523 research outputs found

    Scattered data fitting on surfaces using projected Powell-Sabin splines

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    We present C1 methods for either interpolating data or for fitting scattered data associated with a smooth function on a two-dimensional smooth manifold Ω embedded into R3. The methods are based on a local bivariate Powell-Sabin interpolation scheme, and make use of local projections on the tangent planes. The data fitting method is a two-stage method. We illustrate the performance of the algorithms with some numerical examples, which, in particular, confirm the O(h3) order of convergence as the data becomes dens

    Interpolation and scattered data fitting on manifolds using projected Powell–Sabin splines

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    We present methods for either interpolating data or for fitting scattered data on a two-dimensional smooth manifold. The methods are based on a local bivariate Powell-Sabin interpolation scheme, and make use of a family of charts {(Uξ , ξ)}ξ∈ satisfying certain conditions of smooth dependence on ξ. If is a C2-manifold embedded into R3, then projections into tangent planes can be employed. The data fitting method is a two-stage method. We prove that the resulting function on the manifold is continuously differentiable, and establish error bounds for both methods for the case when the data are generated by a smooth function

    Adaptive meshless centres and RBF stencils for Poisson equation

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    We consider adaptive meshless discretisation of the Dirichlet problem for Poisson equation based on numerical differentiation stencils obtained with the help of radial basis functions. New meshless stencil selection and adaptive refinement algorithms are proposed in 2D. Numerical experiments show that the accuracy of the solution is comparable with, and often better than that achieved by the mesh-based adaptive finite element method

    On a class of polynomial triangular macro-elements

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    AbstractIn this paper we present a new class of polynomial triangular macro-elements of arbitrary degree which are an extension of the classical Clough-Tocher cubic scheme. Their most important property is that the degree plays the role of a tension parameter, since these macro elements tend to the plane interpolating the vertices data. Graphical examples showing their use in scattered data interpolation are reported

    Interpolation by spline spaces on classes of triangulations

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    We describe a general method for constructing triangulations Δ which are suitable for interpolation by Srq(Δ),

    IGS: an IsoGeometric approach for Smoothing on surfaces

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    We propose an Isogeometric approach for smoothing on surfaces, namely estimating a function starting from noisy and discrete measurements. More precisely, we aim at estimating functions lying on a surface represented by NURBS, which are geometrical representations commonly used in industrial applications. The estimation is based on the minimization of a penalized least-square functional. The latter is equivalent to solve a 4th-order Partial Differential Equation (PDE). In this context, we use Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) for the numerical approximation of such surface PDE, leading to an IsoGeometric Smoothing (IGS) method for fitting data spatially distributed on a surface. Indeed, IGA facilitates encapsulating the exact geometrical representation of the surface in the analysis and also allows the use of at least globally C1C^1-continuous NURBS basis functions for which the 4th-order PDE can be solved using the standard Galerkin method. We show the performance of the proposed IGS method by means of numerical simulations and we apply it to the estimation of the pressure coefficient, and associated aerodynamic force on a winglet of the SOAR space shuttle

    Dynamic Multivariate Simplex Splines For Volume Representation And Modeling

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    Volume representation and modeling of heterogeneous objects acquired from real world are very challenging research tasks and playing fundamental roles in many potential applications, e.g., volume reconstruction, volume simulation and volume registration. In order to accurately and efficiently represent and model the real-world objects, this dissertation proposes an integrated computational framework based on dynamic multivariate simplex splines (DMSS) that can greatly improve the accuracy and efficacy of modeling and simulation of heterogenous objects. The framework can not only reconstruct with high accuracy geometric, material, and other quantities associated with heterogeneous real-world models, but also simulate the complicated dynamics precisely by tightly coupling these physical properties into simulation. The integration of geometric modeling and material modeling is the key to the success of representation and modeling of real-world objects. The proposed framework has been successfully applied to multiple research areas, such as volume reconstruction and visualization, nonrigid volume registration, and physically based modeling and simulation

    Proceedings of the NASA Workshop on Surface Fitting

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    Surface fitting techniques and their utilization are addressed. Surface representation, approximation, and interpolation are discussed. Along with statistical estimation problems associated with surface fitting

    Interval simplex splines for scientific databases

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (p. 130-138).by Jingfang Zhou.Ph.D

    Data-driven quasi-interpolant spline surfaces for point cloud approximation

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    In this paper we investigate a local surface approximation, the Weighted Quasi Interpolant Spline Approximation (wQISA), specifically designed for large and noisy point clouds. We briefly describe the properties of the wQISA representation and introduce a novel data-driven implementation, which combines prediction capability and complexity efficiency. We provide an extended comparative analysis with other continuous approximations on real data, including different types of surfaces and levels of noise, such as 3D models, terrain data and digital environmental data