809 research outputs found

    Speculative Staging for Interpreter Optimization

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    Interpreters have a bad reputation for having lower performance than just-in-time compilers. We present a new way of building high performance interpreters that is particularly effective for executing dynamically typed programming languages. The key idea is to combine speculative staging of optimized interpreter instructions with a novel technique of incrementally and iteratively concerting them at run-time. This paper introduces the concepts behind deriving optimized instructions from existing interpreter instructions---incrementally peeling off layers of complexity. When compiling the interpreter, these optimized derivatives will be compiled along with the original interpreter instructions. Therefore, our technique is portable by construction since it leverages the existing compiler's backend. At run-time we use instruction substitution from the interpreter's original and expensive instructions to optimized instruction derivatives to speed up execution. Our technique unites high performance with the simplicity and portability of interpreters---we report that our optimization makes the CPython interpreter up to more than four times faster, where our interpreter closes the gap between and sometimes even outperforms PyPy's just-in-time compiler.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Uses CPython 3.2.3 and PyPy 1.

    CPS Transformation of Beta-Redexes

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    The extra compaction of the most compacting CPS transformation in existence, which is due to Sabry and Felleisen, is generally attributed to (1) making continuations occur first in CPS terms and (2) classifying more redexes as administrative. We show that this extra compaction is actually independent of the relative positions of values and continuations and furthermore that it is solely due to a context-sensitive transformation of beta-redexes. We stage the more compact CPS transformation into a first-order uncurrying phase and a context-insensitive CPS transformation. We also define a context-insensitive CPS transformation that provides the extra compaction. This CPS transformation operates in one pass and is dependently typed

    An Analytical Approach to Programs as Data Objects

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    This essay accompanies a selection of 32 articles (referred to in bold face in the text and marginally marked in the bibliographic references) submitted to Aarhus University towards a Doctor Scientiarum degree in Computer Science.The author's previous academic degree, beyond a doctoral degree in June 1986, is an "Habilitation à diriger les recherches" from the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI) in France; the corresponding material was submitted in September 1992 and the degree was obtained in January 1993.The present 32 articles have all been written since 1993 and while at DAIMI.Except for one other PhD student, all co-authors are or have been the author's students here in Aarhus

    ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs

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    SAT/SMT-solvers and model checkers automate formal verification of sequential programs. Formal reasoning about scalable concurrent programs is still manual and requires expert knowledge. But scalability is a fundamental requirement of current and future programs. Sequential imperative programs compose statements, function/method calls and control flow constructs. Concurrent programming models provide constructs for concurrent composition. Concurrency abstractions such as threads and synchronization primitives such as locks compose the individual parts of a concurrent program that are meant to execute in parallel. We propose to rather compose the individual parts again using sequential composition and compile this sequential composition into a concurrent one. The developer can use existing tools to formally verify the sequential program while the translated concurrent program provides the dearly requested scalability. Following this insight, we present ConDRust, a new programming model and compiler for Rust programs. The ConDRust compiler translates sequential composition into a concurrent composition based on threads and message-passing channels. During compilation, the compiler preserves the semantics of the sequential program along with much desired properties such as determinism. Our evaluation shows that our ConDRust compiler generates concurrent deterministic code that can outperform even non-deterministic programs by up to a factor of three for irregular algorithms that are particularly hard to parallelize

    Instruction scheduling in micronet-based asynchronous ILP processors

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    The history of the Open Brethren in Scotland 1838-1999

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    The thesis is a history of the Open Brethren in Scotland. Its aim is to analyse the development of the movement incorporating its social history. A sequence of chapters traces the expansion and contraction of the movement and its internal development from its inception in 1838 until 1999. After an introductory chapter in which the aims and methods of the work will be set out, Chapter 2 examines the largely Bowesite movement of the 1840s and 1850s. Chapter 3 analyses the crucial decade which followed the 1859 Revival. In these chapters external growth and internal development are studied in conjunction with each other. The period of greatest increase for the movement was the late Victorian period and Chapter 4 analyses expansion until the outbreak of World War I. The Brethren were in their most developed form in the inter-war period of the twentieth century and this phase had an after-life until the mid-1960s. Chapter 6 examines patterns of growth and decline from 1914 until 1965 with, in addition, an investigation of the ethos of the movement when it was in its mature form. Complementary to Chapters 4 and 6 are Chapters 5 and 7 in which the internal development of the movement is examined for the respective periods. The classic era of the Brethren might be said to have ceased in the mid-1960s. Chapter 8 is devoted to an investigation of the spirituality of the movement from the 1830s until that decade and Chapter 9 to the relationship of the Brethren to culture and society for the same period. Chapter 10 examines the contemporary movement from the mid-1960s, analysing internal development and changes in membership size, spirituality, and attitudes to culture and society. The conclusion, Chapter 11, draws together the central themes of the thesis and presents some assessment

    On Language Processors and Software Maintenance

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    This work investigates declarative transformation tools in the context of software maintenance. Besides maintenance of the language specification, evolution of a software language requires the adaptation of the software written in that language as well as the adaptation of the software that transforms software written in the evolving language. This co-evolution is studied to derive automatic adaptations of artefacts from adaptations of the language specification. Furthermore, AOP for Prolog is introduced to improve maintainability of language specifications and derived tools.Die Arbeit unterstĂŒtzt deklarative Transformationswerkzeuge im Kontext der Softwarewartung. Neben der Wartung der Sprachbeschreibung erfordert die Evolution einer Sprache sowohl die Anpassung der Software, die in dieser Sprache geschrieben ist als auch die Anpassung der Software, die diese Software transformiert. Diese Koevolution wird untersucht, um automatische Anpassungen von Artefakten von Anpassungen der Sprachbeschreibungen abzuleiten. Weiterhin wird AOP fĂŒr Prolog eingefĂŒhrt, um die Wartbarkeit von Sprachbeschreibungen und den daraus abgeleiteten Werkzeugen zu erhöhen
