1,692 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of HIV-1 Nucleocapsid Protein Inhibition by Lysyl-Peptidyl-Anthraquinone Conjugates

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    The Nucleocapsid protein NCp7 (NC) is a nucleic acid chaperone responsible for essential steps of the HIV-1 life cycle and an attractive candidate for drug development. NC destabilizes nucleic acid structures and promotes the formation of annealed substrates for HIV-1 reverse transcription elongation. Short helical nucleic acid segments bordered by bulges and loops, such as the Trans-Activation Response element (TAR) of HIV-1 and its complementary sequence (cTAR), are nucleation elements for helix destabilization by NC and also preferred recognition sites for threading intercalators. Inspired by these observations, we have recently demonstrated that 2,6-disubstituted peptidylanthraquinone-conjugates inhibit the chaperone activities of recombinant NC in vitro, and that inhibition correlates with the stabilization of TAR and cTAR stem-loop structures. We describe here enhanced NC inhibitory activity by novel conjugates that exhibit longer peptidyl chains ending with a conserved Nterminal lysine. Their efficient inhibition of TAR/cTAR annealing mediated by NC originates from the combination of at least three different mechanisms, namely, their stabilizing effects on nucleic acids dynamics by threading intercalation, their ability to target TAR RNA substrate leading to a direct competition with the protein for the same binding sites on TAR, and, finally, their effective binding to the NC protein. Our results suggest that these molecules may represent the stepping-stone for the future development of NC-inhibitors capable of targeting the protein itself and its recognition site in RNA

    Non-Natural Linker Configuration in 2,6-Dipeptidyl-Anthraquinones Enhances the Inhibition of TAR RNA Binding/Annealing Activities by HIV-1 NC and Tat Proteins

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    The HIV-1 nucleocapsid (NC) protein represents an excellent molecular target for the development of antiretrovirals by virtue of its well-characterized chaperone activities, which play pivotal roles in essential steps of the viral life cycle. Our ongoing search for candidates able to impair NC binding/annealing activities led to the identification of peptidylanthraquinones as a promising class of nucleic acid ligands. Seeking to elucidate the inhibition determinants and increase the potency of this class of compounds, we have now explored the effects of chirality in the linker connecting the planar nucleus to the basic side chains. We show here that the non-natural linker configuration imparted unexpected TAR RNA targeting properties to the 2,6-peptidyl-anthraquinones and significantly enhanced their potency. Even if the new compounds were able to interact directly with the NC protein, they manifested a consistently higher affinity for the TAR RNA substrate and their TARbinding properties mirrored their ability to interfere with NC-TAR interactions. Based on these findings, we propose that the viral Tat protein, sharing the same RNA substrate but acting in distinct phases of the viral life cycle, constitutes an additional druggable target for this class of peptidyl-anthraquinones. The inhibition of Tat-TAR interaction for the test compounds correlated again with their TAR-binding properties, while simultaneously failing to demonstrate any direct Tat-binding capabilities. These considerations highlighted the importance of TAR RNA in the elucidation of their inhibition mechanism, rather than direct protein inhibition. We have therefore identified anti-TAR compounds with dual in vitro inhibitory activity on different viral proteins, demonstrating that it is possible to develop multitarget compounds capable of interfering with processes mediated by the interactions of this essential RNA domain of HIV-1 genome with NC and Tat proteins

    Identification of novel 2-benzoxazolinone derivatives with specific inhibitory activity against the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein

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    In this report, we present a new benzoxazole derivative endowed with inhibitory activity against the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NC). NC is a 55-residue basic protein with nucleic acid chaperone properties, which has emerged as a novel and potential pharmacological target against HIV-1. In the pursuit of novel NC-inhibitor chemotypes, we performed virtual screening and in vitro biological evaluation of a large library of chemical entities. We found that compounds sharing a benzoxazolinone moiety displayed putative inhibitory properties, which we further investigated by considering a series of chemical analogues. This approach provided valuable information on the structure-activity relationships of these compounds and, in the process, demonstrated that their anti-NC activity could be finely tuned by the addition of specific substituents to the initial benzoxazolinone scaffold. This study represents the starting point for the possible development of a new class of antiretroviral agents targeting the HIV-1 NC protein

    Polyphenolic C-glucosidic ellagitannins present in oak-aged wine inhibit HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein

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    HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NC) is a nucleic acid chaperone implicated in several steps of the virus replication cycle and an attractive new target for drug development. In reverse transcription, NC destabilizes nucleic acid secondary structures and catalyzes the annealing of HIV-1 TAR RNA to its DNA copy (cTAR) to form the heteroduplex TAR/cTAR. A screening program led to the identification of the plant polyphenols acutissimins A and B as potent inhibitors of NC in different assays. These two flavano-ellagitannins, which are found in wine aged in oak barrels, exhibited different mechanisms of protein inhibition and higher potency relatively to their epimers, epiacutissimins A and B, and to simpler structures notably representing hydrolytic fragments and metabolites therefrom

    The HIV-1 transcriptional activator Tat has potent nucleic acid chaperoning activities in vitro

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    The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is a primate lentivirus that causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). In addition to the virion structural proteins and enzyme precursors, that are Gag, Env and Pol, HIV-1 encodes several regulatory proteins, notably a small nuclear transcriptional activator named Tat. The Tat protein is absolutely required for virus replication since it controls proviral DNA transcription to generate the full-length viral mRNA. Tat can also regulate mRNA capping and splicing and was recently found to interfere with the cellular mi- and siRNA machinery. Because of its extensive interplay with nucleic acids, and its basic and disordered nature we speculated that Tat had nucleic acid-chaperoning properties. This prompted us to examine in vitro the nucleic acid-chaperoning activities of Tat and Tat peptides made by chemical synthesis. Here we report that Tat has potent nucleic acid-chaperoning activities according to the standard DNA annealing, DNA and RNA strand exchange, RNA ribozyme cleavage and trans-splicing assays. The active Tat(44–61) peptide identified here corresponds to the smallest known sequence with DNA/RNA chaperoning properties

    Analysis of nucleic acid chaperoning by the prion protein and its inhibition by oligonucleotides

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    Prion diseases are unique neurodegenerative illnesses associated with the conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) into the aggregated misfolded scrapie isoform, named PrPSc. Recent studies on the physiological role of PrPC revealed that this protein has probably multiple functions, notably in cell–cell adhesion and signal transduction, and in assisting nucleic acid folding. In fact, in vitro findings indicated that the human PrP (huPrP) possesses nucleic acid binding and annealing activities, similarly to nucleic acid chaperone proteins that play essential roles in cellular DNA and RNA metabolism. Here, we show that a peptide, representing the N-terminal domain of huPrP, facilitates nucleic acid annealing by two parallel pathways nucleated through the stem termini. We also show that PrP of human or ovine origin facilitates DNA strand exchange, ribozyme-directed cleavage of an RNA template and RNA trans-splicing in a manner similar to the nucleocapsid protein of HIV-1. In an attempt to characterize inhibitors of PrP-chaperoning in vitro we discovered that the thioaptamer 5′-GACACAAGCCGA-3′ was extensively inhibiting the PrP chaperoning activities. At the same time a recently characterized methylated oligoribonucleotide inhibiting the chaperoning activity of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein was poorly impairing the PrP chaperoning activities

    Identification of a methylated oligoribonucleotide as a potent inhibitor of HIV-1 reverse transcription complex

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    Upon HIV-1 infection of a target cell, the viral reverse transcriptase (RT) copies the genomic RNA to synthesize the viral DNA. The genomic RNA is within the incoming HIV-1 core where it is coated by molecules of nucleocapsid (NC) protein that chaperones the reverse transcription process. Indeed, the RT chaperoning properties of NC extend from the initiation of cDNA synthesis to completion of the viral DNA. New and effective drugs against HIV-1 continue to be required, which prompted us to search for compounds aimed at inhibiting NC protein. Here, we report that the NC chaperoning activity is extensively inhibited in vitro by small methylated oligoribonucleotides (mODN). These mODNs were delivered intracellularly using a cell-penetrating-peptide and found to impede HIV-1 replication in primary human cells at nanomolar concentrations. Extensive analysis showed that viral cDNA synthesis was severely impaired by mODNs. Partially resistant viruses with mutations in NC and RT emerged after months of passaging in cell culture. A HIV-1 molecular clone (NL4.3) bearing these mutations was found to replicate at high concentrations of mODN, albeit with a reduced fitness. Small, methylated ODNs such as mODN-11 appear to be a new type of highly potent inhibitor of HIV-1

    Specific implications of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid zinc fingers in the annealing of the primer binding site complementary sequences during the obligatory plus strand transfer

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    Synthesis of the HIV-1 viral DNA by reverse transcriptase involves two obligatory strand transfer reactions. The second strand transfer corresponds to the annealing of the (−) and (+) DNA copies of the primer binding site (PBS) sequence which is chaperoned by the nucleocapsid protein (NCp7). NCp7 modifies the (+)/(−)PBS annealing mechanism by activating a loop–loop kissing pathway that is negligible without NCp7. To characterize in depth the dynamics of the loop in the NCp7/PBS nucleoprotein complexes, we investigated the time-resolved fluorescence parameters of a (−)PBS derivative containing the fluorescent nucleoside analogue 2-aminopurine at positions 6, 8 or 10. The NCp7-directed switch of (+)/(−)PBS annealing towards the loop pathway was associated to a drastic restriction of the local DNA dynamics, indicating that NCp7 can ‘freeze’ PBS conformations competent for annealing via the loops. Moreover, the modifications of the PBS loop structure and dynamics that govern the annealing reaction were found strictly dependent on the integrity of the zinc finger hydrophobic platform. Our data suggest that the two NCp7 zinc fingers are required to ensure the specificity and fidelity of the second strand transfer, further underlining the pivotal role played by NCp7 to control the faithful synthesis of viral HIV-1 DNA

    Characterization of the interaction between the HIV-1 Gag structural polyprotein and the cellular ribosomal protein L7 and its implication in viral nucleic acid remodeling

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    Background: In HIV-1 infected cells, the integrated viral DNA is transcribed by the host cell machinery to generate the full length HIV-1 RNA (FL RNA) that serves as mRNA encoding for the Gag and GagPol precursors. Virion formation is orchestrated by Gag, and the current view is that a specific interaction between newly made Gag molecules and FL RNA initiates the process. This in turn would cause FL RNA dimerization by the NC domain of Gag (GagNC). However the RNA chaperoning activity of unprocessed Gag is low as compared to the mature NC protein. This prompted us to search for GagNC co-factors. Results: Here we report that RPL7, a major ribosomal protein involved in translation regulation, is a partner of Gag via its interaction with the NC domain. This interaction is mediated by the NC zinc fingers and the N- and C-termini of RPL7, respectively, but seems independent of RNA binding, Gag oligomerization and its interaction with the plasma membrane. Interestingly, RPL7 is shown for the first time to exhibit a potent DNA/RNA chaperone activity higher than that of Gag. In addition, Gag and RPL7 can function in concert to drive rapid nucleic acid hybridization. Conclusions: Our results show that GagNC interacts with the ribosomal protein RPL7 endowed with nucleic acid chaperone activity, favoring the notion that RPL7 could be a Gag helper chaperoning factor possibly contributing to the start of Gag assembly.Instituto de Estudios Inmunológicos y Fisiopatológico

    Effects of nucleic acid local structure and magnesium ions on minus-strand transfer mediated by the nucleic acid chaperone activity of HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein

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    HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein (NC) is a nucleic acid chaperone, which is required for highly specific and efficient reverse transcription. Here, we demonstrate that local structure of acceptor RNA at a potential nucleation site, rather than overall thermodynamic stability, is a critical determinant for the minus-strand transfer step (annealing of acceptor RNA to (−) strong-stop DNA followed by reverse transcriptase (RT)-catalyzed DNA extension). In our system, destabilization of a stem-loop structure at the 5′ end of the transactivation response element (TAR) in a 70-nt RNA acceptor (RNA 70) appears to be the major nucleation pathway. Using a mutational approach, we show that when the acceptor has a weak local structure, NC has little or no effect. In this case, the efficiencies of both annealing and strand transfer reactions are similar. However, when NC is required to destabilize local structure in acceptor RNA, the efficiency of annealing is significantly higher than that of strand transfer. Consistent with this result, we find that Mg2+ (required for RT activity) inhibits NC-catalyzed annealing. This suggests that Mg2+ competes with NC for binding to the nucleic acid substrates. Collectively, our findings provide new insights into the mechanism of NC-dependent and -independent minus-strand transfer