1,086 research outputs found

    JUNO Conceptual Design Report

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    The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is proposed to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy using an underground liquid scintillator detector. It is located 53 km away from both Yangjiang and Taishan Nuclear Power Plants in Guangdong, China. The experimental hall, spanning more than 50 meters, is under a granite mountain of over 700 m overburden. Within six years of running, the detection of reactor antineutrinos can resolve the neutrino mass hierarchy at a confidence level of 3-4σ\sigma, and determine neutrino oscillation parameters sin2θ12\sin^2\theta_{12}, Δm212\Delta m^2_{21}, and Δmee2|\Delta m^2_{ee}| to an accuracy of better than 1%. The JUNO detector can be also used to study terrestrial and extra-terrestrial neutrinos and new physics beyond the Standard Model. The central detector contains 20,000 tons liquid scintillator with an acrylic sphere of 35 m in diameter. \sim17,000 508-mm diameter PMTs with high quantum efficiency provide \sim75% optical coverage. The current choice of the liquid scintillator is: linear alkyl benzene (LAB) as the solvent, plus PPO as the scintillation fluor and a wavelength-shifter (Bis-MSB). The number of detected photoelectrons per MeV is larger than 1,100 and the energy resolution is expected to be 3% at 1 MeV. The calibration system is designed to deploy multiple sources to cover the entire energy range of reactor antineutrinos, and to achieve a full-volume position coverage inside the detector. The veto system is used for muon detection, muon induced background study and reduction. It consists of a Water Cherenkov detector and a Top Tracker system. The readout system, the detector control system and the offline system insure efficient and stable data acquisition and processing.Comment: 328 pages, 211 figure

    Integrated batch process development based on mixed-logic dynamic optimization

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    Specialty chemicals industry relies on batch manufacturing, since it requires the frequent adaptation of production systems to market fluctuations. To be first in the market, batch industry requires decision-support systems for the rapid development and implementation of chemical processes. Moreover, the processes should be competitive to ensure their long-term viability. General-purpose and flexible plants and the consideration of physicochemical insights to define an efficient operation are also cornerstones for the success of specialty chemical industries. Precisely, this thesis tackles the systematic development of batch processes that are efficient, economically competitive, and environmentally friendly, to assist their agile introduction into production systems in grassroots and retrofit scenarios. Synthesis of conceptual processing schemes and plant allocation subproblems are solved simultaneously, taking into account the plant design. With this purpose, an optimization-based approach is proposed, where all structural alternatives are represented in a State-Equipment Network (SEN) superstructure, following formulated into a Mixed-Logic Dynamic Optimization (MLDO) problem which is later solved to minimize an objective function. Essentially, the strength of the proposed methodology lies in the modeling strategy which combines the different kinds of decisions of the integrated problem in a unique optimization model. Accordingly, it considers: (i) synthesis and allocation alternatives combination, (ii) dynamic process performance models and dynamic control variable profiles, (iii) discrete events associated to transitions of batch phases and operations, (iv) quantitative and qualitative information, (v) material transference synchronization to ensure batch integrity between unit procedures, and (vi) batch and semicontinuous processing elements. Different strategies can be used to solve the resulting MLDO problem. A deterministic direct-simultaneous approach is first proposed. The mixed-logic problem is reformulated into a mixed-integer one, which is fully-discretized to provide a Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) that is optimized using conventional solvers. Then, a Differential Genetic Algorithm (DGA) and a hybrid approach are presented. The purpose of these evolutionary strategies is to pose solution alternatives that keep solution goodness while seek for the improvement of computational efficiency to handle industrial-size problems. The optimization-based approach is applied in retrofit scenarios to solve the simultaneous process synthesis and plant allocation, taking into account the physical restrictions of existing plant elements. The production of specialty chemicals based on a competitive reactions system in an existing reactor network is first defined through process development and improvement according to different economic scenarios, decision criteria, and plant modifications. Additionally, a photo-Fenton process is optimized to eliminate an emergent wastewater pollutant in a given pilot plant, pursuing the minimization of processing time and cost. Batch process development in grassroots scenarios is also proven to be a problem of utmost importance to deal with uncertainty in future markets. Seeking for plant flexibility in several demand scenarios, the expected profit is maximized through a two-stage stochastic formulation that includes simultaneous plant design, process synthesis, and plant allocation decisions. A heuristic solution algorithm is used to handle the problem complexity. A grassroots plant design is defined to implement the previous competitive reaction system, where decisions like the feed-forward trajectories or operating modes allow the adaptation of master recipes to different demands. Finally, an acrylic fiber production example is presented to illustrate process development decisions like the selection of tasks, technological alternatives, chemicals, and solvent reuse.La indústria de productes químics especials es basa en la fabricació discontinua, ja que permet adaptar de forma freqüent els sistemes de producció en funció de les fluctuacions de mercat. Per ser líder al sector, són necessàries eines de suport a la decisió que ajudin a l’àgil desenvolupament i implementació de nous processos. A més, aquests han de ser competitius per garantir la seva viabilitat a llarg termini. Altres peces clau per una operació eficient són l’ús de plantes flexibles així com l’estudi dels fenòmens fisicoquímics. Aquesta tesis aborda justament el desenvolupament sistemàtic de processos químics discontinus que siguin eficients, econòmicament competitius i ecològics, per contribuir a la seva ràpida introducció en els sistemes de producció, tant en escenaris de plantes existents com des de les bases. En concret, es planteja la resolució simultània de la síntesi conceptual d’esquemes de procés i l’assignació d’equips, tenint en compte el disseny de la planta. Amb aquest objectiu, es proposa una metodologia de solució basada en optimització, on les alternatives estructurals es representen en una Xarxa d’Estats i Equips (SEN per les sigles en anglès) que es formula mitjançant un problema d’Optimització Dinàmica Mixta-Lògica (MLDO per les sigles en anglès) que es resol minimitzant una funció objectiu. La solidesa de la metodologia proposada rau en la estratègia de modelat del problema MLDO, que integra els diferents tipus de decisions en un sol model d’optimització. En concret, es consideren: (i) la combinació d’alternatives de síntesi i assignació d’equips, (ii) models de procés i trajectòries de control dinàmics, (iii) esdeveniments discrets associats al canvi de fase i operació, (iv) informació quantitativa i qualitativa, (v) sincronització de transferències de material en tasques consecutives, i (vi) elements de processat discontinus i semi-continus. Existeixen diverses estratègies per resoldre el problema MLDO resultant. En aquesta tesi es proposa en primer lloc un mètode determinístic directe-simultani, on el model mixt-lògic es transforma en un mixt-enter. Aquest es discretitza al seu torn de forma completa per obtenir un problema de Programació No-Lineal Mixta-Entera (MINLP per les sigles en anglès) el qual es pot resoldre utilitzant algoritmes d’optimització convencionals. A més, es presenten un Algoritme Genètic Diferencial (DGA per les sigles en anglès) i un mètode híbrid. Totes dues estratègies esdevenen alternatives de cerca amb l’objectiu de mantenir la bondat de la solució i millorar l’eficàcia de computació per tractar problemes de dimensió industrial. La metodologia de solució proposada s’aplica al desenvolupament de processos discontinus en escenaris de plantes existents, tenint en compte les restriccions físiques dels equips. Un primer exemple aborda la manufactura de productes químics basada en un sistema de reaccions competitives. Concretament, es desenvolupa i millora el procés de producció implementat en una xarxa de reactors considerant diferents escenaris econòmics, criteris de decisió, i modificacions de planta. En un segon exemple, s’optimitza el procés foto-Fenton per ser executat en una planta pilot per eliminar contaminants emergents. Buscant integrar el desenvolupament de procés i el disseny de plantes flexibles en escenaris de base, es presenta una formulació estocàstica en dues etapes per a optimitzar el benefici esperat d’acord a diversos escenaris de demanda. Per gestionar la complexitat d’aquest problema es proposa la utilització d’una heurística. Com a exemple, es planteja el disseny d’una planta de base on implementar l’anterior sistema de reaccions competitives. Decisions com les trajectòries dinàmiques de control o la configuració d’equips permeten adaptar la recepta màster en funció de la demanda. Un darrer exemple defineix el procés de producció de fibra acrílica, il·lustrant decisions com la selecció de tasques, tecnologia, reactius o reutilització de dissolvents.La industria productos químicos especiales se basa en la fabricación discontinua, la cual permite la adaptación frecuente de los sistemas de producción en función de las fluctuaciones de mercado. Para ser líder en el sector, son necesarias herramientas de soporte a la decisión que contribuyan al ágil desarrollo e implementación de nuevos procesos. Además, éstos deben ser competitivos para garantizar su viabilidad a largo plazo. Otras piezas clave para una operación eficiente son la utilización de plantas flexibles y el estudio de los fenómenos fisicoquímicos. Esta tesis aborda justamente el desarrollo sistemático de procesos químicos discontinuos que sean eficientes, económicamente competitivos y ecológicos, para contribuir a su rápida introducción en los sistemas de producción, ya sea en escenarios de plantas existentes o desde las bases. En particular, se plantea la resoluciónsimultánea de la síntesis conceptual de esquemas de proceso y la asignación de equipos, teniendo en cuenta además el diseño de planta.Con este fin, se propone una metodología de solución basada en optimización, donde todas las alternativas estructurales se representan en una Red de Estados y Equipos (SENpor sus siglas en inglés) que se formula mediante un problema de Optimización Dinámica Mixta-Lógica (MLDO por sus siglas en inglés) que se resuelve minimizando una función objetivo. La solidez de la metodología propuesta reside en la estrategia de modelado delproblema MLDO, que integra los diferentes tipos de decisiones en un solo modelo de optimización. En concreto, se consideran: (i) la combinación de alternativas de síntesis y asignación de equipos, (ii) modelos de proceso y trayectorias de control dinámicos, (iii)eventos discretos asociados al cambio de fase y operación, (iv) información cuantitativa y cualitativa, (v) sincronización de la transferencia de material en tareas consecutivas, y(vi) elementos de procesado discontinuos y semicontinuos.Existen diversas estrategias para resolver el problema MLDO resultante. En esta tesis se propone en primer lugar un método determinístico directo-simultáneo, donde el problema mixto-lógico se reformula en un mixto-entero. A su vez, éste se discretiza de formacompleta para obtener un problema de Programación No-Lineal Mixta-Entera (MINLP por sus siglas en inglés) el cual se puede resolver mediante algoritmos de optimización convencionales. Además, se presentan un Algoritmo Genético Diferencial (DGA por sussiglas en inglés) y un método híbrido. Ambas estrategias se plantean como alternativas de búsqueda con objeto de mantener la bondad de la solución y mejorar la eficacia de computación para tratar problemas de dimensión industrial.La metodología de solución propuesta se aplica al desarrollo de procesos discontinuos en escenarios con plantas existentes, teniendo en cuenta las restricciones físicas de los equipos. Un primer ejemplo aborda la fabricación de productos químicos basada en un sistema de reacciones competitivas. En concreto, se desarrolla y mejora el proceso de producción a implementar en una red de reactores considerando diferentes escenarios económicos, criterios de decisión, y modificaciones de planta. En un segundo ejemplo,se optimiza el proceso foto-Fenton a ser ejecutado en una planta piloto para eliminar contaminantes emergentes.Persiguiendo la integración del desarrollo de proceso con el diseño de plantas flexi-bles en escenarios base, se presenta asimismo una formulación estocástica en dos etapas para optimizar el beneficio esperado de acuerdo a varios escenarios de demanda. Paramanejar la complejidad de dicho problema se propone la utilización de una heurística.Como ejemplo, se plantea el diseño de una planta de base para implementar el anterior sistema de reacciones competitivas, donde decisiones como las trayectorias dinámicas de control o la configuración de equipos permiten adaptar la receta máster en función de lademandas. Por último, se presenta un ejemplo donde se define el proceso de producción de fibra acrílica, ilustrando decisiones como la selección de tareas, alternativas tecnológicas, reactivos químicos o la reutilización de disolventes.Postprint (published version

    Expanding the Horizons of Manufacturing: Towards Wide Integration, Smart Systems and Tools

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    This research topic aims at enterprise-wide modeling and optimization (EWMO) through the development and application of integrated modeling, simulation and optimization methodologies, and computer-aided tools for reliable and sustainable improvement opportunities within the entire manufacturing network (raw materials, production plants, distribution, retailers, and customers) and its components. This integrated approach incorporates information from the local primary control and supervisory modules into the scheduling/planning formulation. That makes it possible to dynamically react to incidents that occur in the network components at the appropriate decision-making level, requiring fewer resources, emitting less waste, and allowing for better responsiveness in changing market requirements and operational variations, reducing cost, waste, energy consumption and environmental impact, and increasing the benefits. More recently, the exploitation of new technology integration, such as through semantic models in formal knowledge models, allows for the capture and utilization of domain knowledge, human knowledge, and expert knowledge toward comprehensive intelligent management. Otherwise, the development of advanced technologies and tools, such as cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain, etc., have captured the attention of manufacturing enterprises toward intelligent manufacturing systems

    Energy conservation in the textile industry

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    Issued as Activities reports [1-4], and Final report, Project no. A-2969 (includes subproject E-27-607, School of Textile Engineering)Final report has title: Energy conservation in the textile industr

    A hybrid flow shop model for an ice cream production scheduling problem

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    In this paper we address the scheduling problem that comes from an ice cream manufacturing company. This production system can be modelled as a three stage nowait hybrid flow shop with batch dependent setup costs. To contribute reducing the gap between theory and practice we have considered the real constraints and the criteria used by planners. The problem considered has been formulated as a mixed integer programming. Further, two competitive heuristic procedures have been developed and one of them will be proposed to schedule in the ice cream factoryPeer Reviewe

    Methodology and tools for improving competence of a chemical plant characterized by a complex Supply Chain network

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    Supply chain performance is strongly influenced by its design, chosen architecture, logistic network and types of finished product that made their marketplace. Sometimes environmental reasons like site location due to deals between government administration and companies may cause changes in logical design and hence increase logistic network complexity and become in a strategic Supply Chain constraint. Our case study addresses a geographic place of a chemical manufacturing plant inside its supply chain which the 86% of the domestic raw material suppliers, its unique distribution center and 100% of the plastic and metallic packaging suppliers are placed over 800 kilometers of distance. Starting from this restriction the research work consists in how redesign and rethink the architecture of the existing supply chain and optimize the processes inside the chemical plant trying to minimize the cost disadvantages related directly to the physical location of the factory. This research treats the selection of coordination and collaborative mechanisms between supply chain members, other company departments and outsourcing partners in order to create a collaborative coordinated model for optimization of this complex supply chain network. Besides this environment limitation, the most salient threats were internal at the company and consisted successfully implement coordinated actions to improve the management of processes and to take practical level. Fighting against the cultural change of the sectors involved and achieves the proposed expected results. The thesis consists of five practical cases studies of coordinated process for performance improvement. Each one being part of an integrated system that converges in a Plant performance common goal, which is increase supply chain competence. RQ1 tries to identify the processes which will be possible to apply the SC new model and management system emerged from the theoretical study and practical benchmarking cases. The research design is then presented by the implementation at Plant’s field level of the proposed develop scheme using the coordinated collaborative improvement model. RQ2 asks whether the chosen cases are adequate. Selecting the best alternative proposed for each thread. After that, the obtained results are presented and discussed for each field case. The focus of the research study is on supply chain practice and supply chain theoretical framework also. To conclude with the author experience that remarks supply chain practice has been heavily influenced by supply chain research and vice versa

    Simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling - extensions and solution approaches

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    The present thesis focuses on simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling. A comprehensive review of the literature is presented in which the historical development of the subject and the current research gaps are, based on a classification scheme, described. Additionally, a review focusing on so-called secondary resources (e.g., setup operators or raw materials), which are considered alongside the primary production resource, is provided. The insights on different types of secondary resources help to develop a new model formulation generalizing and extending the currently used approaches, which are specific to certain settings. Some illustrative examples demonstrate the functional principle and flexibility of this new formulation which can thus be used in a wide range of applications. Finally, a new heuristic to solve large-scaled simultaneous lotsizing and scheduling problems is presented. The heuristic creates a modified multi-line master problem by aggregating products into groups. The resulting problem is less complex and its solution can be used to define single-line sub problems. These sub problems are solved by heuristics present in the literature and the results are then combined to form a solution to the original problem. Numerical tests show the applicability of the aforementioned approach to solve problems of practical relevance.Die vorliegende Ausarbeitung betrachtet das Thema der simultanen Losgrößen- und Reihenfolgeplanung tiefergehend. Ein ausführlicher Literaturüberblick zeigt unter Zuhilfenahme eines Klassifizierungsschemas den Entwicklungsverlauf und aktuelle Forschungslücken in diesem Bereich auf. Weiterhin wird ein auf zusätzliche Ressourcen (sogenannte secondary resources) fokussierter Literaturüberblick erstellt. Diese Ressourcen (z.B. Personal zur Umrüstung oder Rohmaterial) werden zusätzlich zu der primären Produktionsressource benötigt. Die Erkenntnisse zu den verschiedenen Typen von zusätzlichen Ressourcen werden verwendet, um ein generelles Modell zu entwickeln, welches die bisherigen, auf bestimmte Anwendungsfälle spezialisierten, Formulierungen abbildet und erweitert. Testläufe mit Beispielszenarien demonstrieren die Funktionalität und die Flexibilität der neuen Modellformulierung welche für einen Vielzahl von Anwendungsfällen verwendet werden kann. Abschließend wird eine neue Heuristik zum Lösen von simultanen Losgrößen- und Reihenfolgeplanungsproblemen praxisrelevanter Größen vorgestellt. Innerhalb der Heuristik wird durch Produktaggregation ein modifiziertes Mehrlinien-Masterproblem generiert. Das resultierende Problem ist weniger komplex und die dafür gefundene Lösung kann zum Erstellen von Einlinien-Teilproblemen verwendet werden. Diese Teilprobleme werden mit aus der Literatur bekannten Heuristiken gelöst. Die Ergebnisse werden zu einer Lösung für das ursprüngliche Problem zusammengefasst. Numerische Tests belegen die Tauglichkeit des Verfahrens zum Lösen von praxisrelevanten Problemen

    Implementation of Novel Technologies in HTPD - (Bio-) 3D-Printing and Microfluidics

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    Effect of shrinkage on the design and manufacture of plastic parts in injection molding using CAD/CAM techniques

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    Computer aided design software in injection molding has revolutionized injection molding in the design and manufacturing processes. Computer Aided Engineering can be applied to injection molding to increase the process efficiency, reduce part costs, and produce accurate parts in less time. The mold designer has many software programs to choose from to produce satisfactory mold designs from part geometries, and a correct selection can produce profitable results. A study of the need for and the scope of computers in injection molding is performed to evaluate the suitability of a CAE package by considering the value added to the parts using these techniques. The interactive nature of the programs is illustrated with examples and also the ability of the programs to perform simulations of the processes axe studied and the accuracy and reliability of the programs is considered. Evaluation of part shrinkage is very important to mold parts of required accuracy. The currently used methods in CAD mold design have one major drawback that mold designers experience. The variation in shrinkage coefficients for different resins cannot be compensated for and one cannot predict whether a specific part can be manufactured without warpage. Most CAD simulations cannot accurately predict the variation in shrinkage rates across all dimensions of a specific part. The factors influencing part shrinkage are studied and the variation of shrinkage with molding conditions is illustrated from previous experiments. A comprehensive plan is suggested to perform experiments to enable prediction of part shrinkage more accurately