91,399 research outputs found

    Transport of apolipoproteins A-I and A-II by human thoracic duct lymph

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    The daily transport of human plasma apolipoproteins A-I and A-II, triglyceride, and total cholesterol from the thoracic duct lymph into plasma was measured in 2 subjects before and 3 subjects after renal transplantation. Lymph triglyceride transport was ~83% of the daily ingested fat loads, whereas lymph cholesterol transport was consistently greater than the amount of daily ingested cholesterol. Lymph apolipoprotein transport significantly (P < 0.05) exceeded the predicted apolipoprotein synthesis rate by an average of 659±578 mg/d for apolipoprotein A-I and 109±59 mg/d for apolipoprotein A-II among the 5 subjects. It is estimated that 22-77% (apolipoprotein A-I) and 28-82% (apolipoprotein A-II) of daily total body apolipoprotein synthesis takes place in the intestine. Lymph high density lipoprotein particles are mostly high density lipoprotein(2b) and high density lipoprotein(2a) and have a greater overall relative triglyceride content and a smaller relative cholesteryl ester content when compared with homologous plasma high density lipoproteins. The major quantity of both lymph apolipoprotein A-I (81±8%) and apolipoprotein A-II (90±11%) was found within high density lipoproteins with almost all of the remainder found in chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins. The combined results are consistent with a major contribution of the intestine to total body synthesis of apolipoprotein A-I and apolipoprotein A-II. An important role of lymph in returning filtered apolipoprotein to plasma in association with high density lipoproteins is proposed. Accompanying the return of filtered apolipoprotein to the plasma is a probable transformation, both in size and composition, of at least some of the lymph high density lipoprotein(2b) and high density lipoprotein(2a) particles into high density lipoprotein3

    Hubungan Kadar Apolipoprotein B Dengan Aterosklerosis Arteri Karotis Interna Pada Pasien Pasca Stroke Iskemik

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    Background: Ischemic stroke is caused by brain artery obstruction or narrowing called atherosclerosis. Its marker is the thickness of tunica intima-media (intima-media thickness / IMT) of the artery. Apolipoprotein B is the indicator of atherosclerosis diseases. Most previous studies find association between apolipoprotein B level with cardiovascular disease, while the association between apolipoprotein B with atherosclerosis in post ischemic stroke patients has not been studied yet. Objective: To investigate association between apolipoprotein B level and internal carotid artery atherosclerosis based on thickness of intima-media in patients post ischemic stroke. Method : This cross-sectional study was done in post ischemic stroke subjects in outpatient clinic of Neurology Department Kariadi Hospital Semarang, during December until February 2011. Apolipoprotein B level was measured with Integra method. The thickness of tunica intima-media of the internal carotid artery was measured by Ultrasonografi Duplex. Result: Fourty four patients post ischemic stroke that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, comprise of 22 male (50%) and 22 female (50%). Atherosclerosis was defined as tunica intimamedia thickness >0.9 mm, was found in 24 subjects (54.6%). Apolipoprotein B level, which designated as high (apoB >105 mg/dl), was found in 25 subjects (56.8%). Multyvariat logistics regression test proved there was significant correlation between apolipoprotein B level with internal carotid artery atherosclerosis (p = 0.0001). Conclusion: Apolipoprotein B level significantly has correlation with atherosclerosis of internal carotid artery based on thickness of intima-media in patients post ischemic stroke. Key words: apolipoprotein B level, internal carotid artery atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke

    Apolipoprotein M

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    Apolipoprotein M (apoM) is a 26-kDa protein that is mainly associated with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in human plasma, with a small proportion present in triglyceride-rich lipoproteins (TGRLP) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). Human apoM gene is located in p21.31 on chromosome 6 (chromosome 17, in mouse). Human apoM cDNA (734 base pairs) encodes 188-amino acid residue-long protein. It belongs to lipocalin protein superfamily. Human tissue expression array study indicates that apoM is only expressed in liver and in kidney and small amounts are found in fetal liver and kidney. In situ apoM mRNA hybridization demonstrates that apoM is exclusively expressed in the hepatocytes and in the tubule epithelial cells in kidney. Expression of apoM could be regulated by platelet activating factor (PAF), transforming growth factors (TGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF) and leptin in vivo and/or in vitro. It has been demonstrated that apoM expression is dramatically decreased in apoA-I deficient mouse. Hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α (HNF-1α) is an activator of apoM gene promoter. Deficiency of HNF-1α mouse shows lack of apoM expression. Mutations in HNF-1α (MODY3) have reduced serum apoM levels. Expression of apoM is significantly decreased in leptin deficient (ob/ob) mouse or leptin receptor deficient (db/db) mouse. ApoM concentration in plasma is positively correlated to leptin level in obese subjects. These may suggest that apoM is related to the initiation and progression of MODY3 and/or obesity

    Expression of apolipoprotein E by cultured vascular smooth muscle cells is controlled by growth state.

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    Rat vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) in culture synthesize and secrete a approximately 38,000-Mr protein doublet or triplet that, as previously described (Majack and Bornstein. 1984. J. Cell Biol. 99:1688-1695), rapidly and reversibly accumulates in the SMC culture medium upon addition of heparin. In the present study, we show that this approximately 38,000-Mr heparin-regulated protein is electrophoretically and immunologically identical to apolipoprotein E (apo-E), a major plasma apolipoprotein involved in cholesterol transport. In addition, we show that expression of apo-E by cultured SMC varies according to growth state: while proliferating SMC produced little apo-E and expressed low levels of apo-E mRNA, quiescent SMC produced significantly more apo-E (relative to other proteins) and expressed markedly increased levels of apo-E mRNA. Northern analysis of RNA extracted from aortic tissue revealed that fully differentiated, quiescent SMC contain significant quantities of apo-E mRNA. These data establish aortic SMC as a vascular source for apo-E and suggest new functional roles for this apolipoprotein, possibly unrelated to traditional concepts of lipid metabolism

    ApoE gene therapy: an overview and update

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    Atherosclerosis remains the leading cause of death in industrialized societies. Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) is an attractive candidate to treat hypercholesterolemia and coronary heart disease, as it is a circulating protein with pleiotropic atheroprotective actions. Here, we describe several "gene addition" approaches and on-going developments to achieve efficient delivery and long-term expression. The use of recombinant viruses is discussed, including adeno-associated viral vectors (AAV) where technological advances now allow the cross-packaging of different AAV serotypes. Nonviral delivery systems are also described, including plasmids and cell-based therapy. Finally, a radical, alternative technology to gene addition, which has the potential for permanent cure in many genetic diseases, is reviewed: "targeted gene repair", which aims to correct underlying point mutations in-situ. Synthetic oligonucleotides are designed to bind specifically to defective DNA, enabling the cell's own mismatch machinery to recognize and repair the faulty DNA. Although such gene editing technology has great potential it remains inconsistent and difficult to reproduce

    Apolipoprotein E: from cardiovascular disease to neurodegenerative disorders.

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    Apolipoprotein (apo) E was initially described as a lipid transport protein and major ligand for low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptors with a role in cholesterol metabolism and cardiovascular disease. It has since emerged as a major risk factor (causative gene) for Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. Detailed understanding of the structural features of the three isoforms (apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4), which differ by only a single amino acid interchange, has elucidated their unique functions. ApoE2 and apoE4 increase the risk for heart disease: apoE2 increases atherogenic lipoprotein levels (it binds poorly to LDL receptors), and apoE4 increases LDL levels (it binds preferentially to triglyceride-rich, very low density lipoproteins, leading to downregulation of LDL receptors). ApoE4 also increases the risk for neurodegenerative diseases, decreases their age of onset, or alters their progression. ApoE4 likely causes neurodegeneration secondary to its abnormal structure, caused by an interaction between its carboxyl- and amino-terminal domains, called domain interaction. When neurons are stressed or injured, they synthesize apoE to redistribute cholesterol for neuronal repair or remodeling. However, because of its altered structure, neuronal apoE4 undergoes neuron-specific proteolysis, generating neurotoxic fragments (12-29 kDa) that escape the secretory pathway and cause mitochondrial dysfunction and cytoskeletal alterations, including tau phosphorylation. ApoE4-associated pathology can be prevented by small-molecule structure correctors that block domain interaction by converting apoE4 to a molecule that resembles apoE3 both structurally and functionally. Structure correctors are a potential therapeutic approach to reduce apoE4 pathology in both cardiovascular and neurological disorders

    Apolipoprotein E and Atherosclerosis: From Lipoprotein Metabolism to MicroRNA Control of Inflammation.

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    Apolipoprotein (apo) E stands out among plasma apolipoproteins through its unprecedented ability to protect against atherosclerosis. Although best recognized for its ability to mediate plasma lipoprotein clearance in the liver and protect against macrophage foam cell formation, our recent understanding of the influence that apoE can exert to control atherosclerosis has significantly widened. Among apoE's newfound athero-protective properties include an ability to control exaggerated hematopoiesis, blood monocyte activation and aortic stiffening in mice with hyperlipidemia. Mechanisms responsible for these exciting new properties extend beyond apoE's ability to prevent cellular lipid excess. Rather, new findings have revealed a role for apoE in regulating microRNA-controlled cellular signaling in cells of the immune system and vascular wall. Remarkably, infusions of apoE-responsive microRNA mimics were shown to substitute for apoE in protecting against systemic and vascular inflammation to suppress atherosclerosis in mice with hyperlipidemia. Finally, more recent evidence suggests that apoE may control the release of microvesicles that could modulate cellular signaling, inflammation and atherosclerosis at a distance. These exciting new findings position apoE within the emerging field of intercellular communication that could introduce new approaches to control atherosclerosis cardiovascular disease

    Apolipoprotein E and Alzheimer’s disease: The influence of apolipoprotein E on amyloid- and other amyloidogenic proteins

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