6,939 research outputs found

    A prototype calibration target for spectral imaging

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    A prototype calibration target was designed and tested for spectral imaging that consisted of 14 samples, nine of which were derived from statistical analyses of artist paints and a five-step grey scale. This target was compared with those commonly used when calibrating spectral-imaging systems. An Esser TE221 scanner target, GretagMacbeth ColorChecker DC, GretagMacbeth ColorChecker Color Rendition Chart, and the prototype target were used as both calibration and verification targets using a modified commercial color-filter-array digital camera as a spectralimaging device. When evaluating a verification target made from 30 different pigments, the prototype target had equivalent performance. Thus for spectral imaging, the spectral properties are more important than the number of samples or its colorimetric range of colors

    Real-time sweat pH monitoring based on a wearable chemical barcode micro-fluidic platform incorporating ionic liquids

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    This work presents the fabrication, characterisation and the performance of a wearable, robust, flexible and disposable chemical barcode device based on a micro-fluidic platform that incorporates ionic liquid polymer gels (ionogels). The device has been applied to the monitoring of the pH of sweat in real time during an exercise period. The device is an ideal wearable sensor for measuring the pH of sweat since it does not contents any electronic part for fluidic handle or pH detection and because it can be directly incorporated into clothing, head- or wristbands, which are in continuous contact with the skin. In addition, due to the micro-fluidic structure, fresh sweat is continuously passing through the sensing area providing the capability to perform continuous real time analysis. The approach presented here ensures immediate feedback regarding sweat composition. Sweat analysis is attractive for monitoring purposes as it can provide physiological information directly relevant to the health and performance of the wearer without the need for an invasive sampling approac

    Reflectance characteristics of the Viking lander camera reference test charts

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    Reference test charts provide radiometric, colorimetric, and spatial resolution references for the Viking lander cameras on Mars. Reflectance measurements of these references are described, including the absolute bidirectional reflectance of the radiometric references and the relative spectral reflectance of both radiometric and colorimetric references. Results show that the bidirection reflectance of the radiometric references is Lambertian to within + or - 7% for incidence angles between 20 deg and 60 deg, and that their spectral reflectance is constant with wavelength to within + or - 5% over the spectral range of the cameras. Estimated accuracy of the measurements is + or - 0.05 in relative spectral reflectance

    The alternating least squares technique for nonuniform intensity color correction

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    Color correction involves mapping device RGBs to display counterparts or to corresponding XYZs. A popular methodology is to take an image of a color chart and then solve for the best 3 × 3 matrix that maps the RGBs to the corresponding known XYZs. However, this approach fails at times when the intensity of the light varies across the chart. This variation needs to be removed before estimating the correction matrix. This is typically achieved by acquiring an image of a uniform gray chart in the same location, and then dividing the color checker image by the gray-chart image. Of course, taking images of two charts doubles the complexity of color correction. In this article, we present an alternative color correction algorithm that simultaneously estimates the intensity variation and the 3 × 3 transformation matrix from a single image of a color chart. We show that the color correction problem, that is, finding the 3 × 3 correction matrix, can be solved using a simple alternating least-squares procedure. Experiments validate our approach. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 40, 232–242, 201

    Detection of leukocytes stained with acridine orange using unique spectral features acquired from an image-based spectrometer

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    A leukocyte differential count can be used to diagnosis a myriad blood disorders, such as infections, allergies, and efficacy of disease treatments. In recent years, attention has been focused on developing point-of-care (POC) systems to provide this test in global health settings. Acridine orange (AO) is an amphipathic, vital dye that intercalates leukocyte nucleic acids and acidic vesicles. It has been utilized by POC systems to identify the three main leukocyte subtypes: granulocytes, monocytes, and lymphocytes. Subtypes of leukocytes can be characterized using a fluorescence microscope, where the AO has a 450 nm excitation wavelength and has two peak emission wavelengths between 525 nm (green) and 650 nm (red), depending on the cellular content and concentration of AO in the cells. The full spectra of AO stained leukocytes has not been fully explored for POC applications. Optical instruments, such as a spectrometer that utilizes a diffraction grating, can give specific spectral data by separating polychromatic light into distinct wavelengths. The spectral data from this setup can be used to create object-specific emission profiles. Yellow-green and crimson microspheres were used to model the emission peaks and profiles of AO stained leukocytes. Whole blood was collected via finger stick and stained with AO to gather preliminary leukocyte emission profiles. A MATLAB algorithm was designed to analyze the spectral data within the images acquired using the image-based spectrometer. The algorithm utilized watershed segmentation and centroid location functions to isolate independent spectra from an image. The output spectra represent the average line intensity profiles for each pixel across a slice of an object. First steps were also taken in processing video frames of manually translated microspheres. The high-speed frame rate allowed objects to appear in multiple consecutive images. A function was applied to each image cycle to identify repeating centroid locations. The yellow-green (515 nm) and crimson (645 nm) microspheres exhibited a distinct separation in colorimetric emission with a peak-to-peak difference of 36 pixels, which is related to the 130 nm peak emission difference. Two AO stained leukocytes exhibited distinct spectral profiles and peaks across different wavelengths. This could be due to variations in the staining method (incubation period and concentration) effecting the emissions or variations in cellular content indicating different leukocyte subtypes. The algorithm was also effective when isolating unique centroids between video frames. We have demonstrated the ability to extract spectral information from data acquired from the image-based spectrometer of microspheres, as a control, and AO stained leukocytes. We determined that the spectral information from yellow-green and crimson microspheres could be used to represent the wavelength range of AO stained leukocytes, thus providing a calibration tool. Also, preliminary spectral information was successfully extracted from yellow-green microspheres translated under the linear slit using stationary images and video frames, thus demonstrating the feasibility of collecting data from a large number of objects

    Automatic colorimetric calibration of human wounds

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    Contains fulltext : 88431.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Recently, digital photography in medicine is considered an acceptable tool in many clinical domains, e.g. wound care. Although ever higher resolutions are available, reproducibility is still poor and visual comparison of images remains difficult. This is even more the case for measurements performed on such images (colour, area, etc.). This problem is often neglected and images are freely compared and exchanged without further thought. METHODS: The first experiment checked whether camera settings or lighting conditions could negatively affect the quality of colorimetric calibration. Digital images plus a calibration chart were exposed to a variety of conditions. Precision and accuracy of colours after calibration were quantitatively assessed with a probability distribution for perceptual colour differences (dE_ab). The second experiment was designed to assess the impact of the automatic calibration procedure (i.e. chart detection) on real-world measurements. 40 Different images of real wounds were acquired and a region of interest was selected in each image. 3 Rotated versions of each image were automatically calibrated and colour differences were calculated. RESULTS: 1st Experiment: Colour differences between the measurements and real spectrophotometric measurements reveal median dE_ab values respectively 6.40 for the proper patches of calibrated normal images and 17.75 for uncalibrated images demonstrating an important improvement in accuracy after calibration. The reproducibility, visualized by the probability distribution of the dE_ab errors between 2 measurements of the patches of the images has a median of 3.43 dE* for all calibrated images, 23.26 dE_ab for all uncalibrated images. If we restrict ourselves to the proper patches of normal calibrated images the median is only 2.58 dE_ab! Wilcoxon sum-rank testing (p < 0.05) between uncalibrated normal images and calibrated normal images with proper squares were equal to 0 demonstrating a highly significant improvement of reproducibility. In the second experiment, the reproducibility of the chart detection during automatic calibration is presented using a probability distribution of dE_ab errors between 2 measurements of the same ROI. CONCLUSION: The investigators proposed an automatic colour calibration algorithm that ensures reproducible colour content of digital images. Evidence was provided that images taken with commercially available digital cameras can be calibrated independently of any camera settings and illumination features

    Colour correction using root-polynomial regression

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    Wireless aquatic navigator for detection and analysis (WANDA)

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    The cost of monitoring and detecting pollutants in natural waters is of major concern. Current and forthcoming bodies of legislation will continue to drive demand for spatial and selective monitoring of our environment, as the focus increasingly moves towards effective enforcement of legislation through detection of events, and unambiguous identification of perpetrators. However, these monitoring demands are not being met due to the infrastructure and maintenance costs of conventional sensing models. Advanced autonomous platforms capable of performing complex analytical measurements at remote locations still require individual power, wireless communication, processor and electronic transducer units, along with regular maintenance visits. Hence the cost base for these systems is prohibitively high, and the spatial density and frequency of measurements are insufficient to meet requirements. In this paper we present a more cost effective approach for water quality monitoring using a low cost mobile sensing/communications platform together with very low cost stand-alone ‘satellite’ indicator stations that have an integrated colorimetric sensing material. The mobile platform is equipped with a wireless video camera that is used to interrogate each station to harvest information about the water quality. In simulation experiments, the first cycle of measurements is carried out to identify a ‘normal’ condition followed by a second cycle during which the platform successfully detected and communicated the presence of a chemical contaminant that had been localised at one of the satellite stations
