576,150 research outputs found

    Microfinance and happiness

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    Microfinance institutions are used to claim that their impact goes beyond money since rescuing from exclusion uncollateralized poor borrowers significantly affects their dignity, self-esteem, social recognition and, through it, life satisfaction. Our paper aims to verify indirectly this claim by evaluating whether access to microfinance loans has significant impact on life satisfaction beyond its indirect impact via income changes. Our empirical findings on a sample of poor borrowers in the suburbs of Buenos Aires show that, after controlling for survivorship bias, the number of credit cycles has a significant and positive effect on life satisfaction.microfinance; happiness; impact study

    Credit access and life satisfaction: evaluating the non monetary effects of micro finance

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    Microfinance institutions are used to claim that their impact goes beyond money since rescuing from exclusion uncollateralized poor borrowers significantly affects their dignity, self-esteem, social recognition and, through it, life satisfaction. Our paper aims to verify the validity of this claim by evaluating whether access to microfinance loans has significant direct impact on life satisfaction beyond its indirect impact via income changes. Empirical findings on a sample of poor borrowers in the suburbs of Buenos Aires show that, after controlling for survivorship, selection and interview bias, the number of credit cycles has a significant and positive effect on life satisfaction.microfinance; happiness; impact study

    Tension and compression fatigue response of unnotched 3D braided composites

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    The unnotched compression and tension fatigue response of a 3-D braided composite was measured. Both gross compressive stress and tensile stress were plotted against cycles to failure to evaluate the fatigue life of these materials. Damage initiation and growth was monitored visually and by tracking compliance change during cycle loading. The intent was to establish by what means the strength of a 3-D architecture will start to degrade, at what point will it degrade beyond an acceptable level, and how this material will typically fail

    Interacting cells driving the evolution of multicellular life cycles

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    Author summary Multicellular organisms are ubiquitous. But how did the first multicellular organisms arise? It is typically argued that this occurred due to benefits coming from interactions between cells. One example of such interactions is the division of labour. For instance, colonial cyanobacteria delegate photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation to different cells within the colony. In this way, the colony gains a growth advantage over unicellular cyanobacteria. However, not all cell interactions favour multicellular life. Cheater cells residing in a colony without any contribution will outgrow other cells. Then, the growing burden of cheaters may eventually destroy the colony. Here, we ask what kinds of interactions promote the evolution of multicellularity? We investigated all interactions captured by pairwise games and for each of them, we look for the evolutionarily optimal life cycle: How big should the colony grow and how should it split into offspring cells or colonies? We found that multicellularity can evolve with interactions far beyond cooperation or division of labour scenarios. More surprisingly, most of the life cycles found fall into either of two categories: A parent colony splits into two multicellular parts, or it splits into multiple independent cells

    Tape recorder failure investigation

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    Two end-item tape recorders lost 4:1 mode data recording mode capability at less than half of their 1 6,000-cycle, 4-year operating life. Subsequent life tests on two spare recorders also experienced 4:1 mode data loss at 8,000 and 11,700 cycles. Tear down inspection after completion of the life tests showed that the tape had worn through the alfesil record and reproduce heads. An investigation was initiated to understand the cause of excessive tape head wear and the reasons why the 4:1 mode data rate, low-speed mode is more damaging than the 1:1 mode data rate, high-speed recording mode. The objective was to establish how operating conditions (tape speed, humidity, temperature, stop/start cycles) affects head life with the goal of extending head life on the remaining in-service tape recorders. Another interest was to explain why an earlier vendor life test showed capability beyond 16,000 cycles

    Paper Session II-B - Strategies for Conducting Life Science Experiments Beyond Low Earth Orbit

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    Human exploration beyond low Earth orbit will require terrestrial life to survive and ultimately flourish in environments fundamentally different to those in which it has evolved. The effects of deep space and conditions on the surface of other planets must be studied to understand and reduce the risks to explorers, provide bioregenerative life support, and make full use of the broad research opportunities and scientific benefits offered by such unique environments. Though much is already known about biological adaptations to the space environment, key changes in terrestrial life may only be revealed over complete life cycles and across multiple generations living beyond Earth. The demands and potential risks of exploring and inhabiting other worlds necessitate a detailed understanding of these changes at all levels of biological organization, from genetic alterations to impacts on critical elements of reproduction, development, and aging. Results from experiments conducted beyond low Earth orbit will contribute to the safety of space exploration and address fundamental questions of life\u27s potential beyond its planet of origin. Research campaigns will include a combination of core studies and innovative, Pl-driven investigations. Multiple flight platforms-including free flyers and planetary bases-may support a range of manned and unmanned mission opportunities

    Could we identify hot Ocean-Planets with CoRoT, Kepler and Doppler velocimetry?

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    Planets less massive than about 10 MEarth are expected to have no massive H-He atmosphere and a cometary composition (50% rocks, 50% water, by mass) provided they formed beyond the snowline of protoplanetary disks. Due to inward migration, such planets could be found at any distance between their formation site and the star. If migration stops within the habitable zone, this will produce a new kind of planets, called Ocean-Planets. Ocean-planets typically consist in a silicate core, surrounded by a thick ice mantle, itself covered by a 100 km deep ocean. The existence of ocean-planets raises important astrobiological questions: Can life originate on such body, in the absence of continent and ocean-silicate interfaces? What would be the nature of the atmosphere and the geochemical cycles ? In this work, we address the fate of Hot Ocean-Planets produced when migration ends at a closer distance. In this case the liquid/gas interface can disappear, and the hot H2O envelope is made of a supercritical fluid. Although we do not expect these bodies to harbor life, their detection and identification as water-rich planets would give us insight as to the abundance of hot and, by extrapolation, cool Ocean-Planets.Comment: 47 pages, 6 Fugures, regular paper. Submitted to Icaru

    Can we live without cats? Interpreting and expanding on Ellson's question from a cat-lover's perspective

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    AbstractThis commentary responds to Tony Ellson's, “Can we live without a dog? Consumption life cycles in dog–owner relationships” from the point of view of a cat owner and her cats. The author discusses cat-related consumption via a life-cycle framework and notes that consumption extends beyond basic food, veterinarian care, pet supplies, and pet services. Stories or vignettes emanating from subjective personal introspection reveal the complexity and intimacy of the cat–owner relationship and the plethora of needs and wants generated as a result of this relationship
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