13 research outputs found

    Epilepsy Detection Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder, where there is a cluster of brain cells that behave in a hyperexcitable manner, the individual can promote injuries, trauma or, in more severe cases, sudden death. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is the most used way to detect epileptic seizures. Therefore, more simplified methods of analysis of the EEG can help in the diagnosis and treatment of these individuals more quickly. In this study, we extracted pertinent EEG characteristics to assess the epileptic seizure period. We use Perceptron Multilayer artificial neural networks to classify the period of the crisis, obtaining a more efficient diagnosis. The multilayer neural network obtained an accuracy of 98%. Thus, the strategy of extracting characteristics and the architecture of the assigned network were sufficient for a rapid and accurate diagnosis of epilepsy

    Classification of newborn EEG maturity with Bayesian averaging over decision trees

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    EEG experts can assess a newborn’s brain maturity by visual analysis of age-related patterns in sleep EEG. It is highly desirable to make the results of assessment most accurate and reliable. However, the expert analysis is limited in capability to provide the estimate of uncertainty in assessments. Bayesian inference has been shown providing the most accurate estimates of uncertainty by using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) integration over the posterior distribution. The use of MCMC enables to approximate the desired distribution by sampling the areas of interests in which the density of distribution is high. In practice, the posterior distribution can be multimodal, and so that the existing MCMC techniques cannot provide the proportional sampling from the areas of interest. The lack of prior information makes MCMC integration more difficult when a model parameter space is large and cannot be explored in detail within a reasonable time. In particular, the lack of information about EEG feature importance can affect the results of Bayesian assessment of EEG maturity. In this paper we explore how the posterior information about EEG feature importance can be used to reduce a negative influence of disproportional sampling on the results of Bayesian assessment. We found that the MCMC integration tends to oversample the areas in which a model parameter space includes one or more features, the importance of which counted in terms of their posterior use is low. Using this finding, we proposed to cure the results of MCMC integration and then described the results of testing the proposed method on a set of sleep EEG recordings

    Electroencephalogram classification of brain states using deep learning approach

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    The oldest diagnostic method in the field of neurology is electroencephalography (EEG). To grasp the information contained in EEG signals, numerous deep machine learning architectures have been developed recently. In brain computer interface (BCI) systems, classification is crucial. Many recent studies have effectively employed deep learning algorithms to learn features and classify various sorts of data. A systematic review of EEG classification using deep learning was conducted in this research, resulting in 90 studies being discovered from the Web of Science and PubMed databases. Researchers looked at a variety of factors in these studies, including the task type, EEG pre-processing techniques, input type, and the depth of learning. This study summarises the current methodologies and performance results in EEG categorization using deep learning. A series of practical recommendations is provided in the hopes of encouraging or directing future research using EEG datasets to use deep learning

    Bio-signal based control in assistive robots: a survey

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    Recently, bio-signal based control has been gradually deployed in biomedical devices and assistive robots for improving the quality of life of disabled and elderly people, among which electromyography (EMG) and electroencephalography (EEG) bio-signals are being used widely. This paper reviews the deployment of these bio-signals in the state of art of control systems. The main aim of this paper is to describe the techniques used for (i) collecting EMG and EEG signals and diving these signals into segments (data acquisition and data segmentation stage), (ii) dividing the important data and removing redundant data from the EMG and EEG segments (feature extraction stage), and (iii) identifying categories from the relevant data obtained in the previous stage (classification stage). Furthermore, this paper presents a summary of applications controlled through these two bio-signals and some research challenges in the creation of these control systems. Finally, a brief conclusion is summarized

    Detection of Pathological HFO Using Supervised Machine Learning and iEEG Data

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    Epilepsy is the second most common neurological disorder and it affects approxi mately 50 million people worldwide. One of the main characteristics of this disorder is the presence of recurrent seizures which tend to be controlled through medication. Nonetheless, 20% of the patients with this disorder are resistant to drug treatment meaning that they need to go through alternative procedures

    Artificial immune system and particle swarm optimization for electroencephalogram based epileptic seizure classification

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    Automated analysis of brain activity from electroencephalogram (EEG) has indispensable applications in many fields such as epilepsy research. This research has studied the abilities of negative selection and clonal selection in artificial immune system (AIS) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to produce different reliable and efficient methods for EEG-based epileptic seizure recognition which have not yet been explored. Initially, an optimization-based classification model was proposed to describe an individual use of clonal selection and PSO to build nearest centroid classifier for EEG signals. Next, two hybrid optimization-based negative selection models were developed to investigate the integration of the AIS-based techniques and negative selection with PSO from the perspective of classification and detection. In these models, a set of detectors was created by negative selection as self-tolerant and their quality was improved towards non-self using clonal selection or PSO. The models included a mechanism to maintain the diversity and generality among the detectors. The detectors were produced in the classification model for each class, while the detection model generated the detectors only for the abnormal class. These hybrid models differ from each other in hybridization configuration, solution representation and objective function. The three proposed models were abstracted into innovative methods by applying clonal selection and PSO for optimization, namely clonal selection classification algorithm (CSCA), particle swarm classification algorithm (PSCA), clonal negative selection classification algorithm (CNSCA), swarm negative selection classification algorithm (SNSCA), clonal negative selection detection algorithm (CNSDA) and swarm negative selection detection algorithm (SNSDA). These methods were evaluated on EEG data using common measures in medical diagnosis. The findings demonstrated that the methods can efficiently achieve a reliable recognition of epileptic activity in EEG signals. Although CNSCA gave the best performance, CNSDA and SNSDA are preferred due to their efficiency in time and space. A comparison with other methods in the literature showed the competitiveness of the proposed methods

    Classification of electroencephalogram (EEG) for lower limb movement of post stroke patients using artificial neural network (ANN)

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    Nowadays, many neurological conditions happen suddenly, such as stroke or spinal cord injury. This can cause chronic gait function impairment due to functional deficits in motor control. Current physiotherapy techniques such as functional electrical stimulation (FES) can be used to reconstruct some skills needed for movements of daily life. However, FES system provides only a limited degree of motor function recovery and has no mechanism for reflecting a patient’s motor intentions, hence requires novel therapies. Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) provides the means to decode mental states and activate devices according to user intentions. However, conventional BCI cannot be used fully, due to the lack of accuracy, and need some improvement. In addition to that, the integration of BCI with lower extremity FES systems has received less attention compared to the BCI-FES systems with upper extremity. The discussion of this thesis was divided into two parts, which were the BCI part as input and the functional electrical stimulator (FES) controller part as the output for this system. For BCI part, the main processes involved are brainwave signals classification and mapping process. Here the signal has been classed will be applied to match the appropriate rehabilitation exercise. Whereas for the FES part, the signal from the mapping system will be controlled by the controller to ensure that the target knee angle is achieved to make the rehabilitation process more effective. As a conclusion, patients can be classified into two classes based on their alpha and beta signals status and these must undergone rehabilitation sessions according to their post-stroke level. So the results proved that the ANN model developed was able to classify the post-stroke severity. Also, the result had proven that the BCI fuzzy-based mapping system in this study was able to work perfectly into mapping the post-stroke patient with a suitable exercise according to their post-stroke level

    Implantable Asynchronous Epilectic Seizure Detector

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    RÉSUMÉ Plusieurs algorithmes de détection à faible consommation ont été proposés pour le traitement de l'épilepsie focale. La gestion de l'énergie dans ces microsystèmes est une question importante qui dépend principalement de la charge et de la décharge des capacités parasites des transistors et des courants de court-circuit pendant les commutations. Dans ce mémoire, un détecteur asynchrone de crise pour le traitement de l'épilepsie focale est présenté. Ce système fait partie d'un dispositif implantable intégré pour stopper la propagation de la crise. L'objectif de ce travail est de réduire la dissipation de puissance en évitant les transitions inutiles de signaux grâce à la technique du « clock tree » ; en conséquence, les transistors ne changent pas d'état transitoire dans ce mode d'économie d'énergie (période de surveillance des EEG intracrâniens), sauf si un événement anormal est détecté. Le dispositif intégré proposé comporte un bio-amplificateur en amont (front-end) à faible bruit, un processeur de signal numérique et un détecteur. Un délai variable et quatre détecteurs de fenêtres de tensions variables en parallèles sont utilisés pour extraire de l’information sur le déclenchement des crises. La sensibilité du détecteur est améliorée en optimisant les paramètres variables en fonction des activités de foyers épileptiques de chaque patient lors du début des crises. Le détecteur de crises asynchrone proposé a été implémenté premièrement en tant que prototype sur un circuit imprimé circulaire, ensuite nous l’avons intégré sur une seule puce dans la technologie standard CMOS 0.13μm. La puce fabriquée a été validée in vitro en utilisant un total de 34 enregistrements EEG intracrâniens avec la durée moyenne de chaque enregistrement de 1 min. Parmi ces jeux de données, 15 d’entre eux correspondaient à des enregistrements de crises, tandis que les 19 autres provenaient d’enregistrements variables de patients tels que de brèves crises électriques, des mouvements du corps et des variations durant le sommeil. Le système proposé a réalisé une performance de détection précise avec une sensibilité de 100% et 100% de spécificité pour ces 34 signaux icEEG enregistrés. Le délai de détection moyen était de 13,7 s après le début de la crise, bien avant l'apparition des manifestations cliniques, et une consommation d'énergie de 9 µW a été obtenue à partir d'essais expérimentaux.----------ABSTRACT Several power efficient detection algorithms have been proposed for treatment of focal epilepsy. Power management in these microsystems is an important issue which is mainly dependent on charging and discharging of the parasitic capacitances in transistors and short-circuit currents during switching. In this thesis, an asynchronous seizure detector for treatment of the focal epilepsy is presented. This system is part of an implantable integrated device to block the seizure progression. The objective of this work is reducing the power dissipation by avoiding the unnecessary signal transition and clock tree; as a result, transistors do not change their transient state in power saving mode (icEEG monitoring period) unless an abnormal event detected. The proposed integrated device contains a low noise front-end bioamplifier, a digital signal processor and a detector. A variable time frame and four concurrent variable voltage window detectors are used to extract seizure onset information. The sensitivity of the detector is enhanced by optimizing the variable parameters based on specific electrographic seizure onset activities of each patient. The proposed asynchronous seizure detector was first implemented as a prototype on a PCB and then integrated in standard 0.13 μm CMOS process. The fabricated chip was validated offline using a total of 34 intracranial EEG recordings with the average time duration of 1 min. 15 of these datasets corresponded to seizure activities while the remaining 19 signals were related to variable patient activities such as brief electrical seizures, body movement, and sleep patterns. The proposed system achieved an accurate detection performance with 100% sensitivity and 100 % specificity for these 34 recorded icEEG signals. The average detection delay was 13.7 s after seizure onset, well before the onset of the clinical manifestations. Finally, power consumption of the chip is 9 µW obtained from experimental tests