4 research outputs found

    Hyper-Spectral Image Analysis with Partially-Latent Regression and Spatial Markov Dependencies

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    Hyper-spectral data can be analyzed to recover physical properties at large planetary scales. This involves resolving inverse problems which can be addressed within machine learning, with the advantage that, once a relationship between physical parameters and spectra has been established in a data-driven fashion, the learned relationship can be used to estimate physical parameters for new hyper-spectral observations. Within this framework, we propose a spatially-constrained and partially-latent regression method which maps high-dimensional inputs (hyper-spectral images) onto low-dimensional responses (physical parameters such as the local chemical composition of the soil). The proposed regression model comprises two key features. Firstly, it combines a Gaussian mixture of locally-linear mappings (GLLiM) with a partially-latent response model. While the former makes high-dimensional regression tractable, the latter enables to deal with physical parameters that cannot be observed or, more generally, with data contaminated by experimental artifacts that cannot be explained with noise models. Secondly, spatial constraints are introduced in the model through a Markov random field (MRF) prior which provides a spatial structure to the Gaussian-mixture hidden variables. Experiments conducted on a database composed of remotely sensed observations collected from the Mars planet by the Mars Express orbiter demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Combining hyperspectral remote sensing and physical modeling for applications in land ecosystems

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    Land ecosystems, in particular forest ecosystems, are under increasing pressure from environmental changes such as population growth, global warming, wildfires, forest insects, and diseases. Data from hyperspectral sensors can be used to map forest species and determine biophysical and biochemical properties. Modeling plays an important role in accurate determination of ecosystem properties. Radiative transfer models are used to understand how radiation interacts with the atmosphere and the Earth’s terrestrial surface and to correct observed radiances to surface reflectance. Canopy models are used to infer through inversion quantitative information from hyperspectral data on canopy structure and foliage biochemistry. This article presents an overview on combining hyperspectral sensing with canopy radiative transfer models to derive ecosystem information products

    Mediterranean Forest Species Mapping Using Hyperspectral Imagery

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    2011/2012Advances in hyperspectral technology provides scientists the opportunity to investigate problems that were difficult if not impossible to approach using multispectral data; among those, species composition which is a very important and dynamic forest parameter, linked with many environmental qualities that we want to map and monitor. This study addresses the problem of Mediterranean forest species mapping using satellite EO-1 Hyperion imagery (30m, 196 bands). Two pixel based techniques were evaluated, namely Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Support Vector Machines (SVM), as well as an object oriented approach (GEOBIA). These techniques were applied in two study areas with different species composition and pattern complexity, namely Thasos and Taksiarchis. Extensive field work provided reference data for the accuracy assessment of the produced maps. Image preprocessing included several steps of data corrections and the Minimum Noise Fraction transformation, as means for data dimensionality reduction. In the case of Thasos, where two conifer species are present, SAM technique resulted in an overall accuracy (OA) of 3.9%, SVM technique yielded OA of 89.0% and GEOBIA achieved an OA of 85.3%. In the case of Taksiarchis, where more species are present – both conifers and broadleaved- the respective OA was 80.0%, 82.6% and 74.1%. All three methodologies implemented to investigate the value of hyperspectral imagery in Mediterranean forest species mapping, achieved very accurate results; in some cases equivalent to forest inventory maps. SAM was the straightest forward to implement, only depending on the training samples. Implementation SVM involved the specification of several parameters as well as the use of custom software and was more successful in the challenging landscape of Taksiarchis. GEOBIA adapted to scale through segmentation and extended the exercise of classification, allowing for knowledge based refinement. Lower accuracies could be attributed to the assessment method, as research on alternative assessment methods better adapted to the nature of object space is ongoing. Two typical Mediterranean forests were studied. In Thasos, two conifer species of the same genus, namely Pinus brutia and Pinus nigra, dominate a big part of the island. Both of them were accurately mapped by all methodologies. In Taksiarchis primarily stands of Quercus frainetto mix with stands of Fagus sylvatica and the aforementioned pines. The two pines were again mapped with high accuracy. However, there was a notable confusion between the two broadleaved species, indicating the need for further research, possibly taking advantage of species phenology. The outcome of the proposed methodologies could confidently meet the current needs for vegetation geographical data in regional to national scale, and demonstrate the value of hyperspectral imagery in Mediterranean forest species mapping.XXIII Ciclo198