318 research outputs found

    Network Maintenance and Capacity Management with Applications in Transportation

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    abstract: This research develops heuristics to manage both mandatory and optional network capacity reductions to better serve the network flows. The main application discussed relates to transportation networks, and flow cost relates to travel cost of users of the network. Temporary mandatory capacity reductions are required by maintenance activities. The objective of managing maintenance activities and the attendant temporary network capacity reductions is to schedule the required segment closures so that all maintenance work can be completed on time, and the total flow cost over the maintenance period is minimized for different types of flows. The goal of optional network capacity reduction is to selectively reduce the capacity of some links to improve the overall efficiency of user-optimized flows, where each traveler takes the route that minimizes the traveler’s trip cost. In this dissertation, both managing mandatory and optional network capacity reductions are addressed with the consideration of network-wide flow diversions due to changed link capacities. This research first investigates the maintenance scheduling in transportation networks with service vehicles (e.g., truck fleets and passenger transport fleets), where these vehicles are assumed to take the system-optimized routes that minimize the total travel cost of the fleet. This problem is solved with the randomized fixed-and-optimize heuristic developed. This research also investigates the maintenance scheduling in networks with multi-modal traffic that consists of (1) regular human-driven cars with user-optimized routing and (2) self-driving vehicles with system-optimized routing. An iterative mixed flow assignment algorithm is developed to obtain the multi-modal traffic assignment resulting from a maintenance schedule. The genetic algorithm with multi-point crossover is applied to obtain a good schedule. Based on the Braess’ paradox that removing some links may alleviate the congestion of user-optimized flows, this research generalizes the Braess’ paradox to reduce the capacity of selected links to improve the efficiency of the resultant user-optimized flows. A heuristic is developed to identify links to reduce capacity, and the corresponding capacity reduction amounts, to get more efficient total flows. Experiments on real networks demonstrate the generalized Braess’ paradox exists in reality, and the heuristic developed solves real-world test cases even when commercial solvers fail.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Industrial Engineering 201

    Reduced gradient algorithm for user equilibrium traffic assignment problem

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    A path-based algorithm is developed for the static traffic assignment problem (TAP). In each iteration, it decomposes the problem into origin-destination (OD) pairs and solves each subproblem separately using the Wolfe reduced gradient (RG) method. This method reduces the dimensions of each single-OD subproblem by selecting a basic path between the OD pair and reformulating the subproblem in terms of the nonbasic paths. A column generation technique is included to avoid path enumeration in large scale networks. Also, some speed-up techniques are designed to improve the computational efficiency. The algorithm shifts flows from costlier paths to cheaper paths; however, the amount of flow shifted from a costlier path is proportional to not only the travel time but also the flow on the path. It is applied to the Philadelphia and Chicago test problems, while different strategies for choosing the basic paths are examined. The RG algorithm shows an excellent convergence to relative gaps of the order of 1.0E-14 when compared against several reference TAP algorithms

    A Framework for and Empirical Study of Algorithms for Traffic Assignment

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    Traffic congestion is an issue in most cities worldwide. Transportation engineers and urban planners develop various tra c management projects in order to solve this issue. One way to evaluate such projects is traffic assignment (TA). The goal of TA is to predict the behaviour of road users for a given period of time (morning and evening peaks, for example). Once such a model is created, it can be used to analyse the usage of a road network and to predict the impact of implementing a potential project. The most commonly used TA model is known as user equilibrium, which is based on the assumption that all drivers minimise their travel time or generalised cost. In this study, we consider the static deterministic user equilibrium TA model. The constant growth of road networks and the need of highly precise solutions (required for select link analysis, network design, etc) motivate researchers to propose numerous methods to solve this problem. Our study aims to provide a recommendation on what methods are more suitable depending on available computational resources, time and requirements on the solution. In order to achieve this goal, we implement a flexible software framework that maximises usage of common code and, hence, ensures comparison of algorithms on common ground. In order to identify similarities and differences of the methods, we analyse groups of algorithms that are based on common principles. In addition, we implement and compare several different methods for solving sub-problems and discuss issues related to accumulated numerical errors that might occur when highly accurate solutions are required

    Mobility Models for Vehicular Communications

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-15497-8_11The experimental evaluation of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) implies elevate economic cost and organizational complexity, especially in presence of solutions that target large-scale deployments. As performance evaluation is however mandatory prior to the actual implementation of VANETs, simulation has established as the de-facto standard for the analysis of dedicated network protocols and architectures. The vehicular environment makes network simulation particularly challenging, as it requires the faithful modelling not only of the network stack, but also of all phenomena linked to road traffic dynamics and radio-frequency signal propagation in highly mobile environments. In this chapter, we will focus on the first aspect, and discuss the representation of mobility in VANET simulations. Specifically, we will present the requirements of a dependable simulation, and introduce models of the road infrastructure, of the driver’s behaviour, and of the traffic dynamics. We will also outline the evolution of simulation tools implementing such models, and provide a hands-on example of reliable vehicular mobility modelling for VANET simulation.Manzoni, P.; Fiore, M.; Uppoor, S.; Martínez Domínguez, FJ.; Tavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM.; Cano Escribá, JC. (2015). Mobility Models for Vehicular Communications. En Vehicular ad hoc Networks. Standards, Solutions, and Research. Springer. 309-333. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-15497-8_11S309333Bai F, Sadagopan N, Helmy A (2003) The IMPORTANT framework for analyzing the impact of mobility on performance of routing protocols for adhoc networks. Elsevier Ad Hoc Netw1:383–403Baumann R, Legendre F, Sommer P (2008) Generic mobility simulation framework (GMSF). In: ACM mobility modelsBononi L, Di Felice M, D’Angelo G, Bracuto M, Donatiello L (2008) MoVES: A framework for parallel and distributed simulation of wireless vehicular ad hoc networks. Comput Netw 52(1):155–179Cabspotting Project (2006) San Francisco exploratorium’s invisible dynamics initiative. http://cabspotting.org/index.htmlCamp T, Boleng J, Davies V (2002) A survey of mobility models for ad hoc network research. Wirel Commun Mobile Comput 2(5):483–502. Special issue on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking: Research, Trends and ApplicationsCavin D, Sasson Y, Schiper A (2002) On the accuracy of MANET simulators. In: Proceedings of the second ACM international workshop on principles of mobile computing. ACM, New York, pp 38–43Choffnes D, Bustamante F (2005) An integrated mobility and traffic model for vehicular wireless networks. In: ACM VANETDavies V (2000) Evaluating mobility models within an ad hoc network. 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    Prediction of Traffic Flow via Connected Vehicles

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    We propose a Short-term Traffic flow Prediction (STP) framework so that transportation authorities take early actions to control flow and prevent congestion. We anticipate flow at future time frames on a target road segment based on historical flow data and innovative features such as real time feeds and trajectory data provided by Connected Vehicles (CV) technology. To cope with the fact that existing approaches do not adapt to variation in traffic, we show how this novel approach allows advanced modelling by integrating into the forecasting of flow, the impact of the various events that CV realistically encountered on segments along their trajectory. We solve the STP problem with a Deep Neural Networks (DNN) in a multitask learning setting augmented by input from CV. Results show that our approach, namely MTL-CV, with an average Root-Mean-Square Error (RMSE) of 0.052, outperforms state-of-the-art ARIMA time series (RMSE of 0.255) and baseline classifiers (RMSE of 0.122). Compared to single task learning with Artificial Neural Network (ANN), ANN had a lower performance, 0.113 for RMSE, than MTL-CV. MTL-CV learned historical similarities between segments, in contrast to using direct historical trends in the measure, because trends may not exist in the measure but do in the similarities

    zCap: a zero configuration adaptive paging and mobility management mechanism

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    Today, cellular networks rely on fixed collections of cells (tracking areas) for user equipment localisation. Locating users within these areas involves broadcast search (paging), which consumes radio bandwidth but reduces the user equipment signalling required for mobility management. Tracking areas are today manually configured, hard to adapt to local mobility and influence the load on several key resources in the network. We propose a decentralised and self-adaptive approach to mobility management based on a probabilistic model of local mobility. By estimating the parameters of this model from observations of user mobility collected online, we obtain a dynamic model from which we construct local neighbourhoods of cells where we are most likely to locate user equipment. We propose to replace the static tracking areas of current systems with neighbourhoods local to each cell. The model is also used to derive a multi-phase paging scheme, where the division of neighbourhood cells into consecutive phases balances response times and paging cost. The complete mechanism requires no manual tracking area configuration and performs localisation efficiently in terms of signalling and response times. Detailed simulations show that significant potential gains in localisation effi- ciency are possible while eliminating manual configuration of mobility management parameters. Variants of the proposal can be implemented within current (LTE) standards

    Traffic Assignment Problem for Pedestrian Networks

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    The estimation of pedestrian traffic in urban areas is often performed with computationally intensive microscopic models that usually suffer from scalability issues in large-scale walking networks. In this study, we present a new macroscopic user equilibrium traffic assignment problem (UE-pTAP) framework for pedestrian networks while taking into account fundamental microscopic properties such as self-organization in bidirectional streams and stochastic walking travel times. We propose four different types of pedestrian volume-delay functions (pVDFs), calibrate them with empirical data, and discuss their implications on the existence and uniqueness of the assignment solution. We demonstrate the applicability of the developed UE-pTAP framework in a small network as well as a larger scale network of Sydney footpaths