30 research outputs found

    Dynamic Mutual Capacitive Sensor for Human Interactions.

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    This dissertation introduces the novel concept of removing the ground conductive plate by utilizing body capacitance as the ground in the capacitive sensor, whereby circuit pressure sensing can occur with only one plate and one dielectric. Additionally, body capacitance sensing was limited to a binary touch-no-touch output, whereas the method presented here can sense various applied pressures. The resulting circuit acts as an antenna that receives local capacitance signals from a human interaction. The advantage of this design is that it allows for both proximity sensing and pressure sensing (once the body part is touching the dielectric material). This setup is ideal for a z-axis dimensional interface for touchscreen devices, as well as pressure sensing palpation or planter region interaction

    Smart Shoe Insole Based on Polydimethylsiloxane Composite Capacitive Sensors

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    Nowadays, the study of the gait by analyzing the distribution of plantar pressure is a well-established technique. The use of intelligent insoles allows real-time monitoring of the user. Thus, collecting and analyzing information is a more accurate process than consultations in so-called gait laboratories. Most of the previous published studies consider the composition and operation of these insoles based on resistive sensors. However, the use of capacitive sensors could provide better results, in terms of linear behavior under the pressure exerted. This behavior depends on the properties of the dielectric used. In this work, the design and implementation of an intelligent plantar insole composed of capacitive sensors is proposed. The dielectric used is a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based composition. The sensorized plantar insole developed achieves its purpose as a tool for collecting pressure in different areas of the sole of the foot. The fundamentals and details of the composition, manufacture, and implementation of the insole and the system used to collect data, as well as the data samples, are shown. Finally, a comparison of the behavior of both insoles, resistive and capacitive sensor-equipped, is made. The prototype presented lays the foundation for the development of a tool to support the diagnosis of gait abnormalities.22 página

    Development of 3D-Printed Orthopedic Insoles for Patients with Diabetes and Evaluation with Electronic Pressure Sensors

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    The correct distribution of loads on foot, known as plantar pressures, is a relevant parameter for evaluating the evolution of some diseases. Anomalies can lead to pain and discomfort in other body parts. Diabetes changes foot tissues and compromises biomechanics, resulting in ulcers and, eventually, amputation. Customized insoles allow the redistribution of plantar pressures and are a complementary strategy to diabetes management. Nowadays, scanning and 3D printing technology can generate faster and more accurate customized insoles opening new opportunities for local medical device development. This study reports the development of 3D-printed insoles using two polymers, thermoplastic polyether-polyurethane and thermoplastic polyurethane polyester-based polymer, and the evaluation of plantar pressure distribution in walk trials using a clinical protocol and low-cost electronic system. The two 3D-printed insoles performed as well as a standard insole. No significant difference was found in average peak pressure distribution. The digital manufacturing workflow of customized insoles can be implemented in middle-income countries. Three-dimensionally printed insoles have the potential for diabetes management, and further material evaluations are needed before using them in health facilities.Revisión por pare

    Development of 3D-Printed Orthopedic Insoles for Patients with Diabetes and Evaluation with Electronic Pressure Sensors

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    "The correct distribution of loads on foot, known as plantar pressures, is a relevant parameter for evaluating the evolution of some diseases. Anomalies can lead to pain and discomfort in other body parts. Diabetes changes foot tissues and compromises biomechanics, resulting in ulcers and, eventually, amputation. Customized insoles allow the redistribution of plantar pressures and are a complementary strategy to diabetes management. Nowadays, scanning and 3D printing technology can generate faster and more accurate customized insoles opening new opportunities for local medical device development. This study reports the development of 3D-printed insoles using two polymers, thermoplastic polyether-polyurethane and thermoplastic polyurethane polyester-based polymer, and the evaluation of plantar pressure distribution in walk trials using a clinical protocol and low-cost electronic system. The two 3D-printed insoles performed as well as a standard insole. No significant difference was found in average peak pressure distribution. The digital manufacturing workflow of customized insoles can be implemented in middle-income countries. Three-dimensionally printed insoles have the potential for diabetes management, and further material evaluations are needed before using them in health facilities.

    Development of 3D-Printed Orthopedic Insoles for Patients with Diabetes and Evaluation with Electronic Pressure Sensors

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    "The correct distribution of loads on foot, known as plantar pressures, is a relevant parameter for evaluating the evolution of some diseases. Anomalies can lead to pain and discomfort in other body parts. Diabetes changes foot tissues and compromises biomechanics, resulting in ulcers and, eventually, amputation. Customized insoles allow the redistribution of plantar pressures and are a complementary strategy to diabetes management. Nowadays, scanning and 3D printing technology can generate faster and more accurate customized insoles opening new opportunities for local medical device development. This study reports the development of 3D-printed insoles using two polymers, thermoplastic polyether-polyurethane and thermoplastic polyurethane polyester-based polymer, and the evaluation of plantar pressure distribution in walk trials using a clinical protocol and low-cost electronic system. The two 3D-printed insoles performed as well as a standard insole. No significant difference was found in average peak pressure distribution. The digital manufacturing workflow of customized insoles can be implemented in middle-income countries. Three-dimensionally printed insoles have the potential for diabetes management, and further material evaluations are needed before using them in health facilities.

    Recent Innovations in Footwear and the Role of Smart Footwear in Healthcare—A Survey

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    © 2024 The Author(s). Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Smart shoes have ushered in a new era of personalised health monitoring and assistive technologies. Smart shoes leverage technologies such as Bluetooth for data collection and wireless transmission, and incorporate features such as GPS tracking, obstacle detection, and fitness tracking. As the 2010s unfolded, the smart shoe landscape diversified and advanced rapidly, driven by sensor technology enhancements and smartphones’ ubiquity. Shoes have begun incorporating accelerometers, gyroscopes, and pressure sensors, significantly improving the accuracy of data collection and enabling functionalities such as gait analysis. The healthcare sector has recognised the potential of smart shoes, leading to innovations such as shoes designed to monitor diabetic foot ulcers, track rehabilitation progress, and detect falls among older people, thus expanding their application beyond fitness into medical monitoring. This article provides an overview of the current state of smart shoe technology, highlighting the integration of advanced sensors for health monitoring, energy harvesting, assistive features for the visually impaired, and deep learning for data analysis. This study discusses the potential of smart footwear in medical applications, particularly for patients with diabetes, and the ongoing research in this field. Current footwear challenges are also discussed, including complex construction, poor fit, comfort, and high cost.Peer reviewe

    An inductive force sensor for in-shoe plantar normal and shear load measurement

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    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a severe global public health issue. Plantar normal and shear load are believed to play an important role in the development of foot ulcers and could be a valuable indicator to improve assessment of DFUs. However, despite their promise, plantar load measurements currently have limited clinical application, primarily due to the lack of reliable measurement techniques particularly for shear load measurements. In this paper we report on the design and evaluation of a novel tri-axis force sensor to measure both normal and shear load on the foot’s plantar surface simultaneously. The sensor consists of a group of inductive sensing coils above which a conductive target is placed on a hyperelastic elastomer. Movement of the target under load affects the coil inductances which are measured and digitized by an embedded system. Using a computational finite element model, we investigated the influence of sensing coil form and configuration on sensor performance. A sensor configured with four-square coils and maximal turns provided the best performance for plantar load measurements. A prototype was fabricated and calibrated using a neural network to map the non-linear relationship between the sensor output and the applied tri-axis load. Experimental evaluation indicates that the tri-axis sensor can effectively detect shear load of �16 N and normal load up to 105 N (RMS errors: 1.05 N and 1.73 N respectively) with a high performance. Overall, this sensor provides a promising basis for plantar normal and shear load measurement which are crucial for improved assessment of DFU

    Pressure Mapping Mat for Tele-Home Care Applications

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    In this paper we present the development of a mat-like pressure mapping system based on a single layer textile sensor and intended to be used in home environments for monitoring the physical condition of persons with limited mobility. The sensor is fabricated by embroidering silver-coated yarns on a light cotton fabric and creating pressure-sensitive resistive elements by stamping the conductive polymer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) at the crossing points of conductive stitches. A battery-operated mat prototype was developed and includes the scanning circuitry and a wireless communication module. A functional description of the system is presented together with a preliminary experimental evaluation of the mat prototype in the extraction of plantar pressure parameters

    An In-Shoe Laser Doppler Sensor for Assessing Plantar Blood Flow in the Diabetic Foot

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    An in-shoe laser Doppler sensor for assessing plantar blood flow in the diabetic foot. Jonathan Edwin Cobb Plantar ulceration is a complication of the diabetic foot prevalent in adults with type 11 diabetes mellitus. Although neuropathy, microvascular disease and biornechanical factors are all implicated, the mechanism by which the tissue becomes pre-disposed to damage remains unclear. Recent theories suggest that the nutritional supply to the tissue is compromised, either by increased flow through the arteriovenous anastomoses ('capillary steal' theory) or through changes in the micro vascu I ature (haemodynamic hypothesis). Clinical data to support these ideas has been limited to assessment of the unclad foot under rest conditions. A limitation of previous studies has been the exclusion of static and dynamic tissue loading, despite extensive evidence that these biornechanical factors are essential in the development of plantar ulceration. The present study has overcome these problems by allowing assessment of plantar blood flow, in-shoe, during standing and walking. The system comprises a laser Doppler blood flux sensor operating at 780nm, load sensor, measurement shoe, instrumentation, and analysis software. In-vitro calibration was performed using standard techniques. An in-vivo study of a small group of diabetic subjects indicated differences in the blood flux response between diabetic neuropaths, diabetics with vascular complications and a control group. For example, following a loading period of 120s, relative increases in response from rest to peak were: Control (150% to 259%), Vascular (-70% to 242%), Neuropathic (109%-174%) and recovery times to 50% of the peak response were: Control (33s to 45s), Vascular (43s to >120s), Neuropathic (>120s). Dynamic re-perfusion rates (arbitrary units per millisecond) obtained for the swing phase of gait were: Control (6.1 a. u/ms to 7.9 a. u/ms), Vascular (4 a. u/ms to 6.2 a. u/ms), Neuropathic (2.3 a. u/ms to 4.5 a. u/ms)