1,349 research outputs found

    Approximate Computing Strategies for Low-Overhead Fault Tolerance in Safety-Critical Applications

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    This work studies the reliability of embedded systems with approximate computing on software and hardware designs. It presents approximate computing methods and proposes approximate fault tolerance techniques applied to programmable hardware and embedded software to provide reliability at low computational costs. The objective of this thesis is the development of fault tolerance techniques based on approximate computing and proving that approximate computing can be applied to most safety-critical systems. It starts with an experimental analysis of the reliability of embedded systems used at safety-critical projects. Results show that the reliability of single-core systems, and types of errors they are sensitive to, differ from multicore processing systems. The usage of an operating system and two different parallel programming APIs are also evaluated. Fault injection experiment results show that embedded Linux has a critical impact on the system’s reliability and the types of errors to which it is most sensitive. Traditional fault tolerance techniques and parallel variants of them are evaluated for their fault-masking capability on multicore systems. The work shows that parallel fault tolerance can indeed not only improve execution time but also fault-masking. Lastly, an approximate parallel fault tolerance technique is proposed, where the system abandons faulty execution tasks. This first approximate computing approach to fault tolerance in parallel processing systems was able to improve the reliability and the fault-masking capability of the techniques, significantly reducing errors that would cause system crashes. Inspired by the conflict between the improvements provided by approximate computing and the safety-critical systems requirements, this work presents an analysis of the applicability of approximate computing techniques on critical systems. The proposed techniques are tested under simulation, emulation, and laser fault injection experiments. Results show that approximate computing algorithms do have a particular behavior, different from traditional algorithms. The approximation techniques presented and proposed in this work are also used to develop fault tolerance techniques. Results show that those new approximate fault tolerance techniques are less costly than traditional ones and able to achieve almost the same level of error masking.Este trabalho estuda a confiabilidade de sistemas embarcados com computação aproximada em software e projetos de hardware. Ele apresenta métodos de computação aproximada e técnicas aproximadas para tolerância a falhas em hardware programável e software embarcado que provêem alta confiabilidade a baixos custos computacionais. O objetivo desta tese é o desenvolvimento de técnicas de tolerância a falhas baseadas em computação aproximada e provar que este paradigma pode ser usado em sistemas críticos. O texto começa com uma análise da confiabilidade de sistemas embarcados usados em sistemas de tolerância crítica. Os resultados mostram que a resiliência de sistemas singlecore, e os tipos de erros aos quais eles são mais sensíveis, é diferente dos multi-core. O uso de sistemas operacionais também é analisado, assim como duas APIs de programação paralela. Experimentos de injeção de falhas mostram que o uso de Linux embarcado tem um forte impacto na confiabilidade do sistema. Técnicas tradicionais de tolerância a falhas e variações paralelas das mesmas são avaliadas. O trabalho mostra que técnicas de tolerância a falhas paralelas podem de fato melhorar não apenas o tempo de execução da aplicação, mas também seu mascaramento de erros. Por fim, uma técnica de tolerância a falhas paralela aproximada é proposta, onde o sistema abandona instâncias de execuções que apresentam falhas. Esta primeira experiência com computação aproximada foi capaz de melhorar a confiabilidade das técnicas previamente apresentadas, reduzindo significativamente a ocorrência de erros que provocam um crash total do sistema. Inspirado pelo conflito entre as melhorias trazidas pela computação aproximada e os requisitos dos sistemas críticos, este trabalho apresenta uma análise da aplicabilidade de computação aproximada nestes sistemas. As técnicas propostas são testadas sob experimentos de injeção de falhas por simulação, emulação e laser. Os resultados destes experimentos mostram que algoritmos aproximados possuem um comportamento particular que lhes é inerente, diferente dos tradicionais. As técnicas de aproximação apresentadas e propostas no trabalho são também utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de técnicas de tolerância a falhas aproximadas. Estas novas técnicas possuem um custo menor que as tradicionais e são capazes de atingir o mesmo nível de mascaramento de erros

    Analysis of Kernel Redundancy for Soft Error Mitigation on Embedded GPUs

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    The use of state-of-the-art commercial processors such as graphical processing units (GPUs) is becoming increasingly common in the New Space industry in order to ensure high performance and power efficiency. However, commercial GPUs are not designed to operate in a harsh environment and therefore different protection techniques need to be applied to mitigate the effects of radiation, including those produced by single events. This paper assesses the effectiveness of redundant kernel execution on tightly constrained embedded GPUs under proton irradiation, with results suggesting a significant improvement in the SDC cross-section without penalizing the stability of the whole system. In addition, the posterior error analysis shows that the CPU is the source of the majority of the events, which are mainly dominated by functional interrupts.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation as part of the PID2019-106455GB-C22 project

    병렬 및 분산 임베디드 시스템을 위한 모델 기반 코드 생성 프레임워크

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    학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :공과대학 컴퓨터공학부,2020. 2. 하순회.소프트웨어 설계 생산성 및 유지보수성을 향상시키기 위해 다양한 소프트웨어 개발 방법론이 제안되었지만, 대부분의 연구는 응용 소프트웨어를 하나의 프로세서에서 동작시키는 데에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 또한, 임베디드 시스템을 개발하는 데에 필요한 지연이나 자원 요구 사항에 대한 비기능적 요구 사항을 고려하지 않고 있기 때문에 일반적인 소프트웨어 개발 방법론을 임베디드 소프트웨어를 개발하는 데에 적용하는 것은 적합하지 않다. 이 논문에서는 병렬 및 분산 임베디드 시스템을 대상으로 하는 소프트웨어를 모델로 표현하고, 이를 소프트웨어 분석이나 개발에 활용하는 개발 방법론을 소개한다. 우리의 모델에서 응용 소프트웨어는 계층적으로 표현할 수 있는 여러 개의 태스크로 이루어져 있으며, 하드웨어 플랫폼과 독립적으로 명세한다. 태스크 간의 통신 및 동기화는 모델이 정의한 규약이 정해져 있고, 이러한 규약을 통해 실제 프로그램을 실행하기 전에 소프트웨어 에러를 정적 분석을 통해 확인할 수 있고, 이는 응용의 검증 복잡도를 줄이는 데에 기여한다. 지정한 하드웨어 플랫폼에서 동작하는 프로그램은 태스크들을 프로세서에 매핑한 이후에 자동적으로 합성할 수 있다. 위의 모델 기반 소프트웨어 개발 방법론에서 사용하는 프로그램 합성기를 본 논문에서 제안하였는데, 명세한 플랫폼 요구 사항을 바탕으로 병렬 및 분산 임베디드 시스템을에서 동작하는 코드를 생성한다. 여러 개의 정형적 모델들을 계층적으로 표현하여 응용의 동적 행태를 나타고, 합성기는 여러 모델로 구성된 계층적인 모델로부터 병렬성을 고려하여 태스크를 실행할 수 있다. 또한, 프로그램 합성기에서 다양한 플랫폼이나 네트워크를 지원할 수 있도록 코드를 관리하는 방법도 보여주고 있다. 본 논문에서 제시하는 소프트웨어 개발 방법론은 6개의 하드웨어 플랫폼과 3 종류의 네트워크로 구성되어 있는 실제 감시 소프트웨어 시스템 응용 예제와 이종 멀티 프로세서를 활용하는 원격 딥 러닝 예제를 수행하여 개발 방법론의 적용 가능성을 시험하였다. 또한, 프로그램 합성기가 새로운 플랫폼이나 네트워크를 지원하기 위해 필요로 하는 개발 비용도 실제 측정 및 예측하여 상대적으로 적은 노력으로 새로운 플랫폼을 지원할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 많은 임베디드 시스템에서 예상치 못한 하드웨어 에러에 대해 결함을 감내하는 것을 필요로 하기 때문에 결함 감내에 대한 코드를 자동으로 생성하는 연구도 진행하였다. 본 기법에서 결함 감내 설정에 따라 태스크 그래프를 수정하는 방식을 활용하였으며, 결함 감내의 비기능적 요구 사항을 응용 개발자가 쉽게 적용할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한, 결함 감내 지원하는 것과 관련하여 실제 수동으로 구현했을 경우와 비교하였고, 결함 주입 도구를 이용하여 결함 발생 시나리오를 재현하거나, 임의로 결함을 주입하는 실험을 수행하였다. 마지막으로 결함 감내를 실험할 때에 활용한 결함 주입 도구는 본 논문의 또 다른 기여 사항 중 하나로 리눅스 환경으로 대상으로 응용 영역 및 커널 영역에 결함을 주입하는 도구를 개발하였다. 시스템의 견고성을 검증하기 위해 결함을 주입하여 결함 시나리오를 재현하는 것은 널리 사용되는 방법으로, 본 논문에서 개발된 결함 주입 도구는 시스템이 동작하는 도중에 재현 가능한 결함을 주입할 수 있는 도구이다. 커널 영역에서의 결함 주입을 위해 두 종류의 결함 주입 방법을 제공하며, 하나는 커널 GNU 디버거를 이용한 방법이고, 다른 하나는 ARM 하드웨어 브레이크포인트를 활용한 방법이다. 응용 영역에서 결함을 주입하기 위해 GDB 기반 결함 주입 방법을 이용하여 동일 시스템 혹은 원격 시스템의 응용에 결함을 주입할 수 있다. 결함 주입 도구에 대한 실험은 ODROID-XU4 보드에서 진행하였다.While various software development methodologies have been proposed to increase the design productivity and maintainability of software, they usually focus on the development of application software running on a single processing element, without concern about the non-functional requirements of an embedded system such as latency and resource requirements. In this thesis, we present a model-based software development method for parallel and distributed embedded systems. An application is specified as a set of tasks that follow a set of given rules for communication and synchronization in a hierarchical fashion, independently of the hardware platform. Having such rules enables us to perform static analysis to check some software errors at compile time to reduce the verification difficulty. Platform-specific program is synthesized automatically after mapping of tasks onto processing elements is determined. The program synthesizer is also proposed to generate codes which satisfies platform requirements for parallel and distributed embedded systems. As multiple models which can express dynamic behaviors can be depicted hierarchically, the synthesizer supports to manage multiple task graphs with a different hierarchy to run tasks with parallelism. Also, the synthesizer shows methods of managing codes for heterogeneous platforms and generating various communication methods. The viability of the proposed software development method is verified with a real-life surveillance application that runs on six processing elements with three remote communication methods, and remote deep learning example is conducted to use heterogeneous multiprocessing components on distributed systems. Also, supporting a new platform and network requires a small effort by measuring and estimating development costs. Since tolerance to unexpected errors is a required feature of many embedded systems, we also support an automatic fault-tolerant code generation. Fault tolerance can be applied by modifying the task graph based on the selected fault tolerance configurations, so the non-functional requirement of fault tolerance can be easily adopted by an application developer. To compare the effort of supporting fault tolerance, manual implementation of fault tolerance is performed. Also, the fault tolerance method is tested with the fault injection tool to emulate fault scenarios and inject faults randomly. Our fault injection tool, which has used for testing our fault-tolerance method, is another work of this thesis. Emulating fault scenarios by intentionally injecting faults is commonly used to test and verify the robustness of a system. To emulate faults on an embedded system, we present a run-time fault injection framework that can inject a fault on both a kernel and application layer of Linux-based systems. For injecting faults on a kernel layer, two complementary fault injection techniques are used. One is based on Kernel GNU Debugger, and the other is using a hardware breakpoint supported by the ARM architecture. For application-level fault injection, the GDB-based fault injection method is used to inject a fault on a remote application. The viability of the proposed fault injection tool is proved by real-life experiments with an ODROID-XU4 system.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Contribution 6 1.3 Dissertation Organization 8 Chapter 2 Background 9 2.1 HOPES: Hope of Parallel Embedded Software 9 2.1.1 Software Development Procedure 9 2.1.2 Components of HOPES 12 2.2 Universal Execution Model 13 2.2.1 Task Graph Specification 13 2.2.2 Dataflow specification of an Application 15 2.2.3 Task Code Specification and Generic APIs 21 2.2.4 Meta-data Specification 23 Chapter 3 Program Synthesis for Parallel and Distributed Embedded Systems 24 3.1 Motivational Example 24 3.2 Program Synthesis Overview 26 3.3 Program Synthesis from Hierarchically-mixed Models 30 3.4 Platform Code Synthesis 33 3.5 Communication Code Synthesis 36 3.6 Experiments 40 3.6.1 Development Cost of Supporting New Platforms and Networks 40 3.6.2 Program Synthesis for the Surveillance System Example 44 3.6.3 Remote GPU-accelerated Deep Learning Example 46 3.7 Document Generation 48 3.8 Related Works 49 Chapter 4 Model Transformation for Fault-tolerant Code Synthesis 56 4.1 Fault-tolerant Code Synthesis Techniques 56 4.2 Applying Fault Tolerance Techniques in HOPES 61 4.3 Experiments 62 4.3.1 Development Cost of Applying Fault Tolerance 62 4.3.2 Fault Tolerance Experiments 62 4.4 Random Fault Injection Experiments 65 4.5 Related Works 68 Chapter 5 Fault Injection Framework for Linux-based Embedded Systems 70 5.1 Background 70 5.1.1 Fault Injection Techniques 70 5.1.2 Kernel GNU Debugger 71 5.1.3 ARM Hardware Breakpoint 72 5.2 Fault Injection Framework 74 5.2.1 Overview 74 5.2.2 Architecture 75 5.2.3 Fault Injection Techniques 79 5.2.4 Implementation 83 5.3 Experiments 90 5.3.1 Experiment Setup 90 5.3.2 Performance Comparison of Two Fault Injection Methods 90 5.3.3 Bit-flip Fault Experiments 92 5.3.4 eMMC Controller Fault Experiments 94 Chapter 6 Conclusion 97 Bibliography 99 요 약 108Docto

    Design and Performance of the Data Acquisition System for the NA61/SHINE Experiment at CERN

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    This paper describes the hardware, firmware and software systems used in data acquisition for the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS accelerator. Special emphasis is given to the design parameters of the readout electronics for the 40m^3 volume Time Projection Chamber detectors, as these give the largest contribution to event data among all the subdetectors: events consisting of 8bit ADC values from 256 timeslices of 200k electronic channels are to be read out with ~100Hz rate. The data acquisition system is organized in "push-data mode", i.e. local systems transmit data asynchronously. Techniques of solving subevent synchronization are also discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figure

    Vulnerability detection in device drivers

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2017The constant evolution in electronics lets new equipment/devices to be regularly made available on the market, which has led to the situation where common operating systems (OS) include many device drivers(DD) produced by very diverse manufactures. Experience has shown that the development of DD is error prone, as a majority of the OS crashes can be attributed to flaws in their implementation. This thesis addresses the challenge of designing methodologies and tools to facilitate the detection of flaws in DD, contributing to decrease the errors in this kind of software, their impact in the OS stability, and the security threats caused by them. This is especially relevant because it can help developers to improve the quality of drivers during their implementation or when they are integrated into a system. The thesis work started by assessing how DD flaws can impact the correct execution of the Windows OS. The employed approach used a statistical analysis to obtain the list of kernel functions most used by the DD, and then automatically generated synthetic drivers that introduce parameter errors when calling a kernel function, thus mimicking a faulty interaction. The experimental results showed that most targeted functions were ineffective in the defence of the incorrect parameters. A reasonable number of crashes and a small number of hangs were observed suggesting a poor error containment capability of these OS functions. Then, we produced an architecture and a tool that supported the automatic injection of network attacks in mobile equipment (e.g., phone), with the objective of finding security flaws (or vulnerabilities) in Wi-Fi drivers. These DD were selected because they are of easy access to an external adversary, which simply needs to create malicious traffic to exploit them, and therefore the flaws in their implementation could have an important impact. Experiments with the tool uncovered a previously unknown vulnerability that causes OS hangs, when a specific value was assigned to the TIM element in the Beacon frame. The experiments also revealed a potential implementation problem of the TCP-IP stack by the use of disassociation frames when the target device was associated and authenticated with a Wi-Fi access point. Next, we developed a tool capable of registering and instrumenting the interactions between a DD and the OS. The solution used a wrapper DD around the binary of the driver under test, enabling full control over the function calls and parameters involved in the OS-DD interface. This tool can support very diverse testing operations, including the log of system activity and to reverse engineer the driver behaviour. Some experiments were performed with the tool, allowing to record the insights of the behaviour of the interactions between the DD and the OS, the parameter values and return values. Results also showed the ability to identify bugs in drivers, by executing tests based on the knowledge obtained from the driver’s dynamics. Our final contribution is a methodology and framework for the discovery of errors and vulnerabilities in Windows DD by resorting to the execution of the drivers in a fully emulated environment. This approach is capable of testing the drivers without requiring access to the associated hardware or the DD source code, and has a granular control over each machine instruction. Experiments performed with Off the Shelf DD confirmed a high dependency of the correctness of the parameters passed by the OS, identified the precise location and the motive of memory leaks, the existence of dormant and vulnerable code.A constante evolução da eletrónica tem como consequência a disponibilização regular no mercado de novos equipamentos/dispositivos, levando a uma situação em que os sistemas operativos (SO) mais comuns incluem uma grande quantidade de gestores de dispositivos (GD) produzidos por diversos fabricantes. A experiência tem mostrado que o desenvolvimento dos GD é sujeito a erros uma vez que a causa da maioria das paragens do SO pode ser atribuída a falhas na sua implementação. Esta tese centra-se no desafio da criação de metodologias e ferramentas que facilitam a deteção de falhas nos GD, contribuindo para uma diminuição nos erros neste tipo de software, o seu impacto na estabilidade do SO, e as ameaças de segurança por eles causadas. Isto é especialmente relevante porque pode ajudar a melhorar a qualidade dos GD tanto na sua implementação como quando estes são integrados em sistemas. Este trabalho inicia-se com uma avaliação de como as falhas nos GD podem levar a um funcionamento incorreto do SO Windows. A metodologia empregue usa uma análise estatística para obter a lista das funções do SO que são mais utilizadas pelos GD, e posteriormente constrói GD sintéticos que introduzem erros nos parâmetros passados durante a chamada às funções do SO, e desta forma, imita a integração duma falta. Os resultados das experiências mostraram que a maioria das funções testadas não se protege eficazmente dos parâmetros incorretos. Observou-se a ocorrência de um número razoável de paragens e um pequeno número de bloqueios, o que sugere uma pobre capacidade das funções do SO na contenção de erros. Posteriormente, produzimos uma arquitetura e uma ferramenta que suporta a injeção automática de ataques em equipamentos móveis (e.g., telemóveis), com o objetivo de encontrar falhas de segurança (ou vulnerabilidades) em GD de placas de rede Wi-Fi. Estes GD foram selecionados porque são de fácil acesso a um atacante remoto, o qual apenas necessita de criar tráfego malicioso para explorar falhas na sua implementação podendo ter um impacto importante. As experiências realizadas com a ferramenta revelaram uma vulnerabilidade anteriormente desconhecida que provoca um bloqueio no SO quando é atribuído um valor específico ao campo TIM da mensagem de Beacon. As experiências também revelaram um potencial problema na implementação do protocolo TCP-IP no uso das mensagens de desassociação quando o dispositivo alvo estava associado e autenticado com o ponto de acesso Wi-Fi. A seguir, desenvolvemos uma ferramenta com a capacidade de registar e instrumentar as interações entre os GD e o SO. A solução usa um GD que envolve o código binário do GD em teste, permitindo um controlo total sobre as chamadas a funções e aos parâmetros envolvidos na interface SO-GD. Esta ferramenta suporta diversas operações de teste, incluindo o registo da atividade do sistema e compreensão do comportamento do GD. Foram realizadas algumas experiências com esta ferramenta, permitindo o registo das interações entre o GD e o SO, os valores dos parâmetros e os valores de retorno das funções. Os resultados mostraram a capacidade de identificação de erros nos GD, através da execução de testes baseados no conhecimento da dinâmica do GD. A nossa contribuição final é uma metodologia e uma ferramenta para a descoberta de erros e vulnerabilidades em GD Windows recorrendo à execução do GD num ambiente totalmente emulado. Esta abordagem permite testar GD sem a necessidade do respetivo hardware ou o código fonte, e possuí controlo granular sobre a execução de cada instrução máquina. As experiências realizadas com GD disponíveis comercialmente confirmaram a grande dependência que os GD têm nos parâmetros das funções do SO, e identificaram o motivo e a localização precisa de fugas de memória, a existência de código não usado e vulnerável

    Automated Dynamic Firmware Analysis at Scale: A Case Study on Embedded Web Interfaces

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    Embedded devices are becoming more widespread, interconnected, and web-enabled than ever. However, recent studies showed that these devices are far from being secure. Moreover, many embedded systems rely on web interfaces for user interaction or administration. Unfortunately, web security is known to be difficult, and therefore the web interfaces of embedded systems represent a considerable attack surface. In this paper, we present the first fully automated framework that applies dynamic firmware analysis techniques to achieve, in a scalable manner, automated vulnerability discovery within embedded firmware images. We apply our framework to study the security of embedded web interfaces running in Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) embedded devices, such as routers, DSL/cable modems, VoIP phones, IP/CCTV cameras. We introduce a methodology and implement a scalable framework for discovery of vulnerabilities in embedded web interfaces regardless of the vendor, device, or architecture. To achieve this goal, our framework performs full system emulation to achieve the execution of firmware images in a software-only environment, i.e., without involving any physical embedded devices. Then, we analyze the web interfaces within the firmware using both static and dynamic tools. We also present some interesting case-studies, and discuss the main challenges associated with the dynamic analysis of firmware images and their web interfaces and network services. The observations we make in this paper shed light on an important aspect of embedded devices which was not previously studied at a large scale. We validate our framework by testing it on 1925 firmware images from 54 different vendors. We discover important vulnerabilities in 185 firmware images, affecting nearly a quarter of vendors in our dataset. These experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach

    Selective Dynamic Analysis of Virtualized Whole-System Guest Environments

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    Dynamic binary analysis is a prevalent and indispensable technique in program analysis. While several dynamic binary analysis tools and frameworks have been proposed, all suffer from one or more of: prohibitive performance degradation, a semantic gap between the analysis code and the execution under analysis, architecture/OS specificity, being user-mode only, and lacking flexibility and extendability. This dissertation describes the design of the Dynamic Executable Code Analysis Framework (DECAF), a virtual machine-based, multi-target, whole-system dynamic binary analysis framework. In short, DECAF seeks to address the shortcomings of existing whole-system dynamic analysis tools and extend the state of the art by utilizing a combination of novel techniques to provide rich analysis functionality without crippling amounts of execution overhead. DECAF extends the mature QEMU whole-system emulator, a type-2 hypervisor capable of emulating every instruction that executes within a complete guest system environment. DECAF provides a novel, hardware event-based method of just-in-time virtual machine introspection (VMI) to address the semantic gap problem. It also implements a novel instruction-level taint tracking engine at bitwise level of granularity, ensuring that taint propagation is sound and highly precise throughout the guest environment. A formal analysis of the taint propagation rules is provided to verify that most instructions introduce neither false positives nor false negatives. DECAF’s design also provides a plugin architecture with a simple-to-use, event-driven programming interface that makes it both flexible and extendable for a variety of analysis tasks. The implementation of DECAF consists of 9550 lines of C++ code and 10270 lines of C code. Its performance is evaluated using CPU2006 SPEC benchmarks, which show an average overhead of 605% for system wide tainting and 12% for VMI. Three platformneutral DECAF plugins - Instruction Tracer, Keylogger Detector, and API Tracer - are described and evaluated in this dissertation to demonstrate the ease of use and effectiveness of DECAF in writing cross-platform and system-wide analysis tools. This dissertation also presents the Virtual Device Fuzzer (VDF), a scalable fuzz testing framework for discovering bugs within the virtual devices implemented as part of QEMU. Such bugs could be used by malicious software executing within a guest under analysis by DECAF, so the discovery, reproduction, and diagnosis of such bugs helps to protect DECAF against attack while improving QEMU and any analysis platforms built upon QEMU. VDF uses selective instrumentation to perform targeted fuzz testing, which explores only the branches of execution belonging to virtual devices under analysis. By leveraging record and replay of memory-mapped I/O activity, VDF quickly cycles virtual devices through an arbitrarily large number of states without requiring a guest OS to be booted or present. Once a test case is discovered that triggers a bug, VDF reduces the test case to the minimum number of reads/writes required to trigger the bug and generates source code suitable for reproducing the bug during debugging and analysis. VDF is evaluated by fuzz testing eighteen QEMU virtual devices, generating 1014 crash or hang test cases that reveal bugs in six of the tested devices. Over 80% of the crashes and hangs were discovered within the first day of testing. VDF covered an average of 62.32% of virtual device branches during testing, and the average test case was minimized to a reproduction test case only 18.57% of its original size

    Detection and Prevention of Android Malware Attempting to Root the Device

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    Every year, malefactors continue to target the Android operating system. Malware which root the device pose the greatest threat to users. The attacker could steal stored passwords and contact lists or gain remote control of the phone. Android users require a system to detect the operation of malware trying to root the phone. This research aims to detect the Exploid, RageAgainstTheCage, and Gingerbreak exploits on Android operating systems. Reverse-engineering 21 malware samples lead to the discovery of two critical paths in the Android Linux kernel, wherein attackers can use malware to root the system. By placing sensors inside the critical paths, the research detected all 379 malware samples trying the root the system. Moreover, the experiment tested 16,577 benign applications from the Official Android Market and third party Chinese markets which triggered zero false positive results. Unlike static signature detection at the application level, this research provides dynamic detection at the kernel level. The sensors reside in-line with the kernel\u27s source code, monitoring network sockets and process creation. Additionally, the research demonstrates the steps required to reverse engineer Android malware in order to discover future critical paths. Using the kernel resources, the two sensors demonstrate efficient asymptotic time and space real-world monitoring. Furthermore, the sensors are immune to obfuscation techniques such as repackaging

    Uso de riscos na validação de sistemas baseados em componentes

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    Orientadores: Eliane Martins, Henrique Santos do Carmo MadeiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A sociedade moderna está cada vez mais dependente dos serviços prestados pelos computadores e, conseqüentemente, dependente do software que está sendo executado para prover estes serviços. Considerando a tendência crescente do desenvolvimento de produtos de software utilizando componentes reutilizáveis, a dependabilidade do software, ou seja, a segurança de que o software irá funcionar adequadamente, recai na dependabilidade dos componentes que são integrados. Os componentes são normalmente adquiridos de terceiros ou produzidos por outras equipes de desenvolvimento. Dessa forma, os critérios utilizados na fase de testes dos componentes dificilmente estão disponíveis. A falta desta informação aliada ao fato de se estar utilizando um componente que não foi produzido para o sistema e o ambiente computacional específico faz com que a reutilização de componentes apresente um risco para o sistema que os integra. Estudos tradicionais do risco de um componente de software definem dois fatores que caracteriza o risco, a probabilidade de existir uma falha no componente e o impacto que isso causa no sistema computacional. Este trabalho propõe o uso da análise do risco para selecionar pontos de injeção e monitoração para campanhas de injeção de falhas. Também propõe uma abordagem experimental para a avaliação do risco de um componente para um sistema. Para se estimar a probabilidade de existir uma falha no componente, métricas de software foram combinadas num modelo estatístico. O impacto da manifestação de uma falha no sistema foi estimado experimentalmente utilizando a injeção de falhas. Considerando esta abordagem, a avaliação do risco se torna genérica e repetível embasando-se em medidas bem definidas. Dessa forma, a metodologia pode ser utilizada como um benchmark de componentes quanto ao risco e pode ser utilizada quando é preciso escolher o melhor componente para um sistema computacional, entre os vários componentes que provêem a mesma funcionalidade. Os resultados obtidos na aplicação desta abordagem em estudos de casos nos permitiram escolher o melhor componente, considerando diversos objetivos e necessidades dos usuáriosAbstract: Today's societies have become increasingly dependent on information services. A corollary is that we have also become increasingly dependent on computer software products that provide such services. The increasing tendency of software development to employ reusable components means that software dependability has become even more reliant on the dependability of integrated components. Components are usually acquired from third parties or developed by unknown development teams. In this way, the criteria employed in the testing phase of components-based systems are hardly ever been available. This lack of information, coupled with the use of components that are not specifically developed for a particular system and computational environment, makes components reutilization risky for the integrating system. Traditional studies on the risk of software components suggest that two aspects must be considered when risk assessment tests are performed, namely the probability of residual fault in software component, and the probability of such fault activation and impact on the computational system. The present work proposes the use of risk analysis to select the injection and monitoring points for fault injection campaigns. It also proposes an experimental approach to evaluate the risk a particular component may represent to a system. In order to determine the probability of a residual fault in the component, software metrics are combined in a statistical mode!. The impact of fault activation is estimated using fault injection. Through this experimental approach, risk evaluation becomes replicable and buttressed on well-defined measurements. In this way, the methodology can be used as a components' risk benchmark, and can be employed when it is necessary to choose the most suitable among several functionally-similar components for a particular computational system. The results obtained in the application of this approach to specific case studies allowed us to choose the best component in each case, without jeopardizing the diverse objectives and needs of their usersDoutoradoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã