453 research outputs found

    Building block filtering and mixing

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    A three-stage evolutionary method, the BBF-GA is introduced. BBF-GA is an acronym for building block filtering genetic algorithm. During the first stage, an ensemble of fast evolutionary algorithms is used to explore the search space. The best individual found by each of these evolutionary algorithms is propagated to the next phase. During the second stage, building block filtering is used to extract the essential parts of each of these local optimal strings, and masks these essential parts. During the third stage, a single evolutionary algorithm is used to find the global optimum by recombining the masked strings. For this purpose we use a special recombination operator that exploits the information stored in the masks. Given an appropriate basis, such that partial solutions can be discovered and evaluated in parallel and be combined afterwards, a recombination-based evolutionary algorithm can be very efficient. Therefore, learning of the structure of problem-spaces is important to make a more efficient recombination possible. The BBF-GA is a first step along this line for binary search spaces and problems that adhere to the building block hypothesis

    Adaptive scaling of evolvable systems

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    Neo-Darwinian evolution is an established natural inspiration for computational optimisation with a diverse range of forms. A particular feature of models such as Genetic Algorithms (GA) [18, 12] is the incremental combination of partial solutions distributed within a population of solutions. This mechanism in principle allows certain problems to be solved which would not be amenable to a simple local search. Such problems require these partial solutions, generally known as building-blocks, to be handled without disruption. The traditional means for this is a combination of a suitable chromosome ordering with a sympathetic recombination operator. More advanced algorithms attempt to adapt to accommodate these dependencies during the search. The recent approach of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA) aims to directly infer a probabilistic model of a promising population distribution from a sample of fitter solutions [23]. This model is then sampled to generate a new solution set. A symbiotic view of evolution is behind the recent development of the Compositional Search Evolutionary Algorithms (CSEA) [49, 19, 8] which build up an incremental model of variable dependencies conditional on a series of tests. Building-blocks are retained as explicit genetic structures and conditionally joined to form higher-order structures. These have been shown to be effective on special classes of hierarchical problems but are unproven on less tightly-structured problems. We propose that there exists a simple yet powerful combination of the above approaches: the persistent, adapting dependency model of a compositional pool with the expressive and compact variable weighting of probabilistic models. We review and deconstruct some of the key methods above for the purpose of determining their individual drawbacks and their common principles. By this reasoned approach we aim to arrive at a unifying framework that can adaptively scale to span a range of problem structure classes. This is implemented in a novel algorithm called the Transitional Evolutionary Algorithm (TEA). This is empirically validated in an incremental manner, verifying the various facets of the TEA and comparing it with related algorithms for an increasingly structured series of benchmark problems. This prompts some refinements to result in a simple and general algorithm that is nevertheless competitive with state-of-the-art methods

    An Improved Robot Path Planning Algorithm

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    Robot path planning is a NP problem. Traditionaloptimization methods are not very effective to solve it. Traditional genetic algorithm trapped into the local minimum easily. Therefore, based on a simple genetic algorithm and combine the base ideology of orthogonal design method then applied it to the population initialization, using the intergenerational elite mechanism, as well as the introduction of adaptive local search operator to prevent trapped into the local minimum and improvethe convergence speed to form a new genetic algorithm. Through the series of numerical experiments, the new algorithm has been proved to be efficiency.We also use the proposed algorithm to solve the robot path planning problem and the experiment results indicated that the new algorithm is efficiency for solving the robot path planning problems and the best path usually can be found

    Self adaptation in evolutionary algorithms

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    Evolutionary Algorithms are search algorithms based on the Darwinian metaphor of “Natural Selection”. Typically these algorithms maintain a population of individual solutions, each of which has a fitness attached to it, which in some way reflects the quality of the solution. The searchproceeds via the iterative generation, evaluation and possible incorporation of new individuals based on the current population, using a number of parameterisedgenetic operators. In this thesis the phenomenon of Self Adaptation of the genetic operators is investigated.A new framework for classifying adaptive algorithms is proposed, based on the scope of the adaptation, and on the nature of the transition function guiding the search through the space of possible configurations of the algorithm. Mechanisms are investigated for achieving the self adaptation of recombination and mutation operators within a genetic algorithm, and means of combining them are investigated. These are shown to produce significantly better results than any of the combinations of fixed operators tested, across a range of problem types. These new operators reduce the need for the designer of an algorithm to select appropriate choices of operators and parameters, thus aiding the implementation of geneticalgorithms. The nature of the evolving search strategies are investigated and explained in terms of the known properties of the landscapes used, and it is suggested how observations of evolving strategies on unknown landscapes may be used to categorise them, and guide further changes in other facets of the genetic algorithm.This work provides a contribution towards the study of adaptation in Evolutionary Algorithms, and towards the design of robust search algorithms for “real world” problems

    State-of-the-art in aerodynamic shape optimisation methods

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    Aerodynamic optimisation has become an indispensable component for any aerodynamic design over the past 60 years, with applications to aircraft, cars, trains, bridges, wind turbines, internal pipe flows, and cavities, among others, and is thus relevant in many facets of technology. With advancements in computational power, automated design optimisation procedures have become more competent, however, there is an ambiguity and bias throughout the literature with regards to relative performance of optimisation architectures and employed algorithms. This paper provides a well-balanced critical review of the dominant optimisation approaches that have been integrated with aerodynamic theory for the purpose of shape optimisation. A total of 229 papers, published in more than 120 journals and conference proceedings, have been classified into 6 different optimisation algorithm approaches. The material cited includes some of the most well-established authors and publications in the field of aerodynamic optimisation. This paper aims to eliminate bias toward certain algorithms by analysing the limitations, drawbacks, and the benefits of the most utilised optimisation approaches. This review provides comprehensive but straightforward insight for non-specialists and reference detailing the current state for specialist practitioners

    Reactive approach for automating exploration and exploitation in ant colony optimization

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    Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms can be used to solve nondeterministic polynomial hard problems. Exploration and exploitation are the main mechanisms in controlling search within the ACO. Reactive search is an alternative technique to maintain the dynamism of the mechanics. However, ACO-based reactive search technique has three (3) problems. First, the memory model to record previous search regions did not completely transfer the neighborhood structures to the next iteration which leads to arbitrary restart and premature local search. Secondly, the exploration indicator is not robust due to the difference of magnitudes in distance matrices for the current population. Thirdly, the parameter control techniques that utilize exploration indicators in their feedback process do not consider the problem of indicator robustness. A reactive ant colony optimization (RACO) algorithm has been proposed to overcome the limitations of the reactive search. RACO consists of three main components. The first component is a reactive max-min ant system algorithm for recording the neighborhood structures. The second component is a statistical machine learning mechanism named ACOustic to produce a robust exploration indicator. The third component is the ACO-based adaptive parameter selection algorithm to solve the parameterization problem which relies on quality, exploration and unified criteria in assigning rewards to promising parameters. The performance of RACO is evaluated on traveling salesman and quadratic assignment problems and compared with eight metaheuristics techniques in terms of success rate, Wilcoxon signed-rank, Chi-square and relative percentage deviation. Experimental results showed that the performance of RACO is superior than the eight (8) metaheuristics techniques which confirmed that RACO can be used as a new direction for solving optimization problems. RACO can be used in providing a dynamic exploration and exploitation mechanism, setting a parameter value which allows an efficient search, describing the amount of exploration an ACO algorithm performs and detecting stagnation situations

    Hierarchically organised genetic algorithm for fuzzy network synthesis

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    Meta-learning computational intelligence architectures

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    In computational intelligence, the term \u27memetic algorithm\u27 has come to be associated with the algorithmic pairing of a global search method with a local search method. In a sociological context, a \u27meme\u27 has been loosely defined as a unit of cultural information, the social analog of genes for individuals. Both of these definitions are inadequate, as \u27memetic algorithm\u27 is too specific, and ultimately a misnomer, as much as a \u27meme\u27 is defined too generally to be of scientific use. In this dissertation the notion of memes and meta-learning is extended from a computational viewpoint and the purpose, definitions, design guidelines and architecture for effective meta-learning are explored. The background and structure of meta-learning architectures is discussed, incorporating viewpoints from psychology, sociology, computational intelligence, and engineering. The benefits and limitations of meme-based learning are demonstrated through two experimental case studies -- Meta-Learning Genetic Programming and Meta- Learning Traveling Salesman Problem Optimization. Additionally, the development and properties of several new algorithms are detailed, inspired by the previous case-studies. With applications ranging from cognitive science to machine learning, meta-learning has the potential to provide much-needed stimulation to the field of computational intelligence by providing a framework for higher order learning --Abstract, page iii

    Learning algorithms for adaptive digital filtering

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    In this thesis, we consider the problem of parameter optimisation in adaptive digital filtering. Adaptive digital filtering can be accomplished using both Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters and Infinite Impulse Response Filters (IIR) filters. Adaptive FIR filtering algorithms are well established. However, the potential computational advantages of IIR filters has led to an increase in research on adaptive IIR filtering algorithms. These algorithms are studied in detail in this thesis and the limitations of current adaptive IIR filtering algorithms are identified. New approaches to adaptive IIR filtering using intelligent learning algorithms are proposed. These include Stochastic Learning Automata, Evolutionary Algorithms and Annealing Algorithms. Each of these techniques are used for the filtering problem and simulation results are presented showing the performance of the algorithms for adaptive IIR filtering. The relative merits and demerits of the different schemes are discussed. Two practical applications of adaptive IIR filtering are simulated and results of using the new adaptive strategies are presented. Other than the new approaches used, two new hybrid schemes are proposed based on concepts from genetic algorithms and annealing. It is shown with the help of simulation studies, that these hybrid schemes provide a superior performance to the exclusive use of any one scheme