4,994 research outputs found

    The large deviation approach to statistical mechanics

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    The theory of large deviations is concerned with the exponential decay of probabilities of large fluctuations in random systems. These probabilities are important in many fields of study, including statistics, finance, and engineering, as they often yield valuable information about the large fluctuations of a random system around its most probable state or trajectory. In the context of equilibrium statistical mechanics, the theory of large deviations provides exponential-order estimates of probabilities that refine and generalize Einstein's theory of fluctuations. This review explores this and other connections between large deviation theory and statistical mechanics, in an effort to show that the mathematical language of statistical mechanics is the language of large deviation theory. The first part of the review presents the basics of large deviation theory, and works out many of its classical applications related to sums of random variables and Markov processes. The second part goes through many problems and results of statistical mechanics, and shows how these can be formulated and derived within the context of large deviation theory. The problems and results treated cover a wide range of physical systems, including equilibrium many-particle systems, noise-perturbed dynamics, nonequilibrium systems, as well as multifractals, disordered systems, and chaotic systems. This review also covers many fundamental aspects of statistical mechanics, such as the derivation of variational principles characterizing equilibrium and nonequilibrium states, the breaking of the Legendre transform for nonconcave entropies, and the characterization of nonequilibrium fluctuations through fluctuation relations.Comment: v1: 89 pages, 18 figures, pdflatex. v2: 95 pages, 20 figures, text, figures and appendices added, many references cut, close to published versio

    Extending the definition of entropy to nonequilibrium steady states

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    We study the nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of a finite classical system subjected to nongradient forces ξ\xi and maintained at fixed kinetic energy (Hoover-Evans isokinetic thermostat). We assume that the microscopic dynamics is sufficiently chaotic (Gallavotti-Cohen chaotic hypothesis) and that there is a natural nonequilibrium steady state ρξ\rho_\xi. When ξ\xi is replaced by ξ+δξ\xi+\delta\xi one can compute the change δρ\delta\rho of ρξ\rho_\xi (linear response) and define an entropy change δS\delta S based on energy considerations. When ξ\xi is varied around a loop, the total change of SS need not vanish: outside of equilibrium the entropy has curvature. But at equilibrium (i.e. if ξ\xi is a gradient) we show that the curvature is zero, and that the entropy S(ξ+δξ)S(\xi+\delta\xi) near equilibrium is well defined to second order in δξ\delta\xi.Comment: plain TeX, 10 pagesemacs ded

    From the Theory of Chaos to Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics

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    AbstractThe theory of chaos has emerged from a multidisciplinary encounter of mathematics, physics, and other sciences. The study of chaotic (microscopic) dynamics is now contributing in a major way to our understanding of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. In particular one does not want to be restricted to situations close to equilibrium. We shall discuss some of the successes and challenges that have been met in this new development

    From dynamical systems to statistical mechanics: the case of the fluctuation theorem

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    This viewpoint relates to an article by Jorge Kurchan (1998 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 31, 3719) as part of a series of commentaries celebrating the most influential papers published in the J. Phys. series, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary

    Chaotic dynamics, fluctuations, nonequilibrium ensembles

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    A review of some recent results and ideas about the expected behaviour of large chaotic systems and fluids.Comment: 10 pages: LaTeX-REVTe

    Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Models, Mathematical Theory, Physical Mechanisms

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    The fluctuations in nonequilibrium systems are under intense theoretical and experimental investigation. Topical ``fluctuation relations'' describe symmetries of the statistical properties of certain observables, in a variety of models and phenomena. They have been derived in deterministic and, later, in stochastic frameworks. Other results first obtained for stochastic processes, and later considered in deterministic dynamics, describe the temporal evolution of fluctuations. The field has grown beyond expectation: research works and different perspectives are proposed at an ever faster pace. Indeed, understanding fluctuations is important for the emerging theory of nonequilibrium phenomena, as well as for applications, such as those of nanotechnological and biophysical interest. However, the links among the different approaches and the limitations of these approaches are not fully understood. We focus on these issues, providing: a) analysis of the theoretical models; b) discussion of the rigorous mathematical results; c) identification of the physical mechanisms underlying the validity of the theoretical predictions, for a wide range of phenomena.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures. To appear in Nonlinearity (2007

    Fluctuation Theorem and Chaos

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    The heat theorem (i.e. the second law of thermodynamics or the existence of entropy) is a manifestation of a general property of hamiltonian mechanics and of the ergodic Hypothesis. In nonequilibrium thermodynamics of stationary states the chaotic hypothesis plays a similar role: it allows a unique determination of the probability distribution (called {\rm SRB} distribution on phase space providing the time averages of the observables. It also implies an expression for a few averages concrete enough to derive consequences of symmetry properties like the fluctuation theorem or to formulate a theory of coarse graining unifying the foundations of equilibrium and of nonequilibrium.Comment: Basis for the plenary talk at StatPhys23 (Genova July 2007