108 research outputs found

    Shaking hands:establishing objective parameters to differentiate between essential tremor and Parkinson's disease

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    In 1817, James Parkinson was the first physician to publish his observations about the shaking palsy (later: Parkinson’s disease (PD)) and its differences compared to other tremulous disorders [1]. Nowadays, more than 200 years later, a lot more is known about neurodegenerative disorders. However, the exact pathophysiology is yet unknown. Furthermore, differentiation from other tremulous movement disorders, such as essential tremor (ET)], remains difficult due to overlapping symptoms such as tremor or timing deficits during voluntary movement and common diagnostic tools are often either invasive, time consuming, subjective, expensive and/or not widely available.Therefore, in my research I focused on finding objective parameters to differentiate PD from ET that can be measured with commonly available tools. For this purpose we simultaneously measured movement of the hands, using accelerometers, and brain activity using EEG and functional MRI to:1. quantify tremor occurrence and identifying corresponding cortical activity.2. quantify timing deficits during voluntary movement and identifying corresponding neuronal networks.Analyzing cortical activity during tremor revealed cortical involvement in tremor occurrence during rest in PD but not ET. A postural task revealed involvement of the associate and primary visual cortex in ET suggesting that these patients rely on visual guidance for maintaining a posture during tremor. To analyze timing deficits in ET and PD, subjects were asked to perform a bimanual motor task with an without an external cue. In both patient groups areas of motor planning, movement initiation, maintenance and coordination were active. However, activation of additional areas was found in both patient groups.From the results we can conclude that objective differentiation between ET and PD might be possible in the future using only commonly available tools. However, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done

    Neurological Tremor: Sensors, Signal Processing and Emerging Applications

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    Neurological tremor is the most common movement disorder, affecting more than 4% of elderly people. Tremor is a non linear and non stationary phenomenon, which is increasingly recognized. The issue of selection of sensors is central in the characterization of tremor. This paper reviews the state-of-the-art instrumentation and methods of signal processing for tremor occurring in humans. We describe the advantages and disadvantages of the most commonly used sensors, as well as the emerging wearable sensors being developed to assess tremor instantaneously. We discuss the current limitations and the future applications such as the integration of tremor sensors in BCIs (brain-computer interfaces) and the need for sensor fusion approaches for wearable solutions

    A neural network approach to distinguish Parkinsonian tremor from advanced essential tremor

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    A new technique for discrimination between Parkinsonian tremor and essential tremor is investigated in this paper. The method is based on spectral analysis of both accelerometer and surface EMG signals with neural networks. The discrimination system consists of two parts: feature extraction part and classification (distinguishing) part. The feature extraction part uses the method of approximate spectral density estimation of the data by implementing the wavelet-based soft decision technique. In the classification part, a machine learning approach is implemented using back-propagation supervised neural network. The data has been recorded for diagnostic purposes in the Department of Neurology of the University of Kiel, Germany. Two sets of data are used. The training set, which consists of 21 essential-tremor (ET) subjects and 19 Parkinson-disease (PD) subjects, is used to obtain the important features used for distinguishing between the two subjects. The test data set, which consists of 20 ET and 20 PD subjects, is used to test the technique and evaluate its performance

    Identification of diseases based on the use of inertial sensors: a systematic review

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    Inertial sensors are commonly embedded in several devices, including smartphones, and other specific devices. This type of sensors may be used for different purposes, including the recognition of different diseases. Several studies are focused on the use of accelerometer for the automatic recognition of different diseases, and it may powerful the different treatments with the use of less invasive and painful techniques for patients. This paper is focused in the systematic review of the studies available in the literature for the automatic recognition of different diseases with accelerometer sensors. The disease that is the most reliably detectable disease using accelerometer sensors, available in 54% of the analyzed studies, is the Parkinson’s disease. The machine learning methods implements for the recognition of Parkinson’s disease reported an accuracy of 94%. Other diseases are recognized in less number that will be subject of further analysis in the future.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detection of Parkinson Disease Rest Tremor

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    Parkinson Disease (PD) is a debilitating and progressive movement disorder that is estimated to affect over six million worldwide. One of the most characteristic symptoms of PD is resting tremor, which involves unintentional and rhythmic muscle oscillations of an afflicted extremity while the muscles of said extremity are relaxed. This study involved measuring the rest tremor of 10 PD subjects, 10 Essential Tremor subjects, and 10 healthy control subjects using two devices. One device was an FDA approved accelerometry system to measure human tremor known as the TremorometerTM and the other was a consumer three-dimensional camera known as the Leap MotionTM Controller. The study compares tremor characteristics calculated from both devices to compare the Leap Motion Controller to the Tremorometer System. The tremor characteristics obtained from the Leap Motion Controller were also used in an attempt to classify the subjects used in the study as either PD or non-PD subjects

    Objective assessment of upper limb motor symptoms in Parkinson's Disease using body-worn sensors

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    MD ThesisBackground There is a need for an objective method of symptom assessment in Parkinson's disease (PD) to enable better treatment decisions and to aid evaluation of new treatments. Current assessment methods; patient-completed symptom diaries and clinical rating scales, have limitations. Accelerometers (sensors capable of capturing data on human movement) and analysis using artificial neural networks (ANNs) have shown potential as a method of motor symptom evaluation in PD. It is unknown whether symptom monitoring with body-worn sensors is acceptable to PD patients due to a lack of previous research. Methods 34 participants with PD wore bilateral wrist-worn accelerometers for 4 hours in a research facility (phase 1) and then for 7 days in their homes (phase 2) whilst also completing symptom diaries. An ANN designed to predict a patient’s motor status, was developed and trained based on accelerometer data during phase 2. ANN performance was evaluated (leave-one-out approach) against patient-completed symptom diaries during phase 2, and against clinician rating of disease state during phase 1 observations. Participants’ views regarding the sensors were obtained via a Likert-style questionnaire completed after each phase. Differences in responses between phases were assessed for using the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Results ANN-derived values of the proportion of time in each disease state (phase 2), showed strong, significant correlations with values derived from patient-completed symptom diaries. ANN disease state recognition during phase 1 was sub-optimal. High concordance with sensors was seen. Prolonged wearing of the sensors did not adversely affect participants’ opinions on the wearability of the sensors, when compared to their responses following phase 1 Conclusions Accelerometers and ANNs produced results comparable to those of symptom diaries. Our findings suggest that long-term monitoring with wrist-worn sensors is acceptable to PD patients

    One central oscillatory drive is compatible with experimental motor unit behaviour in essential and Parkinsonian tremor

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    Pathological tremors are symptomatic to several neurological disorders that are difficult to differentiate and the way by which central oscillatory networks entrain tremorogenic contractions is unknown. We considered the alternative hypotheses that tremor arises from one oscillator (at the tremor frequency) or, as suggested by recent findings from the superimposition of two separate inputs (at the tremor frequency and twice that frequency). Approach. Assuming one central oscillatory network we estimated analytically the relative amplitude of the harmonics of the tremor frequency in the motor neuron output for different temporal behaviors of the oscillator. Next, we analyzed the bias in the relative harmonics amplitude introduced by superimposing oscillations at twice the tremor frequency. These findings were validated using experimental measurements of wrist angular velocity and surface electromyography (EMG) from 22 patients (11 essential tremor, 11 Parkinson’s disease). The ensemble motor unit action potential trains identified from the EMG represented the neural drive to the muscles. Main results. The analytical results showed that the relative power of the tremor harmonics in the analytical models of the neural drive was determined by the variability and duration of the tremor bursts and the presence of the second oscillator biased this power towards higher values. The experimental findings accurately matched the analytical model assuming one oscillator, indicating a negligible functional role of secondary oscillatory inputs. Furthermore, a significant difference in the relative power of harmonics in the neural drive was found across the patient groups, suggesting a diagnostic value of this measure (classification accuracy: 86%). This diagnostic power decreased substantially when estimated from limb acceleration or the EMG. Signficance. The results indicate that the neural drive in pathological tremor is compatible with one central network providing neural oscillations at the tremor frequency. Moreover, the regularity of this neural oscillation varies across tremor pathologies, making the relative amplitude of tremor harmonics a potential biomarker for diagnostic use

    Objective evaluation of Parkinson's disease bradykinesia

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    Bradykinesia is the fundamental motor feature of Parkinson’s disease - obligatory for diagnosis and central to monitoring. It is a complex clinicalsign that describes movements with slow speed, small amplitude, irregular rhythm, brief pauses and progressive decrements. Clinical ascertainment of the presence and severity of bradykinesia relies on subjective interpretation of these components, with considerable variability amongst clinicians, and this may contribute to diagnostic error and inaccurate monitoring in Parkinson’s disease. The primary aim of this thesis was to assess whether a novel non-invasive device could objectively measure bradykinesia and predict diagnostic classification of movement data from Parkinson’s disease patients and healthy controls. The second aim was to evaluate how objective measures of bradykinesia correlate with clinical measures of bradykinesia severity. The third aim was to investigate the characteristic kinematic features of bradykinesia. Forty-nine patients with Parkinson’s disease and 41 healthy controls were recruited in Leeds. They performed a repetitive finger-tapping task for 30 seconds whilst wearing small electromagnetic tracking sensors on their finger and thumb. Movement data was analysed using two different methods - statistical measures of the separable components of bradykinesia and a computer science technique called evolutionary algorithms. Validation data collected independently from 13 patients and nine healthy controls in San Francisco was used to assess whether the results generalised. The evolutionary algorithm technique was slightly superior at classifying the movement data into the correct diagnostic groups, especially for the mildest clinical grades of bradykinesia, and they generalised to the independent group data. The objective measures of finger tapping correlated well with clinical grades of bradykinesia severity. Detailed analysis of the data suggests that a defining feature of Parkinson’s disease bradykinesia called the sequence effect may be a physiological rather than a pathological phenomenon. The results inform the development of a device that may support clinical diagnosis and monitoring of Parkinson’s disease and also be used to investigate bradykinesia

    Machine Learning in Tremor Analysis: Critique and Directions

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    Tremor is the most frequent human movement disorder, and its diagnosis is based on clinical assessment. Yet finding the accurate clinical diagnosis is not always straightforward. Fine-tuning of clinical diagnostic criteria over the past few decades, as well as device-based qualitative analysis, has resulted in incremental improvements to diagnostic accuracy. Accelerometric assessments are commonplace, enabling clinicians to capture high-resolution oscillatory properties of tremor, which recently have been the focus of various machine-learning (ML) studies. In this context, the application of ML models to accelerometric recordings provides the potential for less-biased classification and quantification of tremor disorders. However, if implemented incorrectly, ML can result in spurious or nongeneralizable results and misguided conclusions. This work summarizes and highlights recent developments in ML tools for tremor research, with a focus on supervised ML. We aim to highlight the opportunities and limitations of such approaches and provide future directions while simultaneously guiding the reader through the process of applying ML to analyze tremor data. We identify the need for the movement disorder community to take a more proactive role in the application of these novel analytical technologies, which so far have been predominantly pursued by the engineering and data analysis field. Ultimately, big-data approaches offer the possibility to identify generalizable patterns but warrant meaningful translation into clinical practice. © 2023 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
