11 research outputs found

    A Cache-Aware Approach to Domain Decomposition for Stencil-Based Codes

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    Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) lie at the heart of numerous scientific simulations depicting physical phenomena. The parallelization of such simulations introduces additional performance penalties in the form of local and global synchronization among cooperating processes. Domain decomposition partitions the largest shareable data structures into sub-domains and attempts to achieve perfect load balance and minimal communication. Up to now research efforts to optimize spatial and temporal cache reuse for stencil-based PDE discretizations (e.g. finite difference and finite element) have considered sub-domain operations after the domain decomposition has been determined. We derive a cache-oblivious heuristic that minimizes cache misses at the sub-domain level through a quasi-cache-directed analysis to predict families of high performance domain decompositions in structured 3-D grids. To the best of our knowledge this is the first work to optimize domain decompositions by analyzing cache misses - thus connecting single core parameters (i.e. cache-misses) to true multicore parameters (i.e. domain decomposition). We analyze the trade-offs in decreasing cache-misses through such decompositions and increasing the dynamic bandwidth-per-core. The limitation of our work is that currently, it is applicable only to structured 3-D grids with cuts parallel to the Cartesian Axes. We emphasize and conclude that there is an imperative need to re-think domain decompositions in this constantly evolving multicore era

    High level algorithmic auto-tuning for scientific applications

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 102-107).In this thesis, we describe a new classification of auto-tuning methodologies spanning from low-level optimizations to high-level algorithmic tuning. This classification spectrum of auto-tuning methods encompasses the space of tuning parameters from low-level optimizations (such as block sizes, iteration ordering, vectorization, etc.) to high-level algorithmic choices (such as whether to use an iterative solver or a direct solver). We present and analyze four novel auto-tuning systems that incorporate several techniques that fall along a spectrum from the low-level to the high-level: i) a multiplatform, auto-tuning parallel code generation framework for generalized stencil loops, ii) an auto-tunable algorithm for solving dense triangular systems, iii) an auto-tunable multigrid solver for sparse linear systems, and iv) tuned statistical regression techniques for fine-tuning wind forecasts and resource estimations to assist in the integration of wind resources into the electrical grid. We also include a project assessment report for a wind turbine installation for the City of Cambridge to highlight an area of application (wind prediction and resource assessment) where these computational auto-tuning techniques could prove useful in the future.by Cy P. Chan.Ph.D

    A quasi‐cache‐aware model for optimal domain partitioning in parallel geometric multigrid

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    Stencil computations form the heart of numerical simulations to solve Partial Differential Equations using Finite Difference, Finite Element, and Finite Volume methods. Geometric Multigrid is an optimal O(N), hierarchical tool employing stencil computations in its chief constituents, namely, smoothing, restriction, and interpolation. When Multigrid is parallelized over distributed‐shared memory architectures, traditionally, the domain partitioning creates cubic partitions of the mesh to minimize overall communication. Thus, the orthodox approach considers only load‐balancing and communication minimization for completely determining the domain partitioning. In this article, we show that these two factors are not sufficient to obtain optimal partitions for Parallel Geometric Multigrid. To this effect, we develop and validate a high level analytical model to show that “close to 2‐D” partitions for Geometric Multigrid can give higher performance than the partitions returned by the MPI_Dims_create() function which minimizes the communication volume by default. We quantify sub‐domain level cache‐misses in Parallel Geometric Multigrid and obtain families of optimal domain partitions. We conclude that the sub‐domain level cache‐misses for the application‐specific stencil computational kernel and communicated planes should be taken into account in addition to communication minimization/load‐balance to obtain optimal partitions for Parallel Geometric Multigrid

    Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

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    dissertationStencil computations are operations on structured grids. They are frequently found in partial differential equation solvers, making their performance critical to a range of scientific applications. On modern architectures where data movement costs dominate computation, optimizing stencil computations is a challenging task. Typically, domain scientists must reduce and orchestrate data movement to tackle the memory bandwidth and latency bottlenecks. Furthermore, optimized code must map efficiently to ever increasing parallelism on a chip. This dissertation studies several stencils with varying arithmetic intensities, thus requiring contrasting optimization strategies. Stencils traditionally have low arithmetic intensity, making their performance limited by memory bandwidth. Contemporary higher-order stencils are designed to require smaller grids, hence less memory, but are bound by increased floating-point operations. This dissertation develops communication-avoiding optimizations to reduce data movement in memory-bound stencils. For higher-order stencils, a novel transformation, partial sums, is designed to reduce the number of floating-point operations and improve register reuse. These optimizations are implemented in a compiler framework, which is further extended to generate parallel code targeting multicores and graphics processor units (GPUs). The augmented compiler framework is then combined with autotuning to productively address stencil optimization challenges. Autotuning explores a search space of possible implementations of a computation to find the optimal code for an execution context. In this dissertation, autotuning is used to compose sequences of optimizations to drive the augmented compiler framework. This compiler-directed autotuning approach is used to optimize stencils in the context of a linear solver, Geometric Multigrid (GMG). GMG uses sequences of stencil computations, and presents greater optimization challenges than isolated stencils, as interactions between stencils must also be considered. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated by comparing the performance of generated code against manually tuned code, over commercial compiler-generated code, and against analytic performance bounds. Generated code outperforms manually optimized codes on multicores and GPUs. Against Intel's compiler on multicores, generated code achieves up to 4x speedup for stencils, and 3x for the solver. On GPUs, generated code achieves 80% of an analytically computed performance bound

    High-performance and hardware-aware computing: proceedings of the first International Workshop on New Frontiers in High-performance and Hardware-aware Computing (HipHaC\u2708)

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    The HipHaC workshop aims at combining new aspects of parallel, heterogeneous, and reconfigurable microprocessor technologies with concepts of high-performance computing and, particularly, numerical solution methods. Compute- and memory-intensive applications can only benefit from the full hardware potential if all features on all levels are taken into account in a holistic approach

    Efficient Domain Partitioning for Stencil-based Parallel Operators

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    Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) are used ubiquitously in modelling natural phenomena. It is generally not possible to obtain an analytical solution and hence they are commonly discretized using schemes such as the Finite Difference Method (FDM) and the Finite Element Method (FEM), converting the continuous PDE to a discrete system of sparse algebraic equations. The solution of this system can be approximated using iterative methods, which are better suited to many sparse systems than direct methods. In this thesis we use the FDM to discretize linear, second order, Elliptic PDEs and consider parallel implementations of standard iterative solvers. The dominant paradigm in this field is distributed memory parallelism which requires the FDM grid to be partitioned across the available computational cores. The orthodox approach to domain partitioning aims to minimize only the communication volume and achieve perfect load-balance on each core. In this work, we re-examine and challenge this traditional method of domain partitioning and show that for well load-balanced problems, minimizing only the communication volume is insufficient for obtaining optimal domain partitions. To this effect we create a high-level, quasi-cache-aware mathematical model that quantifies cache-misses at the sub-domain level and minimizes them to obtain families of high performing domain decompositions. To our knowledge this is the first work that optimizes domain partitioning by analyzing cache misses, establishing a relationship between cache-misses and domain partitioning. To place our model in its true context, we identify and qualitatively examine multiple other factors such as the Least Recently Used policy, Cache Line Utilization and Vectorization, that influence the choice of optimal sub-domain dimensions. Since the convergence rate of point iterative methods, such as Jacobi, for uniform meshes is not acceptable at a high mesh resolution, we extend the model to Parallel Geometric Multigrid (GMG). GMG is a multilevel, iterative, optimal algorithm for numerically solving Elliptic PDEs. Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) is another multilevel technique that allows local refinement of a global mesh based on parameters such as error estimates or geometric importance. We study a massively parallel, multiphysics, multi-resolution AMR framework called BoxLib, and implement and discuss our model on single level and adaptively refined meshes, respectively. We conclude that “close to 2-D” partitions are optimal for stencil-based codes on structured 3-D domains and that it is necessary to optimize for both minimizing cache-misses and communication. We advise that in light of the evolving hardware-software ecosystem, there is an imperative need to re-examine conventional domain partitioning strategies

    Fast and accurate finite-element multigrid solvers for PDE simulations on GPU clusters

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    Der wichtigste Beitrag dieser Dissertation ist es aufzuzeigen, dass Grafikprozessoren (GPUs) als ReprĂ€sentanten der Entwicklung hin zu Vielkern-Architekturen sehr gut geeignet sind zur schnellen und genauen Lösung großer, dĂŒnn besetzter linearer Gleichungssysteme, insbesondere mit parallelen Mehrgittermethoden auf heterogenen Rechenclustern. Solche Systeme treten bspw. bei der Diskretisierung (elliptischer) partieller Differentialgleichungen mittels finiter Elemente auf. Wir demonstrieren Beschleunigungsfaktoren von mindestens einer GrĂ¶ĂŸenordnung gegenĂŒber konventionellen, hochoptimierten CPU-Implementierungen, ohne Verlust von Genauigkeit und Funktionsumfang. Im Detail liefert diese Dissertation die folgenden BeitrĂ€ge: Berechnungen in einfach genauer Fließkommadarstellung können fĂŒr die hier betrachteten Problemklassen nicht ausreichen. Wir greifen die Methode gemischt genauer iterativer Verfeinerung (Nachiteration) wieder auf, um nicht nur die Genauigkeit von berechneten Lösungen zu verbessern, sondern vielmehr die Effizienz des Lösungsprozesses als ganzes zu steigern. Sowohl auf CPUs als auch auf GPUs demonstrieren wir eine deutliche Leistungssteigerung ohne Genauigkeitsverlust im Vergleich zur Berechnung in höherer Fliesskomma-Genauigkeit. Wir prĂ€sentieren effiziente Parallelisierungstechniken fĂŒr Mehrgitter-Löser auf Grafik-Hardware, insbesondere fĂŒr numerisch starke GlĂ€tter und Vorkonditionierer, die fĂŒr stark anisotrope Gitter und Operatoren geeignet sind. Ein Beispiel ist die Entwicklung einer effizienten Reformulierung des Verfahrens der zyklischen Reduktion fĂŒr die Lösung tridiagonaler Gleichungssysteme. Im Hinblick auf Hardware-orientierte Numerik analysieren wir sorgfĂ€ltig den Kompromiss zwischen numerischer und Laufzeit-Effizienz fĂŒr inexakte Parallelisierungstechniken, die einige der inhĂ€rent sequentiellen Charakteristiken solcher starker GlĂ€tter zugunsten besserer Parallelisierungseigenschaften entkoppeln. Die Reimplementierung großer, etablierter Softwarepakete zur Anpassung auf neue Hardwareplattformen ist oft inakzeptabel teuer. Wir entwickeln einen "minimalinvasiven" Zugang zur Integration von Co-Prozessoren wie GPUs in FEAST, einem exemplarischen finite Elemente Diskretisierungs- und Löserpaket. Der Hauptvorteil unserer Technik ist, dass Applikationen, die auf FEAST aufsetzen, nicht geĂ€ndert werden mĂŒssen um von der Beschleunigung durch solche Co-Prozessoren zu profitieren. Wir evaluieren unseren Zugang auf großen GPU-beschleunigten Rechenclustern fĂŒr klassische Benchmarkprobleme aus der linearisierten ElastizitĂ€t und der Simulation stationĂ€rer laminarer StrömungsvorgĂ€nge, und beobachten gute Beschleunigungsfaktoren und gute schwache Skalierbarkeit. Die maximal erreichbare Beschleunigung wird zudem analysiert und theoretisch modelliert, um bspw. Vorhersagen treffen zu können. Weiterhin fassen wir die historische Entwicklung des Forschungsgebiets "wissenschaftliches Rechnen auf Grafikhardware" seit 2001/2002 zusammen, d.h. die Entwicklung von GPGPU als obskures Nischenthema hin zum fachĂŒbergreifenden Einsatz heute. Die Darstellung umfasst gleichermaßen die Hardware und das Programmiermodell und beinhaltet eine ausgiebige Bibliografie von Veröffentlichungen im Bereich der Simulation von PDE-Problemen auf GPUs.The main contribution of this thesis is to demonstrate that graphics processors (GPUs) as representatives of emerging many-core architectures are very well-suited for the fast and accurate solution of large sparse linear systems of equations, using parallel multigrid methods on heterogeneous compute clusters. Such systems arise for instance in the discretisation of (elliptic) partial differential equations with finite elements. We report on at least one order of magnitude speedup over highly-tuned conventional CPU implementations, without sacrificing neither accuracy nor functionality. In more detail, this thesis includes the following contributions: Single precision floating point computations may be insufficient for the class of problems considered in this thesis. We revisit mixed precision iterative refinement techniques to not only increase the accuracy of computed results, but also to increase the efficiency of the solution process. Both on CPUs and on GPUs, we demonstrate a significant performance improvement without loss of accuracy compared to computing in high precision only. We present efficient parallelisation techniques for multigrid solvers on graphics hardware, in particular for numerically strong smoothers and preconditioners that are suitable for highly anisotropic grids and operators. For instance, an efficient formulation of the cyclic reduction algorithm to solve tridiagonal systems is developed. In view of hardware-oriented numerics, we carefully analyse the trade-off between numerical and runtime performance for inexact parallelisation techniques that decouple some of the inherently sequential characteristics of strong smoothing operators. For large-scale established software frameworks, the re-implementation tailored to novel hardware platforms is often prohibitively expensive. We develop a 'minimally invasive' approach to integrate support for co-processor hardware like GPUs into FEAST, a finite element discretisation and solver toolbox. Our technique has the major advantage that applications built on top of the toolbox do not have to be changed at all to benefit from co-processor acceleration. The approach is evaluated for benchmark problems in linearised elasticity and stationary laminar flow computed on large-scale GPU-enhanced clusters. Good speedup factors and near-ideal weak scalability are observed. The achievable speedup is analysed and a theoretical speedup model is presented. Finally, we provide a historical overview of scientific computing on graphics hardware since the early beginnings in 2001/2002, when GPGPU was an obscure research topic pursued by few, to the widespread adoption nowadays. We discuss the evolution of the hardware and the programming model, and provide a comprehensive bibliography of publications related to PDE simulations on GPUs