387 research outputs found

    Interactive Haptics for Remote and On-Site Assessment of Arm Function Following a Stroke

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    There is a great need to improve the rehabilitation and assessment of arm and hand function of stroke survivors in the home due to cost, time and availability of healthcare professionals. Robotics and haptic technologies can be used to improve and facilitate rehabilitation and assessment in the home. The primary goal of this thesis was to explore the feasibility of using lightweight, low-cost haptic devices for remote home-based rehabilitation. The strategy that this thesis followed was to develop tools, perform unit testing, and finally assess feasibility with target users in a series of case studies. The thesis started by developing an assessment tool, specifically the Nine Hole Peg Test (NHPT), and investigated how haptic devices can be used to enhance the data collection for this task to garner more information regarding the level of manual dexterity a stroke survivor has in their impaired limb. The next study investigated collaboration in haptic environments and how the findings from a collaborative haptic experiment could be used to influence task design for future experiments with haptic environments. The final study assessed the feasibility of a home-based assessment and rehabilitation system with elements of telerehabilitation and remote collaboration and interaction providing four complete case studies from stroke survivors. In summary, our findings showed that by combining physical apparatus with a virtual world, less variable results are observed than in purely virtual haptic tasks. We also showed that interaction techniques in collaborative haptic environments change depending on the shape of the objects in the virtual task – this information can be used to influence task design to target specific motor deficits when using the device for exercise. Finally, the home-based study showed the feasibility of using the experimental rig at home and provided improvement measures that matched the perceived benefits to arm function that the participants described on completing the trial

    Reducing Stroke Readmission Through the Implementation of Telehealth

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    Practice Problem: Readmission occurs frequently among patients with stroke and because of this, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have imposed programs to reduce 30-day readmissions among hospitals. The health care system must respond with transition of care, especially during the period of recent stroke to improve patient outcomes. PICOT: The PICOT question that guided this project was among patients with a recent diagnosis of stroke (P), what is the effect of a telehealth appointment with a nurse practitioner (NP) for post discharge follow-up (I), compared to a standard face-to-face clinic appointment (C), on 30-day readmissions rates (O), within two months (T)? Evidence: Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and has a readmission rate of 14%. Past studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of telehealth in treating patients outside of the hospital setting, which suggests the potential of telehealth on post-discharge follow-up care. Intervention: To assess the impact of telehealth on 30-day readmission rates, stroke patients received a telehealth follow-up phone visit by a NP within ten days of being discharged to home. Outcome: Data was collected from participant’s electronic health records (EHR) and discharge databases from October 13 to November 13, 2020. Among participants, the implementation of telehealth visits demonstrated a reduced readmission rate of 6.25% for stroke patients. Conclusion: Telehealth is an effective, sustainable, and widely implementable strategy to provide post-discharge care to patients. This study outlined a framework to further analyze the effectiveness of telehealth visits in reducing 30-day readmission rates among stroke patients

    Development of a 3D, networked multi-user virtual reality environment for home therapy after stroke

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    Abstract Background Impairment of upper extremity function is a common outcome following stroke, to the detriment of lifestyle and employment opportunities. Yet, access to treatment may be limited due to geographical and transportation constraints, especially for those living in rural areas. While stroke rates are higher in these areas, stroke survivors in these regions of the country have substantially less access to clinical therapy. Home therapy could offer an important alternative to clinical treatment, but the inherent isolation and the monotony of self-directed training can greatly reduce compliance. Methods We developed a 3D, networked multi-user Virtual Environment for Rehabilitative Gaming Exercises (VERGE) system for home therapy. Within this environment, stroke survivors can interact with therapists and/or fellow stroke survivors in the same virtual space even though they may be physically remote. Each user’s own movement controls an avatar through kinematic measurements made with a low-cost, Kinect™ device. The system was explicitly designed to train movements important to rehabilitation and to provide real-time feedback of performance to users and clinicians. To obtain user feedback about the system, 15 stroke survivors with chronic upper extremity hemiparesis participated in a multisession pilot evaluation study, consisting of a three-week intervention in a laboratory setting. For each week, the participant performed three one-hour training sessions with one of three modalities: 1) VERGE system, 2) an existing virtual reality environment based on Alice in Wonderland (AWVR), or 3) a home exercise program (HEP). Results Over 85% of the subjects found the VERGE system to be an effective means of promoting repetitive practice of arm movement. Arm displacement averaged 350 m for each VERGE training session. Arm displacement was not significantly less when using VERGE than when using AWVR or HEP. Participants were split on preference for VERGE, AWVR or HEP. Importantly, almost all subjects indicated a willingness to perform the training for at least 2–3 days per week at home. Conclusions Multi-user VR environments hold promise for home therapy, although the importance of reducing complexity of operation for the user in the VR system must be emphasized. A modified version of the VERGE system is currently being used in a home therapy study

    Development and evaluation of a haptic framework supporting telerehabilitation robotics and group interaction

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    Telerehabilitation robotics has grown remarkably in the past few years. It can provide intensive training to people with special needs remotely while facilitating therapists to observe the whole process. Telerehabilitation robotics is a promising solution supporting routine care which can help to transform face-to-face and one-on-one treatment sessions that require not only intensive human resource but are also restricted to some specialised care centres to treatments that are technology-based (less human involvement) and easy to access remotely from anywhere. However, there are some limitations such as network latency, jitter, and delay of the internet that can affect negatively user experience and quality of the treatment session. Moreover, the lack of social interaction since all treatments are performed over the internet can reduce motivation of the patients. As a result, these limitations are making it very difficult to deliver an efficient recovery plan. This thesis developed and evaluated a new framework designed to facilitate telerehabilitation robotics. The framework integrates multiple cutting-edge technologies to generate playful activities that involve group interaction with binaural audio, visual, and haptic feedback with robot interaction in a variety of environments. The research questions asked were: 1) Can activity mediated by technology motivate and influence the behaviour of users, so that they engage in the activity and sustain a good level of motivation? 2) Will working as a group enhance users’ motivation and interaction? 3) Can we transfer real life activity involving group interaction to virtual domain and deliver it reliably via the internet? There were three goals in this work: first was to compare people’s behaviours and motivations while doing the task in a group and on their own; second was to determine whether group interaction in virtual and reala environments was different from each other in terms of performance, engagement and strategy to complete the task; finally was to test out the effectiveness of the framework based on the benchmarks generated from socially assistive robotics literature. Three studies have been conducted to achieve the first goal, two with healthy participants and one with seven autistic children. The first study observed how people react in a challenging group task while the other two studies compared group and individual interactions. The results obtained from these studies showed that the group interactions were more enjoyable than individual interactions and most likely had more positive effects in terms of user behaviours. This suggests that the group interaction approach has the potential to motivate individuals to make more movements and be more active and could be applied in the future for more serious therapy. Another study has been conducted to measure group interaction’s performance in virtual and real environments and pointed out which aspect influences users’ strategy for dealing with the task. The results from this study helped to form a better understanding to predict a user’s behaviour in a collaborative task. A simulation has been run to compare the results generated from the predictor and the real data. It has shown that, with an appropriate training method, the predictor can perform very well. This thesis has demonstrated the feasibility of group interaction via the internet using robotic technology which could be beneficial for people who require social interaction (e.g. stroke patients and autistic children) in their treatments without regular visits to the clinical centres

    Bridging the gap between robotic technology and health care

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    Although technology and computation power have become more and more present in our daily lives, we have yet to see the same tendency in robotics applied to health care. In this work we focused on the study of four distinct applications of robotic technology to health care, named Robotic Assisted Surgery, Robotics in Rehabilitation, Prosthetics and Companion Robotic Systems. We identified the main roadblocks that are limiting the progress of such applications by an extensive examination of recent reports. Based on the limitations of the practical use of current robotic technology for health care we proposed a general modularization approach for the conception and implementation of specific robotic devices. The main conclusions of this review are: (i) there is a clear need of the adaptation of robotic technology (closed loop) to the user, so that robotics can be widely accepted and used in the context of heath care; (ii) for all studied robotic technologies cost is still prohibitive and limits their wide use. The reduction of costs influences technology acceptability; thus innovation by using cheaper computer systems and sensors is relevant and should be taken into account in the implementation of robotic systems

    Technology-supported training of arm-hand skills in stroke

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    Impaired arm-hand performance is a serious consequence of stroke that is associated with reduced self-efficacy and poor quality of life. Task-oriented arm training is a therapy approach that is known to improve skilled arm-hand performance, even in chronic stages after stroke. At the start of this project, little knowledge had been consolidated regarding taskoriented arm training characteristics, especially in the field of technology-supported rehabilitation. The feasibility and effects of technology-supported client-centred task-oriented training on skilled arm-hand performance had not been investigated but to a very limited degree. Reviewing literature on rehabilitation and motor learning in stroke led to the identification of therapy oriented criteria for rehabilitation technology aiming to influence skilled arm-hand performance (chapter 2). Most rehabilitation systems reported in literature to date are robotic systems that are aimed at providing an engaging exercise environment and feedback on motor performance. Both, feedback and engaging exercises are important for motivating patients to perform a high number of exercise repetitions and prolonged training, which are important factors for motor learning. The review also found that current rehabilitation technology is focussed mainly on providing treatment at a function level, thereby improving joint range of motion, muscle strength and parameters such as movement speed and smoothness of movement during analytical movements. However, related research has found no effects of robot-supported training at the activity level. The review concluded that a challenge exists for upper extremity rehabilitation technology in stroke patients to also provide more patienttailored task-oriented arm-hand training in natural environments to support the learning of skilled arm-hand performance. Besides mapping the strengths of different technological solutions, the use of outcome measures and training protocols needs to become more standardized across similar interventions, in order to help determine which training solutions are most suitable for specific patient categories. Chapter 4 contributes towards such a standardization of outcome measurement. A concept is introduced which may guide the clinician/researcher to choose outcome measures for evaluating specific and generalized training effects. As an initial operationalization of this concept, 28 test batteries that have been used in 16 task-oriented training interventions were rated as to whether measurement components were measured by the test. Future research is suggested that elaborates the concept with information on the relative weighing of components in each test, with more test batteries (which may lead to additional components) and by adding more test properties into the concept (e.g. psychometric properties of the tests, possible floor- or ceiling effects). Task-oriented training is one of the training approaches that has been shown to be beneficial for skilled arm-hand performance after stroke. Important mechanisms for motor learning that are identified are patient motivation for such training, and the learning of efficient goaloriented movement strategies and task-specific problem solving. In this thesis we operationalize task-oriented training in terms of 15 components (chapter 3). A systematic review that included 16 randomized controlled trials using task-oriented training in stroke patients, evaluated the effects of these training components on skilled arm-hand performance. The number of training components used in an intervention aimed at improving arm-hand performance after stroke was not associated with the post-treatment effect size. Distributed practice and feedback were associated with the largest post-intervention effect sizes. Random practice and use of clear functional training goals were associated with the largest follow-up effect sizes. It may be that training components that optimize the storage of learned motor performance in the long-term memory are associated with larger treatment effects. Unfortunately, feedback, random practice and distributed practice were reported in very few of the included randomized controlled trials (in only 6,3 and 1 out of the 17 studies respectively). Client-centred training, i.e. training on exercises that support goals that are selected by the patients themselves, improves patient motivation for training. Motivation in turn has proven to positively influence motor learning in stroke patients, as attention during training is heightened and storage of information in the long-term memory improves. Chapter 5 reports on an interview of 40 stroke patients, investigating into training preferences. A list of 46 skills, ranked according to descending training preference scores, was provided that can be used for implementation of exercises in rehabilitation technology, in order for technologysupported training to be client-centred. Chapter 6 introduces T-TOAT, a technology supported task-oriented arm training method that was developed together with colleagues at Adelante (Hoensbroek, NL). T-TOAT enables the implementation of exercises that support task-oriented training in rehabilitation technology. The training method is applicable for different technological systems, e.g. robot and sensor systems, or in combination with functional electrical stimulation, etc. To enable the use of TTOAT for training with the Haptic Master Robot (MOOG-FCS, NL), special software named Haptic TOAT was developed in Adelante together with colleagues at the Centre of Technology in Care of Zuyd University (chapter 6). The software enables the recording of the patient’s movement trajectories, given task constraints and patient possibilities, using the Haptic Master as a recording device. A purpose-made gimbal was attached to the endeffector, leaving the hand free for the use and manipulating objects. The recorded movement can be replayed in a passive mode or in an active mode (active, active-assisted or activeresisted). Haptic feedback is provided when the patient deviates from the recorded movement trajectory, as the patient receives the sensation of bouncing into a wall, as well as feeling a spring that pulls him/her back to the recorded path. The diameter of the tunnel around the recorded trajectory (distance to the wall), and the spring force can be adjusted for each patient. An ongoing clinical trial in which chronic stroke patients train with Haptic-TOAT examines whether Haptic Master provides additional value compared to supporting the same exercises by video-instruction only. Together with Philips Research Europe (Eindhoven,Aachen), the T-TOAT method has been implemented in a sensor based prototype, called Philips Stroke Rehabilitation Exerciser. This system included movement tracking sensors and an exercise board interacting with real life objects. A very strong feature of the system is that feedback is provided to patients (real-time and after exercise performance), based on a comparison of the patient’s exercise performance to individual targets set by the therapist. Chapter 7 reports on a clinical trial investigating arm-hand treatment outcome and patient motivation for technology-supported task-oriented training in chronic stroke patients. It was found that 8 weeks of T-TOAT training improved arm-hand performance in chronic stroke patients significantly on Fugl-Meyer, Action Research Arm Test, and Motor Activity Log. An improvement was found in health-related quality of life. Training effects lasted at least 6 months post-training. Participants reported feeling intrinsically motivated and competent to use the system. The results of this study showed that T-TOAT is feasible. Despite the small number of stroke patients tested (n=9), significant and clinically relevant improvements in skilled arm-hand performance were found. In conclusion, this thesis has made several contributions. It motivated the need for clientcentred task-oriented training, which it has operationalized in terms of 15 components. Four of these 15 components were identified as most beneficial for the patient. A prioritized inventory of arm-hand training preferences of stroke patients was compiled by means of an interview study of 40 subacute and chronic stroke patients. T-TOAT, a method for technology-supported, client-centred, task-oriented training, was conceived and implemented in two target technologies (Haptic Master and Philips Stroke Rehabilitation Exerciser). Its feasibility was demonstrated in a clinical trial showing substantial and durable benefits for the stroke patients. Finally, the thesis contributes towards the standardization of outcome measures which is necessary for charting progress and guiding future developments of technology-supported stroke rehabilitation. Methodological considerations were discussed and several suggestions for future research were presented. The variety of treatment approaches and the various ways of support and challenge that are offered by existing rehabilitation technologies hold a large potential for offering a variety of extra training opportunities to stroke patients that may improve their arm-hand performance. Such solutions will be of increasing importance, to alleviate therapists and reduce economic pressure on the health care system, as the stroke incidence is increasing rapidly over the coming decades

    Safe Haptics-enabled Patient-Robot Interaction for Robotic and Telerobotic Rehabilitation of Neuromuscular Disorders: Control Design and Analysis

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    Motivation: Current statistics show that the population of seniors and the incidence rate of age-related neuromuscular disorders are rapidly increasing worldwide. Improving medical care is likely to increase the survival rate but will result in even more patients in need of Assistive, Rehabilitation and Assessment (ARA) services for extended periods which will place a significant burden on the world\u27s healthcare systems. In many cases, the only alternative is limited and often delayed outpatient therapy. The situation will be worse for patients in remote areas. One potential solution is to develop technologies that provide efficient and safe means of in-hospital and in-home kinesthetic rehabilitation. In this regard, Haptics-enabled Interactive Robotic Neurorehabilitation (HIRN) systems have been developed. Existing Challenges: Although there are specific advantages with the use of HIRN technologies, there still exist several technical and control challenges, e.g., (a) absence of direct interactive physical interaction between therapists and patients; (b) questionable adaptability and flexibility considering the sensorimotor needs of patients; (c) limited accessibility in remote areas; and (d) guaranteeing patient-robot interaction safety while maximizing system transparency, especially when high control effort is needed for severely disabled patients, when the robot is to be used in a patient\u27s home or when the patient experiences involuntary movements. These challenges have provided the motivation for this research. Research Statement: In this project, a novel haptics-enabled telerobotic rehabilitation framework is designed, analyzed and implemented that can be used as a new paradigm for delivering motor therapy which gives therapists direct kinesthetic supervision over the robotic rehabilitation procedure. The system also allows for kinesthetic remote and ultimately in-home rehabilitation. To guarantee interaction safety while maximizing the performance of the system, a new framework for designing stabilizing controllers is developed initially based on small-gain theory and then completed using strong passivity theory. The proposed control framework takes into account knowledge about the variable biomechanical capabilities of the patient\u27s limb(s) in absorbing interaction forces and mechanical energy. The technique is generalized for use for classical rehabilitation robotic systems to realize patient-robot interaction safety while enhancing performance. In the next step, the proposed telerobotic system is studied as a modality of training for classical HIRN systems. The goal is to first model and then regenerate the prescribed kinesthetic supervision of an expert therapist. To broaden the population of patients who can use the technology and HIRN systems, a new control strategy is designed for patients experiencing involuntary movements. As the last step, the outcomes of the proposed theoretical and technological developments are translated to designing assistive mechatronic tools for patients with force and motion control deficits. This study shows that proper augmentation of haptic inputs can not only enhance the transparency and safety of robotic and telerobotic rehabilitation systems, but it can also assist patients with force and motion control deficiencies

    Music meets robotics : a prospective randomized study on motivation during robot aided therapy

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    Robots have been successfully applied in motor training during neurorehabilitation. As music is known to improve motor function and motivation in neurorehabilitation training, we aimed at integrating music creation into robotic-assisted motor therapy. We developed a virtual game-like environment with music for the arm therapy robot ARMin, containing four different motion training conditions: a condition promoting creativity (C+) and one not promoting creativity (C-), each in a condition with (V+) and without (V-) a visual display (i.e., a monitor). The visual display was presenting the game workspace but not contributing to the creative process itself. In all four conditions the therapy robot haptically displayed the game workspace. Our aim was to asses the effects of creativity and visual display on motivation
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