28 research outputs found

    Platoon Merging Approach Based on Hybrid Trajectory Planning and CACC Strategies

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    Currently, the increase of transport demands along with the limited capacity of the road network have increased traffic congestion in urban and highway scenarios. Technologies such as Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) emerge as efficient solutions. However, a higher level of cooperation among multiple vehicle platoons is needed to improve, effectively, the traffic flow. In this paper, a global solution to merge two platoons is presented. This approach combines: (i) a longitudinal controller based on a feed-back/feed-forward architecture focusing on providing CACC capacities and (ii) hybrid trajectory planning to merge platooning on straight paths. Experiments were performed using Tecnalia’s previous basis. These are the AUDRIC modular architecture for automated driving and the highly reliable simulation environment DYNACAR. A simulation test case was conducted using five vehicles, two of them executing the merging and three opening the gap to the upcoming vehicles. The results showed the good performance of both domains, longitudinal and lateral, merging multiple vehicles while ensuring safety and comfort and without propagating speed changes.This research was supported by the European Project SHOW from the Horizon 2020 program under Grant Agreement No. 875530

    Cyber security analysis of connected vehicles

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. IET Intelligent Transport Systems published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.The sensor-enabled in-vehicle communication and infrastructure-centric vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications have significantly contributed to the spark in the amount of data exchange in the connected and autonomous vehicles (CAV) environment. The growing vehicular communications pose a potential cyber security risk considering online vehicle hijacking. Therefore, there is a critical need to prioritize the cyber security issues in the CAV research theme. In this context, this paper presents a cyber security analysis of connected vehicle traffic environments (CyACV). Specifically, potential cyber security attacks in CAV are critically investigated and validated via experimental data sets. Trust in V2X communication for connected vehicles is explored in detail focusing on trust computation and trust management approaches and related challenges. A wide range of trust-based cyber security solutions for CAV have been critically investigated considering their strengths and weaknesses. Open research directions have been highlighted as potential new research themes in CAV cyber security area

    Video-assisted Overtaking System enabled by V2V Communications

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    V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) is a promising technology to diminish road hazards and increase driving safety. This thesis focuses in the transmission of video between vehicles (V2V, Vehicle-to-Vehicle) in an overtaking situation, helping drivers to be more aware and less error-prone in these situations. In the implementation, the vehicle reads from vehicle's CAN and GPS data to setup the system, streams his Line of Sight to the overtaking vehicle and uses DSRC as the communication technology

    A Framework for Quality of Service in Vehicle-to-Pedestrian Safety Communication

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    Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication has emerged as an important mechanism to improve the safety and efficiency of road traffic. V2X communication encompasses Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), and Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communication. Among these types, the V2P communication efforts continue to be in the preliminary stage and lack a rounded approach towards the development of V2P systems. V2P involves communication between vehicles and a wide variety of Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), such as pedestrians, bicyclists, mopeds, etc. The V2X systems were originally developed only for V2V and V2I when solely the vehicle characteristics were in focus. However, effective V2P system design needs to consider the characteristics of VRUs. The differing characteristics of VRUs have given rise to many questions while adapting to the V2V communication model for the V2P system. This dissertation addresses three aspects pertaining to the development of the V2P safety system. The first aspect involves a systematic design of a V2P system using a holistic approach. This dissertation proposes a V2P design framework based on various categories of inputs that are required for the design of an effective V2P system. This framework improves the understanding of the V2P system requirements and helps make the design process more systematic. The second aspect is the network performance of the V2X network in the presence of a large number of VRUs. This dissertation proposes MC-COCO4V2P, which is an energy-efficient pedestrian clustering mechanism for network congestion mitigation. MC-COCO4V2P improves network performance by reducing the pedestrian-generated safety messages. It also improves the battery life of the pedestrian devices in the process. The third aspect involves the reliability of communication between a pair of a vehicle and a pedestrian that are on the verge of collision. This dissertation classifies such crucial communication as the one requiring the highest priority even among the exchange of critical safety messages. It proposes a mechanism enabling the surrounding nodes to reduce the communication priority temporarily. This results in preferred medium access for the pair resulting in higher Quality-of-Service (QoS) for the crucial communication.Die Kommunikation zwischen Verkehrsteilnehmern (V2X) hat sich zu einem wichtigen Mechanismus zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit und Effizienz des Straßenverkehrs entwickelt. Obwohl die V2X-Kommunikation prinzipiell die Kommunikation zwischen Fahrzeugen (V2V), zwischen Fahrzeug und Infrastruktur (V2I) sowie zwischen Fahrzeug und Fußgänger (V2P) umfasst, sind Ansätze zur V2P-Kommunikation weiterhin in einem sehr frühen Stadium und lassen einen umfassenden Ansatz für die Entwicklung von V2P-Systemen vermissen. V2P umfasst im Detail die Kommunikation zwischen Fahrzeugen und einer Vielzahl von gefährdeten Verkehrsteilnehmern (VRUs), wie beispielsweise Fußgänger, Radfahrer oder Mopeds. V2X-Systeme wurden ursprünglich nur für V2V- und V2I-Kommunikation entwickelt, wobei ausschließlich die Fahrzeugeigenschaften im Fokus standen. Ein effektives V2P-Systemdesign muss jedoch auch die Eigenschaften von VRUs berücksichtigen, die bei der Berücksichtigung der V2P-Kommunikation in einem V2X-System viele Fragen aufwerfen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit drei Aspekten im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung eines V2P-Systems. Der erste Aspekt betrifft die systematische Konzeption eines V2P-Systems nach einem ganzheitlichen Ansatz. Diese Dissertation schlägt einen V2P-Entwurfsrahmen vor, der auf verschiedenen Eingangsgrößen basiert, die für die Entwicklung eines effektiven V2P-Systems erforderlich sind. Dieser Entwurfsrahmen verbessert das Verständnis der V2P-Systemanforderungen und trägt dazu bei, den Entwurfsprozess systematischer zu gestalten. Der zweite Aspekt betrifft die Leistung des V2X-Netzes, wenn eine große Anzahl von VRUs präsent ist. Diese Dissertation schlägt hierfür MC-COCO4V2P vor, einen energieeffizienten Clustering-Mechanismus für Fußgänger zur Eindämmung der Netzüberlastung. MC-COCO4V2P verbessert die Netzleistung, indem die Anzahl der von Fußgängern generierten Sicherheitsmeldungen reduziert wird. Damit wird zudem die Batterielebensdauer der von den Fußgängern genutzten Geräte verbessert. Der dritte Aspekt betrifft die Zuverlässigkeit der Kommunikation zwischen einem Fahrzeug und einem Fußgänger, die kurz vor einem Zusammenstoß stehen. Diese Dissertation stuft eine so wichtige Kommunikation als diejenige ein, die selbst beim Austausch anderer kritischer Sicherheitsnachrichten die höchste Priorität bekommt. Es wird ein Mechanismus vorgeschlagen, der es den umgebenden Verkehrsteilnehmern ermöglicht, ihre Kommunikationspriorität vorübergehend zu verringern. Dies führt zu einem bevorzugten Medienzugriff für die durch eine Kollision gefährdeten Verkehrsteilnehmer, was zu einer höheren Dienstgüte (QoS) für deren Kommunikation führt.Pedestrians and bicyclists, also known as Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), are one of the weakest components of Intelligent Transportation Systems from a safety perspective. However, with the advent of new communication technologies, VRU protection may no longer be dependent solely on the vehicle’s safety systems. VRUs may share their location information with the surrounding vehicles to increase awareness of their presence. Such communication among vehicles and VRUs is referred to as Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communication. Although the V2P system may be built upon the existing Vehicle-to-Vehicle communication system, it has its own set of challenges, such as different VRU mobility characteristics, energy-constrained devices, and VRU density. Therefore, there needs to be a V2P system model which is adapted to the VRU characteristics. This dissertation tackles this challenge by proposing a framework that enables scalability, reliability, and energy efficiency for VRU communication

    Safety Applications and Measurement Tools for Connected Vehicles

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    VANET Applications Under Loss Scenarios & Evolving Wireless Technology

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    In this work we study the impact of wireless network impairment on the performance of VANET applications such as Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC), and other VANET applications that periodically broadcast messages. We also study the future of VANET application in light of the evolution of radio access technologies (RAT) that are used to exchange messages. Previous work in the literature proposed fallback strategies that utilizes on-board sensors to recover in case of wireless network impairment, those methods assume a fixed time headway value, and do not achieve string stability. In this work, we study the string stability of a one-vehicle look-ahead CACC platoon under different network loss scenarios, and propose to adapt the time headway parameter of the model according to a network reliability metric that we defined based on packet burst loss length to maximize traffic flow efficiency while maintaining a string stable platoon. Our findings show that careful adjustment of headway value according to the wireless network reliability allows the platoon to maintain string stable operation while maximizing traffic flow. We also study the impact that evolving wireless technology can have on VANET applications such as CACC, where we study the performance when using DSRC and 5G NR V2X. In addition, we study the evolution of RATs used in VANET application, and we propose DSRC+, as a possible enhancement to traditional DSRC, that utilizes modern modulation/coding schemes and performs random blind retransmission to improve packet delivery ratio. We finally study the trade-offs in the choice of RAT in VANET applications such as CACC, concluding that RATs with time-division channel access can be reliable with lower packet loss, but performs poorly when needing to disseminate messages over longer CACC platoons

    Kollektive Perzeption in fahrzeugbasierten Ad-hoc Netzwerken

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    In combination with the current developments in the area of automatically driving vehicles, the introduction of inter-vehicle communication plays a crucial role for realising the long-term objective of what is known as cooperative driving. A cornerstone for the expansion of automated vehicles is their thorough understanding of the current driving environment. For this purpose, each vehicle generates an environment model containing information about other perceived traffic participants and objects. Local perception sensors are important data providers for this model, as they contribute implicit knowledge about the environment. In combination with a direct communication link between traffic participants, explicit knowledge can be added to the environment model as well. The key concept developed within this thesis is called Collective Perception: it focuses on sharing data gathered by local perception sensors of one vehicle with other traffic participants by means of inter-vehicle communication. As a result of this concept, future applications relying on a comprehensive understanding of the current driving environment are made feasible. The analyses presented in this thesis employ a vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) based on the standardised framework of the European IEEE 802.11p-based ITS G5 protocol stack for inter-vehicle communication. The effectiveness of the technology relies on an existing communication link between a sufficient number of communication partners - the critical mass. The expansion of inter-vehicle communication, however, can be supported by capacitating indirect effects. Collective Perception is one representative of these effects, as the information density within the network between the vehicles is increased, even at low market penetration rates. At the core of Collective Perception stands the introduction of a message format which serves as a vehicle for the exchange of sensor data within a VANET. The development of the message is influenced by two perspectives: First, the vehicle perspective affects the relevant contents of the message required by data-fusion processes and application algorithms. Second, from the network perspective, constraints resulting from the network stack and effects caused by congestion control mechanisms have to be considered. This thesis addresses both perspectives to develop a holistic concept for exchanging sensor data within a VANET.Im Zusammenhang mit den aktuellen Entwicklungen im Themenbereich automatisch fahrender Fahrzeuge spielt die Einführung der Fahrzeug-zu-Fahrzeug-Kommunikation eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle, um langfristig kooperatives Fahren zu realisieren. Eine Voraussetzung für dessen Umsetzung ist dabei die umfassende Wahrnehmung der aktuellen Fahrumgebung. Jedes Fahrzeug erstellt dafür ein sogenanntes Umfeldmodell, welches Informationen über andere Verkehrsteilnehmer und Objekte beinhaltet. Eine wichtige Datenquelle für dieses Modell sind zum einen lokale Umfeldsensoren, welche implizites Wissen über die aktuelle Fahrumgebung beisteuern. Zum anderen kann dem Umfeldmodell bei einer direkten Kommunikationsverbindung mit anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern auch explizites Wissen hinzugefügt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein Konzept zur Realisierung der sogenannten kollektiven Wahrnehmung entwickelt: Hierbei wird Fahrzeugen der Austausch lokaler Sensordaten mit anderen Verkehrsteilnehmern unter Verwendung der Fahrzeug-zu-Fahrzeug-Kommunikation ermöglicht. Somit können zukünftige Fahrerassistenzfunktionen auf ein umfassenderes Umfeldmodell zugreifen. Den im Rahmen der Arbeit durchgeführten Analysen liegt ein fahrzeugbasiertes Ad-hoc Netzwerk zugrunde, welches auf dem europäischen IEEE 802.11p basierten ITS G5 Protokollstapel beruht. Die Effektivität der Technologie fußt hierbei auf der Existenz der sogenannten kritischen Masse: Eine ausreichende Anzahl an Kommunikationspartnern muss zugegen sein, damit der Technologie ein Nutzen zugemessen werden kann. Die Verbreitung der Technologie kann jedoch durch indirekte Effekte unterstützt werden. Die kollektive Wahrnehmung ist ein Repräsentant dieser indirekten Effekte, da die Informationsdichte in dem zwischen den Fahrzeugen bestehenden Netzwerk selbst bei niedrigen Marktausstattungsraten erhöht wird. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wird daher ein neues Nachrichtenformat entwickelt, welches von zwei Perspektiven beeinflusst: Die Sicht der fahrzeugseitigen Assistenzsysteme und deren Datenfusionsalgorithmen beeinflusst die notwendigen Inhalte der Nachricht. Weiterhin werden aus der Netzwerksicht durch Mechanismen wie denen der Lastkontrolle und den bestehenden Nachrichtengrößenbeschränkungen spezifische Anforderungen gestellt. Beide Untersuchungen werden dabei in der Arbeit zur Erstellung eines ganzheitlichen Konzeptes für die kollektive Wahrnehmung verbunden

    An Investigation into the Performance Evaluation of Connected Vehicle Applications: From Real-World Experiment to Parallel Simulation Paradigm

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    A novel system was developed that provides drivers lane merge advisories, using vehicle trajectories obtained through Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC). It was successfully tested on a freeway using three vehicles, then targeted for further testing, via simulation. The failure of contemporary simulators to effectively model large, complex urban transportation networks then motivated further research into distributed and parallel traffic simulation. An architecture for a closed-loop, parallel simulator was devised, using a new algorithm that accounts for boundary nodes, traffic signals, intersections, road lengths, traffic density, and counts of lanes; it partitions a sample, Tennessee road network more efficiently than tools like METIS, which increase interprocess communications (IPC) overhead by partitioning more transportation corridors. The simulator uses logarithmic accumulation to synchronize parallel simulations, further reducing IPC. Analyses suggest this eliminates up to one-third of IPC overhead incurred by a linear accumulation model

    Infraestrutura de beira de estrada para apoio a sistemas cooperativos e inteligentes de transportes

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    The growing need of mobility along with the evolution of the automotive industry and the massification of the personal vehicle amplifies some of the road-related problems such as safety and traffic congestion. To mitigate such issues, the evolution towards cooperative communicating technologies and autonomous systems is considered a solution to overcome the human physical limitations and the limited perception horizon of on-board sensors. Short-range vehicular communications such as Vehicle-to-Vehicle or Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (ETSI ITS-G5) in conjunction with long-range cellular communications (LTE,5G) and standardized messages, emerge as viable solutions to amplify the benefits that standalone technologies can bring to the road environment, by covering a wide array of applications and use cases. In compliance with the standardization work from European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), this dissertation describes the implementation of the collective perception service in a real road infrastructure to assist the maneuvers of autonomous vehicles and provide information to a central road operator. This work is focused on building standardized collective perception messages (CPM) by retrieving information from traffic classification radars (installed in the PASMO project) for local dissemination using ETSI ITS-G5 radio technology and creating a redundant communication channel between the road infrastructure and a central traffic control centre, located at the Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro, taking advantage of cellular, point-to-point radio links and optical fiber communications. The output of the messages are shown to the user by a mobile application. The service is further improved by building an algorithm for optimizing the message dissemination to improve channel efficiency in more demanding scenarios. The results of the experimental tests showed that the time delay between the production event of the collective perception message and the reception by other ITS stations is within the boundaries defined by ETSI standards. Moreover, the algorithm for message dissemination also shows to increase radio channel efficiency by limiting the number of objects disseminated by CPM messages. The collective perception service developed and the road infrastructure are therefore, a valuable asset to provide useful information for improving road safety and fostering the deployment of intelligent cooperative transportation systems.A crescente necessidade de mobilidade em paralelo com a evolução da indústria automóvel e com a massificação do uso de meios de transportes pessoais, têm vindo a amplificar alguns problemas dos transportes rodoviários, tais como a segurança e o congestionamento do tráfego. Para mitigar estas questões, a evolução das tecnologias de comunicação cooperativas e dos sistemas autónomos é vista como uma potencial solução para ultrapassar limitações dos condutores e do horizonte de perceção dos sensores veículares. Comunicações de curto alcance, tais como Veículo-a-Veículo ou Veículo-a-Infrastrutura (ETSI ITS-G5), em conjunto com comunicações móveis de longo alcance (LTE,5G) e mensagens padrão, emergem como soluções viáveis para amplificar todos os beneficios que tecnologias independentes podem trazer para o ambiente rodoviário, cobrindo um grande leque de aplicações e casos de uso da estrada. Em conformidade com o trabalho de padronização da European Telecommunications Standards Institute, esta dissertação descreve a implementação do serviço de perceção coletiva, numa infrastrutura rodoviária real, para suporte a manobras de veículos autónomos e para fornecer informações aos operadores de estradas. Este trabalho foca-se na construção de mensagens de perceção coletiva a partir de informação gerada por radares de classificação de tráfego (instalados no âmbito do projeto PASMO) para disseminação local usando a tecnologia rádio ETSI ITS-G5 e criando um canal de comunicação redundante entre a infraestrutura rodóviaria e um centro de controlo de tráfego localizado no Instituto de Telecomunicações - Aveiro, usando para isso: redes móveis, ligações rádio ponto a ponto e fibra ótica. O conteúdo destas messagens é mostrado ao utilizador através de uma aplicação móvel. O serviço é ainda melhorado, tendo-se para tal desenvolvido um algoritmo de otimização de disseminação das mensagens, tendo em vista melhorar a eficiência do canal de transmissão em cenários mais exigentes. Os resultados dos testes experimentais efetuados revelaram que o tempo de atraso entre o evento de produção de uma mensagem de perceção coletiva e a receção por outra estação ITS, usando comunicações ITS-G5, se encontra dentro dos limites definidos pelos padrões da ETSI. Além disso, o algoritmo para disseminação de mensagens também mostrou aumentar a eficiência do canal de rádio, limitando o número de objetos disseminados pelas mesmas. Assim, o serviço de perceção coletiva desenvolvido poderá ser uma ferramenta valiosa, contribuindo para o aumento da segurança rodóviaria e para a disseminação da utilização dos sistemas cooperativos de transporte inteligente.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    Design of an adaptive congestion control protocol for reliable vehicle safety communication

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