311 research outputs found

    An Ontology to Support Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Heritage Metals

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    Metal conservators confronted with unknown artefacts rely on previous literature to develop treatment protocols. This search can be tedious given the dissemination of information across corpus of unstructured texts, mainly in the form of research papers and semi-structured databases of artefacts. In order to improve the search of artefacts sharing similar characteristics (metal composition and structure, conservation condition, etc.), this project proposes a hybrid search engine based on a domain ontology. Using a database populated with information resulting from comprehensive investigations of historic and archaeological artefacts, we extracted and selected key concepts and their relations through the use a various lexical analysis tools. Based on this corpus and frequency analysis, we were able to build an ontology of the domain, opening new perspective on information retrieval. Conservators are able to leverage the power of the hybrid search engine to compare their observations on a specific artefact with objects already stored in the database or with indexed research papers. Using keywords to describe corrosion forms they are confronted with, conservators can retrieve artefacts showing similar corrosion phenomena and assess the conservation condition of their artefacts, e.g. diagnosing the stability of metals or determining the location of the limit of the original surface in corrosion product crusts

    Advanced Industrial Archaeology: A new reverse-engineering process for contextualizing and digitizing ancient technical objects

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    International audienceSince virtual engineering has been introduced inside industries, time processes have been reduced and products are more adapted to customer needs. Nowadays, the DMU is the centre point for all teams: design, manufacturing, communication etc. However, physical mock-ups and prototypes are sometimes requested. Consequently, a back-and-forth action between the real and the virtual worlds is necessary. Our research team has developed a reverse-engineering methodology for capturing technical characteristics of industrial objects but also for capitalizing knowledge and know-how which are required for contextualizing life cycles. More precisely, we work with ancient industrial machines. It is what we call Advanced Industrial Archaeology. Thanks to the coupling of different kinds of 3D digitalization technologies and CAD software, we are able to re-design old industrial objects and old processes. To illustrate our proposal, we will describe one of the experiments we have done with a salt-washing machine which is nearly 100 years old: from the global 3D digitalization of the plant to precise parts design, we have rediscovered the enterprise process and understand its integration in the economic context

    The Panama Canal Expansion Impacts: Connecting Us to the Future

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    Since 2007, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has been carrying out an expansion project in order to accommodate larger vessels and increased traffic through the Panama Canal. This report addresses the following project goals: 1) provide land management reports for areas surrounding Lake Gatun; 2) suggest an alternative range structure for navigation; 3) improve the water quality stored on ACP tugboats; and, 4) provide preliminary designs for a new spillway. Collectively, the results from these projects have positive impacts on the environment, sustainability, efficiency, and safe transit of the Panama Canal to assure global operations

    Análisis estructural de infraestructuras a partir de la hibridación de sensores geomáticos

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    [ES]Resulta incuestionable la función que desempeñan las infraestructuras, desde posibilitar el desarrollo de un país hasta el valor sentimental que representan para las sociedades. Pero en determinadas circunstancias se muestra desconocido el estado estructural actual de una infraestructura, condicionando con ello la vida útil de las construcciones, además de poner en riesgo la calidad de su servicio o su integridad global. Esta tarea de evaluación estructural se dificulta de manera considerable en las ocasiones en las que no se dispone de información geométrica, debido a la inexistencia de la documentación gráfica de su diseño, o causada por modificaciones a lo largo del tiempo. Motivado por ello, la presente Tesis Doctoral centra su esfuerzos en desarrollar y aplicar métodos y procedimientos de trabajo para obtener modelos geométricos, de manera precisa y eficiente, de diferentes tipos de infraestructuras con los que llevar a cabo análisis que evalúen su comportamiento estructural. El modelado geométrico se consigue a partir de una metodología basada en la hibridación de diferentes técnicas geomáticas de carácter no invasivo, utilizando sensores tales como el láser escáner terrestre 3D (TLS) y el georradar (GPR). Estos modelos obtenidos son implementados en programas de análisis numérico mediante el método de los elementos finitos (MEF) que permiten diagnosticar su estado estructural. Con el fin de corroborar la aplicabilidad de los procedimientos desarrollados, estos son empleados en diferentes tipos de infraestructuras: por un lado, las asociadas a las infraestructuras viarias, de vital importancia en el desarrollo social y cultural. Por otro, la edificación subterránea contemplada dentro del Patrimonio Histórico y por último, torres metálicas en celosía para el transporte de energía eléctrica, tan necesaria en los tiempos presentes. A raíz de los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que los sensores geomáticos adquieren un protagonismo esencial en el conocimiento de la geometría de una construcción. Por un lado, la metodología de hibridación del TLS y el GPR suministra abundante y completa información de las características geométricas y físicas. Por otro lado, ambos se establecen como complemento perfecto para suministrar datos al análisis numérico por elementos finitos, con el que evaluar mecánicamente una estructura

    Extracción de información geométrica y semántica mediante el tratamiento de datos 2D/3D para labores de documentación y rehabilitación del patrimonio arquitectónico

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    Las tareas de documentación digital del patrimonio arquitectónico requieren del manejo de muy diferentes tipos de datos. Los sistemas actuales de captura de datos permiten obtener enormes volúmenes de datos. Sin embargo la extracción de información que resulte útilpara la documentación digital supone un importante reto de investigación. Esta tesis se centra en el estudio y diseño de sistemas y metodologías que permitan extraer información relevante a partir de datos 20 y 30 utilizando técnicas de procesamiento de nubes de puntos, extracción automática de líneas características, superposición de imágenes a modelos tridimensionales para la obtención de modelos con información multicapa y ortofotos, y empleo de técnicas de inteligencia artificial (aprendizaje profundo) para el análisis y clasificación de imágenes de patrimonio arquitectónico.Se presentan también casos de uso realizados como la proyección de policromías sobre edificios patrimoniales, y por último se muestran los resultados obtenidos considerados más representativosDepartamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y AutomáticaDoctorado en Ingeniería Industria

    Historic timber buildings restored for public purposes in Southern Chile. A critical analysis and an approach to a cultural landscape

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    El objetivo del artículo es actualizar y acotar los argumentos de la metodología de Rehabilitación Integral del Patrimonio (RIP) para las ciudades de madera. La construcción en la ecorregión del bosque templado costero dependía de la madera nativa, lo que aun caracteriza al sur de Chile, como es el caso de la ciudad de Valdivia. No obstante, el tejido urbano de la ciudad se ve afectado por la vulnerabilidad ante los riesgos naturales y las prácticas neoliberales del mercado. Los reglamentos e instrumentos para la restauración de la arquitectura impiden la RIP debido a que se centran principalmente en las ciencias sociales, sin incorporar los aspectos técnicos arquitectónicos fundamentales ni una comprensión más amplia del contexto. A través del análisis de un conjunto de edificaciones históricas restauradas con fondos públicos, la relación entre las ciencias sociales, la ingeniería, la arquitectura y las teorías de uso público y del paisaje se hace evidente. Es necesario contar con un escenario de prácticas eficaces para asegurar una prolongación de la vida útil de estas edificaciones en relación a la gestión del patrimonio cultural. Se identificaron ocho puntos clave que conectan la historia con las condiciones materiales, que en este momento están ausentes en el servicio público chileno. Para que los procesos de restauración sean integrales, las evaluaciones deben incluir nuevas dimensiones, como la relación económica y la gestión material o tangible, así como la integración con la identidad arquitectónica original inmediata y la facilidad para asociarla culturalmente. De la armonización de estos ocho puntos con el marco normativo del patrimonio, se espera un mejoramiento de la rehabilitación integral de los edificios patrimoniales en el sur de Chile, la priorización de la conservación de su madera y la contribución pública.O objetivo do artigo é atualizar e aprimorar os argumentos da metodologia da Reabilitação Integrada do Patrimônio (RIP) para Cidades de Madeira. A construção na ecorregião da Floresta Temperada Costeira era dependente da madeira nativa, que ainda caracteriza o sul do Chile, como em Valdivia. No entanto, o tecido urbano da cidade é afetado pela vulnerabilidade dos riscos naturais e das práticas neoliberais do mercado. Os regulamentos e instrumentos para a restauração da arquitetura impedem a RIP porque se concentram principalmente nas ciências sociais sem incorporar aspectos técnicos arquitetônicos fundamentais, bem como uma compreensão mais ampla do contexto. Ao analisar um conjunto de edifícios históricos restaurados com fundos públicos, torna-se evidente a relação entre ciência social, engenharia, arquitetura e teorias de uso público e paisagem. Um cenário de práticas eficazes é necessário para assegurar uma extensão da vida útil dos edifícios em relação à gestão do patrimônio cultural. Foram identificados oito pontos-chave que conectam a história com as condições materiais que estão ausentes no serviço público chileno. Para que os processos de restauração sejam abrangentes, as avaliações devem incluir novas dimensões, tais como relação econômica e gestão material ou tangível, bem como integração com a identidade arquitetônica original imediata e facilidade de associação cultural. A harmonização desses oito pontos com o marco normativo do patrimônio deve melhorar a reabilitação integral dos edifícios patrimoniais no sul do Chile, priorizando a conservação de sua madeira e a contribuição pública.The objective of this paper is to update and summarize the arguments behind the Integrated Heritage Rehabilitation (IHR) for Wooden Cities methodology. Building in the Coastal Temperate Rainforest ecoregion relied on native species, and is still characteristic of the towns in southern Chile, including the city of Valdivia. However, the historic town’s urban fabric is vulnerable to natural disasters and neoliberal market practices. Regulations and instruments for architectural restoration hinder IHR since their primary focus lies in social sciences, excluding the fundamental architectonic technical aspects, as well as a broader understanding of the context. Through an analysis of a set of historic buildings restored with public funds, the relationship between social sciences, engineering, architecture, and the theories of public use and landscape is patent. It is evident that there is a need to establish effective practices to extend the service life of buildings through cultural heritage management. Eight key points were identified, that connect history with the material conditions, which today are lacking in the Chilean Public Service. For the restoration processes to be integrated, evaluations must include new dimensions, such as the economic relationship and the material or tangible management, as well as the integration with the surrounding original architectural identity and the ease with which it can be culturally associated. From the harmonization of these eight points within the heritage regulatory framework, an improvement of the integrated rehabilitation of heritage buildings in the southern Chilean towns is expected, with priority given to timber conservation and public contribution

    La gestión eficiente de los Bienes Patrimoniales mediante la aplicación de la metodología HBIM. El caso de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo en Valencia.

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    [ES] El trabajo parte de investigaciones acerca de la metodología Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) y su aplicación en el campo del patrimonio cultural, cuyos objetivos principales son agilizar y automatizar la manipulación de la información en un ámbito colaborativo multidisciplinar. En la actualidad, la información sobre edificios históricos y los sitios arqueológicos suele estar representada como una colección de documentos individuales de diversas fuentes y tipos como informes, dibujos, cartografías, diseños asistidos por computadora (CAD), archivos y varios conjuntos de datos proporcionados por diferentes profesionales, donde cada uno trabaja con sus propias herramientas y estándares. Consecuentemente se genera una dispersión y descoordinación de la información, perdiéndose tiempo y pudiéndose llegar a una mala interpretación y a malas decisiones. En muchos casos, no hay una fuente única de información coherente sobre un bien patrimonial, siendo de vital importancia el orden y el registro de las fuentes. Esos problemas son reflejados en los órganos públicos y entidades ligadas a la protección del patrimonio cultural siendo a veces difícil integrar las fuentes de información. En consecuencia, los proyectos ligados al patrimonio presentan problemas debido a la poca claridad en los procesos, desorganizados y con informaciones dispersas. En los últimos años se ha fomentado el uso de las herramientas digitales para la gestión de proyectos patrimoniales, la inclusión de bases de datos, mapeos interactivos, el uso de modelos tridimensionales y las recientes aplicaciones de la realidad virtual y aumentada. Esta nueva diversidad de herramientas necesita de un cierto orden, una centralización y coordinación de la información. Como respuesta surge la inclusión de la metodología BIM al patrimonio, sin embargo, su completa aplicación todavía se encuentra en desarrollo, siendo algunos de los problemas más comunes la falta de protocolos, sistematización de los procesos, unificación de bases de datos y compatibilidad de los softwares para las distintas acciones de tutela y gestión que requieren los bienes culturales. El proceso HBIM implica una solución de ingeniería inversa mediante la cual los objetos paramétricos que representan elementos arquitectónicos se mapean basados en un escaneo láser o datos de levantamientos fotogramétricos. En el presente HBIM no solo se limita exclusivamente a la generación de un modelo virtual paramétrico, sino también a la conjunción de una gran variedad de datos interdisciplinares que contribuyen a una visión holística, desarrollada en un ámbito de trabajo colaborativo que facilita la operatividad, intercambio y almacenamiento de los datos relevados por los expertos de las diferentes disciplinas. El presente trabajo final de máster busca desarrollar la capacidad y aplicabilidad de HBIM como herramienta de tutela y gestión en los ciclos de vida un bien cultural edificado. Para ello se propone el estudio de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo de Valencia, con el objeto de analizar y desarrollar un flujo de trabajo eficaz, definir los agentes intervinientes, sus responsabilidades, interacciones y sus relaciones con los productos entregables.[EN] Heritage Construction Information Modeling (HBIM) and its application in the field of cultural heritage, whose main objectives are to streamline and automate the manipulation of information in a multidisciplinary collaborative environment. Today, information on historical buildings and archaeological sites is often represented as a collection of individual documents from various sources and as reports, drawings, cartographies, computer-aided design (CAD), files, and various data sets provided by different professionals, where each one works with their own tools and standards. Consequently, a dispersion and uncoordination of information is generated, wasting time and being able to reach a bad interpretation and bad decisions. In many cases, there is no single source of consistent information on a heritage asset, the order and record of the sources being of vital importance. These problems are reflected in public bodies and entities linked to the protection of cultural heritage, and it is sometimes difficult to integrate information sources. Consequently, projects linked to heritage present problems due to the lack of clarity in the processes, disorganized and with scattered information. In recent years, the use of digital tools for the management of heritage projects, the inclusion of databases, interactive mapping, the use of three-dimensional models and the recent applications of virtual and augmented reality has been promoted. This new diversity of tools requires a certain, centralization and coordination of information. In response, the inclusion of the BIM methodology to heritage arises, however, its full application is still under development, some of the most common problems being the lack of protocols, systematization of processes, unification of databases and compatibility of the software for the different guardianship and management actions that cultural property requires. The HBIM process involves a reverse engineering solution whereby parametric objects representing architectural features are mapped based on laser scan or photogrammetric survey data. In the present HBIM is not only limited exclusively to the generation of a parametric virtual model, but also to the conjunction of a great variety of interdisciplinary data that contribute to a holistic vision, developed in a collaborative work environment that facilitates operation, exchange and storage of data collected by experts from different disciplines. This final master's thesis seeks to develop the capacity and applicability of HBIM as a tool for guardianship and management in the life cycles of a built cultural asset. For this, the study of the Church of San Lorenzo in Valencia is proposed, in order to analyze and develop an efficient work flow, define the intervening agents, their responsibilities, interactions and their relationships with the deliverable products.Escudero, PA. (2021). La gestión eficiente de los Bienes Patrimoniales mediante la aplicación de la metodología HBIM. El caso de la Iglesia de San Lorenzo en Valencia. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/174849TFG

    Interpreting parametric-biomimicry design from cad тo bim software: digital modelling based on a sketch of nandi flame

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    This research represents an application of two digital modelling softwares, first digital modelling software, chosen as representative of Computer-Aided Design – CAD modelling tool was Fusion 360. The representative of Building Information Modelling (BIM) as second digital modelling software was ArchiCAD. The aim of the research was to translate the same parametric-biomimicry design methodology used in CAD process modelling into BIM environment. African species Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv, whose common name in Kenya is Nandi flame, has been selected for the purpose of this digital modelling processes. As one of the most spectacular flowering plants, Nandi flame is indigenous to the tropical dry forests in Kenya. The decorative flower of this species was the basic model, more precisely the botanical sketches of the flower. This sketches were implemented into digital modelling softwares and used for parametric modelling. The results of this processes were represented as urban models or installations (landscape-architectural elements) in open space. This approach of digitally generating conceptual solutions from nature elements has capability to boost the formulation of new creative inventions in the different fields. The unique geometric patterns found in the flower of Spathodea campanulata P. Beauv served as a good example of how we may transform these ideas into actual design installations– using CAD or BIM software tools. This research has been carried out with the aim to find the position of BIM tools in parametric biomimicry design


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    The contents of this book show the implementation of new methodologies applied to archaeological sites. Chapters have been grouped in four sections: New Approaches About Archaeological Theory and Methodology; The Use of Geophysics on Archaeological Fieldwork; New Applied Techniques - Improving Material Culture and Experimentation; and Sharing Knowledge - Some Proposals Concerning Heritage and Education. Many different research projects, many different scientists and authors from different countries, many different historical times and periods, but only one objective: working together to increase our knowledge of ancient populations through archaeological work. The proposal of this book is to diffuse new methods and techniques developed by scientists to be used in archaeological works. That is the reason why we have thought that a publication on line is the best way of using new technology for sharing knowledge everywhere. Discovering, sharing knowledge, asking questions about our remote past and origins, are in the basis of humanity, and also are in the basis of archaeology as a science

    Writing as Material Practice: Substance, Surface and Medium

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    Writing as Material Practice grapples with the issue of writing as a form of material culture in its ancient and more recent manifestations, and in the contexts of production and consumption. Fifteen case studies explore the artefactual nature of writing — the ways in which materials, techniques, colour, scale, orientation and visibility inform the creation of inscribed objects and spaces, as well as structure subsequent engagement, perception and meaning making. Covering a temporal span of some 5000 years, from c.3200 BCE to the present day, and ranging in spatial context from the Americas to the Near East, the chapters in this volume bring a variety of perspectives which contribute to both specific and broader questions of writing materialities. The authors also aim to place past graphical systems in their social contexts so they can be understood in relation to the people who created and attributed meaning to writing and associated symbolic modes through a diverse array of individual and wider social practices