725 research outputs found

    Using 2D Topological Map Information in a Markovian Image Segmentation

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    International audienceTopological map is a mathematical model of labeled image representation which contains both topological and geometrical information. In this work, we use this model to improve a Markovian seg-mentation algorithm. Image segmentation methods based on Markovian assumption consist in optimizing a Gibbs energy function. This energy function can be given by a sum of potentials which could be based on the shape or the size of a region, the number of adjacencies,.. . and can be computed by using topological map. In this work we propose the integration of a new potential: the global linearity of the boundaries, and show how this potential can be extracted from the topological map. Moreover, to decrease the complexity of our algorithm, we propose a local modification of the topological map in order to avoid the reconstruction of the entire structure

    Joint Color-Spatial-Directional clustering and Region Merging (JCSD-RM) for unsupervised RGB-D image segmentation

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    International audienceRecent advances in depth imaging sensors provide easy access to the synchronized depth with color, called RGB-D image. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised method for indoor RGB-D image segmentation and analysis. We consider a statistical image generation model based on the color and geometry of the scene. Our method consists of a joint color-spatial-directional clustering method followed by a statistical planar region merging method. We evaluate our method on the NYU depth database and compare it with existing unsupervised RGB-D segmentation methods. Results show that, it is comparable with the state of the art methods and it needs less computation time. Moreover, it opens interesting perspectives to fuse color and geometry in an unsupervised manner

    Folate Carrier Deficiency Drives Differential Methylation and Enhanced Cellular Potency in the Neural Plate Border

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    The neural plate border (NPB) of vertebrate embryos segregates from the neural and epidermal regions, and it is comprised of an intermingled group of multipotent progenitor cells. Folate is the precursor of S-adenosylmethionine, the main methyl donor for DNA methylation, and it is critical for embryonic development, including the specification of progenitors which reside in the NPB. Despite the fact that several intersecting signals involved in the specification and territorial restriction of NPB cells are known, the role of epigenetics, particularly DNA methylation, has been a matter of debate. Here, we examined the temporal and spatial distribution of the methyl source and analyzed the abundance of 5mC/5 hmC and their epigenetic writers throughout the segregation of the neural and NPB territories. Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) on Reduced Folate Carrier 1 (RFC1)-deficient embryos leads to the identification of differentially methylated regions (DMRs). In the RFC1-deficient embryos, we identified several DMRs in the Notch1 locus, and the spatiotemporal expression of Notch1 and its downstream target gene Bmp4 were expanded in the NPB. Cell fate analysis on folate deficient embryos revealed a significant increase in the number of cells coexpressing both neural (SOX2) and NPB (PAX7) markers, which may represent an enhancing effect in the cellular potential of those progenitors. Taken together, our findings propose a model where the RFC1 deficiency drives methylation changes in specific genomic regions that are correlated with a dysregulation of pathways involved in early development such as Notch1 and BMP4 signaling. These changes affect the potency of the progenitors residing in the juncture of the neural plate and NPB territories, thus driving them to a primed state.Fil: Alata Jimenez, Nagif. Universidad Nacional de San Martin. Instituto Tecnologico de Chascomus. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - la Plata. Instituto Tecnologico de Chascomus.; ArgentinaFil: Strobl Mazulla, Pablo Hernan. Universidad Nacional de San Martin. Instituto Tecnologico de Chascomus. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Tecnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnologico Conicet - la Plata. Instituto Tecnologico de Chascomus.; Argentin

    Factores de riesgo asociados a la presentación de icteria neonatal patológica de recien nacidos del hospital de Chulucas, 2021

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    Determinar factores de riesgo asociados en la presentación de ictericia neonatal patológica de recién nacidos del Hospital de Chulucanas, 2021”. Métodos: Se realizo un trabajo observacional, analítico, de casos-controles, de tipo retrospectivo. Se definió como casos a recién nacidos vivos con diagnóstico de ictericia patológica y se apareo con recién nacidos sanos. Se estableció una relación de 2 controles por cada caso, con una muestra final de 69 casos y 138 controles. Se utilizará la técnica de revisión documental a través de una ficha de recolección de datos. Se realizó análisis multivariado calculando Odds ratio e intervalos de confianza en el programa estadístico Stata v16. Resultados: Se identifico que la edad materna más predominante fue el rango de 20 a 34 años (60.9% de los casos vs 64.5% de los controles). El parto vaginal se presentó en 81.2% de los casos y 46.4% de los controles. La presencia de asfixia neonatal fue más común entre los casos que en los controles (7.2% vs 1.4%), de forma similar a la frecuencia de sepsis neonatal (5.8% vs 1.4%). La edad gestacional <37 semanas se identificó en 39.1% de los casos y 7.3% de los controles. En el análisis multivariado se encontró como factores de riesgo el parto vaginal (OR=2.87, IC95%=1.68-4.90, p<0.001) y una edad gestacional menor a 37 semanas (OR=2.56, IC95%=1.89-3.47, p<0.001). Conclusiones: El conocimiento de los factores riesgo de la ictericia neonatal ayuda a priorizar el grupo de neonatos que requieren un seguimiento más intensivo para la identificación precoz y el manejo oportunoTo determine risk factors associated with the presentation of pathological neonatal jaundice in newborns at the Hospital de Chulucanas, 2021”. Methods: An observational, non-experimental analytical design, case-control, retrospective study was carried out. Cases were defined as live newborns diagnosed with jaundice and were matched with healthy newborns. A ratio of 2 controls for each case was established, with a final sample of 69 cases and 138 controls. The documentary review technique was used through a data collection form. Multivariate analysis was performed by calculating Odds ratio and confidence intervals in the statistical program Stata v16. Results: The most predominant maternal age range was 20 to 34 years (60.9% of cases vs. 64.5% of controls). Vaginal delivery was present in 81.2% of cases and 46.4% of controls. The presence of neonatal asphyxia was more common among cases than controls (7.2% vs 1.4%), like the frequency of neonatal sepsis (5.8% vs 1.4%). Gestational age <37 weeks was identified in 39.1% of cases and 7.3% of controls. In multivariate analysis, vaginal delivery (OR=2.87, 95%CI=1.68-4.90, p<0.001) and gestational age <37 weeks (OR=2.56, 95%CI=1.89-3.47, p<0.001) were found as risk factors. Conclusions: Knowledge of the risk factors for neonatal jaundice helps to prioritize the group of neonates requiring more intensive follow-up for early identification and timely management.Tesi