324 research outputs found

    Assessing the Zone of Comfort in Stereoscopic Displays using EEG

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    The conflict between vergence (eye movement) and accommodation (crystalline lens deformation) occurs in every stereoscopic display. It could cause important stress outside the "zone of comfort", when stereoscopic effect is too strong. This conflict has already been studied using questionnaires, during viewing sessions of several minutes. The present pilot study describes an experimental protocol which compares two different comfort conditions using electroencephalography (EEG) over short viewing sequences. Analyses showed significant differences both in event-related potentials (ERP) and in frequency bands power. An uncomfortable stereoscopy correlates with a weaker negative component and a delayed positive component in ERP. It also induces a power decrease in the alpha band and increases in theta and beta bands. With fast responses to stimuli, EEG is likely to enable the conception of adaptive systems, which could tune the stereoscopic experience according to each viewer

    Estimating Visual Comfort in Stereoscopic Displays Using Electroencephalography: A Proof-of-Concept

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    International audienceWith stereoscopic displays, a depth sensation that is too strong could impede visual comfort and result in fatigue or pain. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a technology which records brain activity. We used it to develop a novel brain-computer interface that monitors users' states in order to reduce visual strain. We present the first proof-of-concept system that discriminates comfortable conditions from uncomfortable ones during stereoscopic vision using EEG. It reacts within 1s to depth variations, achieving 63% accuracy on average and 74% when 7 consecutive variations are measured. This study could lead to adaptive systems that automatically suit stereoscopic displays to users and viewing conditions

    Classifying EEG Signals during Stereoscopic Visualization to Estimate Visual Comfort

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    International audienceWith stereoscopic displays a sensation of depth that is too strong could impede visual comfort and may result in fatigue or pain. We used Electroencephalography (EEG) to develop a novel brain-computer interface that monitors users' states in order to reduce visual strain. We present the first system that discriminates comfortable conditions from uncomfortable ones during stereoscopic vision using EEG. In particular, we show that either changes in event-related potentials' (ERPs) amplitudes or changes in EEG oscillations power following stereoscopic objects presentation can be used to estimate visual comfort. Our system reacts within 1 s to depth variations, achieving 63% accuracy on average (up to 76%) and 74% on average when 7 consecutive variations are measured (up to 93%). Performances are stable (≈62.5%) when a simplified signal processing is used to simulate online analyses or when the number of EEG channels is lessened. This study could lead to adaptive systems that automatically suit stereoscopic displays to users and viewing conditions. For example, it could be possible to match the stereoscopic effect with users' state by modifying the overlap of left and right images according to the classifier output

    Améliorer les interactions homme-machine et la présence sociale avec l’informatique physiologique

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    This thesis explores how physiological computing can contribute to human-computer interaction (HCI) and foster new communication channels among the general public. We investigated how physiological sensors, such as electroencephalography (EEG), could be employed to assess the mental state of the users and how they relate to other evaluation methods. We created the first brain-computer interface that could sense visual comfort during the viewing of stereoscopic images and shaped a framework that could help to assess the over all user experience by monitoring workload, attention and error recognition.To lower the barrier between end users and physiological sensors,we participated in the software integration of a low-cost and open hardware EEG device; used off-the shelf webcams to measure heart rate remotely, crafted we arables that can quickly equip users so that electrocardiography, electrodermal activity or EEG may be measured during public exhibitions. We envisioned new usages for our sensors, that would increase social presence. In a study about human-agent interaction, participants tended to prefer virtual avatars that were mirroring their own internal state. A follow-up study focused on interactions between users to describe how physiological monitoringcould alter our relationships. Advances in HCI enabled us to seam lesslyintegrate biofeedback to the physical world. We developped Teegi, apuppet that lets novices discover by themselves about their brain activity. Finally, with Tobe, a toolkit that encompasses more sensors and give more freedom about their visualizations, we explored how such proxy shifts our representations, about our selves as well as about the others.Cette thèse explore comment l’informatique physiologique peut contribuer aux interactions homme-machine (IHM) et encourager l’apparition de nouveaux canaux de communication parmi le grand public. Nous avons examiné comment des capteurs physiologiques,tels que l’électroencéphalographie (EEG), pourraient être utilisés afin d’estimer l’état mental des utilisateurs et comment ils se positionnent par rapport à d’autres méthodes d’évaluation. Nous avons créé la première interface cerveau-ordinateur capable de discriminer le confort visuel pendant le visionnage d’images stéréoscopiques et nous avons esquissé un système qui peux aider à estimer l’expérience utilisateur dans son ensemble, en mesurant charge mentale, attention et reconnaissance d’erreur. Pour abaisser la barrière entre utilisateurs finaux et capteurs physiologiques, nous avons participé à l’intégration logicielle d’un appareil EEG bon marché et libre, nous avons utilisé des webcams du commerce pour mesurer le rythme cardiaque à distance, nous avons confectionné des wearables dont les utilisateurs peuvent rapidement s’équiper afin qu’électrocardiographie, activité électrodermale et EEG puissent être mesurées lors de manifestations publiques. Nous avons imaginé de nouveaux usages pour nos capteurs, qui augmenteraient la présence sociale. Dans une étude autour de l’interaction humain agent,les participants avaient tendance à préférer les avatars virtuels répliquant leurs propres états internes. Une étude ultérieure s’est concentrée sur l’interaction entre utilisateurs, profitant d’un jeu de plateau pour décrire comment l’examen de la physiologie pourrait changer nos rapports. Des avancées en IHM ont permis d’intégrer de manière transparente du biofeedback au monde physique. Nous avons développé Teegi, une poupée qui permet aux novices d’en découvrir plus sur leur activité cérébrale, par eux-mêmes. Enfin avec Tobe, un toolkit qui comprend plus de capteurs et donne plus de liberté quant à leurs visualisations, nous avons exploré comment un tel proxy décalenos représentations, tant de nous-mêmes que des autres

    Ocular biomechanics modelling for visual fatigue assessment in virtual environments

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    The study objectively quantifies visual fatigue caused by immersion in virtual reality. Visual fatigue assessment is done through ocular biomechanics modelling and eye tracking to analyse eye movement and muscle forces into a visual fatigue index

    Méthodes pour l'évaluation et la prédiction de la Qualité d'expérience, la préférence et l'inconfort visuel dans les applications multimédia. Focus sur la TV 3D stéréoscopique

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    Multimedia technology is aiming to improve people's viewing experience, seeking for better immersiveness and naturalness. The development of HDTV, 3DTV, and Ultra HDTV are recent illustrative examples of this trend. The Quality of Experience (QoE) in multimedia encompass multiple perceptual dimensions. For instance, in 3DTV, three primary dimensions have been identified in literature: image quality, depth quality and visual comfort. In this thesis, focusing on the 3DTV, two basic questions about QoE are studied. One is "how to subjectively assess QoE taking care of its multidimensional aspect?". The other is dedicated to one particular dimension, i.e., "what would induce visual discomfort and how to predict it?". In the first part, the challenges of the subjective assessment on QoE are introduced, and a possible solution called "Paired Comparison" is analyzed. To overcome drawbacks of Paired Comparison method, a new formalism based on a set of optimized paired comparison designs is proposed and evaluated by different subjective experiments. The test results verified efficiency and robustness of this new formalism. An application is the described focusing on the evaluation of the influence factor on 3D QoE. In the second part, the influence of 3D motion on visual discomfort is studied. An objective visual discomfort model is proposed. The model showed high correlation with the subjective data obtained through various experimental conditions. Finally, a physiological study on the relationship between visual discomfort and eye blinking rate is presented.La technologie multimédia vise à améliorer l'expérience visuelle des spectateurs, notamment sur le plan de l'immersion. Les développements récents de la TV HD, TV 3D, et TV Ultra HD s'inscrivent dans cette logique. La qualité d'expérience (QoE) multimédia implique plusieurs dimensions perceptuelles. Dans le cas particulier de la TV 3D stéréoscopique, trois dimensions primaires ont été identifiées dans la littérature: qualité d'image, qualité de la profondeur et confort visuel. Dans cette thèse, deux questions fondamentales sur la QoE sont étudiés. L'une a pour objet "comment évaluer subjectivement le caractère multidimensionnel de la QoE". L'autre s'intéresse à une dimension particuliére de QoE, "la mesure de l'inconfort et sa prédiction?". Dans la première partie, les difficultés de l'évaluation subjective de la QoE sont introduites, les mérites de méthodes de type "Comparaison par paire" (Paired Comparison en anglais) sont analysés. Compte tenu des inconvénients de la méthode de Comparaison par paires, un nouveau formalisme basé sur un ensemble de comparaisons par paires optimisées, est proposé. Celui-ci est évalué au travers de différentes expériences subjectives. Les résultats des tests confirment l'efficacité et la robustesse de ce formalisme. Un exemple d'application dans le cas de l'étude de l'évaluation des facteurs influençant la QoE est ensuite présenté. Dans la seconde partie, l'influence du mouvement tri-dimensionnel (3D) sur l'inconfort visuel est étudié. Un modèle objectif de l'inconfort visuel est proposé. Pour évaluer ce modèle, une expérience subjective de comparaison par paires a été conduite. Ce modèle de prédiction conduit à des corrélations élevées avec les données subjectives. Enfin, une étude sur des mesures physiologiques tentant de relier inconfort visuel et fréquence de clignements des yeux présentée

    Relationship between electroencephalographic data and comfort perception captured in a Virtual Reality design environment of an aircraft cabin

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    Successful aircraft cabin design depends on how the different stakeholders are involved since the first phases of product development. To predict passenger satisfaction prior to the manufacturing phase, human response was investigated in a Virtual Reality (VR) environment simulating a cabin aircraft. Subjective assessments of virtual designs have been collected via questionnaires, while the underlying neural mechanisms have been captured through electroencephalographic (EEG) data. In particular, we focused on the modulation of EEG alpha rhythm as a valuable marker of the brain's internal state and investigated which changes in alpha power and connectivity can be related to a different visual comfort perception by comparing groups with higher and lower comfort rates. Results show that alpha-band power decreased in occipital regions during subjects' immersion in the virtual cabin compared with the relaxation state, reflecting attention to the environment. Moreover, alpha-band power was modulated by comfort perception: lower comfort was associated with a lower alpha power compared to higher comfort. Further, alpha-band Granger connectivity shows top-down mechanisms in higher comfort participants, modulating attention and restoring partial relaxation. Present results contribute to understanding the role of alpha rhythm in visual comfort perception and demonstrate that VR and EEG represent promising tools to quantify human-environment interactions

    Impact of Imaging and Distance Perception in VR Immersive Visual Experience

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    Virtual reality (VR) headsets have evolved to include unprecedented viewing quality. Meanwhile, they have become lightweight, wireless, and low-cost, which has opened to new applications and a much wider audience. VR headsets can now provide users with greater understanding of events and accuracy of observation, making decision-making faster and more effective. However, the spread of immersive technologies has shown a slow take-up, with the adoption of virtual reality limited to a few applications, typically related to entertainment. This reluctance appears to be due to the often-necessary change of operating paradigm and some scepticism towards the "VR advantage". The need therefore arises to evaluate the contribution that a VR system can make to user performance, for example to monitoring and decision-making. This will help system designers understand when immersive technologies can be proposed to replace or complement standard display systems such as a desktop monitor. In parallel to the VR headsets evolution there has been that of 360 cameras, which are now capable to instantly acquire photographs and videos in stereoscopic 3D (S3D) modality, with very high resolutions. 360° images are innately suited to VR headsets, where the captured view can be observed and explored through the natural rotation of the head. Acquired views can even be experienced and navigated from the inside as they are captured. The combination of omnidirectional images and VR headsets has opened to a new way of creating immersive visual representations. We call it: photo-based VR. This represents a new methodology that combines traditional model-based rendering with high-quality omnidirectional texture-mapping. Photo-based VR is particularly suitable for applications related to remote visits and realistic scene reconstruction, useful for monitoring and surveillance systems, control panels and operator training. The presented PhD study investigates the potential of photo-based VR representations. It starts by evaluating the role of immersion and user’s performance in today's graphical visual experience, to then use it as a reference to develop and evaluate new photo-based VR solutions. With the current literature on photo-based VR experience and associated user performance being very limited, this study builds new knowledge from the proposed assessments. We conduct five user studies on a few representative applications examining how visual representations can be affected by system factors (camera and display related) and how it can influence human factors (such as realism, presence, and emotions). Particular attention is paid to realistic depth perception, to support which we develop target solutions for photo-based VR. They are intended to provide users with a correct perception of space dimension and objects size. We call it: true-dimensional visualization. The presented work contributes to unexplored fields including photo-based VR and true-dimensional visualization, offering immersive system designers a thorough comprehension of the benefits, potential, and type of applications in which these new methods can make the difference. This thesis manuscript and its findings have been partly presented in scientific publications. In particular, five conference papers on Springer and the IEEE symposia, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], and one journal article in an IEEE periodical [6], have been published