6,440 research outputs found

    Implementing the weakest failure detector for solving consensus

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    The concept of unreliable failure detector was introduced by Chandra and Toueg as a mechanism that provides information about process failures. This mechanism has been used to solve several agreement problems, such as the consensus problem. In this paper, algorithms that implement failure detectors in partially synchronous systems are presented. First two simple algorithms of the weakest class to solve the consensus problem, namely the Eventually Strong class (⋄S), are presented. While the first algorithm is wait-free, the second algorithm is f-resilient, where f is a known upper bound on the number of faulty processes. Both algorithms guarantee that, eventually, all the correct processes agree permanently on a common correct process, i.e. they also implement a failure detector of the class Omega (Ω). They are also shown to be optimal in terms of the number of communication links used forever. Additionally, a wait-free algorithm that implements a failure detector of the Eventually Perfect class (⋄P) is presented. This algorithm is shown to be optimal in terms of the number of bidirectional links used forever

    Handling Network Partitions and Mergers in Structured Overlay Networks

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    Structured overlay networks form a major class of peer-to-peer systems, which are touted for their abilities to scale, tolerate failures, and self-manage. Any long-lived Internet-scale distributed system is destined to face network partitions. Although the problem of network partitions and mergers is highly related to fault-tolerance and self-management in large-scale systems, it has hardly been studied in the context of structured peer-to-peer systems. These systems have mainly been studied under churn (frequent joins/failures), which as a side effect solves the problem of network partitions, as it is similar to massive node failures. Yet, the crucial aspect of network mergers has been ignored. In fact, it has been claimed that ring-based structured overlay networks, which constitute the majority of the structured overlays, are intrinsically ill-suited for merging rings. In this paper, we present an algorithm for merging multiple similar ring-based overlays when the underlying network merges. We examine the solution in dynamic conditions, showing how our solution is resilient to churn during the merger, something widely believed to be difficult or impossible. We evaluate the algorithm for various scenarios and show that even when falsely detecting a merger, the algorithm quickly terminates and does not clutter the network with many messages. The algorithm is flexible as the tradeoff between message complexity and time complexity can be adjusted by a parameter

    Contributions on agreement in dynamic distributed systems

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    139 p.This Ph.D. thesis studies the agreement problem in dynamic distributed systems by integrating both the classical fault-tolerance perspective and the more recent formalism based on evolving graphs. First, we developed a common framework that allows to analyze and compare models of dynamic distributed systems for eventual leader election. The framework extends a previous proposal by Baldoni et al. by including new dimensions and levels of dynamicity. Also, we extend the Time-Varying Graph (TVG) formalism by introducing the necessary timeliness assumptions and the minimal conditions to solve agreement problems. We provide a hierarchy of time-bounded, TVG-based, connectivity classes with increasingly stronger assumptions and specify an implementation of Terminating Reliable Broadcast for each class. Then we define an Omega failure detector, W, for the eventual leader election in dynamic distributed systems, together with a system model, , which is compatible with the timebounded TVG classes. We implement an algorithm that satisfy the properties of W in M. According to our common framework, M results to be weaker than the previous proposed dynamic distributed system models for eventual leader election. Additionally we use simulations to illustrate this fact and show that our leader election algorithm tolerates more general (i.e., dynamic) behaviors, and hence it is of application in a wider range of practical scenarios at the cost of a moderate overhead on stabilization times

    Agreement-related problems:from semi-passive replication to totally ordered broadcast

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    Agreement problems constitute a fundamental class of problems in the context of distributed systems. All agreement problems follow a common pattern: all processes must agree on some common decision, the nature of which depends on the specific problem. This dissertation mainly focuses on three important agreements problems: Replication, Total Order Broadcast, and Consensus. Replication is a common means to introduce redundancy in a system, in order to improve its availability. A replicated server is a server that is composed of multiple copies so that, if one copy fails, the other copies can still provide the service. Each copy of the server is called a replica. The replicas must all evolve in manner that is consistent with the other replicas. Hence, updating the replicated server requires that every replica agrees on the set of modifications to carry over. There are two principal replication schemes to ensure this consistency: active replication and passive replication. In Total Order Broadcast, processes broadcast messages to all processes. However, all messages must be delivered in the same order. Also, if one process delivers a message m, then all correct processes must eventually deliver m. The problem of Consensus gives an abstraction to most other agreement problems. All processes initiate a Consensus by proposing a value. Then, all processes must eventually decide the same value v that must be one of the proposed values. These agreement problems are closely related to each other. For instance, Chandra and Toueg [CT96] show that Total Order Broadcast and Consensus are equivalent problems. In addition, Lamport [Lam78] and Schneider [Sch90] show that active replication needs Total Order Broadcast. As a result, active replication is also closely related to the Consensus problem. The first contribution of this dissertation is the definition of the semi-passive replication technique. Semi-passive replication is a passive replication scheme based on a variant of Consensus (called Lazy Consensus and also defined here). From a conceptual point of view, the result is important as it helps to clarify the relation between passive replication and the Consensus problem. In practice, this makes it possible to design systems that react more quickly to failures. The problem of Total Order Broadcast is well-known in the field of distributed systems and algorithms. In fact, there have been already more than fifty algorithms published on the problem so far. Although quite similar, it is difficult to compare these algorithms as they often differ with respect to their actual properties, assumptions, and objectives. The second main contribution of this dissertation is to define five classes of total order broadcast algorithms, and to relate existing algorithms to those classes. The third contribution of this dissertation is to compare the expected performance of the various classes of total order broadcast algorithms. To achieve this goal, we define a set of metrics to predict the performance of distributed algorithms

    Byzantine fault-tolerant agreement protocols for wireless Ad hoc networks

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciências da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2010.The thesis investigates the problem of fault- and intrusion-tolerant consensus in resource-constrained wireless ad hoc networks. This is a fundamental problem in distributed computing because it abstracts the need to coordinate activities among various nodes. It has been shown to be a building block for several other important distributed computing problems like state-machine replication and atomic broadcast. The thesis begins by making a thorough performance assessment of existing intrusion-tolerant consensus protocols, which shows that the performance bottlenecks of current solutions are in part related to their system modeling assumptions. Based on these results, the communication failure model is identified as a model that simultaneously captures the reality of wireless ad hoc networks and allows the design of efficient protocols. Unfortunately, the model is subject to an impossibility result stating that there is no deterministic algorithm that allows n nodes to reach agreement if more than n2 omission transmission failures can occur in a communication step. This result is valid even under strict timing assumptions (i.e., a synchronous system). The thesis applies randomization techniques in increasingly weaker variants of this model, until an efficient intrusion-tolerant consensus protocol is achieved. The first variant simplifies the problem by restricting the number of nodes that may be at the source of a transmission failure at each communication step. An algorithm is designed that tolerates f dynamic nodes at the source of faulty transmissions in a system with a total of n 3f + 1 nodes. The second variant imposes no restrictions on the pattern of transmission failures. The proposed algorithm effectively circumvents the Santoro- Widmayer impossibility result for the first time. It allows k out of n nodes to decide despite dn 2 e(nk)+k2 omission failures per communication step. This algorithm also has the interesting property of guaranteeing safety during arbitrary periods of unrestricted message loss. The final variant shares the same properties of the previous one, but relaxes the model in the sense that the system is asynchronous and that a static subset of nodes may be malicious. The obtained algorithm, called Turquois, admits f < n 3 malicious nodes, and ensures progress in communication steps where dnf 2 e(n k f) + k 2. The algorithm is subject to a comparative performance evaluation against other intrusiontolerant protocols. The results show that, as the system scales, Turquois outperforms the other protocols by more than an order of magnitude.Esta tese investiga o problema do consenso tolerante a faltas acidentais e maliciosas em redes ad hoc sem fios. Trata-se de um problema fundamental que captura a essência da coordenação em actividades envolvendo vários nós de um sistema, sendo um bloco construtor de outros importantes problemas dos sistemas distribuídos como a replicação de máquina de estados ou a difusão atómica. A tese começa por efectuar uma avaliação de desempenho a protocolos tolerantes a intrusões já existentes na literatura. Os resultados mostram que as limitações de desempenho das soluções existentes estão em parte relacionadas com o seu modelo de sistema. Baseado nestes resultados, é identificado o modelo de falhas de comunicação como um modelo que simultaneamente permite capturar o ambiente das redes ad hoc sem fios e projectar protocolos eficientes. Todavia, o modelo é restrito por um resultado de impossibilidade que afirma não existir algoritmo algum que permita a n nós chegaram a acordo num sistema que admita mais do que n2 transmissões omissas num dado passo de comunicação. Este resultado é válido mesmo sob fortes hipóteses temporais (i.e., em sistemas síncronos) A tese aplica técnicas de aleatoriedade em variantes progressivamente mais fracas do modelo até ser alcançado um protocolo eficiente e tolerante a intrusões. A primeira variante do modelo, de forma a simplificar o problema, restringe o número de nós que estão na origem de transmissões faltosas. É apresentado um algoritmo que tolera f nós dinâmicos na origem de transmissões faltosas em sistemas com um total de n 3f + 1 nós. A segunda variante do modelo não impõe quaisquer restrições no padrão de transmissões faltosas. É apresentado um algoritmo que contorna efectivamente o resultado de impossibilidade Santoro-Widmayer pela primeira vez e que permite a k de n nós efectuarem progresso nos passos de comunicação em que o número de transmissões omissas seja dn 2 e(n k) + k 2. O algoritmo possui ainda a interessante propriedade de tolerar períodos arbitrários em que o número de transmissões omissas seja superior a . A última variante do modelo partilha das mesmas características da variante anterior, mas com pressupostos mais fracos sobre o sistema. Em particular, assume-se que o sistema é assíncrono e que um subconjunto estático dos nós pode ser malicioso. O algoritmo apresentado, denominado Turquois, admite f < n 3 nós maliciosos e assegura progresso nos passos de comunicação em que dnf 2 e(n k f) + k 2. O algoritmo é sujeito a uma análise de desempenho comparativa com outros protocolos na literatura. Os resultados demonstram que, à medida que o número de nós no sistema aumenta, o desempenho do protocolo Turquois ultrapassa os restantes em mais do que uma ordem de magnitude.FC

    Distributed k-ary System: Algorithms for Distributed Hash Tables

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    This dissertation presents algorithms for data structures called distributed hash tables (DHT) or structured overlay networks, which are used to build scalable self-managing distributed systems. The provided algorithms guarantee lookup consistency in the presence of dynamism: they guarantee consistent lookup results in the presence of nodes joining and leaving. Similarly, the algorithms guarantee that routing never fails while nodes join and leave. Previous algorithms for lookup consistency either suffer from starvation, do not work in the presence of failures, or lack proof of correctness. Several group communication algorithms for structured overlay networks are presented. We provide an overlay broadcast algorithm, which unlike previous algorithms avoids redundant messages, reaching all nodes in O(log n) time, while using O(n) messages, where n is the number of nodes in the system. The broadcast algorithm is used to build overlay multicast. We introduce bulk operation, which enables a node to efficiently make multiple lookups or send a message to all nodes in a specified set of identifiers. The algorithm ensures that all specified nodes are reached in O(log n) time, sending maximum O(log n) messages per node, regardless of the input size of the bulk operation. Moreover, the algorithm avoids sending redundant messages. Previous approaches required multiple lookups, which consume more messages and can render the initiator a bottleneck. Our algorithms are used in DHT-based storage systems, where nodes can do thousands of lookups to fetch large files. We use the bulk operation algorithm to construct a pseudo-reliable broadcast algorithm. Bulk operations can also be used to implement efficient range queries. Finally, we describe a novel way to place replicas in a DHT, called symmetric replication, that enables parallel recursive lookups. Parallel lookups are known to reduce latencies. However, costly iterative lookups have previously been used to do parallel lookups. Moreover, joins or leaves only require exchanging O(1) messages, while other schemes require at least log(f) messages for a replication degree of f. The algorithms have been implemented in a middleware called the Distributed k-ary System (DKS), which is briefly described

    An Indulgent Uniform Total Order Algorithm with Optimistic Delivery

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    A total order algorithm is a fundamental building block in the construction of distributed fault-tolerant applications. Unfortunately, the implementation of such a primitive can be expensive both in terms of communication steps and of number of messages exchanged. This problem is exacerbated in large-scale systems, where the performance of the algorithm may be limited by the presence of high-latency links. Typically, the most efficient total order algorithms do not provide uniform delivery and assume the availability of a perfect failure detector. Such algorithms may provide inconsistent results if the system assumptions do not hold. On the other hand, algorithms that assume an unreliable failure detector always provide consistent results but exhibit higher costs. This paper presents a new algorithm that combines the advantages of both approaches. On good periods, when the system is stable and processes are not suspected, the algorithm operates as if a perfect failure detector is assumed. Yet, the algorithm is indulgent, since it never violates consistency, even in runs where processes are suspecte
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