520 research outputs found


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    Rainfall Nowcasting by Blending of Radar Data and Numerical Weather Prediction

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    In order to improve conventional rainfall nowcasting, radar extrapolation and high-resolution numerical weather prediction (NWP) were blended to get a 6-h quantitative precipitation forecast (QPF) over the Yangtze River Delta region of China. Modifications and calibrations were done to both the extrapolation and NWP in order to get an integrated result from the two, which mainly included the extension for the extrapolation time and region, intensity and position calibration for the NWP, weighted blending of extrapolation and NWP based on scale and time, and a final real-time Z-R relation conversion. Forecast experiments were done, and results show that the blending technique could effectively extend forecast time compared with conventional radar extrapolation, meanwhile applying a positive calibration to the NWP. The overall CSI score of 0–6 h reflectivity forecast was better than either single forecast

    Assimilation of radar reflectivity for rainfall nowcasting

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    International audienceThe paper describes an operational method of rainfall now-casting based on ground radar acquisitions with high space and time resolution. The nowcast horizon is between 30 minutes and 1 hour as required by prevention measures of flash floods. The characteristics of the input data justify the design of an image-based method that estimates wind fields from image acquisitions and forecasts the location and quantity of rain in the near future. The estimation phase relies on an iterative data assimilation of the radar acquisitions with an evolution model of motion and image fields, while the forecast is obtained by simulating these fields at the chosen horizon. The research is done in the context of a collaboration with the french company Numtech and the data are obtained with radars of the company Weather Measures

    Radar data assimilation impact over nowcasting a mesoscale convective system in Catalonia using the WRF model

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    This study uses the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) and the three-dimensional variational data assimilation system (WRF 3DVAR), in cold and warm starts, with the aimof finding out an appropriate nowcasting method that would have improved the forecast of precipitation maxima in the mesoscale convective system that occurred in Catalonia (NE Spain)on March 21, 2012 at 20 UTC. We assimilated radar data using different configurations, qualitatively verifying the increase of rainwater produced by the assimilation of reflectivity. While in cold starts the best result was obtained with a length scale of 0.75, in warm startsit was necessary to use a length scale of 0.25. We got better results in all cases when radar data assimilation was used, and although one of the cold starts achieved the best result and correctly located precipitation maxima, the forecast amount was still lower than the observations

    Real-Time Water Vapor Maps from a GPS Surface Network: Construction, Validation, and Applications

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    In this paper the construction of real-time integrated water vapor (IWV) maps from a surface network of global positioning system (GPS) receivers is presented. The IWV maps are constructed using a twodimensional variational technique with a persistence background that is 15 min old. The background error covariances are determined using a novel two-step method, which is based on the Hollingsworth¿Lonnberg method. The quality of these maps is assessed by comparison with radiosonde observations and IWV maps from a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. The analyzed GPS IWV maps have no bias against radiosonde observations and a small bias against NWP analysis and forecasts up to 9 h. The standard deviation with radiosonde observations is around 2 kg m-2, and the standard deviation with NWP increases with increasing forecast length (from 2 kg m-2 for the NWP analysis to 4 kg m-2 for a forecast length of 48 h). To illustrate the additional value of these real-time products for nowcasting, three thunderstorm cases are discussed. The constructed GPS IWV maps are combined with data from the weather radar, a lightning detection network, and surface wind observations. All cases show that the location of developing thunderstorms can be identified 2 h prior to initiation in the convergence of moist air

    Improvements in forecasting intense rainfall: results from the FRANC (forecasting rainfall exploiting new data assimilation techniques and novel observations of convection) project

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    The FRANC project (Forecasting Rainfall exploiting new data Assimilation techniques and Novel observations of Convection) has researched improvements in numerical weather prediction of convective rainfall via the reduction of initial condition uncertainty. This article provides an overview of the project’s achievements. We highlight new radar techniques: correcting for attenuation of the radar return; correction for beams that are over 90% blocked by trees or towers close to the radar; and direct assimilation of radar reflectivity and refractivity. We discuss the treatment of uncertainty in data assimilation: new methods for estimation of observation uncertainties with novel applications to Doppler radar winds, Atmospheric Motion Vectors, and satellite radiances; a new algorithm for implementation of spatially-correlated observation error statistics in operational data assimilation; and innovative treatment of moist processes in the background error covariance model. We present results indicating a link between the spatial predictability of convection and convective regimes, with potential to allow improved forecast interpretation. The research was carried out as a partnership between University researchers and the Met Office (UK). We discuss the benefits of this approach and the impact of our research, which has helped to improve operational forecasts for convective rainfall event