42 research outputs found

    RF signal sensing and source localisation systems using Software Defined Radios

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    Radio frequency (RF) source localisation is a critical technology in numerous location-based military and civilian applications. In this thesis, the problem of RF source localisation has been studied from the perspective of the system implementation for real-world applications. Commercial off-the-shelf Software Defined Radio (SDR) devices are used to demonstrate the practical RF source localisation systems. Compared to the conventional localisation systems, which rely on dedicated hardware, the SDR-based system is developed using general-purpose hardware and software-defined components, offering great flexibility and cost efficiency in system design and implementation. In this thesis, the theoretical results of source localisation are evaluated and put into practice. To be specific, the practical localisation systems using different measurement techniques, including received-signal-strength-indication (RSSI) measurements, time-difference-of-arrival (TDOA) measurements and joint TDOA and frequency-difference-of-arrival (FDOA) measurements, are demonstrated to localise the stationary RF signal sources using the SDRs. The RSSI-based localisation system is demonstrated in small indoor and outdoor areas with a range of several metres using the SDR-based transceivers. Furthermore, interests from the defence area motivated us to implement the time-based localisation systems. The TDOA-based source localisation system is implemented using multiple spatially distributed SDRs in a large outdoor area with the sensor-target range of several kilometres. Moreover, they are implemented in a fully passive way without prior knowledge of the signal emitter, so the solutions can be applied in the localisation of non-cooperative signal sources provided that emitters are distant. To further reduce the system cost, and more importantly, to deal with the situation when the deployment of multiple SDRs, due to geographical restrictions, is not feasible, a joint TDOA and FDOA-based localisation system is also demonstrated using only one stationary SDR and one mobile SDR. To improve the localisation accuracy, the methods that can reduce measurement error and obtain accurate location estimates are studied. Firstly, to obtain a better understanding of the measurement error, the error sources that affect the measurement accuracy are systematically analysed from three aspects: the hardware precision, the accuracy of signal processing methods, and the environmental impact. Furthermore, the approaches to reduce the measurement error are proposed and verified in the experiments. Secondly, during the process of the location estimation, the theoretical results on the pre-existing localisation algorithms which can achieve a good trade-off between the accuracy of location estimation and the computational cost are evaluated, including the weight least-squares (WLS)-based solution and the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)-based solution. In order to use the pre-existing algorithms in the practical source localisation, the proper adjustments are implemented. Overall, the SDR-based platforms are able to achieve low-cost and universal localisation solutions in the real-world environment. The RSSI-based localisation system shows tens of centimetres of accuracy in a range of several metres, which provides a useful tool for the verification of the range-based localisation algorithms. The localisation accuracy of the TDOA-based localisation system and the joint TDOA and FDOA-based localisation system is several tens of metres in a range of several kilometres, which offers potential in the low-cost localisation solutions in the defence area

    Interference Mitigation and Localization Based on Time-Frequency Analysis for Navigation Satellite Systems

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    Interference Mitigation and Localization Based on Time-Frequency Analysis for Navigation Satellite SystemsNowadays, the operation of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) is imperative across a multitude of applications worldwide. The increasing reliance on accurate positioning and timing information has made more serious than ever the consequences of possible service outages in the satellite navigation systems. Among others, interference is regarded as the primary threat to their operation. Due the recent proliferation of portable interferers, notably jammers, it has now become common for GNSS receivers to endure simultaneous attacks from multiple sources of interference, which are likely spatially distributed and transmit different modulations. To the best knowledge of the author, the present dissertation is the first publication to investigate the use of the S-transform (ST) to devise countermeasures to interference. The original contributions in this context are mainly: • the formulation of a complexity-scalable ST implementable in real time as a bank of filters; • a method for characterizing and localizing multiple in-car jammers through interference snapshots that are collected by separate receivers and analysed with a clever use of the ST; • a preliminary assessment of novel methods for mitigating generic interference at the receiver end by means the ST and more computationally efficient variants of the transform. Besides GNSSs, the countermeasures to interference proposed are equivalently applicable to protect any direct-sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) communication

    Cooperative localization and tracking of resource-constrained mobile nodes

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    Recent Advances in Indoor Localization Systems and Technologies

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    Despite the enormous technical progress seen in the past few years, the maturity of indoor localization technologies has not yet reached the level of GNSS solutions. The 23 selected papers in this book present the recent advances and new developments in indoor localization systems and technologies, propose novel or improved methods with increased performance, provide insight into various aspects of quality control, and also introduce some unorthodox positioning methods

    Posicionamento cooperativo para redes sem fios heterogéneas

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia ElectrotécnicaFuture emerging market trends head towards positioning based services placing a new perspective on the way we obtain and exploit positioning information. On one hand, innovations in information technology and wireless communication systems enabled the development of numerous location based applications such as vehicle navigation and tracking, sensor networks applications, home automation, asset management, security and context aware location services. On the other hand, wireless networks themselves may bene t from localization information to improve the performances of di erent network layers. Location based routing, synchronization, interference cancellation are prime examples of applications where location information can be useful. Typical positioning solutions rely on measurements and exploitation of distance dependent signal metrics, such as the received signal strength, time of arrival or angle of arrival. They are cheaper and easier to implement than the dedicated positioning systems based on ngerprinting, but at the cost of accuracy. Therefore intelligent localization algorithms and signal processing techniques have to be applied to mitigate the lack of accuracy in distance estimates. Cooperation between nodes is used in cases where conventional positioning techniques do not perform well due to lack of existing infrastructure, or obstructed indoor environment. The objective is to concentrate on hybrid architecture where some nodes have points of attachment to an infrastructure, and simultaneously are interconnected via short-range ad hoc links. The availability of more capable handsets enables more innovative scenarios that take advantage of multiple radio access networks as well as peer-to-peer links for positioning. Link selection is used to optimize the tradeo between the power consumption of participating nodes and the quality of target localization. The Geometric Dilution of Precision and the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound can be used as criteria for choosing the appropriate set of anchor nodes and corresponding measurements before attempting location estimation itself. This work analyzes the existing solutions for node selection in order to improve localization performance, and proposes a novel method based on utility functions. The proposed method is then extended to mobile and heterogeneous environments. Simulations have been carried out, as well as evaluation with real measurement data. In addition, some speci c cases have been considered, such as localization in ill-conditioned scenarios and the use of negative information. The proposed approaches have shown to enhance estimation accuracy, whilst signi cantly reducing complexity, power consumption and signalling overhead.As tendências nos mercados emergentes caminham na direção dos serviços baseados em posicionamento, criando uma nova perspectiva na forma como podemos obter e utilizar informação de posicionamento. Por um lado, as inovações em tecnologias da informação e sistemas de comunicação sem fios permitiram o desenvolvimento de inúmeras aplicações baseadas em localização, tais como a navegação e monitorização de veículo, aplicações de redes de sensores, domótica, gestão de ativos, segurança e serviços de localização sensíveis ao contexto. Por outro lado, as próprias redes sem fios podem beneficiar da informação de localização dos utilizadores de forma a melhorarem as performances de diferentes camadas de rede. Routing baseado em localização, sincronização e cancelamento de interferência são os exemplos mais representativos de áreas onde a informação de localização pode ser útil. Soluções de localização típicas dependem de medições e de aproveitamento de métricas de sinal dependentes da distância, tais como a potência do sinal recebido, o tempo ou ângulo de chegada. São mais baratos e fáceis de implementar do que sistemas de localização dedicados com base em fingerprinting, com a desvantagem da perda de precisão. Consequentemente, algoritmos inteligentes de localização e técnicas de processamento de sinal têm de ser aplicados para compensar a falta de precisão das estimativas de distância. A cooperação entre nodos é usada nos casos em que as técnicas convencionais de posicionamento não têm um bom desempenho devido à inexistência de infraestrutura adequada, ou a um ambiente interior com obstruções. O objetivo é ter uma arquitetura híbrida, onde alguns nós têm pontos de ligação a uma infraestrutura e simultaneamente estão interligados através ligações ad-hoc de curto alcance. A disponibilidade de equipamentos mais capazes permite cenários mais inovadores que tiram proveito de múltiplas redes de acesso de rádio, bem como ligações peer-to-peer, para o posicionamento. A seleção de ligações é usada para otimizar o equilíbrio entre o consumo de energia dos nós participantes e da qualidade da localização do alvo. A diluição geométrica de precisão e a Cramér Rao Lower Bound podem ser utilizadas como critrio para a escolha do conjunto adequado de nodos de ancoragem e as medições correspondentes antes de realizar a tarefa de estimativa de localizaçãoo. Este trabalho analisa as soluções existentes para a seleção de nós, a fim de melhorar o desempenho de localização e propõe um novo método baseado em funções de utilidade. O método proposto é então estendido para ambientes móveis e heterogéneos. Foram realizadas simulações bem como avaliação de dados de medições reais. Além disso, alguns casos específicos foram considerados, tais como a localização em cenários mal-acondicionados e uso de informação negativa. As abordagens propostas revelaram uma melhoria na precisão da estimação, ao mesmo tempo que reduziram significativamente a complexidade do cálculo, o consumo de energia e o overhead do sinal

    Swarm Robotics

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    Collectively working robot teams can solve a problem more efficiently than a single robot, while also providing robustness and flexibility to the group. Swarm robotics model is a key component of a cooperative algorithm that controls the behaviors and interactions of all individuals. The robots in the swarm should have some basic functions, such as sensing, communicating, and monitoring, and satisfy the following properties

    Signals of Opportunity for Positioning Purposes

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    O ver the last years, location-based services (LBS) have become popular due to the emergence of smartphones with capabilities of positioning their user’s location on Earth at unprecedented speed and convenience. Behind such feat are the technological advances in global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), such as Galileo, Globalnaya Navigazionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema (GLONASS), Global Positioning Service (GPS) and Beidou. The easiness of smartphones and the improvement of positioning technology has driven LBS to be at the core of many business models. Some of these business models rely on the user’s location to pick him up on a car, relinquish a meal to him, offer insights on sports performance, locate items to be picked up on a warehouse, among many others.While LBS are driving the need to continuously locate the user at higher degrees of accuracy and across any environment, be it in a city park, an urban canyon or inside a corporate office, some of these environments pose a challenge for GNSS. Indoor environments are particularly challenging for GNSS due to the attenuation and strong multipath imposed by walls and building materials. Such challenges and difficulties in signal acquisition have led to the development of solutions and technologies to improve positioning in indoor environments.While there are several commercial systems available to fulfill the needs of most LBS in indoor environments, most of these are not feasible to deploy at a global scale due to their infrastructure costs. Hence, several solutions have sought to build upon existing infrastructure to provide positioning information.Building upon existing infrastructure is what leads to the main topic of this thesis, the concept of signals of opportunity (SoO). A SoO is any wireless signal that can be exploited for a positioning purpose despite its initial design seeking to fulfill a different purpose. A few examples of these signals are IEEE 802.11 signals, commonly known as WiFi, Bluetooth, digital video broadcasting - terrestrial (DVB-T) and many of the cellular signals, such as long-term evolution (LTE), universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) and global mobile system (GSM).The goal of this thesis is to address various challenges related to SoO for positioning. From the identification of SoO at the physical layer, how to merge them at the algorithmic level and how to put them in use for a cognitive positioning system (CPS)

    Bimodal sound source tracking applied to road traffic monitoring

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    The constant increase of road traffic requires closer and closer road network monitoring. The awareness of traffic characteristics in real time as well as its historical trends, facilitates decision-making for flow regulation, triggering relief operations, ensuring the motorists’ safety and contribute to optimize transport infrastructures. Today, the heterogeneity of the available data makes their processing complex and expensive (multiple sensors with different technologies, placed in different locations, with their own data format, unsynchronized, etc.). This leads metrologists to develop “smarter” monitoring devices, i.e. capable of providing all the necessary data synchronized from a single measurement point, with no impact on the flow road itself and ideally without complex installation. This work contributes to achieve such an objective through the development of a passive, compact, non-intrusive, acoustic-based system composed of a microphone array with a few number of elements placed on the roadside. The proposed signal processing techniques enable vehicle detection, the estimation of their speed as well as the estimation of their wheelbase length as they pass by. Sound sources emitted by tyre/road interactions are localized using generalized cross-correlation functions between sensor pairs. These successive correlation measurements are filtered using a sequential Monte Carlo method (particle filter) enabling, on one hand, the simultaneous tracking of multiple vehicles (that follow or pass each other) and on the other hand, a discrimination between useful sound sources and interfering noises. This document focuses on two-axle road vehicles only. The two tyre/road interactions (front and rear) observed by a microphone array on the roadside are modeled as two stochastic, zero-mean and uncorrelated processes, spatially disjoint by the wheelbase length. This bimodal sound source model defines a specific particle filter, called bimodal particle filter, which is presented here. Compared to the classical (unimodal) particle filter, a better robustness for speed estimation is achieved especially in cases of harsh observation. Moreover the proposed algorithm enables the wheelbase length estimation through purely passive acoustic measurement. An innovative microphone array design methodology, based on a mathematical expression of the observation and the tracking methodology itself is also presented. The developed algorithms are validated and assessed through in-situ measurements. Estimates provided by the acoustical signal processing are compared with standard radar measurements and confronted to video monitoring images. Although presented in a purely road-related applied context, we feel that the developed methodologies can be, at least partly, applied to rail, aerial, underwater or industrial metrology