7,264 research outputs found

    On the long time behavior of the TCP window size process

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    The TCP window size process appears in the modeling of the famous Transmission Control Protocol used for data transmission over the Internet. This continuous time Markov process takes its values in [0,∞)[0,\infty), is ergodic and irreversible. It belongs to the Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease class of processes. The sample paths are piecewise linear deterministic and the whole randomness of the dynamics comes from the jump mechanism. Several aspects of this process have already been investigated in the literature. In the present paper, we mainly get quantitative estimates for the convergence to equilibrium, in terms of the W1W_1 Wasserstein coupling distance, for the process and also for its embedded chain.Comment: Correction

    Some simple but challenging Markov processes

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    In this note, we present few examples of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes and their long time behavior. They share two important features: they are related to concrete models (in biology, networks, chemistry,. . .) and they are mathematically rich. Their math-ematical study relies on coupling method, spectral decomposition, PDE technics, functional inequalities. We also relate these simple examples to recent and open problems

    Wigner Representation Theory of the Poincare Group, Localization, Statistics and the S-Matrix

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    It has been known that the Wigner representation theory for positive energy orbits permits a useful localization concept in terms of certain lattices of real subspaces of the complex Hilbert -space. This ''modular localization'' is not only useful in order to construct interaction-free nets of local algebras without using non-unique ''free field coordinates'', but also permits the study of properties of localization and braid-group statistics in low-dimensional QFT. It also sheds some light on the string-like localization properties of the 1939 Wigner's ''continuous spin'' representations.We formulate a constructive nonperturbative program to introduce interactions into such an approach based on the Tomita-Takesaki modular theory. The new aspect is the deep relation of the latter with the scattering operator.Comment: 28 pages of LateX, removal of misprints and extension of the last section. more misprints correcte

    A L\'evy input fluid queue with input and workload regulation

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    We consider a queuing model with the workload evolving between consecutive i.i.d.\ exponential timers {eq(i)}i=1,2,...\{e_q^{(i)}\}_{i=1,2,...} according to a spectrally positive L\'evy process Yi(t)Y_i(t) that is reflected at zero, and where the environment ii equals 0 or 1. When the exponential clock eq(i)e_q^{(i)} ends, the workload, as well as the L\'evy input process, are modified; this modification may depend on the current value of the workload, the maximum and the minimum workload observed during the previous cycle, and the environment ii of the L\'evy input process itself during the previous cycle. We analyse the steady-state workload distribution for this model. The main theme of the analysis is the systematic application of non-trivial functionals, derived within the framework of fluctuation theory of L\'evy processes, to workload and queuing models

    K-theory and topological cyclic homology of henselian pairs

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    Given a henselian pair (R,I)(R, I) of commutative rings, we show that the relative KK-theory and relative topological cyclic homology with finite coefficients are identified via the cyclotomic trace K→TCK \to \mathrm{TC}. This yields a generalization of the classical Gabber-Gillet-Thomason-Suslin rigidity theorem (for mod nn coefficients, with nn invertible in RR) and McCarthy's theorem on relative KK-theory (when II is nilpotent). We deduce that the cyclotomic trace is an equivalence in large degrees between pp-adic KK-theory and topological cyclic homology for a large class of pp-adic rings. In addition, we show that KK-theory with finite coefficients satisfies continuity for complete noetherian rings which are FF-finite modulo pp. Our main new ingredient is a basic finiteness property of TC\mathrm{TC} with finite coefficients.Comment: 59 pages, revised and final versio

    SGARFACE: A Novel Detector For Microsecond Gamma Ray Bursts

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    The Short GAmma Ray Front Air Cherenkov Experiment (SGARFACE) is operated at the Whipple Observatory utilizing the Whipple 10m gamma-ray telescope. SGARFACE is sensitive to gamma-ray bursts of more than 100MeV with durations from 100ns to 35us and provides a fluence sensitivity as low as 0.8 gamma-rays per m^2 above 200MeV (0.05 gamma-rays per m^2 above 2GeV) and allows to record the burst time structure.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physic

    Motivations and Physical Aims of Algebraic QFT

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    We present illustrations which show the usefulness of algebraic QFT. In particular in low-dimensional QFT, when Lagrangian quantization does not exist or is useless (e.g. in chiral conformal theories), the algebraic method is beginning to reveal its strength.Comment: 40 pages of LateX, additional remarks resulting from conversations and mail contents, removal of typographical error

    Gauge-ball spectrum of the four-dimensional pure U(1) gauge theory

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    We investigate the continuum limit of the gauge-ball spectrum in the four-dimensional pure U(1) lattice gauge theory. In the confinement phase we identify various states scaling with the correlation length exponent Μ≃0.35\nu \simeq 0.35. The square root of the string tension also scales with this exponent, which agrees with the non-Gaussian fixed point exponent recently found in the finite size studies of this theory. Possible scenarios for constructing a non-Gaussian continuum theory with the observed gauge-ball spectrum are discussed. The 0++0^{++} state, however, scales with a Gaussian value Μ≃0.5\nu \simeq 0.5. This suggests the existence of a second, Gaussian continuum limit in the confinement phase and also the presence of a light or possibly massless scalar in the non-Gaussian continuum theory. In the Coulomb phase we find evidence for a few gauge-balls, being resonances in multi-photon channels; they seem to approach the continuum limit with as yet unknown critical exponents. The maximal value of the renormalized coupling in this phase is determined and its universality confirmed.Comment: 46 pages, 12 figure
