22 research outputs found

    A framework for efficient execution of matrix computations

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    Matrix computations lie at the heart of most scientific computational tasks. The solution of linear systems of equations is a very frequent operation in many fields in science, engineering, surveying, physics and others. Other matrix operations occur frequently in many other fields such as pattern recognition and classification, or multimedia applications. Therefore, it is important to perform matrix operations efficiently. The work in this thesis focuses on the efficient execution on commodity processors of matrix operations which arise frequently in different fields.We study some important operations which appear in the solution of real world problems: some sparse and dense linear algebra codes and a classification algorithm. In particular, we focus our attention on the efficient execution of the following operations: sparse Cholesky factorization; dense matrix multiplication; dense Cholesky factorization; and Nearest Neighbor Classification.A lot of research has been conducted on the efficient parallelization of numerical algorithms. However, the efficiency of a parallel algorithm depends ultimately on the performance obtained from the computations performed on each node. The work presented in this thesis focuses on the sequential execution on a single processor.There exists a number of data structures for sparse computations which can be used in order to avoid the storage of and computation on zero elements. We work with a hierarchical data structure known as hypermatrix. A matrix is subdivided recursively an arbitrary number of times. Several pointer matrices are used to store the location ofsubmatrices at each level. The last level consists of data submatrices which are dealt with as dense submatrices. When the block size of this dense submatrices is small, the number of zeros can be greatly reduced. However, the performance obtained from BLAS3 routines drops heavily. Consequently, there is a trade-off in the size of data submatrices used for a sparse Cholesky factorization with the hypermatrix scheme. Our goal is that of reducing the overhead introduced by the unnecessary operation on zeros when a hypermatrix data structure is used to produce a sparse Cholesky factorization. In this work we study several techniques for reducing such overhead in order to obtain high performance.One of our goals is the creation of codes which work efficiently on different platforms when operating on dense matrices. To obtain high performance, the resources offered by the CPU must be properly utilized. At the same time, the memory hierarchy must be exploited to tolerate increasing memory latencies. To achieve the former, we produce inner kernels which use the CPU very efficiently. To achieve the latter, we investigate nonlinear data layouts. Such data formats can contribute to the effective use of the memory system.The use of highly optimized inner kernels is of paramount importance for obtaining efficient numerical algorithms. Often, such kernels are created by hand. However, we want to create efficient inner kernels for a variety of processors using a general approach and avoiding hand-made codification in assembly language. In this work, we present an alternative way to produce efficient kernels automatically, based on a set of simple codes written in a high level language, which can be parameterized at compilation time. The advantage of our method lies in the ability to generate very efficient inner kernels by means of a good compiler. Working on regular codes for small matrices most of the compilers we used in different platforms were creating very efficient inner kernels for matrix multiplication. Using the resulting kernels we have been able to produce high performance sparse and dense linear algebra codes on a variety of platforms.In this work we also show that techniques used in linear algebra codes can be useful in other fields. We present the work we have done in the optimization of the Nearest Neighbor classification focusing on the speed of the classification process.Tuning several codes for different problems and machines can become a heavy and unbearable task. For this reason we have developed an environment for development and automatic benchmarking of codes which is presented in this thesis.As a practical result of this work, we have been able to create efficient codes for several matrix operations on a variety of platforms. Our codes are highly competitive with other state-of-art codes for some problems

    Locality-aware parallel block-sparse matrix-matrix multiplication using the Chunks and Tasks programming model

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    We present a method for parallel block-sparse matrix-matrix multiplication on distributed memory clusters. By using a quadtree matrix representation, data locality is exploited without prior information about the matrix sparsity pattern. A distributed quadtree matrix representation is straightforward to implement due to our recent development of the Chunks and Tasks programming model [Parallel Comput. 40, 328 (2014)]. The quadtree representation combined with the Chunks and Tasks model leads to favorable weak and strong scaling of the communication cost with the number of processes, as shown both theoretically and in numerical experiments. Matrices are represented by sparse quadtrees of chunk objects. The leaves in the hierarchy are block-sparse submatrices. Sparsity is dynamically detected by the matrix library and may occur at any level in the hierarchy and/or within the submatrix leaves. In case graphics processing units (GPUs) are available, both CPUs and GPUs are used for leaf-level multiplication work, thus making use of the full computing capacity of each node. The performance is evaluated for matrices with different sparsity structures, including examples from electronic structure calculations. Compared to methods that do not exploit data locality, our locality-aware approach reduces communication significantly, achieving essentially constant communication per node in weak scaling tests.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figure

    Batched Linear Algebra Problems on GPU Accelerators

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    The emergence of multicore and heterogeneous architectures requires many linear algebra algorithms to be redesigned to take advantage of the accelerators, such as GPUs. A particularly challenging class of problems, arising in numerous applications, involves the use of linear algebra operations on many small-sized matrices. The size of these matrices is usually the same, up to a few hundred. The number of them can be thousands, even millions. Compared to large matrix problems with more data parallel computation that are well suited on GPUs, the challenges of small matrix problems lie in the low computing intensity, the large sequential operation fractions, and the big PCI-E overhead. These challenges entail redesigning the algorithms instead of merely porting the current LAPACK algorithms. We consider two classes of problems. The first is linear systems with one-sided factorizations (LU, QR, and Cholesky) and their solver, forward and backward substitution. The second is a two-sided Householder bi-diagonalization. They are challenging to develop and are highly demanded in applications. Our main efforts focus on the same-sized problems. Variable-sized problems are also considered, though to a lesser extent. Our contributions can be summarized as follows. First, we formulated a batched linear algebra framework to solve many data-parallel, small-sized problems/tasks. Second, we redesigned a set of fundamental linear algebra algorithms for high- performance, batched execution on GPU accelerators. Third, we designed batched BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) and proposed innovative optimization techniques for high-performance computation. Fourth, we illustrated the batched methodology on real-world applications as in the case of scaling a CFD application up to 4096 nodes on the Titan supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Finally, we demonstrated the power, energy and time efficiency of using accelerators as compared to CPUs. Our solutions achieved large speedups and high energy efficiency compared to related routines in CUBLAS on NVIDIA GPUs and MKL on Intel Sandy-Bridge multicore CPUs. The modern accelerators are all Single-Instruction Multiple-Thread (SIMT) architectures. Our solutions and methods are based on NVIDIA GPUs and can be extended to other accelerators, such as the Intel Xeon Phi and AMD GPUs based on OpenCL

    Processor allocation on Cplant: Achieving general processor locality using one-dimensional allocation strategies.

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    Abstract Follows 3 Abstract The Computational Plant or Cplant is a commodity-based supercomputer under development at Sandia National Laboratories. This paper describes resource-allocation strategies to achieve processor locality for parallel jobs in Cplant and other supercomputers. Users of Cplant and other Sandia supercomputers submit parallel jobs to a job queue. When a job is scheduled to run, it is assigned to a set of processors. To obtain maximum throughput, jobs should be allocated to localized clusters of processors to minimize communication costs and to avoid bandwidth contention caused by overlapping jobs. This paper introduces new allocation strategies and performance metrics based on space-filling curves and one dimensional allocation strategies. These algorithms are general and simple. Preliminary simulations and Cplant experiments indicate that both space-filling curves and one-dimensional packing improve processor locality compared to the sorted free list strategy previously used on Cplant. These new allocation strategies are implemented in the new release of the Cplant System Software, Version 2.0, phased into th

    Parallel Asynchronous Matrix Multiplication for a Distributed Pipelined Neural Network

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    Machine learning is an approach to devise algorithms that compute an output without a given rule set but based on a self-learning concept. This approach is of great importance for several fields of applications in science and industry where traditional programming methods are not sufficient. In neural networks, a popular subclass of machine learning algorithms, commonly previous experience is used to train the network and produce good outputs for newly introduced inputs. By increasing the size of the network more complex problems can be solved which again rely on a huge amount of training data. Increasing the complexity also leads to higher computational demand and storage requirements and to the need for parallelization. Several parallelization approaches of neural networks have already been considered. Most approaches use special purpose hardware whilst other work focuses on using standard hardware. Often these approaches target the problem by parallelizing the training data. In this work a new parallelization method named poadSGD is proposed for the parallelization of fully-connected, largescale feedforward networks on a compute cluster with standard hardware. poadSGD is based on the stochastic gradient descent algorithm. A block-wise distribution of the network's layers to groups of processes and a pipelining scheme for batches of the training samples are used. The network is updated asynchronously without interrupting ongoing computations of subsequent batches. For this task a one-sided communication scheme is used. A main algorithmic part of the batch-wise pipelined version consists of matrix multiplications which occur for a special distributed setup, where each matrix is held by a different process group. GASPI, a parallel programming model from the field of "Partitioned Global Address Spaces" (PGAS) models is introduced and compared to other models from this class. As it mainly relies on one-sided and asynchronous communication it is a perfect candidate for the asynchronous update task in the poadSGD algorithm. Therefore, the matrix multiplication is also implemented based GASPI. In order to efficiently handle upcoming synchronizations within the process groups and achieve a good workload distribution, a two-dimensional block-cyclic data distribution is applied for the matrices. Based on this distribution, the multiplication algorithm is computed by diagonally iterating over the sub blocks of the resulting matrix and computing the sub blocks in subgroups of the processes. The sub blocks are computed by sharing the workload between the process groups and communicating mostly in pairs or in subgroups. The communication in pairs is set up to be overlapped by other ongoing computations. The implementations provide a special challenge, since the asynchronous communication routines must be handled with care as to which processor is working at what point in time with which data in order to prevent an unintentional dual use of data. The theoretical analysis shows the matrix multiplication to be superior to a naive implementation when the dimension of the sub blocks of the matrices exceeds 382. The performance achieved in the test runs did not withstand the expectations the theoretical analysis predicted. The algorithm is executed on up to 512 cores and for matrices up to a size of 131,072 x 131,072. The implementation using the GASPI API was found not be straightforward but to provide a good potential for overlapping communication with computations whenever the data dependencies of an application allow for it. The matrix multiplication was successfully implemented and can be used within an implementation of the poadSGD method that is yet to come. The poadSGD method seems to be very promising, especially as nowadays, with the larger amount of data and the increased complexity of the applications, the approaches to parallelization of neural networks are increasingly of interest

    The Combinatorics of Cache Misses during Matrix Multiplication

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    In this paper we construct an analytic model of cache misses during matrix multiplication. The analysis in this paper applies to square matrices of size 2m where the array layout function is given in terms of a function Θ that interleaves the bits in the binary expansions of the row and column indices. We first analyze the number of cache misses for direct-mapped caches and then indicate how to extend this analysis to -way associative caches. The work in this paper accomplishes two things. First, we construct fast algorithms to estimate the number of cache misses. Second, we develop a theoretical understanding of cache misses that will allow us, in subsequent work, to approach the problem of minimizing cache misses by appropriately choosing the bit interleaving function that goes into the array layout function

    ATCOM: Automatically tuned collective communication system for SMP clusters.

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    Conventional implementations of collective communications are based on point-to-point communications, and their optimizations have been focused on efficiency of those communication algorithms. However, point-to-point communications are not the optimal choice for modern computing clusters of SMPs due to their two-level communication structure. In recent years, a few research efforts have investigated efficient collective communications for SMP clusters. This dissertation is focused on platform-independent algorithms and implementations in this area;There are two main approaches to implementing efficient collective communications for clusters of SMPs: using shared memory operations for intra-node communications, and over-lapping inter-node/intra-node communications. The former fully utilizes the hardware based shared memory of an SMP, and the latter takes advantage of the inherent hierarchy of the communications within a cluster of SMPs. Previous studies focused on clusters of SMP from certain vendors. However, the previously proposed methods are not portable to other systems. Because the performance optimization issue is very complicated and the developing process is very time consuming, it is highly desired to have self-tuning, platform-independent implementations. As proven in this dissertation, such an implementation can significantly outperform the other point-to-point based portable implementations and some platform-specific implementations;The dissertation describes in detail the architecture of the platform-independent implementation. There are four system components: shared memory-based collective communications, overlapping mechanisms for inter-node and intra-node communications, a prediction-based tuning module and a micro-benchmark based tuning module. Each component is carefully designed with the goal of automatic tuning in mind