3,888 research outputs found

    Fast Lean Erasure-Coded Atomic Memory Object

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    In this work, we propose FLECKS, an algorithm which implements atomic memory objects in a multi-writer multi-reader (MWMR) setting in asynchronous networks and server failures. FLECKS substantially reduces storage and communication costs over its replication-based counterparts by employing erasure-codes. FLECKS outperforms the previously proposed algorithms in terms of the metrics that to deliver good performance such as storage cost per object, communication cost a high fault-tolerance of clients and servers, guaranteed liveness of operation, and a given number of communication rounds per operation, etc. We provide proofs for liveness and atomicity properties of FLECKS and derive worst-case latency bounds for the operations. We implemented and deployed FLECKS in cloud-based clusters and demonstrate that FLECKS has substantially lower storage and bandwidth costs, and significantly lower latency of operations than the replication-based mechanisms

    Alpha Entanglement Codes: Practical Erasure Codes to Archive Data in Unreliable Environments

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    Data centres that use consumer-grade disks drives and distributed peer-to-peer systems are unreliable environments to archive data without enough redundancy. Most redundancy schemes are not completely effective for providing high availability, durability and integrity in the long-term. We propose alpha entanglement codes, a mechanism that creates a virtual layer of highly interconnected storage devices to propagate redundant information across a large scale storage system. Our motivation is to design flexible and practical erasure codes with high fault-tolerance to improve data durability and availability even in catastrophic scenarios. By flexible and practical, we mean code settings that can be adapted to future requirements and practical implementations with reasonable trade-offs between security, resource usage and performance. The codes have three parameters. Alpha increases storage overhead linearly but increases the possible paths to recover data exponentially. Two other parameters increase fault-tolerance even further without the need of additional storage. As a result, an entangled storage system can provide high availability, durability and offer additional integrity: it is more difficult to modify data undetectably. We evaluate how several redundancy schemes perform in unreliable environments and show that alpha entanglement codes are flexible and practical codes. Remarkably, they excel at code locality, hence, they reduce repair costs and become less dependent on storage locations with poor availability. Our solution outperforms Reed-Solomon codes in many disaster recovery scenarios.Comment: The publication has 12 pages and 13 figures. This work was partially supported by Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF Doc.Mobility 162014, 2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN

    Fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture

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    The authors propose two fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture implementing logic functions as look-up tables. The authors compare the efficiency of the proposed techniques with recently reported methods that use single coding schemes in tolerating high fault rates in nanoscale fabrics. Both proposed techniques are based on error correcting codes to tackle different fault rates. In the first technique, the authors implement a combined two-dimensional coding scheme using Hamming and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes to address fault rates greater than 5. In the second technique, Hamming coding is complemented with bad line exclusion technique to tolerate fault rates higher than the first proposed technique (up to 20). The authors have also estimated the improvement that can be achieved in the circuit reliability in the presence of Don-t Care Conditions. The area, latency and energy costs of the proposed techniques were also estimated in the CMOS domain

    On the combination of multi-cloud and network coding for cost-efficient storage in industrial applications

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    The adoption of both Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) has enabled the evolution towards the so-called Industry 4.0. These technologies, together with cloud computing and artificial intelligence, foster new business opportunities. Besides, several industrial applications need immediate decision making and fog computing is emerging as a promising solution to address such requirement. In order to achieve a cost-efficient system, we propose taking advantage from spot instances, a new service offered by cloud providers, which provide resources at lower prices. The main downside of these instances is that they do not ensure service continuity and they might suffer from interruptions. An architecture that combines fog and multi-cloud deployments along with Network Coding (NC) techniques, guarantees the needed fault-tolerance for the cloud environment, and also reduces the required amount of redundant data to provide reliable services. In this paper we analyze how NC can actually help to reduce the storage cost and improve the resource efficiency for industrial applications, based on a multi-cloud infrastructure. The cost analysis has been carried out using both real AWS EC2 spot instance prices and, to complement them, prices obtained from a model based on a finite Markov chain, derived from real measurements. We have analyzed the overall system cost, depending on different parameters, showing that configurations that seek to minimize the storage yield a higher cost reduction, due to the strong impact of storage cost.This work has been partially supported by the Basque Government through the Elkartek program (Grant agreement no. KK-2018/00115), the H2020 research framework of the European Commission under the ELASTIC project (Grant agreement no. 825473), and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the CARMEN project (TEC2016-75067-C4-3-R), the ADVICE project (TEC2015-71329-C2-1-R), and the COMONSENS network (TEC2015-69648-REDC)

    On the combination of multi-cloud and network coding for cost-efficient storage in industrial applications

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    The adoption of both Cyber–Physical Systems (CPSs) and the Internet-of-Things (IoT) has enabled the evolution towards the so-called Industry 4.0. These technologies, together with cloud computing and artificial intelligence, foster new business opportunities. Besides, several industrial applications need immediate decision making and fog computing is emerging as a promising solution to address such requirement. In order to achieve a cost-efficient system, we propose taking advantage from spot instances, a new service offered by cloud providers, which provide resources at lower prices. The main downside of these instances is that they do not ensure service continuity and they might suffer from interruptions. An architecture that combines fog and multi-cloud deployments along with Network Coding (NC) techniques, guarantees the needed fault-tolerance for the cloud environment, and also reduces the required amount of redundant data to provide reliable services. In this paper we analyze how NC can actually help to reduce the storage cost and improve the resource efficiency for industrial applications, based on a multi-cloud infrastructure. The cost analysis has been carried out using both real AWS EC2 spot instance prices and, to complement them, prices obtained from a model based on a finite Markov chain, derived from real measurements. We have analyzed the overall system cost, depending on different parameters, showing that configurations that seek to minimize the storage yield a higher cost reduction, due to the strong impact of storage cost

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control

    Design of a fault tolerant airborne digital computer. Volume 1: Architecture

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    This volume is concerned with the architecture of a fault tolerant digital computer for an advanced commercial aircraft. All of the computations of the aircraft, including those presently carried out by analogue techniques, are to be carried out in this digital computer. Among the important qualities of the computer are the following: (1) The capacity is to be matched to the aircraft environment. (2) The reliability is to be selectively matched to the criticality and deadline requirements of each of the computations. (3) The system is to be readily expandable. contractible, and (4) The design is to appropriate to post 1975 technology. Three candidate architectures are discussed and assessed in terms of the above qualities. Of the three candidates, a newly conceived architecture, Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT), provides the best match to the above qualities. In addition SIFT is particularly simple and believable. The other candidates, Bus Checker System (BUCS), also newly conceived in this project, and the Hopkins multiprocessor are potentially more efficient than SIFT in the use of redundancy, but otherwise are not as attractive