12 research outputs found

    Automatic citrus canker detection from leaf images captured in field

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    Citrus canker, a bacterial disease of citrus tree leaves, causes significant damage to citrus production worldwide. Effective and fast disease detection methods must be undertaken to minimize the losses of citrus canker infection. In this paper, we present a new approach based on global features and zone-based local features to detect citrus canker from leaf images collected in field which is more difficult than the leaf images captured in labs. Firstly, an improved AdaBoost algorithm is used to select the most significant features of citrus lesions for the segmentation of the lesions from their background. Then a canker lesion descriptor is proposed which combines both color and local texture distribution of canker lesion zones suggested by plant phytopathologists. A two-level hierarchical detection structure is developed to identify canker lesions. Thirdly, we evaluate the proposed method and its comparison with other approaches, and the experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves similar classification accuracy as human experts

    Performance analysis of support vector machine for early identification of citrus diseases

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    Early citrus disease detection is necessary for optimum citrus productivity. But detecting a citrus disease at an early stage requires expert views or laboratory tests. But getting an expert view of all time is impossible for rural farmers. The present study aimed to create a low-cost, intelligent, affordable citrus disease classification system. This study offered a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based smart classification method for categorizing various citrus diseases. Citrus photos were subjected to a variety of image processing techniques to categorize the diseases using SVM and the kernel. Prior to classification, the images were segmented and the hue channel threshold value was used to differentiate the diseased area from the remaining portion of the image. The segmented image’s color and grey domains were used to extract 13 different texture and color features. This study outlined three different SVM kernel types- Linear, Gaussian, and Polynomial, and evaluated their accuracy and confusion matrix performances. The Radial Based Function with a polynomial kernel derived from the SVM outperformed the SVM's linear and Gaussian kernel

    Plant lesion boundary delineation using lightweight deep learning with tweaking mechanism

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    Ever since the dawn of agriculture, the devastating consequences of plant disease inevitably impacted the crop cultivation quantitatively and qualitatively. One of the plant disease incidents happened in 2007 in Georgia which lead to a $539.74 million loss in the total revenue. Intuitively, it is essential to tackle the disease outbreaks as early as possible to diagnose the underlying cause. The detection and classification of diseases carried out by the plant pathologists are subjected to cognitive error. To alleviate direct human intervention, machine learning is undoubtedly the key to avert this downfall. Over the years, numerous neural networks have been proposed to improve the existing state-of-art. Nevertheless, minimal works have been done on segmenting the region of the disease from the leaf. On the other hand, one of the inherent issues in machine learning is “What is the optimal configuration for the network to gain the highest performance?”. Many researchers are probing, but no single solution can cater to all the models built for different purposes. The concept of fine-tuning is a critical step which generally left out of discussion due to divergence in solution. Hence, the first objective is to build a semantic segmentation network that create a salient map image tracking the boundary of the disease. The second objective is to regularize and optimize the built network to identify the optimal configuration. SegNet’s fully convolutional architecture with transfer learning is chosen as the semantic segmentation network. A total of 1000 early and late blights of potato and tomato samples from PlantVillage are fed to the model. To capture the best network, optimizers such as SGD, RMSProp and Adam are benchmarked with regularization techniques such as adaptive learning rate, dropout layer and weight & bias rates re-initialization. Afterwards, hyperparameters such as mini-batch, initial learning rate, momentum, gradient, L2 regularization, number of samples and number of epochs are tuned progressively. Throughout the tweaking process, the global accuracy and mean IoU have increased from 86.96% and 50.72% to 93.86% and 60.24% respectively. In addition, the comparison between SegNet and FCN has proven that the former architecture is lightweight and powerful in delineating the boundary of plant lesion. With the delineated lesion’s boundary, the manifestation along the leaf surface can be traced and appraised for pathological anatomy

    A novel computer vision based neutrosophic approach for leaf disease identification and classification

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    The natural products are inexpensive, non-toxic, and have fewer side effects. Thus, their demand especially herbs based medical products, health products, nutritional supplements, cosmetics etc. are increasing. The quality of leafs defines the degree of excellence or a state of being free from defects, deficits, and substantial variations. Also, the diseases in leafs possess threats to the economic, and production status in the agricultural industry worldwide

    A Review on Advances in Automated Plant Disease Detection

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    Plant diseases cause major yield and economic losses. To detect plant disease at early stages, selecting appropriate techniques is imperative as it affects the cost, diagnosis time, and accuracy. This research gives a comprehensive review of various plant disease detection methods based on the images used and processing algorithms applied. It systematically analyzes various traditional machine learning and deep learning algorithms used for processing visible and spectral range images, and comparatively evaluates the work done in literature in terms of datasets used, various image processing techniques employed, models utilized, and efficiency achieved. The study discusses the benefits and restrictions of each method along with the challenges to be addressed for rapid and accurate plant disease detection. Results show that for plant disease detection, deep learning outperforms traditional machine learning algorithms while visible range images are more widely used compared to spectral images

    Pixel classification methods for identifying and quantifying leaf surface injury from digital images

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    Plants exposed to stress due to pollution, disease or nutrient deficiency often develop visible symptoms on leaves such as spots, colour changes and necrotic regions. Early symptom detection is important for precision agriculture, environmental monitoring using bio-indicators and quality assessment of leafy vegetables. Leaf injury is usually assessed by visual inspection, which is labour-intensive and to a consid- erable extent subjective. In this study, methods for classifying individual pixels as healthy or injured from images of clover leaves exposed to the air pollutant ozone were tested and compared. RGB images of the leaves were acquired under controlled conditions in a laboratory using a standard digital SLR camera. Different feature vectors were extracted from the images by including different colour and texture (spa- tial) information. Four approaches to classification were evaluated: (1) Fit to a Pattern Multivariate Image Analysis (FPM) combined with T2 statistics (FPM-T2) or (2) Residual Sum of Squares statistics (FPM-RSS), (3) linear discriminant analysis (LDA) and (4) K-means clustering. The predicted leaf pixel classifications were trained from and compared to manually segmented images to evaluate classification performance. The LDA classifier outperformed the three other approaches in pixel identification with significantly higher accuracy, precision, true positive rate and F-score and significantly lower false positive rate and computation time. A feature vector of single pixel colour channel intensities was sufficient for capturing the information relevant for pixel identification. Including neighbourhood pixel information in the feature vector did not improve performance, but significantly increased the computation time. The LDA classifier was robust with 95% mean accuracy, 83% mean true positive rate and 2% mean false positive rate, indicating that it has potential for real-time applications.Opstad Kruse, OM.; Prats Montalbán, JM.; Indahl, UG.; Kvaal, K.; Ferrer Riquelme, AJ.; Futsaether, CM. (2014). Pixel classification methods for identifying and quantifying leaf surface injury from digital images. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 108:155-165. doi:10.1016/j.compag.2014.07.010S15516510

    Digitally-enabled crop disorder management process based on farmer empowerment for improved outcomes : a case study from Sri Lanka

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    We have developed a system facilitated by a mobile artefact to effectively identify crop disorder incidents and manage them using recommended control measures. This work overcomes the limitations of the existing attempts by using digital technology to empower farmers to identify crop disorders rather than replace them with automated techniques. Our approach empowers farmers by providing the information in context for them to identify crop disorders. The developed solution can identify most of the crop disorders instantaneously, irrespective of the crop or other factors that make crop disorder identification complicated. For the rest, it provides a mechanism to carry out a manual identification with the help of subject experts. The solution was deployed among paddy farmers in Sri Lanka to understand how well this could assist them in identifying and managing crop disorders. The system was able to identify 70.8% of the crop disorder incidents reported by the farmers and provided them with the relevant control measures. Farmers’ perceptions of various usability aspects of the solution revealed that the application of agrochemicals and expenses associated with agrochemicals were significantly reduced. It was also observed that the yield quality and quantity and overall revenue have increased compared to the previous seasons

    Automated assessment for early and late blight leaf diseases using extended segmentation and optimized features

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    Early and late blight diseases lead to substantial damage to vegetable crop productions and economic losses. As a modern solution, machine learning-based plant disease assessment aims to assess the disease incidence and severity through the disease region of interest (ROI) and its extracted features. In the case of existing conventional classifier methods, extracting the features involves generalized ROI segmentation that loosely follows the disease inference. As a result, accuracy is reduced, and the fuzzy boundary region that carries potential properties for improving feature characterization capability is truncated from the ROI. Besides, most of the existing practices extract only the global features, This leads to redundant and extensive feature vector, which causes increased complexity and underperformance. Furthermore, individual lesion severity is not considered in the assessment. This thesis addresses the issue of the ROI segmentation by using color thresholding based on ratios of leaf green color intensity to incorporate the fuzzy boundary region, denoted as extended ROI (EROI). Secondly, the issue of the feature extraction is addressed by the proposed localized feature extraction method to reduce complexity and improve disease classification performance. Based on the color and texture morphological properties of the individual lesions within the EROI, color coherence vector and local binary patterns features are extracted. As a result, a pathologically optimized feature vector is obtained, which is used to build a support vector machine classifier to classify between the disease types of early blight, late blight, and healthy leaves. lastly, a 2-tier assessment is proposed. The disease type classification is given as the first tier, while the leaf lesion area ratios of the individual lesions are given as severity quantification for the second tier. Overall, the proposed EROI segmentation method reduced under-segmentation by up to 80%. The proposed optimized feature reduced the execution run-time by up to 50% and achieved an average classification performance of up to 99%. Finally, the quantified severity is in close agreement with the ground truth by achieving an average accuracy of 93%

    Automatic citrus canker detection from leaf images captured in field

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    This article was published in the journal, Pattern Recognition Letters [© Elsevier Ltd.] and the definitive version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2011.08.003Citrus canker, a bacterial disease of citrus tree leaves, causes significant damage to citrus production worldwide. Effective and fast disease detection methods must be undertaken to minimize the losses of citrus canker infection. In this paper, we present a new approach based on global features and zone-based local features to detect citrus canker from leaf images collected in field which is more difficult than the leaf images captured in labs. Firstly, an improved AdaBoost algorithm is used to select the most significant features of citrus lesions for the segmentation of the lesions from their background. Then a canker lesion descriptor is proposed which combines both color and local texture distribution of canker lesion zones suggested by plant phytopathologists. A two-level hierarchical detection structure is developed to identify canker lesions. Thirdly, we evaluate the proposed method and its comparison with other approaches, and the experimental results show that the proposed approach achieves similar classification accuracy as human experts