21 research outputs found

    Comparative Study on Agile software development methodologies

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    Today-s business environment is very much dynamic, and organisations are constantly changing their software requirements to adjust with new environment. They also demand for fast delivery of software products as well as for accepting changing requirements. In this aspect, traditional plan-driven developments fail to meet up these requirements. Though traditional software development methodologies, such as life cycle-based structured and object oriented approaches, continue to dominate the systems development few decades and much research has done in traditional methodologies, Agile software development brings its own set of novel challenges that must be addressed to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of the valuable software. It is a set of software development methods based on iterative and incremental development process, where requirements and development evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams that allows rapid delivery of high quality software to meet customer needs and also accommodate changes in the requirements. In this paper, we significantly identify and describe the major factors, that Agile development approach improves software development process to meet the rapid changing business environments. We also provide a brief comparison of agile development methodologies with traditional systems development methodologies, and discuss current state of adopting agile methodologies. We speculate that from the need to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of the valuable software, Agile software development is emerged as an alternative to traditional plan-based software development methods. The purpose of this paper, is to provide an in-depth understanding, the major benefits of agile development approach to software development industry, as well as provide a comparison study report of ASDM over TSDM.Comment: 25 pages, 25 images, 86 references used, with authors biographie

    Exploring the use of the Cynefin Framework to inform software development approach decisions

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    Choosing an appropriate software development process is a complex and challenging task, exacerbated by the fact that all process models require a certain amount of tailoring to fit to the business environment of any specific organization in which the model is to be deployed. This position paper proposes that one of the potentially most significant factors impacting how a team should structure their software development process is domain (contexts defined by the nature of the relationship between cause and effect) the team is in, an approach pioneered by Snowden with The Cynefin Framework. Cynefin (pronounced Ku-nev-in) is a decision framework that recognizes the causal differences that exist between different types of systems and proposes new approaches to decision making in complex social environments and new mechanisms of understanding levels of complexity as decisions are made. It is argued that using the Cynefin framework for classifying important software process selection decisions assists in choosing the right process for the given situational context. This position paper provides an overview of systems thinking and the Cynefin framework that organizations can use to detect the significant characteristics of the domain in which they operate which has a direct and significant affect on the software process approach (model / methodology) chosen

    Dont Break the Build: Developing a Scrum Retrospective Game

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    This study discusses the design and observed play of a game-based Scrum retrospective. The game builds on the existing wealth of retrospective activities but adds in actual game play. The game is created in such a way as to satisfy the definition of a game and includes a win/loss state uncommon within typical retrospective activities. Leveraging existing design paradigms, the game looks to capitalize on the reported benefits of using games in team building and learning environments. The game fulfills the goals of a Scrum retrospective for the team to inspect and adapt processes by guiding the team in focused discussion regarding their performance and observations during the proceeding Sprint. The study provides an overview of the game design and mechanics and provides observations and results from post-game questionnaires. Finally, the study proposes changes to the game based on results of the observations and discusses future research possibilities

    Developing Socially-Constructed Quality Metrics in Agile: A Multi-Faceted Perspective

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    This research proposes development of socially-constructed metrics for quality assessment and improvement in Agile Software Development (ASD) projects. The first phase of our research includes an extensive literature review, which indicates that traditional (outcome-focused) metrics that evaluate quality are not directly transferable to adaptive, ASD projects. We then conduct semi-structured interviews confirming the necessity of considering people and process aspects for quality considerations in agile. We propose three dimensions for composite metrics in ASD, namely, (1) evidence (2) expectation and (3) critical evaluation. This combines quantitative and qualitative information drawn from people, process, and outcome-related factors. The proposed model allows ASD teams to concurrently conduct quality assessment and improvement during their projects, producing innovative metrics, adhering to the core principles of the agile manifesto. In our next research stage, this reference model will be tested and validated in practice

    Comparative Study on Agile Software Development Methodologies

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    Today2018;s business environment is very much dynamic, and organizations are constantly changing their software requirements to adjust with new environment. They also demand for fast delivery of software products as well as for accepting changing requirements. In this aspect, traditional plan-driven developments fail to meet up these requirements. Though traditional software development methodologies, such as life cycle-based structured and object oriented approaches, continue to dominate the systems development few decades and much research has done in traditional methodologies, Agile software development brings its own set of novel challenges that must be addressed to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of the valuable software. It2018;s a set of software development methods based on iterative and incremental development process, where requirements and development evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams that allows rapid delivery of high quality software to meet customer needs and also accommodate changes in the requirements. In this paper, we significantly indentify and describe the major factors, that Agile development approach improves software development process to meet the rapid changing business environments. We also provide a brief comparison of agile development methodologies with traditional systems development methodologies, and discuss current state of adopting agile methodologies

    Estudo das práticas de gerenciamento de projetos voltadas para desenvolvimento de produtos inovadores

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    A teoria de gerenciamento de projetos (GP) tem sido alvo de críticas nos últimos anos. Como resultado surgiu novas abordagens, como o gerenciamento ágil de projetos (GAP), acompanhadas de novas práticas, técnicas e ferramentas. Parte delas presente na teoria tradicional de GP e por vezes rebatizada com novos rótulos. A confusão de nomes e práticas diminui a qualidade das pesquisas na área, e estudos nessa temática não conseguem caracterizar precisamente a abordagem utilizada. Este artigo contribui para a solução do problema apresentando uma compilação das práticas, técnicas e ferramentas para planejamento de escopo, extraídas de ambas as teorias, ágil e tradicional. Utilizou-se a revisão bibliográfica sistemática para definição e compilação dos termos práticas, técnicas e ferramentas de GP. O resultado é um referencial do tipo inventário, possibilitando a identificação das práticas em empresas reais e sua categorização quanto à abordagem utilizada, para obterem-se avaliações precisas da contribuição dessa nova abordagem

    Estudo das práticas de gerenciamento de projetos voltadas para desenvolvimento de produtos inovadores

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    A teoria de gerenciamento de projetos (GP) tem sidoalvo de críticas nos últimos \ud anos. Como resultado surgiu novas abordagens, como o gerenciamento ágil de \ud projetos (GAP), acompanhadas de novas práticas, técnicas e ferramentas. Parte \ud delas presente na teoria tradicional de GP e por vezes rebatizada com novos rótulos. \ud A confusão de nomes e práticas diminui a qualidade das pesquisas na área, e \ud estudos nessa temática não conseguem caracterizar precisamente a abordagem \ud utilizada. Este artigo contribui para a solução do problema apresentando uma \ud compilação das práticas, técnicas e ferramentas para planejamento de escopo, \ud extraídas de ambas as teorias, ágil e tradicional. Utilizou-se a revisão bibliográfica \ud sistemática para definição e compilação dos termos práticas, técnicas e ferramentas \ud de GP. O resultado é um referencial do tipo inventário, possibilitando a identificação \ud das práticas em empresas reais e sua categorização quanto à abordagem utilizada, \ud para obterem-se avaliações precisas da contribuiçãodessa nova abordagemThe theory of project management (PM) has been target of criticismin recent years.\ud As a result new approaches emerged, how agile project management (APM) \ud followed by new practices, techniques and tools. Some of them present in the \ud traditional theory PM and sometimes renamed with new labels. The confusion of \ud names and practices decreases the quality of research in the area, and studies on \ud this subject cannot precisely characterize the approach used. This paper contributes \ud to the solution of the problem by providing a compilation of practices, techniques and \ud tools for planning scope, extracted from both theories, agile and traditional. We used \ud a systematic literature review to define the terms and compilation practices, \ud techniques and tools for GP. The result is a type inventory reference, enabling the \ud identification practices in real companies and their categorization on the approach \ud used, to obtain accurate assessments of the contribution of this new approach.FAPESPCNPqCAPE

    Software Process Improvement Using Agile Methods in Financial Institutions. LHV Bank Case

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    Töökorraldus suurtes finantsinstitutsioonides ja finantstehnoloogia ettevõtetes on rajatud erinevatele alustele. Selgemalt kui kusagil mujal on see näha nende ettevõtete tootearenduses, kus tuleb välja oluline erinevus uue toote turule toomise kiiruses ja tarkvara arendusprotsessis tervikuna. Paljud finantsinstitutsioonid püüavad lahendada probleemi, mis on seotud tootearenduse ja tarkvara arendusprotsesside kiirendamisega, et vastata ärikeskkonnast tulenevatele muutustele.Ajalooliselt on suured finantsinstitutsioonid tuginenud oma tarkvara arendusprotsessides kose-meetoditele, mis tõid varem häid tulemusi, kuid mis ei vasta enam muutunud ärikeskkonnast tulevatele vajadustele. Suurem üleminek kose-meetodil toimivalt tarkvara arendusprotsessilt välk-meetodil toimivale tarkvara arendusprotsessile on nendes organisatsioonides toimunud alles viimase viie aasta jooksul. Uue põlvkonna finantstehnoloogia iduettevõtted on aga rajanud kogu oma tegevuse välk-meetodil põhinevale tarkvara arendusprotsessile.Magistritöö eesmärgiks on leida vastus küsimusele, kuidas skaleerida väledaid tarkvara arendusprotsessi meetodeid finantsinstitutsioonides. Selleks viiakse läbi LHV Panga tarkvara arendusprotsessil põhinev juhtumiuuring. Magistritöös kirjeldatakse LHV Panga olemasolevat tarkvara arendusprotsessi, analüüsitakse läbi teoreetiline kirjandus ja viiakse läbi praktilised intervjuud. Võttes arvesse analüüsi tulemusel kogutud tähelepanekuid, pakutakse LHV Panga näitel välja ettepanekud, kuidas kiirendada tarkvara arendusprotsessi finantsinstitutsioonis.Magistritöös tuuakse välja kaheksa ettepanekut protsessi kiirendamiseks LHV Pangas. Kogu organisatsiooni tasemel tuleb väledad meetodid ja juhtimiskultuur tervikuna kasutusele võtta laiemalt nii juhtimises kui ka äri-, toote- ja IT-arenduses. Selleks tuleb korraldada vajalikud koolitused. Meeskondade tasemel tuleb arenduse kiiruse tõstmiseks moodustada konkreetsed tootemeeskonnad, seada ühised eesmärgid kõikidele meeskonnaliikmetele ja anda meeskondadele suurem otsustusvabadus. Protsesside tasemel tuleb üle vaadata hetkel kehtiv tarkvara arendusportsess ning täiendada seda viimaste praktikate ja organisatsiooni enda poolt viimase viie aasta jooksul kogutud kogemustega. Tehnilisel tasemel tuleb automatiseerida tarkvara kasutuselevõtmisprotsess ja kasutada rohkem väiksematest osadest koosnevat infosüsteemi ülesehitust.Large financial institutions and fintech companies have fundamentally different ways of working. More clearly than anywhere else, this is seen in their product development cycles. There is significant difference in time to market for new products and in speed of software development. The problem where many financial institutions find themselves now is the need to respond faster to the changes in the business environment and have faster product and software development processes.Large financial institutions have historically relied on waterfall-inspired methods for software development. These methods have delivered great value for a long time, but are not corresponding to the current changing needs in the business environment. A larger shift from waterfall towards agile software development in these organizations has taken place just in the last five years due to the changes in the competition, where the new generation fintech companies have relied purely on agile development.In light of this context, this thesis addresses the research question of how agile software development process can be scaled up within the context of financial institutions. This is achieved by means of a case study carried out on LHV Bank software development process. The current processes at LHV Bank are mapped, suggestions for changes are derived through review of existing research on agile methods and from in-depth interviews. Based on the analysis, the findings that are the most important for benefiting from agile development are identified and suggested for improving the software development process at LHV Bank.There are eight key recommendations for improving the process at LHV Bank. On the organizational level, the agile methods and management culture should be introduced in larger scale, including the management, business, product and software development, with relevant trainings to be organized. On the teams level, to increase the efficiency of the development, concrete product teams should be assembled, common objectives set for team members and more autonomy given to the teams. On the process level, the agile development method used with its components should be reviewed by learning from the latest best practices and experience the organization has collected during the last five years when implementing agile practices. On the technical level, the release process should be automated and modular system architecture and microservices should be used more