692 research outputs found

    Characterizing the firing properties of an adaptive analog VLSI neuron

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    Ben Dayan Rubin D, Chicca E, Indiveri G. Characterizing the firing properties of an adaptive analog VLSI neuron. Biologically Inspired Approaches to Advanced Information Technology. 2004;3141:189-200.We describe the response properties of a compact, low power, analog circuit that implements a model of a leaky-Integrate & Fire (I&F) neuron, with spike-frequency adaptation, refractory period and voltage threshold modulation properties. We investigate the statistics of the circuit's output response by modulating its operating parameters, like refractory period and adaptation level and by changing the statistics of the input current. The results show a clear match with theoretical prediction and neurophysiological data in a given range of the parameter space. This analysis defines the chip's parameter working range and predicts its behavior in case of integration into large massively parallel very-large-scale-integration (VLSI) networks

    Memory and information processing in neuromorphic systems

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    A striking difference between brain-inspired neuromorphic processors and current von Neumann processors architectures is the way in which memory and processing is organized. As Information and Communication Technologies continue to address the need for increased computational power through the increase of cores within a digital processor, neuromorphic engineers and scientists can complement this need by building processor architectures where memory is distributed with the processing. In this paper we present a survey of brain-inspired processor architectures that support models of cortical networks and deep neural networks. These architectures range from serial clocked implementations of multi-neuron systems to massively parallel asynchronous ones and from purely digital systems to mixed analog/digital systems which implement more biological-like models of neurons and synapses together with a suite of adaptation and learning mechanisms analogous to the ones found in biological nervous systems. We describe the advantages of the different approaches being pursued and present the challenges that need to be addressed for building artificial neural processing systems that can display the richness of behaviors seen in biological systems.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of IEEE, review of recently proposed neuromorphic computing platforms and system

    Stochastic Synapses Enable Efficient Brain-Inspired Learning Machines

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    Recent studies have shown that synaptic unreliability is a robust and sufficient mechanism for inducing the stochasticity observed in cortex. Here, we introduce Synaptic Sampling Machines, a class of neural network models that uses synaptic stochasticity as a means to Monte Carlo sampling and unsupervised learning. Similar to the original formulation of Boltzmann machines, these models can be viewed as a stochastic counterpart of Hopfield networks, but where stochasticity is induced by a random mask over the connections. Synaptic stochasticity plays the dual role of an efficient mechanism for sampling, and a regularizer during learning akin to DropConnect. A local synaptic plasticity rule implementing an event-driven form of contrastive divergence enables the learning of generative models in an on-line fashion. Synaptic sampling machines perform equally well using discrete-timed artificial units (as in Hopfield networks) or continuous-timed leaky integrate & fire neurons. The learned representations are remarkably sparse and robust to reductions in bit precision and synapse pruning: removal of more than 75% of the weakest connections followed by cursory re-learning causes a negligible performance loss on benchmark classification tasks. The spiking neuron-based synaptic sampling machines outperform existing spike-based unsupervised learners, while potentially offering substantial advantages in terms of power and complexity, and are thus promising models for on-line learning in brain-inspired hardware

    Event-Driven Contrastive Divergence for Spiking Neuromorphic Systems

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    Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) and Deep Belief Networks have been demonstrated to perform efficiently in a variety of applications, such as dimensionality reduction, feature learning, and classification. Their implementation on neuromorphic hardware platforms emulating large-scale networks of spiking neurons can have significant advantages from the perspectives of scalability, power dissipation and real-time interfacing with the environment. However the traditional RBM architecture and the commonly used training algorithm known as Contrastive Divergence (CD) are based on discrete updates and exact arithmetics which do not directly map onto a dynamical neural substrate. Here, we present an event-driven variation of CD to train a RBM constructed with Integrate & Fire (I&F) neurons, that is constrained by the limitations of existing and near future neuromorphic hardware platforms. Our strategy is based on neural sampling, which allows us to synthesize a spiking neural network that samples from a target Boltzmann distribution. The recurrent activity of the network replaces the discrete steps of the CD algorithm, while Spike Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP) carries out the weight updates in an online, asynchronous fashion. We demonstrate our approach by training an RBM composed of leaky I&F neurons with STDP synapses to learn a generative model of the MNIST hand-written digit dataset, and by testing it in recognition, generation and cue integration tasks. Our results contribute to a machine learning-driven approach for synthesizing networks of spiking neurons capable of carrying out practical, high-level functionality.Comment: (Under review

    Real time unsupervised learning of visual stimuli in neuromorphic VLSI systems

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    Neuromorphic chips embody computational principles operating in the nervous system, into microelectronic devices. In this domain it is important to identify computational primitives that theory and experiments suggest as generic and reusable cognitive elements. One such element is provided by attractor dynamics in recurrent networks. Point attractors are equilibrium states of the dynamics (up to fluctuations), determined by the synaptic structure of the network; a `basin' of attraction comprises all initial states leading to a given attractor upon relaxation, hence making attractor dynamics suitable to implement robust associative memory. The initial network state is dictated by the stimulus, and relaxation to the attractor state implements the retrieval of the corresponding memorized prototypical pattern. In a previous work we demonstrated that a neuromorphic recurrent network of spiking neurons and suitably chosen, fixed synapses supports attractor dynamics. Here we focus on learning: activating on-chip synaptic plasticity and using a theory-driven strategy for choosing network parameters, we show that autonomous learning, following repeated presentation of simple visual stimuli, shapes a synaptic connectivity supporting stimulus-selective attractors. Associative memory develops on chip as the result of the coupled stimulus-driven neural activity and ensuing synaptic dynamics, with no artificial separation between learning and retrieval phases.Comment: submitted to Scientific Repor

    Spiking Neural Networks for Inference and Learning: A Memristor-based Design Perspective

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    On metrics of density and power efficiency, neuromorphic technologies have the potential to surpass mainstream computing technologies in tasks where real-time functionality, adaptability, and autonomy are essential. While algorithmic advances in neuromorphic computing are proceeding successfully, the potential of memristors to improve neuromorphic computing have not yet born fruit, primarily because they are often used as a drop-in replacement to conventional memory. However, interdisciplinary approaches anchored in machine learning theory suggest that multifactor plasticity rules matching neural and synaptic dynamics to the device capabilities can take better advantage of memristor dynamics and its stochasticity. Furthermore, such plasticity rules generally show much higher performance than that of classical Spike Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP) rules. This chapter reviews the recent development in learning with spiking neural network models and their possible implementation with memristor-based hardware

    Artificial Cognitive Systems: From VLSI Networks of Spiking Neurons to Neuromorphic Cognition

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    Neuromorphic engineering (NE) is an emerging research field that has been attempting to identify neural types of computational principles, by implementing biophysically realistic models of neural systems in Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) technology. Remarkable progress has been made recently, and complex artificial neural sensory-motor systems can be built using this technology. Today, however, NE stands before a large conceptual challenge that must be met before there will be significant progress toward an age of genuinely intelligent neuromorphic machines. The challenge is to bridge the gap from reactive systems to ones that are cognitive in quality. In this paper, we describe recent advancements in NE, and present examples of neuromorphic circuits that can be used as tools to address this challenge. Specifically, we show how VLSI networks of spiking neurons with spike-based plasticity mechanisms and soft winner-take-all architectures represent important building blocks useful for implementing artificial neural systems able to exhibit basic cognitive abilitie

    Dynamic Power Management for Neuromorphic Many-Core Systems

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    This work presents a dynamic power management architecture for neuromorphic many core systems such as SpiNNaker. A fast dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) technique is presented which allows the processing elements (PE) to change their supply voltage and clock frequency individually and autonomously within less than 100 ns. This is employed by the neuromorphic simulation software flow, which defines the performance level (PL) of the PE based on the actual workload within each simulation cycle. A test chip in 28 nm SLP CMOS technology has been implemented. It includes 4 PEs which can be scaled from 0.7 V to 1.0 V with frequencies from 125 MHz to 500 MHz at three distinct PLs. By measurement of three neuromorphic benchmarks it is shown that the total PE power consumption can be reduced by 75%, with 80% baseline power reduction and a 50% reduction of energy per neuron and synapse computation, all while maintaining temporary peak system performance to achieve biological real-time operation of the system. A numerical model of this power management model is derived which allows DVFS architecture exploration for neuromorphics. The proposed technique is to be used for the second generation SpiNNaker neuromorphic many core system
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