910 research outputs found

    Optimisation-Based Solution Methods for Set Partitioning Models

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    Home care routing and scheduling problem with teams’ synchronization

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    Funding Information: This work is funded by Portuguese funds through the FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia , I.P., under the scope of the projects UIDB/00297/2020 (Center for Mathematics and Applications), UIDB/00097/2020 (CEGIST), and the PhD scholarship grant SFRH/BD/148773/2019 . Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The AuthorsThe demand for home care (HC) services has steadily been growing for two main types of services: healthcare and social care. If, for the former, caregivers' skills are of utter importance, in the latter caregivers are not distinguishable in terms of skills. This work focuses social care and models caregivers' synchronization as a means of improving human resources management. Moreover, in social care services, several visits need to be performed in the same day since patients are frequently alone and need assistance throughout the day. Depending on the patient's autonomy, some tasks have to be performed by two caregivers (e.g. assist bedridden patients). Therefore, adequate decision support tools are crucial for assisting managers (often social workers) when designing operational plans and to efficiently assign caregivers to tasks. This paper advances the literature by 1) considering teams of one caregiver that can synchronize to perform tasks requiring two caregivers (instead of having teams of two caregivers), 2) simultaneously modelling daily continuity of care and teams' synchronization, and 3) associating dynamic time windows to teams' synchronizations introducing scheduling flexibility while minimize service and travel times. These concepts are embedded into a daily routing and scheduling MIP model, deciding on the number of caregivers and on the number and type of teams to serve all patient tasks. The main HC features of the problem, synchronization and continuity of care, are evaluated by comparing the proposed planning with the current situation of a home social care service provider in Portugal. The results show that synchronization is the feature that most increases efficiency with respect to the current situation. It evidences a surplus in working time capacity by proposing plans where all requests can be served with a smaller number of caregivers. Consequently, new patients from long waiting lists can now be served by the “available” caregivers.publishersversionpublishe

    Gestión logística de sistemas de hospitalización domiciliaria: una revisión crítica de modelos y métodos

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    RESUMEN: Los servicios de Hospitalización Domiciliaria (HD) se basan en una red de distribución, en la cual los pacientes son hospitalizados en sus casas y los prestadores de servicios de salud deben entregar cuidados médicos coordinados a los pacientes. La demanda de estos servicios está creciendo rápidamente y los gobiernos y proveedores de servicios de salud enfrentan el reto de tomar un conjunto de decisiones complejas en un sector con un componente logístico importante. En este artículo se presenta una revisión crítica de los modelos y métodos utilizados para darle soporte a las decisiones logísticas en HD. Para esto se presenta primero un marco de referencia, con el objetivo de identificar las oportunidades de investigación en el campo. Con base en dicho marco, se presenta la revisión de la literatura y la identificación de brechas en la investigación. En particular, se hace énfasis en la necesidad de desarrollar e implementar metodologías más integradas para dar soporte a las decisiones estratégicas y tácticas y de considerar puntos clave de los sistemas reales.ABSTRACT: Home Health Care (HHC) services are based on a delivery network in which patients are hospitalized at their homes and health care providers must deliver coordinated medical care to patients. Demand for HHC services is rapidly growing and governments and health care providers face the challenge to make a set of complex decisions in a medical service business that has an important component of logistics problems. The objective of this paper is to provide a critical review of models and methods used to support logistics decisions in HHC. For this purpose, a reference framework is proposed first in order to identify research perspectives in the field. Based on this framework, a literature review is presented and research gaps are identified. In particular, the literature review reveals that more emphasizes is needed to develop and implement more integrated methodologies to support decisions at tactical and strategic planning levels and to consider key features from real systems

    Managing Advanced Synchronization Aspects in Logistics Systems

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    In this thesis, we model various complex logistics problems and develop appropriate techniques to solve them. We improve industrial practices by introducing synchronized solutions to problems that were previously solved independently. The first part of this thesis focuses on cross-docks. We simultaneously optimize supplier orders and cross-docking operations to either reduce the storage space required or evenly distribute workload over the week. The second part of this thesis is devoted to transport problems in which two types of vehicles are synchronized, one of which can be transported by the other. The areas of application range from home services to parcel delivery to customers. After analyzing the complexity associated with these synchronized solutions (i.e., largescale problems for which the decisions depend on each other), we design algorithms based on the "destroy-and-repair" principle to find efficient solutions. We also introduce mathematical programs for all the considered problems. The problems under study arose directly from collaborations with various industrial partners. In this respect, our achieved solutions have been benchmarked with current industrial practice. Depending on the problem, we have been able to reduce the environmental impact generated by the industrial activities, the overall cost, or the social impact. The achieved gains compared to current industrial practice range from 10 to 70%, depending on the application. -- Dans cette thèse, nous modélisons divers problèmes logistiques complexes et développons des techniques appropriées pour les résoudre. Nous cherchons à améliorer certaines pratiques industrielles en introduisant des solutions synchronisées à des problèmes qui étaient auparavant résolus indépendamment. La première partie de cette thèse porte sur les cross-docks. Nous optimisons simultanément les commandes fournisseurs et les opérations au sein de la plateforme de logistique pour réduire l’espace de stockage requis ou répartir uniformément la charge de travail sur la semaine. La deuxième partie de cette thèse est consacrée aux problèmes de transport dans lesquels deux types de véhicules sont synchronisés, l’un pouvant être transporté par l’autre. Les domaines d’application vont du service à domicile à la livraison de colis chez des clients. Après avoir analysé la complexité des solutions synchronisées (c’est-à-dire des problèmes de grandes dimensions pour lesquels les décisions dépendent les unes des autres), nous concevons des algorithmes basés sur le principe de "destruction / reconstruction" pour trouver des solutions efficaces. Nous modélisons également les problèmes considérés avec la programmation mathématique. Les problèmes à l’étude viennent de collaborations avec divers partenaires industriels. A cet égard, les solutions que nous présentons sont comparées aux pratiques industrielles actuelles. En fonction du problème, nous avons pu réduire l’impact environnemental généré par les activités industrielles, le coût global, ou l’impact social des solutions. Les gains obtenus par rapport aux pratiques industrielles actuelles varient de 10 à 70%, selon l’application. Mot-clefs: Logistique, Synchronisation, Problème de transport, Tournée de véhicules, Plateforme de Cross-dock (transbordement), Programmation Mathématiques, Métaheuristiques, Matheuristiques, Instances Réelle

    Solving Vehicle Routing Problems under Uncertainty and in Dynamic Scenarios: From Simheuristics to Agile Optimization

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    [EN] Many real-life applications of the vehicle routing problem (VRP) occur in scenarios subject to uncertainty or dynamic conditions. Thus, for instance, traveling times or customers' demands might be better modeled as random variables than as deterministic values. Likewise, traffic conditions could evolve over time, synchronization issues should need to be considered, or a real-time re-optimization of the routing plan can be required as new data become available in a highly dynamic environment. Clearly, different solving approaches are needed to efficiently cope with such a diversity of scenarios. After providing an overview of current trends in VRPs, this paper reviews a set of heuristic-based algorithms that have been designed and employed to solve VRPs with the aforementioned properties. These include simheuristics for stochastic VRPs, learnheuristics and discrete-event heuristics for dynamic VRPs, and agile optimization heuristics for VRPs with real-time requirements.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (PID2019-111100RB-C21-C22/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), the SEPIE Erasmus+ Program (2019-I-ES01-KA103-062602), the Barcelona City Council and Fundacio "la Caixa" under the framework of the Barcelona Science Plan 2020-2023 (21S09355-001), and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2021/065).Ammouriova, M.; Herrera, EM.; Neroni, M.; Juan, AA.; Faulin, J. (2023). Solving Vehicle Routing Problems under Uncertainty and in Dynamic Scenarios: From Simheuristics to Agile Optimization. Applied Sciences. 13(1). https://doi.org/10.3390/app1301010113