40,994 research outputs found

    Apparent symmetries in range data

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    technical reportA procedure for extracting symmetrical features from the output of a range scanner is described which is insensitive to sensor noise and robust with respect to object surface complexity. The acquisition of symmetry descriptors for rigid bodies from a range image was in this case motivated by the need to direct pre-grasp configurations in dextrous manipulation systems. However, object symmetries are powerful features for object identification/matching and correspond explicitly to useful geometric object models such as generalized cylinder representations?

    Experimental verification of reciprocity relations in quantum thermoelectric transport

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    Symmetry relations are manifestations of fundamental principles and constitute cornerstones of modern physics. An example are the Onsager relations between coefficients connecting thermodynamic fluxes and forces, central to transport theory and experiments. Initially formulated for classical systems, these reciprocity relations are also fulfilled in quantum conductors. Surprisingly, novel relations have been predicted specifically for thermoelectric transport. However, whereas these thermoelectric reciprocity relations have to date not been verified, they have been predicted to be sensitive to inelastic scattering, always present at finite temperature. The question whether the relations exist in practice is important for thermoelectricity: whereas their existence may simplify the theory of complex thermoelectric materials, their absence has been shown to enable, in principle, higher thermoelectric energy conversion efficiency for a given material quality. Here we experimentally verify the thermoelectric reciprocity relations in a four-terminal mesoscopic device where each terminal can be electrically and thermally biased, individually. The linear response thermoelectric coefficients are found to be symmetric under simultaneous reversal of magnetic field and exchange of injection and emission contacts. Intriguingly, we also observe the breakdown of the reciprocity relations as a function of increasing thermal bias. Our measurements thus clearly establish the existence of the thermoelectric reciprocity relations, as well as the possibility to control their breakdown with the potential to enhance thermoelectric performanceComment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Tests and applications of self-consistent cranking in the interacting boson model

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    The self-consistent cranking method is tested by comparing the cranking calculations in the interacting boson model with the exact results obtained from the SU(3) and O(6) dynamical symmetries and from numerical diagonalization. The method is used to study the spin dependence of shape variables in the sdsd and sdgsdg boson models. When realistic sets of parameters are used, both models lead to similar results: axial shape is retained with increasing cranking frequency while fluctuations in the shape variable γ\gamma are slightly reduced.Comment: 9 pages, 3 ps figures, Revte

    Orbital dependent electron tunneling within the atom superposition approach: Theory and application to W(110)

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    We introduce an orbital dependent electron tunneling model and implement it within the atom superposition approach for simulating scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS). Applying our method, we analyze the convergence and the orbital contributions to the tunneling current and the corrugation of constant current STM images above the W(110) surface. In accordance with a previous study [Heinze et al., Phys. Rev. B 58, 16432 (1998)], we find atomic contrast reversal depending on the bias voltage. Additionally, we analyze this effect depending on the tip-sample distance using different tip models, and find two qualitatively different behaviors based on the tip orbital composition. As an explanation, we highlight the role of the real space shape of the orbitals involved in the tunneling. STM images calculated by our model agree well with Tersoff-Hamann and Bardeen results. The computational efficiency of our model is remarkable as the k-point samplings of the surface and tip Brillouin zones do not affect the computation time, in contrast to the Bardeen method.Comment: 28 pages manuscript, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    Charge Conjugation and Parity Violations as a Signature for Black Hole Formation or Other New Physics in Hadron Collisions

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    I point out that there have been essentially no tests of discrete symmetries, such as baryon number, charge conjugation (C), parity (P), strangeness, isospin, etc., in high energy, high pT hadron collisions. If, for example, black hole formation (BHF) occurs, we might expect large violations of C, P, >... I propose new tests of C and P that can be adapted to a variety of new physics scenarios by selecting events with appropriate topologies. Large effects, such as ~10% longitudinal polarizations of outgoing particles, might be expected in events involving BHF. These tests may provide more sensitive searches for new physics at existing colliders

    The Cosmology of String Theoretic Axions

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    String theory posesses numerous axion candidates. The recent realization that the compactification radius in string theory might be large means that these states can solve the strong CP problem. This still leaves the question of the cosmological bound on the axion mass. Here we explore two schemes for accommodating such light axions in cosmology. In the first, we note that in string theory the universe is likely to be dominated early on by the coherent oscillations of some moduli. The usual moduli problem assumes that these fields have masses comparable to the gravitino. We argue that string moduli are likely to be substantially more massive, eliminating this problem. In such cosmologies the axion bound is significantly weakened. Plausible mechanisms for generating the baryon number density are described. In the second, we point out that in string theory, the axion potentials might be much larger at early times than at present. In string theory, if CP violation is described by a small parameter, the axion may sit sufficiently close to its true minimum to invalidate the bounds.Comment: 24 pages, uses harvmac. Refs corrected plus spellin

    Equivalence Principle tests, Equivalence theorems and New long-range forces

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    We discuss the possible existence of new long-range forces mediated by spin-1 or spin-0 particles. By adding their effects to those of gravity, they could lead to apparent violations of the Equivalence Principle. While the vector part in the couplings of a new spin-1 U boson involves, in general, a combination of the B and L currents, there may also be, in addition, an axial part as well. If the new force has a finite range \lambda, its intensity is proportional to 1/(\lambda^2 F^2), F being the extra U(1) symmetry-breaking scale. Quite surprisingly, particle physics experiments can provide constraints on such a new force, even if it is extremely weak, the corresponding gauge coupling being extremely small (<< 10^-19 !). An ``equivalence theorem'' shows that a very light spin-1 U boson does not in general decouple even when its gauge coupling vanishes, but behaves as a quasimassless spin-0 particle, having pseudoscalar couplings proportional to 1/F. Similarly, in supersymmetric theories, a very light spin-3/2 gravitino might be detectable as a quasi massless spin-1/2 goldstino, despite the extreme smallness of Newton's gravitational constant G_N, provided the supersymmetry-breaking scale is not too large. Searches for such U bosons in \psi and \Upsilon decays restrict F to be larger than the electroweak scale (the U actually becoming, as an axion, quasi ``invisible'' in particle physics for sufficiently large F). This provides strong constraints on the corresponding new force and its associated EP violations. We also discuss briefly new spin-dependent forces.Comment: 19 page