222 research outputs found

    Detection of land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: A systematic comparison: Detection of land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: A systematic comparison

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    The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the potential for monitoring forest change using Landsat ETM and Aster data. This was accomplished by performing eight change detection algorithms: pixel post-classification comparison (PCC), image differencing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Transformed Difference Vegetation Index (TDVI), principal component analysis (PCA), multivariate alteration detection (MAD), change vector analysis (CVA) and tasseled cap analysis (TCA). Methods, Post-Classification Comparison and vegetation indices are straightforward techniques and easy to apply. In this study the simplified classification with only 4 forest classes namely close forest, open forest, bare land and grass land was used The overall classification accuracy obtained were 88.4%, 91.9% and 92.1% for the years 2000, 2003 and 2006 respectively. The Tasseled Cap green layer (GTC) composite of the three images was proposed to detect the change in vegetation of the study area. We found that the RBG-TCG worked better than RGBNDVI. For instance, the RBG-TCG detected some areas of changes that RGB-NDVI failed to detect them, moreover RBG-TCG displayed different changed areas with more strong colours. Change vector analysis (CVA) based on Tasseled Cap transformation (TCT) was also applied for detecting and characterizing land cover change. The results support the CVA approach to change detection. The calculated date to date change vectors contained useful information, both in their magnitude and their direction. A powerful tool for time series analysis is the principal components analysis (PCA). This method was tested for change detection in the study area by two ways: Multitemporal PCA and Selective PCA. Both methods found to offer the potential for monitoring forest change detection. A recently proposed approach, the multivariate alteration detection (MAD), in combination with a posterior maximum autocorrelation factor transformation (MAF) was used to demonstrate visualization of vegetation changes in the study area. The MAD transformation provides a way of combining different data types that found to be useful in change detection. Accuracy assessment is an important final step addressed in the study to evaluate the different change detection techniques. A quantitative accuracy assessment at level of change/no change pixels was performed to determine the threshold value with the highest accuracy. Among the various accuracy assessment methods presented the highest accuracy was obtained using the post-classification comparison based on supervised classification of each two time periods (2000 -2003 and 2003-2006), which were 90.6% and 87% consequently

    Detection of land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: A systematic comparison: Detection of land cover changes in El Rawashda forest, Sudan: A systematic comparison

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    The primary objective of this research was to evaluate the potential for monitoring forest change using Landsat ETM and Aster data. This was accomplished by performing eight change detection algorithms: pixel post-classification comparison (PCC), image differencing Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Transformed Difference Vegetation Index (TDVI), principal component analysis (PCA), multivariate alteration detection (MAD), change vector analysis (CVA) and tasseled cap analysis (TCA). Methods, Post-Classification Comparison and vegetation indices are straightforward techniques and easy to apply. In this study the simplified classification with only 4 forest classes namely close forest, open forest, bare land and grass land was used The overall classification accuracy obtained were 88.4%, 91.9% and 92.1% for the years 2000, 2003 and 2006 respectively. The Tasseled Cap green layer (GTC) composite of the three images was proposed to detect the change in vegetation of the study area. We found that the RBG-TCG worked better than RGBNDVI. For instance, the RBG-TCG detected some areas of changes that RGB-NDVI failed to detect them, moreover RBG-TCG displayed different changed areas with more strong colours. Change vector analysis (CVA) based on Tasseled Cap transformation (TCT) was also applied for detecting and characterizing land cover change. The results support the CVA approach to change detection. The calculated date to date change vectors contained useful information, both in their magnitude and their direction. A powerful tool for time series analysis is the principal components analysis (PCA). This method was tested for change detection in the study area by two ways: Multitemporal PCA and Selective PCA. Both methods found to offer the potential for monitoring forest change detection. A recently proposed approach, the multivariate alteration detection (MAD), in combination with a posterior maximum autocorrelation factor transformation (MAF) was used to demonstrate visualization of vegetation changes in the study area. The MAD transformation provides a way of combining different data types that found to be useful in change detection. Accuracy assessment is an important final step addressed in the study to evaluate the different change detection techniques. A quantitative accuracy assessment at level of change/no change pixels was performed to determine the threshold value with the highest accuracy. Among the various accuracy assessment methods presented the highest accuracy was obtained using the post-classification comparison based on supervised classification of each two time periods (2000 -2003 and 2003-2006), which were 90.6% and 87% consequently

    Historical forest biomass dynamics modelled with Landsat spectral trajectories

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    Acknowledgements National Forest Inventory data are available online, provided by Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (España). Landsat images are available online, provided by the USGS.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Performance analysis of change detection techniques for land use land cover

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    Remotely sensed satellite images have become essential to observe the spatial and temporal changes occurring due to either natural phenomenon or man-induced changes on the earth’s surface. Real time monitoring of this data provides useful information related to changes in extent of urbanization, environmental changes, water bodies, and forest. Through the use of remote sensing technology and geographic information system tools, it has become easier to monitor changes from past to present. In the present scenario, choosing a suitable change detection method plays a pivotal role in any remote sensing project. Previously, digital change detection was a tedious task. With the advent of machine learning techniques, it has become comparatively easier to detect changes in the digital images. The study gives a brief account of the main techniques of change detection related to land use land cover information. An effort is made to compare widely used change detection methods used to identify changes and discuss the need for development of enhanced change detection methods

    An empirical study of image processing methods for land cover classification and forest cover change detection in Northeastern Oregon\u27s timber resource-dependent communities (1986-2011)

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    A study was performed to evaluate remote sensing methods for classifying land cover and land cover change throughout a two-county area in Northeastern Oregon (1986-2011). In the past three decades, this region has seen significant changes in forest management -- changes that can be readily identified from the synoptic perspective. This study employs an accuracy assessment-based empirical approach to test a number of advanced digital image processing techniques that have recently emerged in the field of remote sensing. The accuracies are assessed using traditional and area-based error matrices. It was determined that, for single-time land cover classification, Bayes pixel-based classification using samples created with segmentation parameters of scale 8 and shape 0.3 resulted in the highest overall accuracy. For land cover change detection, it was determined that Landsat 5 TM band 7 with a change threshold of 1.75 SD resulted in the highest accuracy for forest harvesting detection

    Effects of drought on groundwater-fed lake areas in the Nebraska Sand Hills

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    Study region: The Nebraska Sand Hills (NSH) lies in the western part of Nebraska, United States. We chose the north-eastern, central, and western parts of NSH with distinct climate, topography, and hydrology. Study focus: The study assesses the response of hundreds of shallow groundwater-fed lakes to drought. Total lake area (TLA), determined by classifying Landsat satellite images from 1984 to 2018, was juxtaposed with published Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and detrended cumulative PDSI (DeCumPDSI) at monthly and annual timescales. The PDSI and DeCumPDSI were time lagged to incorporate the preceding climatic effect (groundwater time lag) and evaluated against TLA using Bayesian regression analysis. New hydrologic insight for the region: TLA in the NSH respond to the seasonal as well as long-term climatic effects moderated by topography, surface, and subsurface hydrology. A higher determination coefficient R2 and lower mean square error of TLA at annual PDSI and DeCumPDSI illustrate the effect of long-term climatic fluctuations and groundwater influence: the evaporative losses from lakes are modulated by the lake-groundwater exchange, but the groundwater recharge has a longer response time to the drought. The study provides a simple method of assessment of the climate impact that results from the satellite data, gridded climate observation, and statistics for sensitive landscape of the NSH

    Assesment of biomass and carbon dynamics in pine forests of the Spanish central range: A remote sensing approach

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    Forests play a dynamic role in the terrestrial carbon (C) budget, by means of the biomass stock and C fluxes involved in photosynthesis and respiration. Remote sensing in combination with data analysis constitute a practical means for evaluation of forest implications in the carbon cycle, providing spatially explicit estimations of the amount, quality, and spatio-temporal dynamics of biomass and C stocks. Medium and high spatial resolution optical data from satellite-borne sensors were employed, supported by field measures, to investigate the carbon role of Mediterranean pines in the Central Range of Spain during a 25 year period (1984-2009). The location, extent, and distribution of pine forests were characterized, and spatial changes occurred in three sub-periods were evaluated. Capitalizing on temporal series of spectral data from Landsat sensors, novel techniques for processing and data analysis were developed to identify successional processes at the landscape level, and to characterize carbon stocking condition locally, enabling simultaneous characterization of trends and patterns of change. High spatial resolution data captured by the commercial satellite QuickBird-2 were employed to model structural attributes at the stand level, and to explore forest structural diversity


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    Pattern and scale are key to understanding ecological processes. My dissertation research aims for novel quantification of vegetation, fuel, and wildfire patterns at multiple scales and to leverage these data for insights into fire processes. Core to this motivation is the 3-dimensional (3-D) characterization of forest properties from light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry. Analytical methods for extracting useable information currently lag the ability to collect such 3-D data. The chapters that follow focus on this limitation blending interests in machine learning and data science, remote sensing, wildland fuels (vegetation), and wildfire. In Chapter 2, forest canopy structure is characterized from multiple landscapes using LiDAR data and a novel data-driven framework to identify and compare structural classes. Motivations for this chapter include the desire to systematically assess forest structure from landscape to global scales and increase the utility of data collected by government agencies for landscape restoration planning. Chapter 3 endeavors to link 3-D canopy fuels attributes to conventional optical remote sensing data with the goal of extending the reach of laser measurements to the entire western US while exploring geographic differences in LiDAR-Landsat relationships. Development of predictive models and resulting datasets increase accuracy and spatial variation over currently used canopy fuel datasets. Chapters 4 and 5 characterize fire and fuel variability using unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and quantify trends in the influence of fuel patterns on fire processes