17 research outputs found

    Automated flaw detection method for X-ray images in nondestructive evaluation

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    Private, government and commercial sectors of the manufacturing world are plagued with imperfect materials, defective components, and aging assemblies that continuously infiltrate the products and services provided to the public. Increasing awareness of public safety and economic stability has caused the manufacturing world to search deeper for a solution to identify these mechanical weaknesses and thereby reduce their impact. The areas of digital image and signal processing have benefited greatly from the technological advances in computer hardware and software capabilities and the development of new processing methods resulting from extensive research in information theory, artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and related fields. These new processing methodologies and capabilities are laying a foundation of knowledge that empowers the industrial and academic community to boldly address this problem and begin designing and building better products and systems for tomorrow

    Assessment of monthly rain fade in the equatorial region at C & KU-band using measat-3 satellite links

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    C & Ku-band satellite communication links are the most commonly used for equatorial satellite communication links. Severe rainfall rate in equatorial regions can cause a large rain attenuation in real compared to the prediction. ITU-R P. 618 standards are commonly used to predict satellite rain fade in designing satellite communication network. However, the prediction of ITU-R is still found to be inaccurate hence hinder a reliable operational satellite communication link in equatorial region. This paper aims to provide an accurate insight by assessment of the monthly C & Ku-band rain fade performance by collecting data from commercial earth stations using C band and Ku-band antenna with 11 m and 13 m diameter respectively. The antennas measure the C & Ku-band beacon signal from MEASAT-3 under equatorial rain conditions. The data is collected for one year in 2015. The monthly cumulative distribution function is developed based on the 1-year data. RMSE analysis is made by comparing the monthly measured data of C-band and Ku-band to the ITU-R predictions developed based on ITU-R’s P.618, P.837, P.838 and P.839 standards. The findings show that Ku-band produces an average of 25 RMSE value while the C-band rain attenuation produces an average of 2 RMSE value. Therefore, the ITU-R model still under predicts the rain attenuation in the equatorial region and this call for revisit of the fundamental quantity in determining the rain fade for rain attenuation to be re-evaluated

    Machine Learning Modeling for Image Segmentation in Manufacturing and Agriculture Applications

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems EngineeringShing I ChangThis dissertation focuses on applying machine learning (ML) modelling for image segmentation tasks of various applications such as additive manufacturing monitoring, agricultural soil cover classification, and laser scribing quality control. The proposed ML framework uses various ML models such as gradient boosting classifier and deep convolutional neural network to improve and automate image segmentation tasks. In recent years, supervised ML methods have been widely adopted for imaging processing applications in various industries. The presence of cameras installed in production processes has generated a vast amount of image data that can potentially be used for process monitoring. Specifically, deep supervised machine learning models have been successfully implemented to build automatic tools for filtering and classifying useful information for process monitoring. However, successful implementations of deep supervised learning algorithms depend on several factors such as distribution and size of training data, selected ML models, and consistency in the target domain distribution that may change based on different environmental conditions over time. The proposed framework takes advantage of general-purposed, trained supervised learning models and applies them for process monitoring applications related to manufacturing and agriculture. In Chapter 2, a layer-wise framework is proposed to monitor the quality of 3D printing parts based on top-view images. The proposed statistical process monitoring method starts with self-start control charts that require only two successful initial prints. Unsupervised machine learning methods can be used for problems in which high accuracy is not required, but statistical process monitoring usually demands high classification accuracies to avoid Type I and II errors. Answering the challenges of image processing using unsupervised methods due to lighting, a supervised Gradient Boosting Classifier (GBC) with 93 percent accuracy is adopted to classify each printed layer from the printing bed. Despite the power of GBC or other decision-tree-based ML models to comparable to unsupervised ML models, their capability is limited in terms of accuracy and running time for complex classification problems such as soil cover classification. In Chapter 3, a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) for semantic segmentation is trained to quantify and monitor soil coverage in agricultural fields. The trained model is capable of accurately quantifying green canopy cover, counting plants, and classifying stubble. Due to the wide variety of scenarios in a real agricultural field, 3942 high-resolution images were collected and labeled for training and test data set. The difficulty and hardship of collecting, cleaning, and labeling the mentioned dataset was the motivation to find a better approach to alleviate data-wrangling burden for any ML model training. One of the most influential factors is the need for a high volume of labeled data from an exact problem domain in terms of feature space and distributions of data of all classes. Image data preparation for deep learning model training is expensive in terms of the time for labelling due to tedious manual processing. Multiple human labelers can work simultaneously but inconsistent labeling will generate a training data set that often compromises model performance. In addition, training a ML model for a complication problem from scratch will also demand vast computational power. One of the potential approaches for alleviating data wrangling challenges is transfer learning (TL). In Chapter 4, a TL approach was adopted for monitoring three laser scribing characteristics – scribe width, straightness, and debris to answer these challenges. The proposed transfer deep convolutional neural network (TDCNN) model can reduce timely and costly processing of data preparation. The proposed framework leverages a deep learning model already trained for a similar problem and only uses 21 images generated gleaned from the problem domain. The proposed TDCNN overcame the data challenge by leveraging the DCNN model called VGG16 already trained for basic geometric features using more than two million pictures. Appropriate image processing techniques were provided to measure scribe width and line straightness as well as total scribe and debris area using classified images with 96 percent accuracy. In addition to the fact that the TDCNN is functioning with less trainable parameters (i.e., 5 million versus 15 million for VGG16), increasing training size to 154 did not provide significant improvement in accuracy that shows the TDCNN does not need high volume of data to be successful. Finally, chapter 5 summarizes the proposed work and lays out the topics for future research

    Intelligent X-ray imaging inspection system for the food industry.

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    The inspection process of a product is an important stage of a modern production factory. This research presents a generic X-ray imaging inspection system with application for the detection of foreign bodies in a meat product for the food industry. The most important modules in the system are the image processing module and the high-level detection system. This research discusses the use of neural networks for image processing and fuzzy-logic for the detection of potential foreign bodies found in x-ray images of chicken breast meat after the de-boning process. The meat product is passed under a solid-state x-ray sensor that acquires a dual-band two-dimensional image of the meat (a low- and a high energy image). A series of image processing operations are applied to the acquired image (pre-processing, noise removal, contrast enhancement). The most important step of the image processing is the segmentation of the image into meaningful objects. The segmentation task is a difficult one due to the lack of clarity of the acquired X-ray images and the resulting segmented image represents not only correctly identified foreign bodies but also areas caused by overlapping muscle regions in the meat which appear very similar to foreign bodies in the resulting x-ray image. A Hopfield neural network architecture was proposed for the segmentation of a X-ray dual-band image. A number of image processing measurements were made on each object (geometrical and grey-level based statistical features) and these features were used as the input into a fuzzy logic based high-level detection system whose function was to differentiate between bones and non-bone segmented regions. The results show that system's performance is considerably improved over non-fuzzy or crisp methods. Possible noise affecting the system is also investigated. The proposed system proved to be robust and flexible while achieving a high level of performance. Furthermore, it is possible to use the same approach when analysing images from other applications areas from the automotive industry to medicine

    Intelligent X-ray imaging inspection system for the food industry.

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    The inspection process of a product is an important stage of a modern production factory. This research presents a generic X-ray imaging inspection system with application for the detection of foreign bodies in a meat product for the food industry. The most important modules in the system are the image processing module and the high-level detection system. This research discusses the use of neural networks for image processing and fuzzy-logic for the detection of potential foreign bodies found in x-ray images of chicken breast meat after the de-boning process. The meat product is passed under a solid-state x-ray sensor that acquires a dual-band two-dimensional image of the meat (a low- and a high energy image). A series of image processing operations are applied to the acquired image (pre-processing, noise removal, contrast enhancement). The most important step of the image processing is the segmentation of the image into meaningful objects. The segmentation task is a difficult one due to the lack of clarity of the acquired X-ray images and the resulting segmented image represents not only correctly identified foreign bodies but also areas caused by overlapping muscle regions in the meat which appear very similar to foreign bodies in the resulting x-ray image. A Hopfield neural network architecture was proposed for the segmentation of a X-ray dual-band image. A number of image processing measurements were made on each object (geometrical and grey-level based statistical features) and these features were used as the input into a fuzzy logic based high-level detection system whose function was to differentiate between bones and non-bone segmented regions. The results show that system's performance is considerably improved over non-fuzzy or crisp methods. Possible noise affecting the system is also investigated. The proposed system proved to be robust and flexible while achieving a high level of performance. Furthermore, it is possible to use the same approach when analysing images from other applications areas from the automotive industry to medicine

    Analysis of tomographic images

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    Development of a Novel Dataset and Tools for Non-Invasive Fetal Electrocardiography Research

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    This PhD thesis presents the development of a novel open multi-modal dataset for advanced studies on fetal cardiological assessment, along with a set of signal processing tools for its exploitation. The Non-Invasive Fetal Electrocardiography (ECG) Analysis (NInFEA) dataset features multi-channel electrophysiological recordings characterized by high sampling frequency and digital resolution, maternal respiration signal, synchronized fetal trans-abdominal pulsed-wave Doppler (PWD) recordings and clinical annotations provided by expert clinicians at the time of the signal collection. To the best of our knowledge, there are no similar dataset available. The signal processing tools targeted both the PWD and the non-invasive fetal ECG, exploiting the recorded dataset. About the former, the study focuses on the processing aimed at the preparation of the signal for the automatic measurement of relevant morphological features, already adopted in the clinical practice for cardiac assessment. To this aim, a relevant step is the automatic identification of the complete and measurable cardiac cycles in the PWD videos: a rigorous methodology was deployed for the analysis of the different processing steps involved in the automatic delineation of the PWD envelope, then implementing different approaches for the supervised classification of the cardiac cycles, discriminating between complete and measurable vs. malformed or incomplete ones. Finally, preliminary measurement algorithms were also developed in order to extract clinically relevant parameters from the PWD. About the fetal ECG, this thesis concentrated on the systematic analysis of the adaptive filters performance for non-invasive fetal ECG extraction processing, identified as the reference tool throughout the thesis. Then, two studies are reported: one on the wavelet-based denoising of the extracted fetal ECG and another one on the fetal ECG quality assessment from the analysis of the raw abdominal recordings. Overall, the thesis represents an important milestone in the field, by promoting the open-data approach and introducing automated analysis tools that could be easily integrated in future medical devices