36 research outputs found

    The virtual knowledge graph system Ontop

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    Ontop is a popular open-source virtual knowledge graph system that can expose heterogeneous data sources as a unified knowledge graph. Ontop has been widely used in a variety of research and industrial projects. In this paper, we describe the challenges, design choices, new features of the latest release of Ontop v4, summarizing the development efforts of the last 4 years

    Information modelling for the development of sustainable construction (MINDOC)

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    In previous decades, controlling the environmental impact through lifecycle analysis has become a topical issue in the building sector. However, there are some problems when trying to exchange information between experts for conducting various studies like the environmental assessment of the building. There is also heterogeneity between construction product databases because they do not have the same characteristics and do not use the same basis to measure the environmental impact of each construction product. Moreover, there are still difficulties to exploit the full potential of linking BIM, SemanticWeb and databases of construction products because the idea of combining them is relatively recent. The goal of this thesis is to increase the flexibility needed to assess the building’s environmental impact in a timely manner. First, our research determines gaps in interoperability in the AEC (Architecture Engineering and Construction) domain. Then, we fill some of the shortcomings encountered in the formalization of building information and the generation of building data in Semantic Web formats. We further promote efficient use of BIM throughout the building life cycle by integrating and referencing environmental data on construction products into a BIM tool. Moreover, semantics has been improved by the enhancement of a well-known building-based ontology (namely ifcOWL for Industry Foundation Classes Web Ontology Language). Finally, we experience a case study of a small building for our methodology

    Efficient Management for Geospatial and Temporal Data using Ontology-based Data Access Techniques

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    Το μοντέλο δεδομένων RDF και η γλώσσα επερωτήσεων SPARQL είναι ευρέως διαδεδομένα για την χρήση τους με σκοπό την ενοποίηση πληροφορίας που προέρχεται από διαφορετικές πηγές. Ο αυξανόμενος αριθμός των γεωχωρικών συνόλων δεδομένων που είναι πλέον διαθέσιμα σαν γεωχωρικά διασυνδεδεμένα δεδομένα οδήγησε στην εμφάνιση επεκτάσεων του μοντέλου δεδομένων RDF και της γλώσσας επερωτήσεων SPARQL. Δύο από τις σημαντικότερες επεκτάσεις αυτές είναι η γλώσσα GeoSPARQL, η οποία έγινε OGC πρότυπο, και το πλαίσιο του μοντέλου δεδομένων stRDF και της γλώσσας επερωτήσεων stSPARQL. Και οι δύο προσεγγίσεις μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την αναπαράσταση και επερώτηση διασυνδεδεμένων γεωχωρικών δεδομένων, ενώ το μοντέλο stRDF και η γλώσσα stSPARQL παρέχουν επίσης επιπλέον λειτουργικότητα για την αναπαράσταση και επερώτηση χρονικών δεδομένων. Παρότι ο αριθμός των δεδομένων που είναι διαθέσιμα σαν γεωχωρικά ή και χρονικά διασυνδεδεμένα δεδομένα αυξάνεται, η μετατροπή των γεωχωρικών δεδομένων σε RDF και η αποθήκευσή τους σε αποθετήρια RDF δεν είναι πάντα η βέλτιστη λύση, ειδικά όταν τα δεδομένα βρίσκονται εξαρχής σε σχεσιακές βάσεις οι οποίες μπορεί να έχουν αρκετά μεγάλο μέγεθος ή και να ενημερώνονται πολύ συχνά. Στα πλαίσια αυτής της διδακτορικής διατριβής, προτείνουμε μια λύση βασισμένη στην ανάκτηση πληροφορίας με χρήση οντολογιών και αντιστοιχίσεων για την επερώτηση δεδομένων πάνω από γεωχωρικές σχεσιακές βάσεις δεδομένων. Επεκτείνουμε τεχνικές επανεγγραφής GeoSPARQL ερωτημάτων σε SQL ώστε η αποτίμηση των επερωτήσεων να γίνεται εξολοκλήρου στο γεωχωρικό σύστημα διαχείρισης βάσεων δεδομένων. Επίσης, εισαγάγουμε επιπλέον λειτουργικότητα στη χρονική συνιστώσα του μοντέλου δεδομένων stRDF και της γλώσσας επερωτήσεων stSPARQL, προκειμένου να διευκολυνθεί η υποστήριξη χρονικών τελεστών σε συστήματα OBDA. Στη συνέχεια, επεκτείνουμε τις παραπάνω μεθόδους με την υποστήριξη διαφορετικών πηγών δεδομένων πέρα από σχεσιακές βάσεις και παρουσιάζουμε μια OBDA προσέγγιση που επιτρέπει τη δημιουργία εικονικών RDF γράφων πάνω από δεδομένα που βρίσκονται διαθέσιμα στο διαδίκτυο σε διάφορες μορφές (πχ. HTML πίνακες, web διεπαφές), με χρήση οντολογιών και αντιστοιχίσεων. Συγκρίναμε την απόδοση του συστήματός μας με ένα σχετικό σύστημα και τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι πέραν του ότι το σύστημά μας παρέχει μεγαλύτερη λειτουργικότητα (πχ. υποστηρίζει περισσότερα είδη πηγών δεδομένων, περιλαμβάνει απλούστερες διαδικασίες και εξασφαλίζει καλύτερη απόδοση. Τέλος, παρουσιάζουμε την εφαρμογή των μεθόδων και συστημάτων που περιγράφονται στη διατριβή σε πραγματικά σενάρια χρήσης.The data model RDF and query language SPARQL have been widely used for the integration of data coming from different souces. Due to the increasing number of geospatial datasets that are being available as linked open data, a lot of effort focuses in the development of geospatial (and temporal, accordingly) extensions of the framework of RDF and SPARQL. Two highlights of these efforts are the query language GeoSPARQL, that is an OGC standard, and the framework of stRDF and stSPARQL. Both frameworks can be used for the representation and querying of linked geospatial data, and stSPARQL also includes a temporal dimension. Although a lot of geospatial (and some temporal) RDF stores started to emerge, converting geospatial data into RDF and then storing it into an RDF stores is not always best practice, especially when the data exists in a relational database that is fairly large and/or it gets updated frequently. In this thesis, we propose an Ontology-based Data Access (OBDA) approach for accessing geospatial data stored in geospatial relational databases, using the OGC standard GeoSPARQL and R2RML or OBDA mappings. We introduce extensions to an existing SPARQL-to-SQL translation method to support GeoSPARQL features. We describe the implementation of our approach in the system Ontop-spatial, an extension of the OBDA system Ontop for creating virtual geospatial RDF graphs on top of geospatial relational databases. Ontop-spatial is the first geospatial OBDA system and outperforms state-of-the-art geospatial RDF stores. We also show how to answer queries with temproal operators in the OBDA framework, by utilizing the framework stRDF and the query language stSPARQL which we extend with some new features. Next, we extend the data sources supported by Ontop-spatial going beyond relational database management systems, and we present our OBDA solutions for creating virtual RDF graphs on top of various web data sources (e.g., HTML tables, Web APIs) using ontologies and mappings. We compared the performance of our approach with a related implementation and evaluation results showed that not only does Ontop-spatial support more functionalities (e.g., more data sources, more simple workflow), but it also achieves better performance. Last, we describe how the work described in this thesis is applied in real-world application scenarios

    Supporting Tools for Automated Generation and Visual Editing of Relational-to-Ontology Mappings

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    La integració de dades amb formats heterogenis i de diversos dominis mitjançant tecnologies de la web semàntica permet solucionar la seva disparitat estructural i semàntica. L'accés a dades basat en ontologies (OBDA, en anglès) és una solució integral que es basa en l'ús d'ontologies com esquemes mediadors i el mapatge entre les dades i les ontologies per facilitar la consulta de les fonts de dades. No obstant això, una de les principals barreres que pot dificultar més l'adopció de OBDA és la manca d'eines per donar suport a la creació de mapatges entre dades i ontologies. L'objectiu d'aquesta investigació ha estat desenvolupar noves eines que permetin als experts sense coneixements d'ontologies la creació de mapatges entre dades i ontologies. Amb aquesta finalitat, s'han dut a terme dues línies de treball: la generació automàtica de mapatges entre dades relacionals i ontologies i l'edició dels mapatges a través de la seva representació visual. Les eines actualment disponibles per automatitzar la generació de mapatges estan lluny de proporcionar una solució completa, ja que es basen en els esquemes relacionals i amb prou feines tenen en compte els continguts de la font de dades relacional i les característiques de l'ontologia. No obstant això, les dades poden contenir relacions ocultes que poden ajudar a la generació de mapatges. Per superar aquesta limitació, hem desenvolupat AutoMap4OBDA, un sistema que genera automàticament mapatges R2RML a partir de l'anàlisi dels continguts de la font relacional i tenint en compte les característiques de l'ontologia. El sistema fa servir una tècnica d'aprenentatge d'ontologies per inferir jerarquies de classes, selecciona les mètriques de similitud de cadenes en base a les etiquetes de les ontologies i analitza les estructures de grafs per generar els mapatges a partir de l'estructura de l'ontologia. La representació visual per mitjà d'interfícies intuïtives pot ajudar els usuaris sense coneixements tècnics a establir mapatges entre una font relacional i una ontologia. No obstant això, les eines existents per a l'edició visual de mapatges mostren algunes limitacions. En particular, la representació visual de mapatges no contempla les estructures de la font relacional i de l'ontologia de forma conjunta. Per superar aquest inconvenient, hem desenvolupat Map-On, un entorn visual web per a l'edició manual de mapatges. AutoMap4OBDA ha demostrat que supera les prestacions de les solucions existents per a la generació de mapatges. Map-On s'ha aplicat en projectes d'investigació per verificar la seva eficàcia en la gestió de mapatges.La integración de datos con formatos heterogéneos y de diversos dominios mediante tecnologías de la Web Semántica permite solventar su disparidad estructural y semántica. El acceso a datos basado en ontologías (OBDA, en inglés) es una solución integral que se basa en el uso de ontologías como esquemas mediadores y mapeos entre los datos y las ontologías para facilitar la consulta de las fuentes de datos. Sin embargo, una de las principales barreras que puede dificultar más la adopción de OBDA es la falta de herramientas para apoyar la creación de mapeos entre datos y ontologías. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido desarrollar nuevas herramientas que permitan a expertos sin conocimientos de ontologías la creación de mapeos entre datos y ontologías. Con este fin, se han llevado a cabo dos líneas de trabajo: la generación automática de mapeos entre datos relacionales y ontologías y la edición de los mapeos a través de su representación visual. Las herramientas actualmente disponibles para automatizar la generación de mapeos están lejos de proporcionar una solución completa, ya que se basan en los esquemas relacionales y apenas tienen en cuenta los contenidos de la fuente de datos relacional y las características de la ontología. Sin embargo, los datos pueden contener relaciones ocultas que pueden ayudar a la generación de mapeos. Para superar esta limitación, hemos desarrollado AutoMap4OBDA, un sistema que genera automáticamente mapeos R2RML a partir del análisis de los contenidos de la fuente relacional y teniendo en cuenta las características de la ontología. El sistema emplea una técnica de aprendizaje de ontologías para inferir jerarquías de clases, selecciona las métricas de similitud de cadenas en base a las etiquetas de las ontologías y analiza las estructuras de grafos para generar los mapeos a partir de la estructura de la ontología. La representación visual por medio de interfaces intuitivas puede ayudar a los usuarios sin conocimientos técnicos a establecer mapeos entre una fuente relacional y una ontología. Sin embargo, las herramientas existentes para la edición visual de mapeos muestran algunas limitaciones. En particular, la representación de mapeos no contempla las estructuras de la fuente relacional y de la ontología de forma conjunta. Para superar este inconveniente, hemos desarrollado Map-On, un entorno visual web para la edición manual de mapeos. AutoMap4OBDA ha demostrado que supera las prestaciones de las soluciones existentes para la generación de mapeos. Map-On se ha aplicado en proyectos de investigación para verificar su eficacia en la gestión de mapeos.Integration of data from heterogeneous formats and domains based on Semantic Web technologies enables us to solve their structural and semantic heterogeneity. Ontology-based data access (OBDA) is a comprehensive solution which relies on the use of ontologies as mediator schemas and relational-to-ontology mappings to facilitate data source querying. However, one of the greatest obstacles in the adoption of OBDA is the lack of tools to support the creation of mappings between physically stored data and ontologies. The objective of this research has been to develop new tools that allow non-ontology experts to create relational-to-ontology mappings. For this purpose, two lines of work have been carried out: the automated generation of relational-to-ontology mappings, and visual support for mapping editing. The tools currently available to automate the generation of mappings are far from providing a complete solution, since they rely on relational schemas and barely take into account the contents of the relational data source and features of the ontology. However, the data may contain hidden relationships that can help in the process of mapping generation. To overcome this limitation, we have developed AutoMap4OBDA, a system that automatically generates R2RML mappings from the analysis of the contents of the relational source and takes into account the characteristics of ontology. The system employs an ontology learning technique to infer class hierarchies, selects the string similarity metric based on the labels of ontologies, and analyses the graph structures to generate the mappings from the structure of the ontology. The visual representation through intuitive interfaces can help non-technical users to establish mappings between a relational source and an ontology. However, existing tools for visual editing of mappings show somewhat limitations. In particular, the visual representation of mapping does not embrace the structure of the relational source and the ontology at the same time. To overcome this problem, we have developed Map-On, a visual web environment for the manual editing of mappings. AutoMap4OBDA has been shown to outperform existing solutions in the generation of mappings. Map-On has been applied in research projects to verify its effectiveness in managing mappings

    Data integration for offshore decommissioning waste management

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    Offshore decommissioning represents significant business opportunities for oil and gas service companies. However, for owners of offshore assets and regulators, it is a liability because of the associated costs. One way of mitigating decommissioning costs is through the sales and reuse of decommissioned items. To achieve this effectively, reliability assessment of decommissioned items is required. Such an assessment relies on data collected on the various items over the lifecycle of an engineering asset. Considering that offshore platforms have a design life of about 25 years and data management techniques and tools are constantly evolving, data captured about items to be decommissioned will be in varying forms. In addition, considering the many stakeholders involved with a facility over its lifecycle, information representation of the items will have variations. These challenges make data integration difficult. As a result, this research developed a data integration framework that makes use of Semantic Web technologies and ISO 15926 - a standard for process plant data integration - for rapid assessment of decommissioned items. The proposed solution helps in determining the reuse potential of decommissioned items, which can save on cost and benefit the environment

    Data integration support for offshore decommissioning waste management

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    Offshore oil and gas platforms have a design life of about 25 years whereas the techniques and tools used for managing their data are constantly evolving. Therefore, data captured about platforms during their lifetimes will be in varying forms. Additionally, due to the many stakeholders involved with a facility over its life cycle, information representation of its components varies. These challenges make data integration difficult. Over the years, data integration technology application in the oil and gas industry has focused on meeting the needs of asset life cycle stages other than decommissioning. This is the case because most assets are just reaching the end of their design lives. Currently, limited work has been done on integrating life cycle data for offshore decommissioning purposes, and reports by industry stakeholders underscore this need. This thesis proposes a method for the integration of the common data types relevant in oil and gas decommissioning. The key features of the method are that it (i) ensures semantic homogeneity using knowledge representation languages (Semantic Web) and domain specific reference data (ISO 15926); and (ii) allows stakeholders to continue to use their current applications. Prototypes of the framework have been implemented using open source software applications and performance measures made. The work of this thesis has been motivated by the business case of reusing offshore decommissioning waste items. The framework developed is generic and can be applied whenever there is a need to integrate and query disparate data involving oil and gas assets. The prototypes presented show how the data management challenges associated with assessing the suitability of decommissioned offshore facility items for reuse can be addressed. The performance of the prototypes show that significant time and effort is saved compared to the state-of‐the‐art solution. The ability to do this effectively and efficiently during decommissioning will advance the oil the oil and gas industry’s transition toward a circular economy and help save on cost

    Dragoman: Efficiently Evaluating Declarative Mapping Languages over Frameworks for Knowledge Graph Creation

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    In recent years, there have been valuable efforts and contributions to make the process of RDF knowledge graph creation traceable and transparent; extending and applying declarative mapping languages is an example. One challenging step is the traceability of procedures that aim to overcome interoperability issues, a.k.a. data-level integration. In most pipelines, data integration is performed by ad-hoc programs, preventing traceability and reusability. However, formal frameworks provided by function-based declarative mapping languages such as FunUL and RML+FnO empower expressiveness. Data-level integration can be defined as functions and integrated as part of the mappings performing schema-level integration. However, combining functions with the mappings introduces a new source of complexity that can considerably impact the required number of resources and execution time. We tackle the problem of efficiently executing mappings with functions and formalize the transformation of them into function-free mappings. These transformations are the basis of an optimization process that aims to perform an eager evaluation of function-based mapping rules. These techniques are implemented in a framework named Dragoman. We demonstrate the correctness of the transformations while ensuring that the function-free data integration processes are equivalent to the original one. The effectiveness of Dragoman is empirically evaluated in 230 testbeds composed of various types of functions integrated with mapping rules of different complexity. The outcomes suggest that evaluating function-free mapping rules reduces execution time in complex knowledge graph creation pipelines composed of large data sources and multiple types of mapping rules. The savings can be up to 75%, suggesting that eagerly executing functions in mapping rules enable making these pipelines applicable and scalable in real-world settings

    Knowledge hypergraph based-approach for multi-source data integration and querying : Application for Earth Observation domain

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    Early warning against natural disasters to save lives and decrease damages has drawn increasing interest to develop systems that observe, monitor, and assess the changes in the environment. Over the last years, numerous environmental monitoring systems and Earth Observation (EO) programs were implemented. Nevertheless, these systems generate a large amount of EO data while using different vocabularies and different conceptual schemas. Accordingly, data resides in many siloed systems and are mainly untapped for integrated operations, insights, and decision making situations. To overcome the insufficient exploitation of EO data, a data integration system is crucial to break down data silos and create a common information space where data will be semantically linked. Within this context, we propose a semantic data integration and querying approach, which aims to semantically integrate EO data and provide an enhanced query processing in terms of accuracy, completeness, and semantic richness of response. . To do so, we defined three main objectives. The first objective is to capture the knowledge of the environmental monitoring domain. To do so, we propose MEMOn, a domain ontology that provides a common vocabulary of the environmental monitoring domain in order to support the semantic interoperability of heterogeneous EO data. While creating MEMOn, we adopted a development methodology, including three fundamental principles. First, we used a modularization approach. The idea is to create separate modules, one for each context of the environment domain in order to ensure the clarity of the global ontology’s structure and guarantee the reusability of each module separately. Second, we used the upper-level ontology Basic Formal Ontology and the mid-level ontologies, the Common Core ontologies, to facilitate the integration of the ontological modules in order to build the global one. Third, we reused existing domain ontologies such as ENVO and SSN, to avoid creating the ontology from scratch, and this can improve its quality since the reused components have already been evaluated. MEMOn is then evaluated using real use case studies, according to the Sahara and Sahel Observatory experts’ requirements. The second objective of this work is to break down the data silos and provide a common environmental information space. Accordingly, we propose a knowledge hypergraphbased data integration approach to provide experts and software agents with a virtual integrated and linked view of data. This approach generates RML mappings between the developed ontology and metadata and then creates a knowledge hypergraph that semantically links these mappings to identify more complex relationships across data sources. One of the strengths of the proposed approach is it goes beyond the process of combining data retrieved from multiple and independent sources and allows the virtual data integration in a highly semantic and expressive way, using hypergraphs. The third objective of this thesis concerns the enhancement of query processing in terms of accuracy, completeness, and semantic richness of response in order to adapt the returned results and make them more relevant and richer in terms of relationships. Accordingly, we propose a knowledge-hypergraph based query processing that improves the selection of sources contributing to the final result of an input query. Indeed, the proposed approach moves beyond the discovery of simple one-to-one equivalence matches and relies on the identification of more complex relationships across data sources by referring to the knowledge hypergraph. This enhancement significantly showcases the increasing of answer completeness and semantic richness. The proposed approach was implemented in an open-source tool and has proved its effectiveness through a real use case in the environmental monitoring domain

    A provenance-based semantic approach to support understandability, reproducibility, and reuse of scientific experiments

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    Understandability and reproducibility of scientific results are vital in every field of science. Several reproducibility measures are being taken to make the data used in the publications findable and accessible. However, there are many challenges faced by scientists from the beginning of an experiment to the end in particular for data management. The explosive growth of heterogeneous research data and understanding how this data has been derived is one of the research problems faced in this context. Interlinking the data, the steps and the results from the computational and non-computational processes of a scientific experiment is important for the reproducibility. We introduce the notion of end-to-end provenance management'' of scientific experiments to help scientists understand and reproduce the experimental results. The main contributions of this thesis are: (1) We propose a provenance modelREPRODUCE-ME'' to describe the scientific experiments using semantic web technologies by extending existing standards. (2) We study computational reproducibility and important aspects required to achieve it. (3) Taking into account the REPRODUCE-ME provenance model and the study on computational reproducibility, we introduce our tool, ProvBook, which is designed and developed to demonstrate computational reproducibility. It provides features to capture and store provenance of Jupyter notebooks and helps scientists to compare and track their results of different executions. (4) We provide a framework, CAESAR (CollAborative Environment for Scientific Analysis with Reproducibility) for the end-to-end provenance management. This collaborative framework allows scientists to capture, manage, query and visualize the complete path of a scientific experiment consisting of computational and non-computational steps in an interoperable way. We apply our contributions to a set of scientific experiments in microscopy research projects

    Automatic Geospatial Data Conflation Using Semantic Web Technologies

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    Duplicate geospatial data collections and maintenance are an extensive problem across Australia government organisations. This research examines how Semantic Web technologies can be used to automate the geospatial data conflation process. The research presents a new approach where generation of OWL ontologies based on output data models and presenting geospatial data as RDF triples serve as the basis for the solution and SWRL rules serve as the core to automate the geospatial data conflation processes