473,870 research outputs found

    Control and data structures in programming languages

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    Podstatou této práce je uvést základní informace o algoritmizaci a obecné poznatky o řídicích a datových strukturách. Tyto poznatky jsou pak ve vybraných programovacích jazycích konkretizovány, je provedeno jejich srovnání a na základě konkrétních zákonitostí jsou uvedeny příklady využití.The essence of this work is to give basic information about the algorithm development and general pieces of knowledge of the structures in programming languages. These pieces of knowledge are specified for selected programming languages, to comparison is performed and application examples based on specific patterns for corresponding language are presented.

    Mecanismo convencional para la protección de idiomas regionales o idiomas de las minorías

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    Today the problem of protecting regional or minority languages is an urgent one. Despite the existence of numerous international acts at the universal and regional levels aimed at protecting these languages, the language rights of national, linguistic, religious minorities and speakers of regional languages are violated. This scientific article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the conventional mechanism for the protection of regional or minority languages. The article examines the characteristic features of the conventional mechanism for the protection of regional or minority languages: law-making, interpretation, international control and law enforcement. The article begins with the disclosure of the content of the concepts of regional or minority languages. some approaches to this definition are considered. I proceed to the structure of the conventional mechanism for the protection of regional or minority languages and consider each component separately. The article provides a comparison of interpretation and specification. The article focuses on the views and works of Russian lawyers and researchers in the field of theory of state and law. The article is of an interdisciplinary nature, written at the intersection of law and sociolinguistics. This article will be of interest to specialists in the field of linguistics.Hoy en día, el problema de proteger las lenguas regionales o minoritarias es urgente. A pesar de la existencia de numerosos actos internacionales a nivel universal y regional destinados a proteger estos idiomas, se violan los derechos lingüísticos de las minorías nacionales, lingüísticas, religiosas y los hablantes de idiomas regionales. Este artículo científico está dedicado a un estudio exhaustivo del mecanismo convencional para la protección de las lenguas regionales o minoritarias. El artículo examina las características del mecanismo convencional para la protección de las lenguas regionales o minoritarias: legislación, interpretación, control internacional y aplicación de la ley. El artículo comienza con la divulgación del contenido de los conceptos de idiomas regionales o minoritarios. se consideran algunos enfoques para esta definición. A continuación, procedo a la estructura del mecanismo convencional para la protección de las lenguas regionales o minoritarias y considero cada componente por separado. El artículo proporciona una comparación de interpretación y especificación. El artículo se centra en los puntos de vista y trabajos de abogados e investigadores rusos en el campo de la teoría del estado y el derecho. El artículo es de naturaleza interdisciplinaria, escrito en la intersección del derecho y la sociolingüística. Este artículo será de interés para los especialistas en el campo de la lingüística

    Mini-Course in Demystifying American Spelling: An Historical And Comparative Perspective

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    This paper is intended as a practical guide to presenting selected areas o£ spelling problematic £or ESL students and native English speakers. The focus is on the history o£ the English language and comparison with other Indo-European languages as a means of clarifying English spelling idiosyncrasies”. The study begins with an explanation of the historical and comparative viewpoint and suggestions for its application. The chapters are presented in lesson format and followed by several activity possibilities. The appendices provide a compendium of background information and classroom materials relating to the individual chapters. The glossary and annotated bibliography are provided for further reference

    Tiempo al tiempo de las lenguas indoeuropeas

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    El tiempo verbal es una categoría bien lábil, sobre todo si la comparamos con el aspecto verbal, pues es obvio que para el hablante resulta más sencillo presentar una acción o estado como indeterminados (aspecto imperfectivo) o como determinados (aspecto perfectivo) que asociarlos al tiempo. Además, el tiempo verbal puede ser absoluto (pasado, presente, futuro) o relativo (anterior, simultáneo, posterior), constituyendo este doble eje temporal una complicación adicional para los hablantes. Desde una perspectiva histórica y tipológica parece evidente que el tiempo verbal emergió como una derivación metafórica del aspecto y ello probablemente en todos los grupos lingüísticos, incluido el indoeuropeo. Examinar cómo pudo verificarse en el ámbito indoeuropeo esa reciente adquisición del tiempo verbal es el objetivo principal de este trabajo.Time and Tense in the Indo-European Languages Verbal time is a volatile category, especially in comparison with verbal aspect, since it is obviously easier for the speaker to present an action or state as indefinite (imperfective aspect) or definite (perfective aspect) than to relate actions or states to time. Verbal time may be absolute (past, present, future) or relative (anterior, simultaneous, posterior) as well. This double axis causes additional complications for the speaker. From a historical and typological point of view it seems clear that verbal time was a metaphorical deviation of aspect probably in all linguistic groups. This is the case for the Indo-European languages too. Verbal time was a recent acquisition in the Indo-European languages and examining the way this acquisition took place is the main aim of this paper

    Measuring the tourism destination image : a survey based on the Item response theory

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    O potencial turístico do Brasil é reconhecido por diversos segmentos, e sabe-se de sua pouca representatividade no cenário internacional. Objetivou-se a construção e validação de um Instrumento de Imagem do Destino Turístico, e posterior comparação dos turistas reais e potenciais, além de uma revisão sobre o conceito de imagem do destino. Para a pesquisa se construiu um sítio eletrônico em quatro idiomas e enviaram-se e-mails nos mesmos idiomas. A pesquisa foi respondida por 658 pessoas, de 66 diferentes países. A média de idade foi de 33,2 anos (dp=11,5), 58,7% eram do sexo feminino, 53,9% eram solteiros, mais de 80% concluíram o terceiro grau, a maioria já fez viagem internacional (90,8%), mas poucos vieram ao Brasil (26,8%). O tratamento dos dados foi por meio de análise fatorial e análise de resposta ao item, além da diferença entre grupos. Os resultados ofereceram subsídios para alcançar o objetivo de construir e validar um Instrumento de Imagem do Destino. Foram encontrados cinco fatores: 1. Cenário específico, 2. Cultura local, 3. Luxo e conforto, 4. Infra-estrutura e segurança, e 5. Recreação e entretenimento. O segundo objetivo foi alcançado. Comparando os grupos, dois fatores apresentaram diferença entre turistas potenciais e reais. Aplicações e impactos são sugeridos ao longo do trabalho. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTPotential Tourism in Brazil is recognized by some segments. Yet it is known to represent little in the international scenario. The purpose of this study is to construct and validate a Tourism Destination Image Scale for comparison between real tourists and potential tourists, as well as the literature review of the destination image concept. For this study, an electronic site in four different languages was used, with e-mails being written and sent in the same four languages. 658 from 66 different countries responded. The sample was made up of females (58.7%), singles (53.9%), with an average age of 33.2 (SD=11.5) years. More than 80% had completed a bachelor's degree, the majority travelled to international locations (90.8%), but few travelled to Brazil (26.8%). Factor analysis, Item Response Theory and Group Differences were conducted. The results validated the Destination Image Scale. Five factors were found in this study: 1. Specific scenario, 2. Local culture, 3. Luxury and comfort, 4. Infra-structure and security, and 5. Recreation and entertainment. The second aim was achieved. The comparison between potential and real tourists shows differences in two factors. Applications and impacts were suggested in the work

    Interferencias pragmáticas: aproximación ás estratexias de cortesía nas peticións en galego

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    [Resumo] Neste artigo verificamos a pertinencia de falar de interferencias pragmáticas entre galego e castelán e a necesidade de estudar a pragmática do galego para poder dispoñer de datos útiles e necesarios para o ensino da lingua ou para a tradución. O traballo céntrase no estudo dos xeitos de realizar un acto directivo que ameaza a imaxe pública de falante e oínte, como é a petición. Os datos, obtidos mediante técnicas de dramatización (xogos de rol), permiten a comparación das estratexias comunicativas postas en marcha por falantes de diferente idade, sexo e procedencia social. Considerando unha escala que teña nun extremo linguas que optan por unha cortesía da deferencia e no outro linguas que prefiren unha cortesía da solidariedade, o galego, mesmo estando neste segundo grupo, estaría máis próxima da cortesía de deferencia que o castelán.[Abstract] This article looks at the importance of studying pragmatic interference between Galician and Spanish, and highlights the role of Galician pragmatics as a means of collecting useful and necessary data for the teaching or translation of Galician. The article focuses on the different performances of directive speech acts (such as requests) which can threaten the public image of the speaker and the listener. Data which was collected through dramatization techniques, namely role plays, is used to compare the different communicative strategies used by speakers of different age groups, gender, social class and place of origin. On a scale, which at one end positions languages that opt for deference politeness and at the other, languages that opt for solidarity politeness, Galician can be classified as the latter. Nevertheless, in comparison with Spanish, Galician can be considered closer to deference politeness

    Reflections on imperative forms in portuguese

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    O estudo examina o uso variável de formas verbais do imperativo no português brasileiro, em comparação com línguas que apresentam o imperativo com morfologia e sintaxe próprias, o chamado imperativo verdadeiro, além das formas derivadas do subjuntivo. Argumentamos que formas do imperativo no português brasileiro atual correspondentes ao imperativo verdadeiro nas línguas citadas não manifestam propriedades morfológicas e sintáticas específicas, bem como não são restringidas pelo traço discursivo [+ proximidade]. Demonstramos que há diferenças geográficas com relação ao fenômeno variável no português brasileiro, especialmente com relação à sintaxe da negação, dos pronomes objeto, e do vocativo, em oposição ao sujeito.This study examines the variable use of imperative forms in Brazilian Portuguese, in comparison with languages that display a special morphology and syntax for imperatives (so-called true imperatives), along with forms derived from the subjunctive (found also in European Portuguese). It is argued that in Brazilian Portuguese the imperative forms corresponding to true imperatives show neither morphological or syntactically specific features, nor are they restricted by the discourse-linked feature [+proximity]. As we show, there are geographical differences in this variable phenomenon in Brazilian Portuguese, which correlate with the syntax of negation, object pronouns, and with vocatives as opposed to subjects

    Ensino da língua portuguesa na República Tcheca (a língua portuguesa como fonte de inspiração e de conhecimento)

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    O artigo aborda variados aspetos associados ao ensino da língua portuguesa na República Tcheca, particularmente, à comparação tipológica das línguas checa e portuguesa.Článek pojednává o výuce portugalského jazyka v ČR a zároveň nabízí typologické porovnání portugalského a českého jazyka.The article deals with the teaching of the Portuguese language in the Czech Republic and aspects related to the typological comparison of the Portuguese and Czech languages


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    Putri, Arifa Rachmi. 2017. " Phonemic Correspondence of Sasak, Ogan, Minangkabau, and Sumbawa Language". A thesis (S-1) of Indonesian Literature Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Diponegoro University. Advisor: Dr. M. Suryadi, M. Hum, and Drs. Mujid F. Amin, M.Pd. This study aims to describe set and form of the phonemic correspondence, and the type of sound change in Sasak, Ogan, Minang, and Sumbawa language. These four languages belong to the Austronesian family. So this language is alleged to have close kinship. This can be evidenced by the phonemic correspondence that occurs regularly in the four comparable languages. The type of data used is secondary data, which is obtained from literature study. The data crawl tool used the list of vocabulary Swadesh amounted to 300 vocabulary. Data analysis using the classical comparison method by going through the stages, determining the set of correspondence phonemis, then reconnaissance phonemis on a number of pairs of words that appear on the correspondence set. Phonemic reconstructions are then performed to determine the proto phonemes that derive the languages of the kin. Based on this study found phonemic correspondence, /a~e~o/, /q~h/, /t~?/. After the correspondence formula can be formulated, it can be seen that the Sasak language, and the Sumbawa language is a separate language class with the same correspondence, while the Ogan language, and Minang languages are different groups. Keywords: Phonemic Correspondence, Sound Behavior Type, Correspondence Formul