49 research outputs found

    A percepción da profesión informática e a súa influencia na baixa matrícula de alumnas no grado

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    [RESUMO] Este traballo ten por obxecto mellorar a inclusión das mulleres nos estudos relacionados coas TIC, deste mesmo obxectivo é o que move a axenda dixital europea en relación a aumentar a participación das mozas na sociedade da información. A inclusión sen formación, especialmente nun ámbito laboral tan especializado como o tecnolóxico, non é posible e por iso consideramos imprescindible coñecer cales son os factores que inflúen nas alumnas que finalizan os estudos de bacherelato á hora de non considerar os estudos superiores de informática como unha opción maioritaria. A elección de estudos superiores está moi determinada pola rama de especialización á que opte

    Female Under-Representation in Computing Education and Industry - A Survey of Issues and Interventions

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    This survey paper examines the issue of female under-representation in computing education and industry, which has been shown from empirical studies to be a problem for over two decades. While various measures and intervention strategies have been implemented to increase the interest of girls in computing education and industry, the level of success has been discouraging. The primary contribution of this paper is to provide an analysis of the extensive research work in this area. It outlines the progressive decline in female representation in computing education. It also presents the key arguments that attempt to explain the decline and intervention strategies. We conclude that there is a need to further explore strategies that will encourage young female learners to interact more with computer educational games

    Exploring the Differences Between Students in IS and Other Disciplines in the Perceptions of Factors Influencing Study Program Choice: A Survey Study in Norway

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    In this study, we explored the differences between students in IS and other disciplines in their perceptions of factors influencing study program choice. A quantitative research approach was employed. We used an online survey for data collection. Data was collected in a Norwegian public university in the Fall semester of 2021. The findings from this study showed that the factors that most influence students\u27 choice of study program are career-related. The most influencing factor for students in choosing a study program was identified as job availability, followed by job security, career opportunities, and interesting work assignments. Significant differences were found between students in IS and other disciplines in the following five factors influencing study program choice: job security, opportunity to be innovative, personal skills, ease of study topics, and performance in high school subject matter courses

    Construcción y deconstrucción de la subjetividad jurídica. Una reflexión sobre cuerpos y tecnologías desde Shulamith Firestone hasta Donna Haraway

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    This paper aims at presenting a critical reflection on legal subjectivity, focusing on the impact that technology has on feminist legal issues. In particular, after a general overview on women in technology and women and technology, Shulamith Firestone’s and Donna Haraway’s perspectives will be discussed. The first one will lead to the “construction” of the legal subject, on the basis of a voluntary and rational (individual) act; the second view will lead, instead, to the “deconstruction” of the legal subjectivity itself. Some final considerations will emphasise the implications that the critical reflections on bodies, technologies and subjectivity have on the theory of law and its purposes.Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar una reflexión crítica sobre la subjetividad jurídica, centrándose en el impacto de la tecnología en los problemas jurídicos del feminismo. En particular, después de una descripción general acerca de las mujeres en la tecnología y de mujeres y tecnología, se examinan las perspectivas de Shulamith Firestone y Donna Haraway. La primera lleva a la “construcción” del sujeto jurídico, sobre la base de un acto voluntario y racional (individual); la segunda, en cambio, conduce a la “deconstrucción” de la subjetividad jurídica en sí misma. Algunas consideraciones finales enfatizan las implicaciones que las reflexiones críticas sobre cuerpos, tecnologías y subjetividad tienen sobre la teoría del derecho y su finalidad

    Is change on the horizon for Maori and Pacifica female high school students when it comes to ICT?

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    This paper explores some of the factors that discourage the participation of Māori and Pacific girls in ICT in New Zealand. Despite many ICT job opportunities, there has been a steady decrease in the percentage of girls, especial Māori and Pacific girls entering into ICT study, and pursuing ICT careers. This study used a modified version of the conceptual framework designed by Bernhardt (2014) based on the 'STEMcell' model. The STEMcell framework was used to explores the factors that discourage participation in ICT through such concepts as cultural, social, structural and social IT that contribute to the likelihood of student’s career choice in ICT. An online questionnaire gathered data from year 11 students studying at high schools within Wellington, New Zealand. The findings indicated that Pacific girl’s more than Māori girls reported that their family members were seen as role models, which could impact on their future career choices. The statistical results also show that stereotypes are still alive in both Māori and Pacific year 11 student’s perceptions and that both Pacific and Māori girls from year 11 are unlikely to follow a career in ICT. Currently, the number of Māori and Pacific girls enrolling in ICT subjects at secondary school is still substantially below that for boys and, until changes are made, Māori and Pacific girls going into the industry will be in the minority

    Studies or Leisure? : a Cross-cultural Comparison of Taiwanese and Norwegian Engineering Students' Preferences for University Life

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    An insight into students' preferences and expectations of life at university is useful when trying to understand drop-out percentages and design study programs, especially in the global competition for students. This study focuses on Taiwanese and Norwegian students' preferences for life and activities at university. Hofstede's model was used to predict culture-related differences. A pairwise decision questionnaire was used to conduct measurements. A universal trend is that teamwork was considered most important, and teachers were considered to be less important. The most noticeable culture differences were that Taiwanese students preferred non-curricular values and Norwegian students preferred curricular values. The study discipline had little impact on students' preferences

    Integrating Environmental Science into Information Technology Content to Generate Student Interest

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    In an effort to increase female student interest in computing we applied and evaluated an interdisciplinary approach at a suburban high school in eastern Los Angeles County, California. Three classes, an IB Environmental Science class, an AP Environmental Science class, and a Computer Science were surveyed to assess attitude changes toward information technology. Results indicated gender differences between the participating classes, and differences before and after the project. Although the project did not uniformly impact the attitude of female high school students, it impacted teachers who are adjusting their teaching methods, an outcome that has a long-term positive influence

    IT professionals' competences: high school students' views

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    During last few years, the competential paradigm has become a standard for modern Human Resources Management. The importance and the impact of this concept have led higher education institutions to adopt this concept in the definition of educational resources. In this scenario, knowing which competencies and characteristics define professionals in any position is fundamental, not only for organizations and academic institutions, but also for the professionals of the future. In today’s environment, with its shortages of professionals in the IT sector, attracting students in order to shape tomorrow’s labor force has become a major issue of concern in educational institutions. Within the set of elements employed by such institutions to attract future students, one significant issue is how to convey the professional reality that is faced by prospective students. IT professionals are often subject to negative social stigmas. And this negative view creates negative stereotypes, which are on one hand, generally adopted, and on the other, they don’t accurately portray the employees’ the working life. This research presents a study that investigates the perception of the characteristics of IT professionals from the perspective of future professionals: students in their final year of high school. The results indicate that the students generally hold a stereotyped vision regarding the characteristics that are typical of professionals in industry. With the objective of improving the specific knowledge of the professional reality of IT workers, the current paper proposes a number of measures in order to attract students to the profession and inform them of the true professional characteristics of IT professionals. One suggestion is to encourage collaboration between organizations and academic institutions in attracting new people to IT roles and for professional associations to assume a much more active role in communicating IT working styles appropriately.Publicad

    ICT Interventions for Schoolgirls Do Matter! Understanding the Factors Influencing ICT Career Intentions through Partial Least Squares Analysis.

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    Intervention programs aimed at promoting study and work opportunities in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) field to schoolgirls (Interventions) have been encouraged to combat a decline in the interest among girls to study ICT at school. The goal of our study is to investigate the influence of Interventions on schoolgirls’ intentions to choose a career in the ICT field by analysing the  comprehensive survey data (n = 3577), collected during four interventions in Australia, using the Partial Least Squares method. Our study is also aimed at identifying other factors influencing ICT career intentions. We found that the attitude towards interventions has an indirect influence on ICT career intentions by affecting interest in ICT. Our results also challenge several existing theoretical studies by showing that factors that had previously been suggested as influencers were found to have little or no impact in this study, these being same-sex education and computer usage

    Los estereotipos de género y las TICs en estudiantes de secundaria

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    Este trabajo explora las diferencias de género en estudiantes de secundaria a la hora de interactuar con las TICs. La investigación fue realizada con una muestra de 351 alumnos de 6 centros educativos públicos de Galicia. Se aplicó un cuestionario en el que se medían aspectos relacionados con el acceso, experiencia, frecuencia y uso que hacían, tanto de los computadores como de internet, asi como la percepción de autoeficacia, actitudes y estereotipos de género. 