52 research outputs found

    Analytic machines

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    In this paper we present some results about it analytic machines regarding th power of computations over sf bf Q and sf bf R, solutions of differential equations and the stability problem of dynamical systems. We first explain the machine model, wich is a kind of sc Blum-Shub-Smale machine enhanced by infinite convergent computiations. Next, we compare the computional power of such machinesofer the fields sf bf Q and sf bf R showing that finite computations with real numbers can be simulated by infinite converging computations on rational numbers, but the precision of the approximation is not known during the process. Our attention is then shifted to it ordinary differential equations (ODEs), dynamical systems described by ODEs and the undecidability of a class of stability problems for dynamical syste

    Revising Type-2 Computation and Degrees of Discontinuity

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    By the sometimes so-called MAIN THEOREM of Recursive Analysis, every computable real function is necessarily continuous. Weihrauch and Zheng (TCS'2000), Brattka (MLQ'2005), and Ziegler (ToCS'2006) have considered different relaxed notions of computability to cover also discontinuous functions. The present work compares and unifies these approaches. This is based on the concept of the JUMP of a representation: both a TTE-counterpart to the well known recursion-theoretic jump on Kleene's Arithmetical Hierarchy of hypercomputation: and a formalization of revising computation in the sense of Shoenfield. We also consider Markov and Banach/Mazur oracle-computation of discontinuous fu nctions and characterize the computational power of Type-2 nondeterminism to coincide with the first level of the Analytical Hierarchy.Comment: to appear in Proc. CCA'0

    A topological view on algebraic computation models

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    We investigate the topological aspects of some algebraic computation models, in particular the BSS-model. Our results can be seen as bounds on how different BSS-computability and computability in the sense of computable analysis can be. The framework for this is Weihrauch reducibility. As a consequence of our characterizations, we establish that the solvability complexity index is (mostly) independent of the computational model, and that there thus is common ground in the study of non-computability between the BSS and TTE setting

    Monte Carlo Computability

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    We introduce Monte Carlo computability as a probabilistic concept of computability on infinite objects and prove that Monte Carlo computable functions are closed under composition. We then mutually separate the following classes of functions from each other: the class of multi-valued functions that are non-deterministically computable, that of Las Vegas computable functions, and that of Monte Carlo computable functions. We give natural examples of computational problems witnessing these separations. As a specific problem which is Monte Carlo computable but neither Las Vegas computable nor non-deterministically computable, we study the problem of sorting infinite sequences that was recently introduced by Neumann and Pauly. Their results allow us to draw conclusions about the relation between algebraic models and Monte Carlo computability

    Computing Measure as a Primitive Operation in Real Number Computation

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    We study the power of BSS-machines enhanced with abilities such as computing the measure of a BSS-decidable set or computing limits of BSS-computable converging sequences. Our variations coalesce into just two equivalence classes, each of which also can be described as a lower cone in the Weihrauch degrees. We then classify computational tasks such as computing the measure of ???-set of reals, integrating piece-wise continuous functions and recovering a continuous function from an L?([0, 1])-description. All these share the Weihrauch degree lim

    A remark on nondecidabilities of initial value problems of ODEs

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