167,826 research outputs found

    Telerobotic assembly of space station truss structure

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    Discussed are methods of assembling the space station's structure utilizing only telerobotic devices, i.e.: (1) an approximately anthropomorphic telerobot with two dextrous arms; (2) the Shuttle Remote Manipulator System (SRNS); (3) various material handling machines. Timelines and task recommendations for autonomous operations are also included. Also described are some experimental results comparing two manipulator control devices

    The Combechem MQTT LEGO microscope: a grid enabled scientific apparatus demonstrator

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    Grid computing impacts directly on the experimental scientific laboratory in the areas of monitoring and remote control of experiments, and the storage, processing and dissemination of the resulting data. We highlight some of the issues in extending the use of an MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT) broker from facilitating the remote monitoring of an experiment and its environment to the remote control of an apparatus. To demonstrate these techniques, an Intel-Play QX3 microscope has been "grid-enabled" using a combination of software to control the microscope imaging, and sample handling hardware built from LEGO Mindstorms. The whole system is controlled remotely by passing messages using an IBM WebSphere Message Broker. <br/

    Quantitative assessment on remote code execution vulnerability in web apps

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    With the exponential increasing use of online tools, applications that are being made for day to day purpose by small and large industries, the threat of exploitation is also increasing. Remote Code Execution (RCE) is one of the top most critical and serious web applications vulnerability of this era and one of the major concerns among cyber threats ,which can exploit web servers through their functionalities and using their scripts/files. RCE is an application layer vulnerability caused by careless coding practice which leads to a huge security breach that may bring unwanted resource loss or damages. Attacker may execute malicious code and take complete control of the targeted system with the privileges of an authentic user with this vulnerability. Attackers can attempt to advance their privileges after gaining access to the system. Remote Code Execution can lead to a full compromise of the vulnerable web application as well as the web server. This chapter highlights the concern and risk needed to put under consideration caused by RCE vulnerability of a system. Moreover, this study and its findings will help application developers and its stakeholders to understand the risk of data compromise and unauthorized access of the system. Around 1011 web applications were taken under consideration and experiment was done by following manual double blinded penetration testing strategy. The experiments shows that more than 12% web application were found vulnerable with RCE. This study also explicitly listed down the critical factors of Remote Code Execution vulnerability and improper input handling. The experimental results are promising to motivate developers to focus on security enhancement through proper and safe input handling

    Satellite-Based Tele-Operation of an Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System. Preliminary Experimental Results

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    Within the European project DexROV the topic of underwater intervention is addressed. In particular, a remote control room is connected through a satellite communication link to surface vessel, which is in turn connected to an UVMS (Underwater Vehicle-Manipulator System) with an umbilical cable. The operator may interact with the system using a joystick or exoskeleton. Since a direct teleoperation is not feasible, a cognitive engine is in charge of handling communication latency or interruptions caused by the satellite link, and the UVMS should have sufficient autonomy in dealing with low level constraints or secondary objectives. To this purpose, a task-priority-based inverse kinematics algorithm has been developed in order to allow the operator to control only the end effector, while the algorithm is in charge of handling both operative and joint-space constraints. This paper describes some preliminary experimental results achieved during the DexROV campaign of July 2017 in Marseilles (France), where most of the components have been successfully integrated and the inverse kinematics nicely run

    Effect of Control System Augmentation on Handling Qualities and Task Performance in Good and Degraded Visual Environments

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    In June 2013, NASA and the U.S. Army jointly conducted a simulation experiment in the NASA-Ames Vertical Motion Simulator that examined and quantified the effects of limited-authority control system augmentation on handling qualities and task performance in both good and degraded visual environments (DVEs). The vehicle model used for the experiment was the OH-58D with similar size, weight and performance, and the same 4-blade rotor system as the Bell 407 civilian helicopter that is commonly used for medical evacuation and emergency medical services. The control systems investigated as part of this study included the baseline aircraft Rate Command system, a short-term Attitude Command/Attitude Hold system that uses lagged-rate feedback to provide a short-term attitude response, Modernized Control Laws that provide an Attitude Command/Attitude Hold control response type, and Modernized Control Laws with an additional Position Hold function. Evaluation tasks included the ADS-33 Hover, Sidestep, Acceleration/Deceleration, and Pirouette Mission Task Elements, as well as a new proposed Emergency Medical Services task that includes an approach and landing at a minimally prepared remote landing site. Degraded visual environments were simulated with night vision goggles and an unaided night scene. A total of nine experimental test pilots participated in the four-week simulation experiment. Data recorded during the evaluation included Cooper-Harper handling qualities ratings, Bedford Workload scale ratings, and task performance. The Usable Cue Environment (UCE) was measured for this simulation experiment, and found to be UCE equals 1 in good visual environments and UCE equals 2 in degraded visual environments with night vision goggles. Results showed that handling qualities ratings were improved with a control system providing short-term attitude response over a rate command system, although the improvements were not sufficient to produce Level 1 handling qualities in degraded visual environments. Results for an Attitude Command/Attitude Hold control system showed that borderline Level 1 handling qualities could be achieved in degraded visual environments, and the 10 percent authority stability augmentation system was adequate to obtain these handling qualities ratings

    Lessons taught and learned from the operation of the solar energy e-learning laboratory

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    The solar energy e learning laboratory (solar e-lab) in Cyprus is a good example of a web-based, remote engineering laboratory. It comprises a pilot solar energy conversion plant which is equipped with all necessary instrumentation, data acquisition, and communication devices needed for remote access, control, data collection and processing. The impact that the solar e-lab had during its nearly 5 years of operation is indeed high. Throughout this period, the solar e-lab has been accessed by users from over 500 locations from 79 countries spread all over the world. In the period of November 2004 to October 2008, more than a million visits were recorded, out of which 25000 have registered on the site and surfed through studying the supplied material. Around 1000 hits concerned registered users that passed the pre-lab test and performed the experimentation part. The four years of operation of the solar e-lab demonstrated how the Internet can be used as a tool to make the laboratory facilities accessible to engineering students and technicians located outside the laboratory, including overseas. In this way, the solar energy e-learning lab, its equipment and experimental facilities were made available and shared by a number of interested people, thus widening educational experiences. Judging from the online evaluation reports that were received from the solar e-lab users during the last 2 years of operation, it can be concluded that there is nearly excellent satisfaction by the users

    Optimized mobile thin clients through a MPEG-4 BiFS semantic remote display framework

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    According to the thin client computing principle, the user interface is physically separated from the application logic. In practice only a viewer component is executed on the client device, rendering the display updates received from the distant application server and capturing the user interaction. Existing remote display frameworks are not optimized to encode the complex scenes of modern applications, which are composed of objects with very diverse graphical characteristics. In order to tackle this challenge, we propose to transfer to the client, in addition to the binary encoded objects, semantic information about the characteristics of each object. Through this semantic knowledge, the client is enabled to react autonomously on user input and does not have to wait for the display update from the server. Resulting in a reduction of the interaction latency and a mitigation of the bursty remote display traffic pattern, the presented framework is of particular interest in a wireless context, where the bandwidth is limited and expensive. In this paper, we describe a generic architecture of a semantic remote display framework. Furthermore, we have developed a prototype using the MPEG-4 Binary Format for Scenes to convey the semantic information to the client. We experimentally compare the bandwidth consumption of MPEG-4 BiFS with existing, non-semantic, remote display frameworks. In a text editing scenario, we realize an average reduction of 23% of the data peaks that are observed in remote display protocol traffic

    A metaobject architecture for fault-tolerant distributed systems : the FRIENDS approach

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    The FRIENDS system developed at LAAS-CNRS is a metalevel architecture providing libraries of metaobjects for fault tolerance, secure communication, and group-based distributed applications. The use of metaobjects provides a nice separation of concerns between mechanisms and applications. Metaobjects can be used transparently by applications and can be composed according to the needs of a given application, a given architecture, and its underlying properties. In FRIENDS, metaobjects are used recursively to add new properties to applications. They are designed using an object oriented design method and implemented on top of basic system services. This paper describes the FRIENDS software-based architecture, the object-oriented development of metaobjects, the experiments that we have done, and summarizes the advantages and drawbacks of a metaobject approach for building fault-tolerant system

    Adaptive remote visualization system with optimized network performance for large scale scientific data

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    This dissertation discusses algorithmic and implementation aspects of an automatically configurable remote visualization system, which optimally decomposes and adaptively maps the visualization pipeline to a wide-area network. The first node typically serves as a data server that generates or stores raw data sets and a remote client resides on the last node equipped with a display device ranging from a personal desktop to a powerwall. Intermediate nodes can be located anywhere on the network and often include workstations, clusters, or custom rendering engines. We employ a regression model-based network daemon to estimate the effective bandwidth and minimal delay of a transport path using active traffic measurement. Data processing time is predicted for various visualization algorithms using block partition and statistical technique. Based on the link measurements, node characteristics, and module properties, we strategically organize visualization pipeline modules such as filtering, geometry generation, rendering, and display into groups, and dynamically assign them to appropriate network nodes to achieve minimal total delay for post-processing or maximal frame rate for streaming applications. We propose polynomial-time algorithms using the dynamic programming method to compute the optimal solutions for the problems of pipeline decomposition and network mapping under different constraints. A parallel based remote visualization system, which comprises a logical group of autonomous nodes that cooperate to enable sharing, selection, and aggregation of various types of resources distributed over a network, is implemented and deployed at geographically distributed nodes for experimental testing. Our system is capable of handling a complete spectrum of remote visualization tasks expertly including post processing, computational steering and wireless sensor network monitoring. Visualization functionalities such as isosurface, ray casting, streamline, linear integral convolution (LIC) are supported in our system. The proposed decomposition and mapping scheme is generic and can be applied to other network-oriented computation applications whose computing components form a linear arrangement
