces Cerevisiae en el proceso de producción de etanol. Con base en el análisis del funcionamiento y operación del proceso a escala industrial, se identifican las variables que van a instrumentarse, los requerimientos de la instrumentación y se propone un esquema de control para el proceso.

    Pathways to Water Sector Decarbonization, Carbon Capture and Utilization

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    The water sector is in the middle of a paradigm shift from focusing on treatment and meeting discharge permit limits to integrated operation that also enables a circular water economy via water reuse, resource recovery, and system level planning and operation. While the sector has gone through different stages of such revolution, from improving energy efficiency to recovering renewable energy and resources, when it comes to the next step of achieving carbon neutrality or negative emission, it falls behind other infrastructure sectors such as energy and transportation. The water sector carries tremendous potential to decarbonize, from technological advancements, to operational optimization, to policy and behavioural changes. This book aims to fill an important gap for different stakeholders to gain knowledge and skills in this area and equip the water community to further decarbonize the industry and build a carbon-free society and economy. The book goes beyond technology overviews, rather it aims to provide a system level blueprint for decarbonization. It can be a reference book and textbook for graduate students, researchers, practitioners, consultants and policy makers, and it will provide practical guidance for stakeholders to analyse and implement decarbonization measures in their professions