42,840 research outputs found

    Descrição e caracterização biológica da broca-do-café (Hypothenemus hampei, Ferrari 1867) no Estado de Rondônia.

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    Esta publicação faz uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a Broca do café; apresentando os seguintes tópicos: Histórico da broca-do-café; Características morfológicas; Características biológicas; Danos e prejuízos; Fatores que interferem na infestação da broca-do-café; Controle da broca-do-café; Alguns inimigos naturais da broca-do-café e Avaliação de infestação da broca em Rondônia. Em seguida faz uma análise dos aspectos biológicos da broca-do-café em Rondônia apresentando os meios para validar esta análise, bem como os resultados e discussão.bitstream/item/54341/1/doc90-brocadocafe.pd

    Broca-do-café: Previsão de Infestação e Recomendações de Controle para Safra 2001/2002 no Estado de Rondônia.

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    Trabalho reúne informações sobre a broca-do-café, em plantações de café conilon, em Rondônia. Tópicos trabalhados: Infestação da broca na safra 2001; Previsão de infestação na safra 2001/2002; Amostragem para avaliação da infestação; Recomendações para o controle da broca-do-café.bitstream/item/100456/1/CT55-brocadocafe.pd

    Crossed Aphasia in a Patient with Anaplastic Astrocytoma of the Non-Dominant Hemisphere

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    Aphasia describes a spectrum of speech impairments due to damage in the language centers of the brain. Insult to the inferior frontal gyrus of the dominant cerebral hemisphere results in Broca\u27s aphasia - the inability to produce fluent speech. The left cerebral hemisphere has historically been considered the dominant side, a characteristic long presumed to be related to a person\u27s handedness . However, recent studies utilizing fMRI have shown that right hemispheric dominance occurs more frequently than previously proposed and despite a person\u27s handedness. Here we present a case of a right-handed patient with Broca\u27s aphasia caused by a right-sided brain tumor. This is significant not only because the occurrence of aphasia in right-handed-individuals with right hemispheric brain damage (so-called crossed aphasia ) is unusual but also because such findings support dissociation between hemispheric linguistic dominance and handedness. © 2017, EduRad. All rights reserved


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti tuturan yang terdapat pada penderita afasia Broca dengan menggunakan kajian psikolinguistik dan kajian pragmatik. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka analisis tindak tutur (speech act), yang difokuskan pada strategi tindak tutur ilokusi berdasarkan verba performatifnya seperti asertif, direktif, komisif, ekspresif. Ada pun strategi tindak tutur ilokusi berdasarkan tuturan langsung dan tidak langsung, seperti menyatakan, meminta, dan memerintah. Peneliti pun mendeskripsikan validitas tuturan yang terdapat pada penderita afasia Broca berdasarkan empat syarat tuturan performatif seperti, kesungguhan penutur, keyakinan penutur, prediksi penutur, dan penutur melakukan tindakan. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik catat, rekam, dan dokumentasi. Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu (1) memperoleh deskripsi strategi tindak tutur ilokusi berdasarkan verba performatif pada penderita afasia Broca; (2) memperoleh deskripsi strategi tindak tutur ilokusi berdasarkan tuturan langsung dan tidak langsung pada penderita afasia Broca; dan (3) memperoleh deskripsi tingkat validitas tuturan berdasarkan tuturan performatif yang disampaikan penderita afasia Broca. Hasil penelitian ini terdapat 48 korpus tuturan penderita afasia Broca yang dianalisis menjadi 198 data. Terdapat tuturan asertif sejumlah 47% dengan pola menyatakan yang merupakan tuturan paling banyak digunakan penderita, lalu diikuti dengan tuturan kedua yang paling banyak digunakan yaitu direktif dengan pola meminta sejumlah 12,4%. Sementara itu, data yang ditemukan dalam tuturan langsung dan tidak langsung, peneliti masih menemukan pola menyatakan yang paling banyak dituturkan pada penderita afasia Broca sejumlah 74%. Pada tuturan tidak langsung, pola meminta cenderung paling banyak digunakan penderita dengan jumlah 8,6%. Selanjutnya pada validitas tuturan performatif pada penderita afasia Broca terdapat 48 korpus cenderung ternilai valid (79%). Pada simpulan keseluruhan dapat dikatakan bahwa selain ungkapan menyatakan yang cenderung digunakan pada strategi tuturan penderita afasia Broca, terdapat pula tuturan berupa permintaan sebagaimana penderita afasia Broca tidak begitu percaya diri akan tuturannya sendiri, sehingga meminta peneliti untuk meyakinkan bahwa apa yang dikatakannya sudah benar ataupun salah dalam bentuk tuturan langsung maupun tidak langsung. Kata kunci: afasia Broca, tindak tutur, pragmatik, psikolinguisti


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini berjudul “Komunikasi Terapeutik dalam Pemulihan Kompetensi Linguistik Pasien Penyandang Afasia Broca”; bertujuan menjelaskan pola-pola komunikasi terapeutik antara terapis dengan pasien penyandang afasia broca di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data penelitian ini berupa ekspresi verbal para penyandang afasia broca berbahasa Indonesia dan dari proses berlangsungnya terapi wicara antara terapis wicara dengan penyandang afasia. Secara keseluruhan penelitian ini mengambil lokasi di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional. Sebanyak 3 (tiga) orang responden dijadikan sampel penelitian yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) penyandang afasia broca memiliki problematika lingual yang begitu memperihatikan, yakni mereka memiliki masalah dalam mengungkapkan pikirannya melalui bahasa; (2) dari proses komunikasi terapeutik yang ada di Rumah Sakit Pusat Otak Nasional antara terapis wicara dengan klien penyandang afasia broca, terdapat beberapa gejala lingual yakni adanya alih gaya (style shifting)) dan adanya pemberian feedback positif dari terapis wicara kepada klien penyandang afasia broca. Kata Kunci: komunikasi terapeutik, kompetensi linguistik, afasia brocaAbstract This study aims to explain the therapeutic communication patterns between therapists and patients with broca aphasia at the Jakarta National Brain Center Hospital (RSPON). This research was conducted using qualitative-descriptive methods with a case study approach. The research data were in the forms of verbal expressions of patients with broca aphasia speakers in Indonesia and from the process of ongoing speech therapy between speech therapists with aphasia speaker. Overall, the research was conducted at the National Brain Center Hospital. Three (3) respondents were involved as the research subjects that met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that (1) people with Broca Aphasia are fluent in lingual problems that are so alarming, they have problems expressing their thoughts in language; (2) from the therapeutic communication process at the National Brain Center Hospital between speech therapists and Broca aphasia clients, there are several lingual symptoms, are the style shifting and giving positive feedback from speech therapists to broca aphasia clients. Keywords: therapeutic communication, linguistic competence, broca aphasi

    Language Production Disorder Of A Broca Aphasic (A Case Study)

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    Panggalih, Putri, 2014. Language Production Disorder by A Broca Aphasic (A Case Study). Study Program of English, Department of Languages and Literature, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Supervisor: Fatimah; Co-supervisor: Yana Shanti Manipuspika Keywords: Broca Aphasia, Broca Aphasic, Language Production Disorder Human beings use language in completing complex systems of communication. Language production occurs in the human brain. One of language disorders caused by the damage of the brain is called aphasia. There are three broad categories of aphasia: fluent or Wernicke aphasia, non-fluent or Broca aphasia, and pure aphasia or Alexia. In this study, the writer only investigated the language production disorder of someone suffer\u27s from Broca aphasia. This disorder will trouble someone in producing the language. The aim of this study was to find out the characteristics of language production of Mr. Arifin as a Broca aphasic. This study used qualitative approach because it analyzed the language production disorder from a Broca aphasic. Case study was applied in this study to get the detail description from the subject. To investigate the language production disorder from the Broca aphasic, the writer did interview and analyzed the characteristics by using theory from Garman (1990). The data of this study were utterances produced by Mr. Arifin. This study revealed that there are seven characteristics of language production of Broca aphasic encountered by Mr. Arifin. Those are the output rate is low, the utterances have articulation disorder, are typically short, have fluency disorder, have disruption of normal intonational patterns, often omits the formation of affixes and function words, and mostly concern in content words. The writer found that the subject found difficulties in producing clear articulation, getting fluency disorder, and producing short utterances as the major characteristics encountered by Mr. Arifin. In this study, the writer concluded that Mr. Arifin cannot produce language as fluent as other people since he encounters seven characteristics of Broca aphasia. Producing language will give him hard situation and trigger language production disorder during speech. However, the result of this study cannot be generalized to other Broca aphasia cases. The last, the writer suggests the readers to be aware of the characteristics of Broca aphasia by knowing the characteristics of a Broca aphasic. Next, the writer suggests to the next researcher who wants to analyze the same field to compare the characteristics of language production disorder of a Broca aphasic with other aphasia. It is to enhance and enrich the study about language disorder, especially aphasia that is still limited in number in Indonesia


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan gangguan berbahasa penderita afasia Broca untuk mengetahui faktor utamanya terhadap tingkat kepercayaan diri dalam berbicara. Subjek penelitian yaitu orang dewasa berusia 24 tahun dan objek penelitian yaitu orang yang penderita afasia dengan kategori afasia Broca. Teori penelitian ini menggunakan kajian fonologi untuk pengantar analisis gangguan berbahasa dalam bidang psikolinguistik sebagai bentuk tulisan berdasarkan fonetik dan fonemik sehingga dalam tulisan diketahui bagian yang terjadinya afasia Broca terhadap ujaran subjek. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan menggunakan teknik wawancara, serta peneliti sebagai instrumen utama. Hasil penelitian ini mengetahui untuk fonem-fonem yang terkandung afasia Broca dengan kategori; huruf konsonan /K/, /S/, suku kata ulang, bunyi awal ujaran, bunyi pertengahan dan/atau akhir ujaran.Keywords: Afasia Broca, Fonologi, Fonemik, Fonem, Psikolinguisti

    Algoritmos genéticos en la generación de horarios escolares

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    La generación de horarios de clases en una Institución Educativa (IE) implica el problema de asignar recursos limitados a una serie de tareas relacionadas. Algunos de los recursos a considerar son: los periodos, la disponibilidad del profesor, las aulas, unidades de aprendizaje, entre otros. La complejidad radica en la cantidad de restricciones y los criterios con los que deben aplicarse. La búsqueda asistida de un horario que se ajuste a todas las condiciones se vuelve una tarea costosa en tiempo y recursos de cómputo que, al no resolverse, puede impactar a otras áreas de la Institución cuyas tareas dependen de la generación de horarios. Los Algoritmos Evolutivos (AEs) han demostrado que pueden brindar solución a este tipo de problemas de una manera más eficiente que los procedimientos de búsqueda aleatoria. En particular, los Algoritmos Genéticos (AGs) proporcionan un enfoque metaheurístico haciendo uso de técnicas basadas en la teoría de la evolución de las especies. En este trabajo, se estudia la aplicación e implementación de un Algoritmo Genético, con el fin de realizar experimentos y comprobaciones acerca de la configuración de parámetros de ejecución en casos de estudio específicos. Se pone en práctica la implementación de un Algoritmo Genético (AG) en un programa que sea capaz de generar a una solución factible con los recursos de cómputo disponibles y en un tiempo menor al que tardaría una búsqueda aleatoria o realización manual de un horario de clases en una IE.CONACy

    Rare germline variants in DNA repair genes and the angiogenesis pathway predispose prostate cancer patients to develop metastatic disease

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    Background Prostate cancer (PrCa) demonstrates a heterogeneous clinical presentation ranging from largely indolent to lethal. We sought to identify a signature of rare inherited variants that distinguishes between these two extreme phenotypes. Methods We sequenced germline whole exomes from 139 aggressive (metastatic, age of diagnosis < 60) and 141 non-aggressive (low clinical grade, age of diagnosis ≥60) PrCa cases. We conducted rare variant association analyses at gene and gene set levels using SKAT and Bayesian risk index techniques. GO term enrichment analysis was performed for genes with the highest differential burden of rare disruptive variants. Results Protein truncating variants (PTVs) in specific DNA repair genes were significantly overrepresented among patients with the aggressive phenotype, with BRCA2, ATM and NBN the most frequently mutated genes. Differential burden of rare variants was identified between metastatic and non-aggressive cases for several genes implicated in angiogenesis, conferring both deleterious and protective effects. Conclusions Inherited PTVs in several DNA repair genes distinguish aggressive from non-aggressive PrCa cases. Furthermore, inherited variants in genes with roles in angiogenesis may be potential predictors for risk of metastases. If validated in a larger dataset, these findings have potential for future clinical application