525,991 research outputs found

    Adaptive Service Composition Based on Runtime Verification of Formal Properties

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    Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) has been used in business environments in order to integrate heterogeneous systems. The dynamic nature of these environments causes \ changes in the application requirements. As a result, service composition must be flexible, dynamic and adaptive, which motivate the need to ensure the service composition behavior \ at runtime. The development of adaptive service compositions is still an opportunity due to the complexity of dealing with adaptation issues, for example, how to provide runtime verification \ and automatic adaptation. Formal description techniques can be used to detect runtime undesirable behaviors that help in adaptation process. However, formal techniques have been \ used only at design-time. In this paper, we propose an adaptive service composition approach based on the lightweight use of formal methods. The aim is detecting undesirable behaviors in \ the execution trace. Once an undesirable behavior is detected during the execution of a service composition, our approach triggers an adequate reconfiguration plan for the problem at \ runtime. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposal, we illustrate it with a running example

    Composition of Petri nets models in service-oriented industrial automation

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    In service-oriented systems, composition of services is required to build new, distributed and more complex services, based on the logic behavior of individual ones. This paper discusses the formal composition of Petri nets models used for the process description and control in service-oriented automation systems. The proposed approach considers two forms for the composition of services, notably the offline composition, applied during the design phase, and the online composition, related to the synchronization of Petri nets models on the fly. An experimental case study is used to illustrate the proposed composition approach.The authors would like to thank the European Commission and the partners of the EU FP6 project “Service-Oriented Cross-layer infrastructure for Distributed smart Embedded devices” (SOCRADES) and the EU FP7 project “Cooperating Objects Network of Excellence” (CONET) for their support

    A context-aware framework for dynamic composition of process fragments in the internet of services

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    Abstract In the last decade, many approaches to automated service composition have been proposed. However, most of them do not fully exploit the opportunities offered by the Internet of Services (IoS). In this article, we focus on the dynamicity of the execution environment, that is, any change occurring at run-time that might affect the system, such as changes in service availability, service behavior, or characteristics of the execution context. We indicate that any IoS-based application strongly requires a composition framework that supports for the automation of all the phases of the composition life cycle, from requirements derivation, to synthesis, deployment and execution. Our solution to this ambitious problem is an AI planning-based composition framework that features abstract composition requirements and context-awareness. In the proposed approach most human-dependent tasks can be accomplished at design time and the few human intervention required at run time do not affect the system execution. To demonstrate our approach in action and evaluate it, we exploit the ASTRO-CAptEvo framework, simulating the operation of a fully automated IoS-based car logistics scenario in the Bremerhaven harbor


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    The concurrence of technical and behavioral trends – such as lightweight approaches for service composition and a rising demand for customized services – fosters the emergence of a novel organizational paradigm: Service Value Networks (SVN). Distributed and highly-specialized service providers contribute to an overall value proposition. SVNs provide means for the ad-hoc composition of services that satisfies individual customers\u27 needs. However, the distributed nature of these environments and the opportunistic behavior of participants require a purposeful design of incentives. Our contribution is threefold: We (i) provide an auction mechanism – the Complex Service Auction – to coordination value creation in SVNs which is incentive compatible in dominant strategies (truthful). To restore budget balance – the prerequisite for a mechanism\u27s sustainability – and to implement incentives that increase a network\u27s degree of interoperability, we (ii) present the Interoperability Transfer Function (ITF). Applying an agent-based simulation method, we (iii) numerically show that this payment scheme limits strategic behavior of service providers and strengthens interoperability endeavors compared to a benchmark transfer function


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    We consider a SOA based service engineering framework as a robust engineering approach to the elaboration and analysis of functional and quality requirements, as well the formal testing of architectural solutions of emerging e-maritime systemst. Autonomic systems and related architectural frameworks are considered towards engineering e-maritime services. E-maritime services’ interfaces, behavior, and service composition design and testing aspects are discussed. A SOA SLA approach is proposed so as to enable e-maritime service properties to be formally agreed, negotiated and offered over an e-maritime SOA platform

    Robot Behavior Architecture Based on Smart Resource Service Execution

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    [EN] Robot behavior definition aims to classify and specify the robot tasks execution. Behavior architecture design is crucial for proper robot operation performance. According to this, this work aims to establish a robot behavior architecture based on distributed intelligent services. Therefore, behavior definition is set in a high-level delegating the task execution to distributed services provided by network abstractions characterized as Smart Resources. In order to provide a mechanism to measure the performance of this architecture, an evaluation mechanisms based on a service performance composition is introduced. In order to test this proposal it is designed a real use case implementing the proposed robot behavior architecture on a real navigation task.Work supported by the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry MICINN: CICYT 866 project M2C2: Codiseño de sistemas de control con criticidad mixta basado en 867 misiones TIN2014-56158-C4-4-P and PAID (Polytechnic University of Valencia): 868 UPV-PAID-FPI-2013.Munera-Sánchez, E.; Poza-Lujan, J.; Posadas-Yagüe, J.; Simó Ten, JE.; Blanes Noguera, F. (2017). Robot Behavior Architecture Based on Smart Resource Service Execution. International Journal of Soft Computing And Artificial Intelligence (Online). 5(1):55-60. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/152272S55605

    Economics of intelligent selection of wireless access networks in a market-based framework : a game-theoretic approach

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    The Digital Marketplace is a market-based framework where network operators offer communications services with competition at the call level. It strives to address a tussle between the actors involved in a heterogeneous wireless access network. However, as with any market-like institution, it is vital to analyze the Digital Marketplace from the strategic perspective to ensure that all shortcomings are removed prior to implementation. In this paper, we analyze the selling mechanism proposed in the Digital Marketplace. The mechanism is based on a procurement first-price sealed-bid auction where the network operators represent the sellers/bidders, and the end-user of a wireless service is the buyer. However, this auction format is somewhat unusual as the winning bid is a composition of both the network operator’s monetary bid and their reputation rating. We create a simple economic model of the auction, and we show that it is mathematically intractable to derive the equilibrium bidding behavior when there are N network operators, and we make only generic assumptions about the structure of the bidding strategies. We then move on to consider a scenario with only two network operators, and assume that network operators use bidding strategies which are linear functions of their costs. This results in the derivation of the equilibrium bidding behavior in that scenario

    WSMO-Lite and hRESTS: lightweight semantic annotations for Web services and RESTful APIs

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    Service-oriented computing has brought special attention to service description, especially in connection with semantic technologies. The expected proliferation of publicly accessible services can benefit greatly from tool support and automation, both of which are the focus of Semantic Web Service (SWS) frameworks that especially address service discovery, composition and execution. As the first SWS standard, in 2007 the World Wide Web Consortium produced a lightweight bottom-up specification called SAWSDL for adding semantic annotations to WSDL service descriptions. Building on SAWSDL, this article presents WSMO-Lite, a lightweight ontology of Web service semantics that distinguishes four semantic aspects of services: function, behavior, information model, and nonfunctional properties, which together form a basis for semantic automation. With the WSMO-Lite ontology, SAWSDL descriptions enable semantic automation beyond simple input/output matchmaking that is supported by SAWSDL itself. Further, to broaden the reach of WSMO-Lite and SAWSDL tools to the increasingly common RESTful services, the article adds hRESTS and MicroWSMO, two HTML microformats that mirror WSDL and SAWSDL in the documentation of RESTful services, enabling combining RESTful services with WSDL-based ones in a single semantic framework. To demonstrate the feasibility and versatility of this approach, the article presents common algorithms for Web service discovery and composition adapted to WSMO-Lite