64 research outputs found

    Transformation of Processor Graphical Representation to the Architecture Description Language

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    Tato práce se zaobírá konverzí mezi grafickým a textovým popisem architektury procesoru. Cílem práce je seznámit čtenáře s oběma zmíněnými nástroji a představit způsob, kterým je prováděna transformace. Součástí práce je seznámení s nástroji vývojového prostředí Eclipse - EMF a GMF, na kterých je postaven editor grafického popisu architektury. Závěr práce je věnován možnostem zpětné transformace, tedy z textového do grafického popisu, kde je vyžadováno inteligentní rozmísťování uzlů v grafu.This thesis deals with conversion between graphical and text representation of processor architecture. The aim is to acquaint with both of said tools and introduce the way how the conversion is done. The introduction of EMF and GMF tools of Eclipse IDE is also included in this thesis, because the graphical representation editor is based on these tools. The end of thesis is devoted to reverse transformation possibilities, where the intelligent placing of diagram nodes is required.

    Organic electronics for biosensors

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    V úvodní části se pojednává o organických tenkovrstvých tranzistorech a jejich možném využití jako chemických a biologických senzorů. Střední část pojednává o elektrických vlastnostech zařízení OECT v přechodném ději a ustáleném stavu a potenciálním využití OECT zařízení pro sledování buněk. Závěrečná experimentální část se zabývá vlivem teploty, stárnutí, prostředí elektrolytu a geometrie na funkci OECT zařízení.In the first part are discussed the organic thin-film transistors and their possible use for chemical and biological sensors. Middle section discusses the electrical properties of OECT device in steady-state and transient behaviour and potential use of OECT for cell monitoring. The final experimental part deals with influence of temperature, aging, electrolyte environment and geometry on the function of OECT device.

    Driving-induced stability with long-range effects

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    We give a sufficient condition under which an applied rotation on medium particles stabilizes a slow probe in the rotation center. The symmetric part of the stiffness matrix thus gets a positive Lamb shift with respect to equilibrium. For illustration we take diffusive medium particles with a self-potential in the shape of a Mexican hat, high around the origin. There is a short-range attraction between the medium particles and the heavier probe, all immersed in an equilibrium thermal bath. For no or small rotation force on the medium particles, the origin is an unstable fixed point for the probe and the precise shape of the self-potential at large distances from the origin is irrelevant for the statistical force there. Above a certain rotation threshold, while the medium particles are still repelled from the origin, the probe stabilizes there and more details of the medium-density at large distance start to matter. The effect is robust around the quasi-static limit with rotation threshold only weakly depending on the temperature but the stabilization gets stronger at lower temperatures.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    General no-go condition for stochastic pumping

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    The control of chemical dynamics requires understanding the effect of time-dependent transition rates between states of chemo-mechanical molecular configurations. Pumping refers to generating a net current, e.g. per period in the time-dependence, through a cycle of consecutive states. The working of artificial machines or synthesized molecular motors depends on it. In this paper we give short and simple proofs of no-go theorems, some of which appeared before but here with essential extensions to non-Markovian dynamics, including the study of the diffusion limit. It allows to exclude certain protocols in the working of chemical motors where only the depth of the energy well is changed in time and not the barrier height between pairs of states. We also show how pre-existing steady state currents are in general modified with a multiplicative factor when this time-dependence is turned on.Comment: 8 pages; v2: minor changes, 1 reference adde

    Incoherent boundary conditions and metastates

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    In this contribution we discuss the role which incoherent boundary conditions can play in the study of phase transitions. This is a question of particular relevance for the analysis of disordered systems, and in particular of spin glasses. For the moment our mathematical results only apply to ferromagnetic models which have an exact symmetry between low-temperature phases. We give a survey of these results and discuss possibilities to extend them to some situations where many pure states can coexist. An idea of the proofs as well as the reformulation of our results in the language of Newman-Stein metastates are also presented.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/074921706000000176 in the IMS Lecture Notes--Monograph Series (http://www.imstat.org/publications/lecnotes.htm) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    A Nernst heat theorem for nonequilibrium jump processes

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    We discuss via general arguments and examples when and why the steady nonequilibrium heat capacity vanishes with temperature. The framework is the one of Markov jump processes on finite connected graphs where the condition of local detailed balance allows to identify the heat fluxes, and where the discreteness more easily enables sufficient nondegeneracy of the stationary distribution at absolute zero, as under equilibrium. However, for the nonequilibrium extension of the Third Law, a dynamic condition is needed as well: the low-temperature dynamical activity and accessibility of the dominant state must remain sufficiently high so that relaxation times do not start to dramatically differ between different initial states. It suffices in fact that the relaxation times do not exceed the dissipation time