1,119 research outputs found

    Use of the Proteus for Visual Modeling of the Work of the Information System Basic Elements

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    Формулювання проблеми. Сучасна університетська підготовка ІТ фахівців з необхідністю передбачає вміння коректно використати інформаційні технології, яке часто неможливе без розуміння теоретичних основ функціонування апаратного засобу чи інформаційної системи загалом. У підготовці фахівців галузей знань «12 Інформаційні технології» та «01 Освіта (014 Середня освіта. Інформатика)» вважаємо за необхідне зосередити увагу не тільки на боці «споживання» технічного чи спеціалізованого програмного забезпечення, а і на боці розуміння логічних, фізичних та математичних основ його функціонування через візуалізацію у віртуальних лабораторіях. Метою статті є висвітлення доробку авторів стосовно комп’ютерної візуалізації роботи логічних елементів інформаційної системи на базі ISIS Proteus. Матеріали і методи. Для виконання дослідження використано: термінологічний аналіз для уточнення тезаурусу дослідження; аналіз спеціалізованих програмних засобів та рекомендацій науковців з метою обрання найбільш ефективного для демонстрації роботи логічних елементів інформаційної системи; системний аналіз наукових джерел для визначення найбільш важливих напрямків, на яких варто зосередити увагу при формуванні в ІТ-фахівців уявлень про логічні та фізичні основи функціонування інформаційних систем; моделювання для візуалізації фізичних процесів. Результати. Моделювання логіки фізичних процесів на базі Proteus позитивно впливає на рівень навчальних досягнень майбутніх ІТ-фахівців, що підтверджено аналізом одержаних результатів на рівні значущості 0,05 за критерієм Ст’юдента. Висновки. Використання віртуальних лабораторій як засобів комп’ютерної візуалізації прихованих (закритих) процесів, що відбуваються в інформаційній системі, зміщує акценти навчання з теоретичної та експериментальної площин в інтелектуальну галузь детального осмислення одержаних результатів. Для візуалізації закритих процесів, що відбуваються в інформаційній системі, доцільно використовувати середовище Proteus. Виконання лабораторних робіт у Proteus дозволяє продемонструвати майбутнім ІТ-фахівцям логіку роботи базових елементів інформаційної системи на основі побудови логічних функцій обробки двійкових сигналівFormulation of the problem. The modern university training of IT specialists with the necessity involves the ability to correctly use information technology, which is often impossible without understanding the theoretical foundations of the functioning of a hardware device or information system in general. In the training of specialists in the fields of knowledge "12 Information Technologies" and "01 Education (014 Secondary Education. Informatics)" we consider it necessary to focus not only on the side of "consumption" of technical or specialized software, but on the side of understanding logical, physical and mathematical basics of its functioning through visualization in virtual laboratories. The purpose of the article is to highlight the authors' revision concerning computer visualization of logic elements of the information system based on ISIS Proteus. Materials and methods. The terminology analysis was used to clarify the research thesaurus. The analysis of specialized software and recommendations of scientists in order to select the most effective for demonstration of logic elements of the information system was used. The systematic analysis of scientific sources to identify the most important areas in which it is worthwhile focusing on the formation of ideas in the IT specialists about the logical and physical bases of the functioning of information systems; simulation for visualizing physical processes was used. Results. The simulation of the logic of physical processes based on Proteus positively affects the level of educational achievements of future IT specialists, which is confirmed by the analysis of the obtained results at the significance level of 0.05 according to the Student test. Conclusions. The use of virtual laboratories as means of computer visualization of hidden (closed) processes occurring in the information system shifts the emphasis of learning from theoretical and experimental planes into the intellectual branch of a detailed understanding of the results obtained. To visualize the closed processes occurring in the information system, it is advisable to use the Proteus environment. Performing lab works in Proteus allows you to demonstrate to the future IT specialists the logic of the work of the basic elements of the information system based on the construction of logical functions of processing binary signals

    Using the Proteus virtual environment to train future IT professionals

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    Abstract. Based on literature review it was established that the use of augmented reality as an innovative technology of student training occurs in following directions: 3D image rendering; recognition and marking of real objects; interaction of a virtual object with a person in real time. The main advantages of using AR and VR in the educational process are highlighted: clarity, ability to simulate processes and phenomena, integration of educational disciplines, building an open education system, increasing motivation for learning, etc. It has been found that in the field of physical process modelling the Proteus Physics Laboratory is a popular example of augmented reality. Using the Proteus environment allows to visualize the functioning of the functional nodes of the computing system at the micro level. This is especially important for programming systems with limited resources, such as microcontrollers in the process of training future IT professionals. Experiment took place at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko with students majoring in Computer Science (field of knowledge is Secondary Education (Informatics)). It was found that computer modelling has a positive effect on mastering the basics of microelectronics. The ways of further scientific researches for grounding, development and experimental verification of forms, methods and augmented reality, and can be used in the professional training of future IT specialists are outlined in the article

    Впровадження дисциплін циклу «Вбудовані системи» в підготовку студентів-інформатиків

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    This article describes an approach to teaching of embedded systems (ES) disciplines for non-engineering students using original technique to study embedded systems design, realization and testing. The approach to be effective for implementation in a classical university and include all modern ES technologies. To create the teaching technique most of existing technologies were analysed, compared and adapted to be convenient for training. Teaching technique for the cycle of "Embedded Systems" disciplines includes traditional, virtual and remote design technologies. The example of completed student project described where “smart home” prototype was made.У статті описується підхід до викладання вбудованих систем шляхом розробки методики вивчення технологій створення і тестування вбудованих систем управління від першого до останнього етапу. Методика повинна бути ефективною при реалізації в класичному університеті і охоплювати усі сучасні технології. Для створення навчальної методики вивчено та адаптовано більшість існуючих технології, проведено порівняльний аналіз і представлення їх у зручному для навчання вигляді. У рамках дисциплін циклу «Вбудовані системи» вивчались як традиційні, так і віртуальні та дистанційні технології проектування

    Використання віртуального середовища Proteus для підготовки майбутніх ІТ-фахівців

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    Based on literature review it was established that the use of augmented reality as an innovative technology of student training occurs in following directions: 3D image rendering; recognition and marking of real objects; interaction of a virtual object with a person in real time. The main advantages of using AR and VR in the educational process are highlighted: clarity, ability to simulate processes and phenomena, integration of educational disciplines, building an open education system, increasing motivation for learning, etc. It has been found that in the field of physical process modelling the Proteus Physics Laboratory is a popular example of augmented reality. Using the Proteus environment allows to visualize the functioning of the functional nodes of the computing system at the micro level. This is especially important for programming systems with limited resources, such as microcontrollers in the process of training future IT professionals. Experiment took place at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and Sumy State Pedagogical University named after A. S. Makarenko with students majoring in Computer Science (field of knowledge is Secondary Education (Informatics)). It was found that computer modelling has a positive effect on mastering the basics of microelectronics. The ways of further scientific researches for grounding, development and experimental verification of forms, methods and augmented reality, and can be used in the professional training of future IT specialists are outlined in the article.На основі огляду літератури було встановлено, що використання доповненої реальності як інноваційної технології навчання студентів відбувається у таких напрямках: 3D-рендерінг зображень; розпізнавання та маркування реальних об'єктів; взаємодія віртуального об’єкта з людиною в режимі реального часу. Висвітлено основні переваги використання АР та ВР у навчальному процесі: чіткість, вміння моделювати процеси та явища, інтеграція навчальних дисциплін, побудова відкритої системи освіти, підвищення мотивації до навчання тощо. Виявлено, що в цій галузі фізичного моделювання процесів лабораторія фізики протея є популярним прикладом доповненої реальності. Використання середовища Proteus дозволяє візуалізувати функціонування функціональних вузлів обчислювальної системи на мікрорівні. Це особливо важливо для систем програмування з обмеженими ресурсами, наприклад мікроконтролерів у процесі підготовки майбутніх ІТ-фахівців. Експеримент відбувся у Київському університеті імені Бориса Грінченка та Сумському державному педагогічному університеті імені А. С. Макаренка зі студентами спеціальності "Інформатика" (сфера знань - середня освіта (інформатика)). Було встановлено, що комп'ютерне моделювання позитивно впливає на оволодіння основами мікроелектроніки. У статті окреслено шляхи подальших наукових досліджень щодо обґрунтування, розробки та експериментальної перевірки форм, методів та доповненої реальності, які можуть бути використані у професійній підготовці майбутніх ІТ-фахівців

    Modeling Business Process Variability

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    This master thesis presents research findings on business process variability modeling. Its main goal is to analyze inherent problems of business process variability and solve them simply, innovatively and effectively. To achieve this goal, process variability is defined by analyzing scientific literature, its main problems identified and is illustrated using a healthcare running example: process variability is classified into process variability within the domain space and over time. These two forms of process variability respectively lead to process variability modeling and process model evolution problems. After defining the main problems inherent to process variability, the focus of this research project is defined: solving process variability modeling problems. First current business process modeling languages are evaluated to assess the effectiveness of their respective modeling concepts when modeling process variability, using a newly created set of evaluation criteria and the healthcare running example. The following business process modeling languages are evaluated: Event driven process chains (EPC), the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Configurable EPC (C-EPC). Business process variability modeling and Software product line engineering have similar problems. Therefore the variability modeling concepts developed by software product line engineering are analyzed. Feature diagrams and software configuration management are the main variability management concepts provided by software product line engineering. To apply these variability management concepts to model process variability meant combining them with existing business modeling languages. Riebisch feature diagrams are combined with C-EPC to form Feature-EPC. Applying software configuration management, meant merging Change Oriented Versioning with basic EPC to create COV-EPC, and merging the Proteus Configuration Language with basic EPC to design PCL-EPC. Finally these newly created business process modeling languages are also evaluated using the newly designed evaluation criteria and the healthcare running example. EPC or BPMN are not suited to model business process variability within the domain space. C-EPC provide explicit means to model business process variability, however the process models tend to get big very fast. Furthermore the syntax, the contextual constraints and the semantics of the configuration requirements and guidelines used to configure the C-EPC process models are unclear. Feature-EPC improve C-EPC with domain modeling capability and clearly defined configuration rules: their syntax, contextual constraints and semantics have been clearly defined using a context free grammar in Backus-Naur form. Furthermore, consistent combinations of features and configuration rules are ensured using respectively constraints and a conflict resolution algorithm. However, Feature-EPC and C-EPC suffer from the same weakness: large configurable process models. In COV-EPC and PCL-EPC the problem of large configurable process models is solved. COV-EPC ensures consistent combinations of options and configuration rules using respectively validities and a conflict resolution algorithm. PCL-EPC guarantees consistent combinations of process fragments by means of a PCL specification

    Personalizing Interactions with Information Systems

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    Personalization constitutes the mechanisms and technologies necessary to customize information access to the end-user. It can be defined as the automatic adjustment of information content, structure, and presentation tailored to the individual. In this chapter, we study personalization from the viewpoint of personalizing interaction. The survey covers mechanisms for information-finding on the web, advanced information retrieval systems, dialog-based applications, and mobile access paradigms. Specific emphasis is placed on studying how users interact with an information system and how the system can encourage and foster interaction. This helps bring out the role of the personalization system as a facilitator which reconciles the user’s mental model with the underlying information system’s organization. Three tiers of personalization systems are presented, paying careful attention to interaction considerations. These tiers show how progressive levels of sophistication in interaction can be achieved. The chapter also surveys systems support technologies and niche application domains

    Compositional Mining of Multi-Relational Biological Datasets

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    High-throughput biological screens are yielding ever-growing streams of information about multiple aspects of cellular activity. As more and more categories of datasets come online, there is a corresponding multitude of ways in which inferences can be chained across them, motivating the need for compositional data mining algorithms. In this paper, we argue that such compositional data mining can be effectively realized by functionally cascading redescription mining and biclustering algorithms as primitives. Both these primitives mirror shifts of vocabulary that can be composed in arbitrary ways to create rich chains of inferences. Given a relational database and its schema, we show how the schema can be automatically compiled into a compositional data mining program, and how different domains in the schema can be related through logical sequences of biclustering and redescription invocations. This feature allows us to rapidly prototype new data mining applications, yielding greater understanding of scientific datasets. We describe two applications of compositional data mining: (i) matching terms across categories of the Gene Ontology and (ii) understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying stress response in human cells

    3D-based Advanced Machine Service Support

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    In the face of today's unpredictable and fluctuating global market, there have been trends in industry towards wider adoption of more advanced and flexible new generation manufacturing systems. These have brought about new challenges to manufacturing equipment builders/suppliers in respect of satisfying ever-increasing customers' requirements for such advanced manufacturing systems. To stay competitive, in addition to supplying high quality equipment, machine builders/suppliers must also be capable of providing their customers with cost-effective, efficient and comprehensive service support, throughout the equipment's lifecycle. This research study has been motivated by the relatively unexplored potential of integrating 3D virtual technology with various machine service support tools/techniques to address the aforementioned challenges. The hypothesis formulated for this study is that a 3D-based virtual environment can be used as an integration platform to improve service support for new generation manufacturing systems. In order to ensure the rigour of the study, it has been initiated with a two-stage (iterative) literature review, consisting of: a preliminary review for the identification of practical problems/main issues related to the area of machine service support and in-depth reviews for the identification of research problems/questions and potential solutions. These were then followed by iterations of intensive research activities, consisting of: requirements identification, concept development, prototype implementation, testing and exploration, reflection and feedback. The process has been repeated and revised continuously until satisfactory results, required for answering the identified research problems/questions, were obtained. The main focus of this study is exploring how a 3D-based virtual environment can be used as an integration platform for supporting a more cost-effective and comprehensive strategy for improving service support for new generation manufacturing systems. One of the main outcomes of this study is the proposal of a conceptual framework for a novel 3D-based advanced machine service support strategy and a reference architecture for a corresponding service support system, for allowing machine builders/suppliers to: (1) provide more cost-effective remote machine maintenance support, and (2) provide more efficient and comprehensive extended service support during the equipment's life cycle. The proposed service support strategy advocates the tight integration of conventional (consisting of mainly machine monitoring, diagnostics, prognostics and maintenance action decision support) and extended (consisting of mainly machine re-configuration, upgrade and expansion support) service support functions. The proposed service support system is based on the integration of a 3D-based virtual environment with the equipment control system, a re-configurable automated service support system, coupled with a maintenance-support-tool/strategy support environment and an equipment re-configuration/upgrade/expansion support environment, in a network/lntenet framework. The basic concepts, potential benefits and limitations of the proposed strategy/ system have been explored via a prototype based on a laboratory-scale test bed. The prototype consists of a set of integrated modular network-ready software tools consisting of: (1) an integrated 20/30 visualisation and analysis module, (2) support tools library modules, (3) communication modules and (4) a set of modular and re-configurable automated data logging, maintenance and re-configuration support modules. A number of test cases based on various machine service support scenarios, have been conducted using the prototype. The experimentation has shown the potential and feasibility (technical implementation aspects) of the proposed 3D-based approach. This research study has made an original contribution to knowledge in the field of machine service support. It has contributed a novel approach of using a 3D-based virtual environment as an integration platform for improving the capability of machine builders/suppliers in providing more cost-effective and comprehensive machine service support for complex new generation manufacturing systems. Several important findings have resulted from this work in particular with respect to how various 20/30 visualisation environments are integrated with machine service support tools/techniques for improving service support for complex manufacturing systems. A number of aspects have also been identified for future work

    A Platform for Inpatient Safety Management Based on IoT Technology

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    There is a need to integrate advancements in biomedical, information, and communication technologies with care processes within the framework of the inpatient safety program to support effective risk management of adverse events occurring in the hospital environment and to improve inpatient safety. In this respect, this work presents the development of a software platform using the Scrum methodology and the integrated technology of the Internet of Things for monitoring and managing inpatient safety. A modular solution is developed under a hexagonal architecture, using PHP as the backend language through the Laravel framework. A MySQL database was used for the data layer, and Vue.js was used for the user interface. This work implemented an RFID-based nurse call system using Internet of Things (IoT) concepts. The system enables nurses to respond to each inpatient within a given time limit and without the inpatient or a family member having to approach the nursing station. The system also provides reports and indicators that help evaluate the quality of inpatient care and helps to take measures to improve inpatient safety during care. In addition, diet management is integrated to reduce the occurrence of adverse events. A LoRa and Wi-Fi-based IoT network was implemented using a LoRa transceiver and the ESP32 MCU, chosen for its low power consumption, low cost, and wide availability. Bidirectional communication between hardware and software is handled through an MQTT Broker. The system integrates temperature and humidity sensors and smoke sensors, among others.Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Francisco Jose de Caldas National Financing Fund for science, technology and innovation 80740-233-2020AUIP (Iberoamerican University Association for Postgraduate Studies