20 research outputs found

    A statistical algorithm for estimating chlorophyll concentration in the New Caledonian lagoon

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    Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton biomass and water turbidity can provide crucial information about the function, health and vulnerability of lagoon ecosystems (coral reefs, sea grasses, etc.). A statistical algorithm is proposed to estimate chlorophyll-a concentration ([chl-a]) in optically complex waters of the New Caledonian lagoon from MODIS-derived remote-sensing reflectance (R-rs). The algorithm is developed via supervised learning on match-ups gathered from 2002 to 2010. The best performance is obtained by combining two models, selected according to the ratio of R-rs in spectral bands centered on 488 and 555 nm: a log-linear model for low [chl-a] (AFLC) and a support vector machine (SVM) model or a classic model (OC3) for high [chl-a]. The log-linear model is developed based on SVM regression analysis. This approach outperforms the classical OC3 approach, especially in shallow waters, with a root mean squared error 30% lower. The proposed algorithm enables more accurate assessments of [chl-a] and its variability in this typical oligo- to meso-trophic tropical lagoon, from shallow coastal waters and nearby reefs to deeper waters and in the open ocean

    Remote Sensing of the Aquatic Environments

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    The book highlights recent research efforts in the monitoring of aquatic districts with remote sensing observations and proximal sensing technology integrated with laboratory measurements. Optical satellite imagery gathered at spatial resolutions down to few meters has been used for quantitative estimations of harmful algal bloom extent and Chl-a mapping, as well as winds and currents from SAR acquisitions. The knowledge and understanding gained from this book can be used for the sustainable management of bodies of water across our planet

    Opportunities for seagrass research derived from remote sensing : a review of current methods

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    Seagrass communities provide critical ecosystem and provisioning services for both human populations and a wide range of associated species globally. However, it has been reported that seagrass area is decreasing at a rapid rate in many parts of the world, mostly due to anthropogenic activities including global change (pollution and climate change). The aim of this review article is to highlight the range of current tools for studying seagrasses as well as identify the benefits and limitations of a range of remote sensing and traditional methodologies. This paper provides a discussion of the ecological importance of seagrass meadows, and recent trends and developments in seagrass research methods are discussed including the use of satellite images and aerial photographs for seagrass monitoring and various image processing steps that are frequently utilised for seagrass mapping. The extensive use of various optical, Radar and LiDAR data for seagrass research in recent years has also been described in detail. The review concludes that the recent explosion of new methods and tools available from a wide range of platforms combined with the recent recognition of the importance of seagrasses provides the research community with an excellent opportunity to undertake a range of timely research. This research should include mapping the extent and distribution of seagrasses, identifying the drivers of change and factors that confer resilience, as well as quantification of the ecosystem services provided. Whilst remotely sensed data provides an important new tool it should be used in conjunction with traditional methods for validation and with a knowledge of the limitations of results and careful interpretation

    Seasonality and nutrient-uptake capacity of Sargassum spp. in Western Australia

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    The eight-band high resolution multispectral WorldView-2 satellite imagery demonstrated potential for mapping and monitoring Sargassum spp. beds and other associated coastal marine habitats around Rottnest Island and Point Peron. Sargassum spp. in Western Australian coast showed seasonal changes in canopy cover and mean thallus length which are also significantly influenced by the nutrient concentrations. This study documented the life cycle of Sargassum spinuligerum and successfully cultivated the species for the first time in Western Australia

    Fusion de données provenant de différents capteurs satellitaires pour le suivi de la qualité de l'eau en zones côtières. Application au littoral de la région PACA

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    Monitoring coastal areas requires both a good spatial resolution, good spectral resolution associated with agood signal to noise ratio and finally a good temporal resolution to visualize rapid changes in water color.Available now, and even those planed soon, sensors do not provide both a good spatial, spectral ANDtemporal resolution. In this study, we are interested in the image fusion of two future sensors which are bothpart of the Copernicus program of the European Space Agency: MSI on Sentinel-2 and OLCI on Sentinel-3.Such as MSI and OLCI do not provide image yet, it was necessary to simulate them. We then used thehyperspectral imager HICO and we then proposed three methods: an adaptation of the method ARSIS fusionof multispectral images (ARSIS), a fusion method based on the non-negative factorization tensors (Tensor)and a fusion method based on the inversion de matrices (Inversion).These three methods were first evaluated using statistical parameters between images obtained by fusionand the "perfect" image as well as the estimation results of biophysical parameters obtained by minimizingthe radiative transfer model in water.Le suivi des zones côtières nécessite à la fois une bonne résolution spatiale, une bonne résolution spectraleassociée à un bon rapport signal sur bruit et enfin une bonne résolution temporelle pour visualiser deschangements rapides de couleur de l’eau.Les capteurs disponibles actuellement, et même ceux prévus prochainement, n’apportent pas à la fois unebonne résolution spatiale, spectrale ET temporelle. Dans cette étude, nous nous intéressons à la fusion de 2futurs capteurs qui s’inscrivent tous deux dans le programme Copernicus de l’agence spatiale européenne:MSI sur Sentinel-2 et OLCI sur Sentinel-3.Comme les capteurs MSI et OLCI ne fournissent pas encore d’images, il a fallu les simuler. Pour cela nousavons eu recours aux images hyperspectrales du capteur HICO. Nous avons alors proposé 3 méthodes : uneadaptation de la méthode ARSIS à la fusion d’images multispectrales (ARSIS), une méthode de fusion baséesur la factorisation de tenseurs non-négatifs (Tenseur) et une méthode de fusion basée sur l’inversion dematrices (Inversion)Ces 3 méthodes ont tout d’abord été évaluées à l’aide de paramètres statistiques entre les images obtenuespar fusion et l’image « parfaite » ainsi que sur les résultats d’estimation de paramètres biophysiques obtenuspar minimisation du modèle de transfert radiatif dans l’eau

    Development of techniques to classify marine benthic habitats using hyperspectral imagery in oligotrophic, temperate waters

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    There is an increasing need for more detailed knowledge about the spatial distribution and structure of shallow water benthic habitats for marine conservation and planning. This, linked with improvements in hyperspectral image sensors provides an increased opportunity to develop new techniques to better utilise these data in marine mapping projects. The oligotrophic, optically-shallow waters surrounding Rottnest Island, Western Australia, provide a unique opportunity to develop and apply these new mapping techniques. The three flight lines of HyMap hyperspectral data flown for the Rottnest Island Reserve (RIR) in April 2004 were corrected for atmospheric effects, sunglint and the influence of the water column using the Modular Inversion and Processing System. A digital bathymetry model was created for the RIR using existing soundings data and used to create a range of topographic variables (e.g. slope) and other spatially relevant environmental variables (e.g. exposure to waves) that could be used to improve the ecological description of the benthic habitats identified in the hyperspectral imagery. A hierarchical habitat classification scheme was developed for Rottnest Island based on the dominant habitat components, such as Ecklonia radiata or Posidonia sinuosa. A library of 296 spectral signatures at HyMap spectral resolution (~15 nm) was created from >6000 in situ measurements of the dominant habitat components and subjected to spectral separation analysis at all levels of the habitat classification scheme. A separation analysis technique was developed using a multivariate statistical optimisation approach that utilised a genetic algorithm in concert with a range of spectral metrics to determine the optimum set of image bands to achieve maximum separation at each classification level using the entire spectral library. These results determined that many of the dominant habitat components could be separated spectrally as pure spectra, although there were almost always some overlapping samples from most classes at each split in the scheme. This led to the development of a classification algorithm that accounted for these overlaps. This algorithm was tested using mixture analysis, which attempted to identify 10 000 synthetically mixed signatures, with a known dominant component, on each run. The algorithm was applied directly to the water-corrected bottom reflectance data to classify the benthic habitats. At the broadest scale, bio-substrate regions were separated from bare substrates in the image with an overall accuracy of 95% and, at the finest scale, bare substrates, Posidonia, Amphibolis, Ecklonia radiata, Sargassum species, algal turf and coral were separated with an accuracy of 70%. The application of these habitat maps to a number of marine planning and management scenarios, such as marine conservation and the placement of boat moorings at dive sites was demonstrated. Committee Informatio

    Book of Abstracts & Lead Articles The Second International Symposium Remote Sensing for Ecosystem Analysis and Fisheries

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    SAFARI (Societal Applications in Fisheries and Aquaculture using Remotely-Sensed Imagery) is an initiative which provides a forum for coordination, at the international level, of activities in global fisheries research and management. The forum is open to all interested parties, including policy makers, research scientists, government managers, and those involved in the fishing industries. SAFARI organizes international workshops and symposia as a platform to discuss the latest research in Earth observation and fisheries management, information sessions aimed at the fisheries industry, government officials and resource managers, representation at policy meetings, and producing publications relevant to the activities. SAFARI gains worldwide attention through collaboration with other international networks, such as ChloroGIN (Chlorophyll Global Integrated Network), IOCCG (International Ocean-Colour Coordinating Group), POGO (Partnership for Observation of the Global Oceans) and the oceans and society: Blue Planet Initiative of the intergovernmental organization, the Group on Earth Observations (GEO)