11 research outputs found

    Hardware and Software Development Framework for Embedded Automotive Electronics

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    International audienceElectronics in Automotive Applications is constantly growing with an increasing quantity and complexity of their related embedded software. Multiplexed networked architectures give the possibility to implement different distributes solutions thus allowing optimized partitioning. This paper has the aim to describe the Hardware and Software Development Framework conceived and realized in Ixfin Magneti Marelli Electronic Systems in order to improve and optimize design and prototypes implementation of distributed electronics in the area of body applications. Quick function reallocation , solutions reuse, customer function integration, time to market reduction and R&D costs containment were the main objectives of this project. The document starts with a brief overview of the development process introducing the concept of the platform approach. Then both the Hardware and in particular the Software development framework are described and discussed in details. Some examples of real applications of the framework, performance indexes and balance metrics of the obtained results are presented in the conclusion

    A Personalized Facet-Weight Based Ranking Method for Service Component Retrieval

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    With the recent advanced computing, networking technologies and embedded systems, the computing paradigm has switched from mainframe and desktop computing to ubiquitous computing, one of whose visions is to provide intelligent, personalized and comprehensive services to users. As a new paradigm, Active Services is proposed to generate such services by retrieving, adapting, and composing of existing service components to satisfy user requirements. As the popularity of this paradigm and hence the number of service components increases, how to efficiently retrieve components to maximally meet user requirements has become a fundamental and significant problem. However, traditional facet-based retrieval methods only simply list out all the results without any kind of ranking and do not lay any emphasis on the differences of importance on each facet value in user requirements, which makes it hard for user to quickly select suitable components from the resulting list. To solve the problems, this paper proposes a novel personalized facet-weight based ranking method for service component retrieval, which assigns a weight for each facet to distinguish the importance of the facets, and constructs a personalized model to automatically calculate facet-weights for users according to their histo -rical retrieval records of the facet values and the weight setting. We optimize the parameters of the personalized model, evaluate the performance of the proposed retrieval method, and compare with the traditional facet-based matching methods. The experimental results show promising results in terms of retrieval accuracy and execution time

    Mind Your Outcomes: The ∆QSD Paradigm for Quality-Centric Systems Development and Its Application to a Blockchain Case Study

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    This paper directly addresses a long-standing issue that affects the development of many complex distributed software systems: how to establish quickly, cheaply, and reliably whether they can deliver their intended performance before expending significant time, effort, and money on detailed design and implementation. We describe ΔQSD, a novel metrics-based and quality-centric paradigm that uses formalised outcome diagrams to explore the performance consequences of design decisions, as a performance blueprint of the system. The distinctive feature of outcome diagrams is that they capture the essential observational properties of the system, independent of the details of system structure and behaviour. The ΔQSD paradigm derives bounds on performance expressed as probability distributions encompassing all possible executions of the system. The ΔQSD paradigm is both effective and generic: it allows values from various sources to be combined in a rigorous way so that approximate results can be obtained quickly and subsequently refined. ΔQSD has been successfully used by a small team in Predictable Network Solutions for consultancy on large-scale applications in a number of industries, including telecommunications, avionics, and space and defence, resulting in cumulative savings worth billions of US dollars. The paper outlines the ΔQSD paradigm, describes its formal underpinnings, and illustrates its use via a topical real-world example taken from the blockchain/cryptocurrency domain. ΔQSD has supported the development of an industry-leading proof-of-stake blockchain implementation that reliably and consistently delivers blocks of up to 80 kB every 20 s on average across a globally distributed network of collaborating block-producing nodes operating on the public internet.publishedVersio

    Um modelo computacional da teoria da atividade para definição de ambientes de aprendizagem baseados em framework orientado a objetos

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da ComputaçãoAs tecnologias educacionais sofreram evoluções desde o inicio do uso do computador no âmbito educacional. Atualmente tais ambientes são focados na aprendizagem colaborativa e ressaltam o uso do computador como mediador no processo de aprendizagem, o que vem ao encontro com a proposta da teoria utilizada nesta dissertação, a Teoria da Atividade. Entretanto, para que estes softwares tenham um papel significativo dentro deste processo, é necessário o entendimento entre os profissionais envolvidos no desenvolvimento de um software educacional, que normalmente são de áreas distintas, a saber: computacional e pedagógica. Além desse entendimento, um outro fator abordado nesta dissertação o foi o fato da Teoria da Atividade não possuir uma especificação para a área educacional, o que acaba dificultando sua projeção para técnicas computacionais. Assim, foi proposto e desenvolvido um modelo computacional baseado na Teoria da Atividade. Tal modelo serve como elo entre a teoria e a técnica computacional utilizada. A partir dessa junção foi projetado um framework orientado a objetos para o desenvolvimento de ambiente de aprendizagem colaborativa

    Customizing an Open Source Web Portal Framework in a Business Context : Integrating Participatory Design with an Agile Approach

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    In this thesis, we have investigated how an open source web portal can be used in a business context. This investigation required development of components for a web portal to meet the company’s needs. The motivation for this thesis was to design a web portal to organize the rapid growth of information and to improve the communication both internally and externally. The company that we collaborated with experienced expansion of the working staff, as well as in the customer base. Because the requirements for the web portal were uncertain, the development demanded a lot of communication and collaboration between us, as developers, and the company. With help from the Agile methodology and Participatory Design we were able to clarify the requirements and to overcome the problems during the development. We have especially utilized Agile’s Extreme Programming method as the developing technique. We argue that by applying this method in the given context, we attained the necessary foundation needed for the successful realization of the project. In addition, in situations where we supplemented it with techniques from Participatory Design; we gained a better understanding of the components to be made

    Uso de componentes de software no desenvolvimento de frameworks orientados a objetos

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    Orientador : Cecilia Mary Fischer RubiraDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação CientificaResumo: qualidade de sistemas de software exigida pelo mercado. Inúmeras tecnologias têm sido propostas, sendo os Frameworks Orientados a Objetos (OO) uma das tecnologias mais modernas para se obter tal qualidade. Entretanto os Frameworks Orientados a Objetos possuem alguns problemas, como de desenvolvimento, composição, uso e manutenção. Para isso, pesquisadores têm unido outras tecnologias a essa, como desenvolvimento baseado em componentes e linguagens de padrões, com o intuito de solucionar os problemas apresentados. Porém não se sabe o quanto efetivamente essas tecnologias auxiliam nos problemas dos Frameworks Orientados a Objetos em comparação a um desenvolvido apenas com o paradigma orientado a objetos puro. Este trabalho apresenta métodos de estudo, desenvolvimento e análise arquitetural e suas aplicações em uma arquitetura de framework OO baseada em classes e outras duas constituídas por componentes, sendo todas estas arquiteturas obtidas de um mesmo domínio de aplicação. A finalidade da utilização destes métodos é analisar a aplicabilidade do paradigma de desenvolvimento baseado em componentes na construção de Frameworks Orientados a Objetos, em nível arquitetural, em um domínio de aplicação específico, verificando seu impacto no grau de complexidade da arquitetura do Framework Orientado a Objetos e, conseqüentemente, na facilidade de sua utilização. O resultado deste experimento é a diminuição da complexidade da arquitetura do framework OO em questão, quando aplicado as técnicas de desenvolvimento baseado em componentes, acarretando, por exemplo, em uma manutenibilidade, reusabilidade, usabilidade e documentação mais fáceisAbstract: Software engineering researchers are always investigating for new forms to achieve software quality. Several technologies have been proposed, one of them, the technology for building Object Oriented (OO) Frameworks is a new technology to achieve software quality. However, the OO Frameworks have some limitations, such as complexity in their development, composition, use, and maintenance. To achieve software quality, researchers have join other technologies, like Component Based development and Pattern Languages to minimize these problems. However, the effectiveness of these technology compared with pure object oriented development isn't known. The main goal of this research is to analyze, at architectural level, the Component Based Paradigm applicability to built OO Frameworks in a specific application domain. The application of the component-based development resulted in a reduction of the OO framework architecture complexity and consequent1y promoted better maintainability, reusability, user-friendly and documentationMestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    An investigation into the application of systematic software reuse in a project-centric organisation

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    The software development continues to become more competitive and demanding, placing pressure on developers. Changes in the international political climate have resulted in shrinking military budgets, putting developers of defence software under further pressure. At present, systematic reuse is probably the most realistic way of addressing this pressure by improving software development productivity and quality. Software product line (SPL) engineering provides a comprehensive approach to systematic software reuse and is becoming widely accepted. The focus of this interpretive case study was ground station software development in a small multidisciplinary project-centric company which produces avionics systems for military aircraft. The purpose of the study was to investigate the potential implementation of systematic software reuse in the company. The study consisted of three phases, a literature study, a contextualisation and a set of field interviews, and used elements of the Carnegie-Mellon Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Product Line Practice Framework to examine the suitability of SPL engineering for the company. The findings of the study highlight the potential challenges that SPL engineering poses for the company, and emphasise how the company's project-centric structure could impede its implementation of systematic software reuse.ComputingM.Sc. (Information Systems

    A Framework Enabling the Cross-Platform Development of Service-based Cloud Applications

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    Among all the different kinds of service offering available in the cloud, ranging from compute, storage and networking infrastructure to integrated platforms and software services, one of the more interesting is the cloud application platform, a kind of platform as a service (PaaS) which integrates cloud applications with a collection of platform basic services. This kind of platform is neither so open that it requires every application to be developed from scratch, nor so closed that it only offers services from a pre-designed toolbox. Instead, it supports the creation of novel service-based applications, consisting of micro-services supplied by multiple third-party providers. Software service development at this granularity has the greatest prospect for bringing about the future software service ecosystem envisaged for the cloud. Cloud application developers face several challenges when seeking to integrate the different micro-service offerings from third-party providers. There are many alternative offerings for each kind of service, such as mail, payment or image processing services, and each assumes a slightly different business model. We characterise these differences in terms of (i) workflow, (ii) exposed APIs and (iii) configuration settings. Furthermore, developers need to access the platform basic services in a consistent way. To address this, we present a novel design methodology for creating service-based applications. The methodology is exemplified in a Java framework, which (i) integrates platform basic services in a seamless way and (ii) alleviates the heterogeneity of third-party services. The benefit is that designers of complete service-based applications are no longer locked into the vendor-specific vagaries of third-party micro-services and may design applications in a vendor-agnostic way, leaving open the possibility of future micro-service substitution. The framework architecture is presented in three phases. The first describes the abstraction of platform basic services and third-party micro-service workflows,. The second describes the method for extending the framework for each alternative micro-service implementation, with examples. The third describes how the framework executes each workflow and generates suitable client adaptors for the web APIs of each micro-service